Thursday, February 21, 2013

Le Chase, Season 2, Chapter 1:

Hey! Since I promised you all I'd continue 3 of my old stories, here it is. Everyone voted for Le Chase first, I will only write up to 5 chapters maximum (we'll see how many I'll write) maybe to each story since they already ended. I'll continue the short story series after I finish this promise.

Happy birthday to anyone who's birthday is today, hope you enjoy it and enjoy this chapter!

Comments will be much appreciated, comments are open to anyone down below.


Previously in the Finale, Chapter 43: 

"So, Germany, Paris, Phuket or got another country in mind for our honeymoon?" Thari asked me once we were both in the car, leaving the hospital together.

"Anywhere," I smiled.

"All of Europe?" Thari grinned, he had the windows down, the wind filling the insides of his sleek Rolls Royce.


"Okay Layal, neseitay shay thane men 3irsna gabel ams," Thari kept his eyes on the road, but his eyes would flicker over to me every once in a while.

"I think I know what it is, but do you really want it? Ma maleit?"

"Shloun amil? Men 9ijich? It's the highlight of my day." Thari replied.

I leaned over from the passenger seat to make sure I could whisper in his ear, saying it slowly so he wouldn't miss a word.

"I.. love... you."


"Abdullah, STOP!" The voice frightened the little boy, he was sitting under the table, his hand stuffed into the peanut butter jar, trying to grab a handful of peanut butter into his already small sticky hands.

"Lala," he called out in a whiny voice, calling Layal in by her funny nickname.

"Abdullah!" Her voice was stern now, he knew he was going to get into trouble if he continued to attack the peanut butter. He sighed, taking his small chubby fingers out and handed the jar to the much taller woman. She grabbed it, her expression disappointed, her coloured eyes looking into Abdullah's dark ones, shaking her head furiously.

"Al7een shloun betghada?" Layal sighed, she failed to act angry, she broke out in a smile, looking at his adorable little face. His dark charcoal eyes, his light skin, the way his circle shaped nose was pointed upwards at the peanut butter, sniffing the delicious aroma, her pink lips smeared with the brown jam.

"3ade," he stuttered, giving Layal a toothy smile. 

"Yalla, goum 7beeby," Layal kneeled down to the cold hard ground of the kitchen, trying to lure Abdullah out of his hiding place. He enjoyed sitting in the kitchen, always sneaking junk food along with him, filling out his already chubby cheeks that Layal loved to squeeze.

"Wein baba?" Abdullah asked, successfully leaving his hiding place under the table and crawled to Layal's legs. He placed his palms on top of her jeans, smearing it with peanut butter. Layal took no notice, she was already used to his messy hands, her hair was put up in a messy bun, her left cheek dotted with jam from making Abdullah's sandwich for lunch.

"Bara, birid b3ad shway 7beeby." 

"Bas ana abe Baba!" Abdullah whined, clinging to Layal's waist. The ground beneath them was cold and Abdullah wore shorts, his legs bare and were a mess. Layal worried he would catch a cold if they stayed any longer on the floor. She carried him, trying to distract him with the sandwich she made.

"I'll add some peanut butter to your sandwich if you'll be a good boy, okay?" Layal used her sweet voice.

"Hmm, khala9 okay!" Abdullah grinned, excited to eat his lunch now.

"You look so much like him," Layal whispered to herself, watching Abdullah bite into his sandwich, getting some jam on his cheek. He hadn't heard her words but Layal intently watched him, a smile on her face.


"Thari, ana bamshe, tabe shay?" 3abbas asked Thari, his face was absorbed by the computer in front of him. He was trying to fix the computer but his computer skills were close to zero and the I.T  guywas on holiday. 

"La salamtk 7beeby."

"Allah yesalmik, ashoufk bacher," 3abbas gave Thari a grim smile, his wrinkles slightly showing. His face was beginning to age, his face wasn't as young as it used to be six years ago. Thari looked at his own reflection in the computer, his hair was a lot shorter now, his beard taking most of us face but no wrinkles yet. 

