Saturday, April 12, 2014

The World.

 As soon as there are spaces between my thoughts; voids in the corners of my mind and empty houses over my skin; the world comes crashing down on me, tornados tear away the houses over my skin, the tsunamis fill the empty voids with water that my thoughts drown in and thunder kills off the spaces for any other thought that lingers, leaving no trace of me alive.


She hid galaxies and oceans inside of her; they were kept away, locked up in the delicate corners of her mind, snippets of the worlds she hid would embrace her face and glints of it would light up in her eyes whenever she spoke. The stars she hid for so long would unravel whenever she wrote words on paper, yet the letters and languages that were spoken and written around her were never enough to translate her emotions.


I filled my rooms of your perfume so I could breathe you in. The last scents of you are gone now, the only pieces of you left are castles of memories that are rotting away, the bricks of the castles are falling apart without you here to rebuild them, my hands are too weak to build our castles back up when I’m all alone.