Monday, July 9, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 4

Hey I'm sorry I'm keeping you guys hanging, not knowing when to post or whatever. I'm just as confused too, I didn't plan the story AT ALL so every time I start a chapter, I have to think of an idea and start writing. It's pretty hard when you have writer's block 24/7, but I'll cope.

Honestly I don't know when the next post is, it'll be when I get an idea or get inspired, sorry guys. Thanks for all your support and comments, you guys sure make me happy! x



I heard a loud cry from a car behind me. I suddenly realised that I parked the Bentley in the middle of the road and the traffic light switched from lava red to Eco green. I swiveled the steering wheel, hitting the pedal with my Toms covered foot to take a turn and continue driving.

My head was still overwhelmed with thoughts about the blog and the DM I just received on twitter.

What the hell was that?

Screw this.

It felt like my past was out to get me. I checked my Galaxy again, staring at the DM, trying to figure out who it was. Manal? Was it her?

Thari she's in the past, don't bring your past into your present.

I listened to my conscience and blocked the blogger, but I reluctantly saved the blogger's site. Just in case.   

I ended up driving to Bidi3. I was here anyway so I decided to go into chocolate bar to grab a snack. The different kinds of cars were swarming around each restaurant, parking in front of it. People were sitting outside in their boots and fluffy jackets, enjoying the cool wind that occasionally whipped across their faces, brushing off of their warm Arabian skin.

The black round tables were packed, I didn't bother looking for a table to sit at. I went to one of the waiters, asking to order. The kind Indian waiter ushered me towards a counter. I faced a woman's back, my eyes couldn't help it but notice her curves from behind. She wore a Chocolate Bar shirt, her hair was covered in a dark veil that hugged her neck along with her face, and under her black trousers, I noticed a pair of charcoal Toms that matched mine.

"Hi, can I help you?" The woman turned around, causing my eyes to widen once I caught a glimpse of her young face. Her eyes were the shapes of saucers that were surrounded with thick long eyelashes, her eyebrows were arched perfectly and her full lips had a cool pink winter colour to it.

She was definitely a Kuwait, even her skin was illuminating, showing off a tan she got from her recent Maldives vacation. Hints of her mahogany hair crept out of her veil (veil means 7jab), giving me a hint of how she would look like without it. I quickly looked away from her hair, my eyes had betrayed me.

I read the little name tag, it said "INTERN: LAYAL."

Intern job at Chocolate Bar? Hmm. 

I noticed a few other Kuwaiti girls giggling behind her, their dark hair put up in a tight clean bun. 

"Excuse me sir?" Her voice was dripped with professionalism but I caught the sweet melody behind her voice that she was trying to cover up.

"Oh, uhm asif." I grinned easily, she ignored my grin, repeating her question.

"Can I help you?" She said cool-y, her straight nose pointed right at me.

"Uhm yeah, can I have one Night and Day slice of cake?" I looked at her dark eyes, noticing the hues of brown and scratches of dark green that framed her pupils. It was surreal, I hadn't seen such eyes before.

"Okay that will be 1.250KD." (Making up prices:p) She ignored my gaze, keeping her eyes down on the counter. I handed the money over, expecting her to take it from my fingers but instead, she waited till the money was on the marble counter before taking it, avoiding skin contact.

I eagerly waited for my chocolate cake, my eyes following the girl. For some reason, I found her interesting. When she turned around, a sudden smile filled her face, I caught a tiny dimple by her left cheek, barely noticeable. She was chatting to her other Kuwaiti friends, I heard a few words.

"Offh ley meta intern job? Akeed it'll look good when I apply for universities in Ireland?" Her voice was more casual and sweet toned with her friends, it didn't have a hint of professionalism anymore.

"Layal, shfeech? Lazem intern job! Do you know how competitive it is?" Her chubby friend, with the beautiful long caramel hair laughed at Layal. Her name tag said "Hind".

"Oh digeega, el cake khala9." Layal suddenly said, ending the conversation and hurrying into the kitchens inside to grab my cake. Her manicured hands handled the cake carefully, slipping it into the paper bag. It was obvious that she was new to this job. My nostrils caught a whiff of the sweet chocolate smell of my cake.

"There." She handed me the paper bag, not making eye contact. Her English was fluent, I was guessing she was from a private school and she was going to a university this year, even though she was late. It was already December.

"Sorry but I couldn't help overhearing, bitrou7een Ireland?" My nosiness got the best of me, my grin was still intact but Layal didn't reply with a smile.

"Uhm, maybe. I'm transferring from AUK." Layal looked weird-ed out.

"Refeeji eb Ireland, he worked two summer jobs and had full As as his grades but he had to stay for a foundation year, it's pretty hard." I lost my grin, trying to be cool.

"No way." Layal's face grew pale. I couldn't help but notice how her eyeliner was shaped, it was strange, it has a little wing that made her eyes seem more cat shaped than round.

"Eee.. laish, chem yebtay bel GPA?" Layal wasn't so tense anymore and I took it as a chance to continue speaking.

"Not high enough." Layal frowned, her mini dimple forming at her left cheek again.

