Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 36

Hey guys, sorry for the delay! Finally found the time to write this. Hope you enjoy it, I'll be out of the country for 4 days, going to be in Dubai and then right after that I've got more exams (yay..). Enshallah everything's great with all of you, enjoy the long weekend because I sure as hell will, before more exams start torturing me.

By the way, two new characters have been added and YES, they are 100% REAL. But the events are totally made up,  the true characters are Fahad and Maha (they're staying anonymous, no one can ask me who they are and nor will I give out any hints. I tried making this as true as possible when it came to the character's details).

Oh and by the way, Fahad isn't in this chapter but look out for him in the upcoming ones!


Previously in Chapter 35:

A sudden knock on my window startled me. I looked up and found 3abbas outside my car. I clicked on the button for the window to roll down.

"Hey, shfeek bitrid embacher? Mu 3ndk class?" 3abbas asked me, a book perched under his arm.

"6ala3ne embacher, 3abbas I need a favor," I suddenly said, I couldn't ignore my gut feeling.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" He asked, stuffing his blackberry into his pocket to pay more attention to our conversation.

"Remember when you tracked my Mom's iPhone gabel chem shahar?" I asked.

"Eee akeed, laish?"

"I need you to track Layal." 


"Thari, wein raye7?" My mother's voice sounded worried and strained, as if something was wrong. I was midway, walking upstairs with 3abbas following behind me with his laptop to track Layal. Apparently their house's internet was down and our house was our resort to go to. My foot was on the first step of the stairs, I paused and turned around to face my mother. Her face had hues of yellow under her pale skin, her face looking fearful. My mother worried a lot, I know it was normal for all mothers to worry but she? Worries, A LOT. 

I knew something was up.

"Yuma shfeech?" I asked her. 3abbas nodded towards her, greeting her with a warm smile but he took this as cue to leave us both alone by walking upstairs, his footsteps quiet and peaceful on the marble stairs, careful not to disturb anyone home.

"Bent khaltik bel mustashfa, she has heart problems," she started shaking slightly, her eyes tearing up slowly. Her eyelashes free of the gunk of mascara she usually heavily coated them with. They seemed softer and more delicate, sparkling slightly with the tears that easily flowed down.

"Ey wa7da?" I worriedly asked, knowing the answer immediately. I knew my mother was closest to my aunt Haifa and she had three daughters, I immediately guessed that it was her chubbiest child named Ghazal, she was fairly young and weighed over the average weight, the other sisters were health freaks.

"Maha," she croaked out, shocking me.

"Maha?! Shloun!" I gaped at her in astonishment. Maha was the strongest character of the family, health wise and personality wise. All those years of us fighting playfully back at our Grandmother's house, she'd defend any of our cousins when anyone teased them, even when she was such a tiny person compared to our taller heights. She was far younger than me, I believe the last time I saw her, she was about 14. She wasn't as of a health freak compared to her sister but I'd always catch her doing push ups or crazy kinds of exercises after any fatty meals.

"The 14 year old Maha? The crazy Maha?" I kept asking, unable to believe a word.

"15 year old." She corrected me, "Eee bent Haifa shfeek!" 

"Sh9ar?" I ran my fingers through my hair, touching over my short buzz cut, the spikes of hair brushing over the calluses of my fingers.

"Madre, khaltik Haifa tawha daga 3lay w galetly enha bel mustashfa, lazem enrou7 al7een." My mother paced around the hall of our house, looking for her car keys and her Miu Miu bag. And surprisingly, all I could think about right now was Layal, not Maha or her sudden visit to the hospital. What about tracking Layal? 

Thari, you can track her later, your cousin's in the hospital and your aunt called specifically wanting you all to visit them, it won't hurt to wait a day.

I hurried upstairs, explained the situation to 3abbas and he easily understood everything, he promised he'd meet me tomorrow to handle the Layal problem but he advised me to keep my mind on Maha and no one else. I chose to drive, my mother's frail hands kept shaking, her worry for Maha exceeding by the minute. I always believed that Maha was one of her favourite nieces, the way Maha would leave us at our Grandmother's house sometimes just to chat with my mom about the random-est topics.