"Thari," a seductive voice purred. Thari quickly looked up and found his secretary standing in the doorway. She had yet another tight shirt on today, a red velvet colour and her cleavage was trying budge out of the shirt since it was so tight. Her hair was curled, her eyes coated with so much mascara that Thari worried her eyelashes would fall off.

"Na3am?" Thari barely looked at her.

"I'm about to leave too, are you sure you don't want anything before I go?" Sally looked at Thari with eagerness, tapping her red coated nails on the wooden door of his office. 


"Are you sure? Anything at all?" She asked in a huskier voice, biting down on her bottom lip, accidentally licking off some of her heavily coated burgundy lipstick. Her teeth was smeared with it, Thari tried not to laugh at how idiotic she looked.

"I'm sure Sally, have a nice weekend," Thari sternly replied. "And close the door behind you," he added before she could try to lure him in anymore, she huffed in defeat and left, banging the door behind her.

The door opened yet again, Thari became annoyed and was about to tell off Sally for coming in again but when he looked up, it was just 3abbas. Thari's facial expression changed from annoyed to confused.

"Ha 3abbas, tabe shay?" Thari stopped trying to fix his computer and mentally planned to call up the I.T guy to fix it when he came back from his holiday on Sunday. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt under his dark blazer, the Armani suit he wore was becoming uncomfortable, he longed for his sweats and the comfiness of his couch.

"Neseit as2lk," 3abbas walked in, closing the door behind him quietly before sitting on the teal leather chair in front of Thari's mahogany desk that was placed right next to the large windows, overlooking the skyscraper view of Kuwait.


"Sh9ar m3a el test results?" 3abbas's eyes looked worried, even his own buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned and his blazer was off, it was tucked under his left arm.

"Lal7een ma et6le3aw el results."

"Thari, don't you think doing it in another country is a waste of time? The hospital in Kuwait already gave you the results, what are you trying to do? You should just accept this," 3abbas stressfully pushed his fingers into his not so bald hair.


"Thari, getting the same test done at another hospital or another country won't change the results."

"It's non of your business, fahim?"

"Non of my business? Should I remind you how long I've known you? W lal7een ma teghayart, lal7een 3aneed!" 

"3abbas, is that all?" Thari clenched his fists angrily, trying to shut out 3abbas's voice. 3abbas looked at Thari, his eyes looking sad.

"Can I suggest another solution?"

"Go ahead," Thari said in a bored voice.

"You should move on and marry someone else already."


"Layal?" His deep voice called out to the house, scaring me suddenly. I was holding Abdullah in my arms, he fell asleep watching his childish shows on the television. I dozed off slightly, waiting for him to come back. I looked up and found him, tall, his hair brushed back and a grin on his face.

"Aww, he's alseep?" 

"Haha eee, he even snores like you when he's asleep," I poked Abdullah's left chubby cheek lightly, careful not to wake him up. His head puny body warmed up my lap, my arm was under his head, acting as his pillow.

"Heyy!" 7amany, my brother, grinned.

"BABA!" Abdullah suddenly woke up, hearing my brother's loud voice.

"Wee, ga3edta." 7amany tried to ignore my glare, it took me an hour to try to get him to sleep.

"Your problem now," I shook my head as Abdullah pounced from my lap and into his father's arms.

"Shloun el filim?" I asked, straightening my messy hair.

"Kan 7lu, Jawa bel sayara al7een na6ratny. Thank you so much for babysitting 3boud while we were out," 7amany gave me a light kiss on the cheek, holding Abdullah with his left arm.

"No problem," Layal smiled.

Layal stood outside of her house, watching 7amany and his wife drive off with Abdullah. She felt queasy, watching the car disappear off into the distance on the grey coloured road. Depression hit her once she was back all alone in big house.

She kept longing for that one thing.

That one thing that God wouldn't grant her with.