"Shnu nawya tedriseen?" I casually asked before Layal could notice she was talking to a total stranger. There wasn't anyone behind me waiting to order for takeaway so I saw this as a chance to take.

"Art." Layal murmured with a hint of a smile in her voice.


"AUM has art, you don't need to go to Ireland." AUM also has me.

Thari offh shfeek, you just saw the girl. And remember Taiba? Besik!

I ignored the voice, Layal intrigued me. I couldn't explain why.

"Laish, enta makhith Art?" Layal's friend Hind shot me a dirty glare, telling me to stop trying to flirt.

"Eee makhith Art and communication, double major." I shot right back, her face turning a bit shocked. I was just starting my second year at AUM.

"Is it any good?" Layal lit up once she heard me say I took Art.

"It's loads of fun, you should try it." I gave her another one of my grins. Layal tensed up at last minute, noticing we were having an actual conversation in public.

"Oh uhm, okay mashkour." Layal awkwardly said once she heard a man call out her name. Probably the manager.

"El3afu." I replied politely but she didn't hear me, she was already gone.

I suddenly had an idea. A crazy one.


"Thari shfeek t2akhart?" I heard my mother call out from the living room as I walked back into the house after a long afternoon. Looks like she isn't giving me the silent treatment anymore.

I shook off my grey beanie, throwing the Bentley car keys over the kitchen counter before entering the vast living room of our house. There was a chandelier in the middle of the living room, giving the living more more light and radiance. The light shot through our vases that held lilies, it complimented the peachy colour of the furniture.

My mom was sprawled on one of the couches, her feet dangling as she had a newspaper over her stomach. Her hair was in a bun and she had her reading glasses on.

In the corner, my sister Wath7a had her short dark hair in a ponytail, her eyes were dug deep into her book. The TV was on, filling the living room with the faint noise of the news man speaking about the Syrian problems.

"I got a job." I suddenly said. Mom lifted her head out of her newspaper, her faintly eyeliner-ed eyes widening in shock.

"Job? Wein?!" She asked in astonishment.

"Chocolate bar." I grinned, enjoying the reaction I was getting. Even Wath7a paused from reading her Jacqueline Wilson book and gave me an "OMG" look.

"Laish job? Tara 3ndena khair el7amdellah." Mom wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Mu 3an el flous, it's just a part time job."I shrugged, laying back on one of the couches near Mom.

"Sh7aga?" Mom questioned me further.

"It'll look good when I apply for jobs when I graduate." I muttered, flipping the channels on TV with the touch of my fingers over the remote control.

"Bas enta bitishtighil wya obouk, shfeek neseit?" Mom crushed reality back onto me.

"Giltlich mabe ashtighil wyaah." I mumbled.

"3yal shnu bitsawy? Bitarsim? Wein ga3deen?" Mom mocked me.

"Offh yuma khala9, kaify." I dropped the remote back onto the table, sitting up from my seat and exiting the living room.

When I was back in my room, I dumped my vest over my maroon chair that was by my wooden desk. I grabbed my smooth Galaxy and checked the blog site again, I wanted to see if she posted a second chapter. It was still annoying me that the story was too much like my past, I was trying to tell myself that it was just a coincidence.

"Chapter 2: He lies.

Manal was innocent, she hoped for love, she hoped for a good husband. She thought her secret long term boyfriend would have given her that, he had promised.

She had received a call from him one day, his voice was trembling with fear as he said two words:

"I'm dying."

How could he lie? Yes, he wasn't actually dying. The liar just chose the worst excuse to break up with the most beautiful girl. And he's reading the chapter right now.  He blocked my twitter account.

Thari, I know you're reading this, unblock me on twitter or my now 700 followers (yes, see how much I've gained in so little time?) will know who this evil prince is. They'll know your full name, they way you look like and your past with breaking hearts of innocent girls."

I had to do something.

This was no coincidence.

This was done deliberately.


  1. -Rooting for Thari and chocolate bar girl min a7een <3
    -2nd, I'm ready to punch manal's face :)! what is she trying to prove exactly? one word: DRAMA!!

    can't wait for the next post xx

  2. First? Really hope so! I LoVE where the story is going! 7adich 3ajeeeba!!!!

    -umyousef ;D

  3. RT"Anonymous:
    -Rooting for Thari and chocolate bar girl min a7een <3
    -2nd, I'm ready to punch manal's face :)! what is she trying to prove exactly? one word: DRAMA!!

    can't wait for the next post xx"

  4. this is a great story so far! but please tone the drama with manal! shes too crazy :(

  5. I think Manal should get over Thari, since he's already over her and starting to like Layal, but I think he should stand up for himself and prove her wrong, maybe with any kind of proof he has, or actually reply on her blog w ygf6ha. I never liked Manal in the beginning.. I think it would be pretty awesome if Manal enters in the climax of the story, when Layal hopefully becomes friends or more with Thari, it would be very exciting! :D

    - Silent Reader.

  6. Amazing! I love ur stories, mashallah u r very talented! Post soon;*


  7. Manal I hate you 9ij CHATHABA! Wainha abee akfa5ha NOW btw awsome blog ;)

  8. When is the next chapter their are people waiting o:),btw I like all of your stroies:$<3
