Sunday, January 24, 2016

Shard of Glass

It's quite sad. The more I grow with age and the more days that pass it causes more parts of me to die. I lose my childish innocence and naiveness. I no longer trust people so easily and people only use me more often; it causes my insides to grow cold and it forces my heart to turn into frost. It only makes my heart more easier to break; it contains shards of glass now and I'm forced to close myself up into a cocoon just so someone doesn't break the last parts of me. Those last parts of me are holding onto dear life and I know one day those parts will break just like all the other parts of me that I've lost. People miss those parts of me and I grow to hate them; if they never existed in the first place they wouldn't have become so broken. People wish for the parts of me that they took away from me. People are selfish, they just take and take until there's no more of me left.. and then they ask for more. What is more? What if I have no more? What if I'm empty? Will you no longer love me? If you love me still, why? Why would you even love me after I've lost everything you used to love? I will no longer believe your love. I will no longer trust you. I've lost everything. I have nothing to give. I am cold, I am frost and I've become as weak as glass. All you see is strength and jagged edges that dare to hurt you if you try to get close to me, but in absolute truth I am as easy to break as a shard of glass.. 

Remember this everyday.

Remember this everyday as soon as you wake up:

God blessed you with another day, don’t waste a breath of your time; nor should you forget who gave you that breath to use in the first place. Thank God for the blessings He gave you, even the hardships and battles you’ve endured; everything that God has planned for you is a blessing, whether it be in disguise or not.

You now have another day to right your wrongs, you won’t do anything perfectly today so don’t be surprised if a lot of things go wrong; that doesn’t mean you can’t try again and improve the next time. Don’t give up, this is your life and you’re the one in charge of it. Everything will play out how it’s supposed to play out; just have faith and believe in yourself, if you can’t have faith in yourself then how can you expect others to?

Be kind to the people around you. You might be having a rough day or you simply didn’t have any coffee or food yet; we all get moody, it’s okay, we can’t plaster on happiness the way women plaster make up on but that doesn’t mean you can’t remember to say your please and thank you’s. Those people cleaning after you, those people feeding you, the family that nurtures you and the friends that care for you; show your kindness and appreciation to the whole world, even the bad people need some love and kindness; you never know, you can start a change in society today with a small act of goodness by starting with yourself; be the change and beginning you hope to see in the world you’re living in. 

Be safe. The world is dangerous messy place to live in but even in that dangerous mess there’s a whole lot of beauty in it. Don’t get sucked into the darkness 
today; stay close to the light and remain optimistic. Read the news, be aware of what’s happening outside your bubble and try to help others in need. Being grateful for your blessings isn’t by just reciting Al Hamdulillah, it’s also through your actions; don’t forget about humanity.

Most importantly, don’t forget about yourself. You exist too. Love yourself today and also be kind to your own body, mind and soul; God has loved you enough to create you and you should love Him and yourself as much. Eat good food, go out and enjoy yourself, call a friend up and grab a bite to eat, go take your pet out for a walk, meet a new person or discover a new destination, visit a distant relative, buy yourself a new pair of pants or find a lovely book to read in your favourite spot; do whatever that makes you happy; feed your mind with new intelligence today; feed your soul with new light; feed your body with new strengths; keep feeding yourself till you are bursting with light and radiance.