I tried my hardest to drive as fast as I could, for the first time, my mother didn't lecture me on my driving, she simply sat silently in her seat, her eyes looking out at the window, watching the multiple cars pass us by. 

Once I arrived at the large illuminating building of the hospital, I parked the car quickly and rushed inside, my mother walking besides me. I hated the hospital smell, it smelled of medicine, death and newborn babies. I couldn't describe it, it was a bittersweet smell and it nauseated me.

"Ey dour?" I asked my mother once we were in the golden elevator alone, her eyes were elsewhere again, as if she was physically here but emotionally somewhere far, far away.

"Shnu?" I caught her attention, her eyes swerved towards me, looking startled.

"Ey dour w el room number?" I asked her again, in a softer tone, knowing she was worrying like crazy.

"5 w el room 512," she sighed, rubbing her wrinkled forehead with her ringless fingers. I wasn't used to seeing her fingers without it being with coated with jewellery, I wasn't used to them not having a  her beautiful gold encrusted wedding ring either. 

I pressed number 5 and listened to the annoying elevator music, trying to be patient. As soon as the little ring clicked into my fingers, the elevator doors sprung open and my mother was the first one to leave. I followed behind her to the room, she stood outside it, unable to actually walk in. The beige door was half open and my mother stood to the other side so the people inside couldn't catch a glimpse of her.

"Yuma, ma feeha ela el3afya enshallah, la t7ateen, yalla endish?" I placed my hand under her elbow, escorting her towards the door, my touch gentle. She quietly nodded and let me walk her into the room. The smell of medicine whipped our noses, making me feel even more nauseous than before. The room had multiple roses and lilies around Maha's bed, too bad they were all plastic, I couldn't catch a whiff of flowers to distract me from the medicine scent.

Maha laid under the white sheets, her face looking more pale than usual. She had beautiful fair skin but the beauty in it couldn't seep through how pale she looked today. Her hair was hidden under her veil that was messily wrapped around her, her usual curves were now all skin and bones. 

"Wi9altaw!" Aunt Haifa sighed in happiness but her eyes were just as worried as my mother's.

"Shlounha?" My mother asked, her voice cracking. She was afraid of approaching her, she put some distance and stayed closer to my aunt. No one else was in the room, her sisters weren't here either or our other relatives. Apparently we were the first ones they called.

"Thouuthouu," A familiar voice alerted me, I was watching my mother and aunt. I looked to the left and Maha had her wide brown eyes open, her usual rosy cheeks and lips looked icy cold. She usually called me "Thouthou" when we were kids, when she couldn't pronounce my name properly and the name just stuck.

"Mouumouu," I joked back, cracking a smile at her. "Shfeech khara3teena yal dalou3a."

"Hey chub, zain?" She laughed but quickly her face winced in pain, her hand sprung towards her chest where her heart was. I quickly regretted joking around with her.

"Laish ma gilteely?" I asked sadly, we haven't seen each other in months but we'd occasionally chat on twitter, she was the second little sister to me after Wath7a after all.

"Shagoul?" She avoided me, she tried to sit up straight but her chest hurt her even more since her expression was full of pain again, she slid back into the soft sheets of her hospital bed.

"Even when you're sick, you're stubborn?" I shook my head and grabbed the closest seat to her bed. I heard a few words from my mother's and aunt's conversation.

"Kanat ga3da et9aly chan faj2a ma egderat tetnafas, kanet bel9ala jidamy! Walla ekhtere3t." Maha's mother, my aunt, whispered to my mother.

"Haifa entay laish ma etgouleen?" My mother replied with a question.

"Agoul shnu?" Maha's mother replied with a similar answer to Maha's, like mother like daughter.

"Ena 3ndeha heart problems! Men meta kel hatha?"

"3ad ana a3arfich et7ateen wayed, ma gidert agoulch shay bas hal mara ma 3areft mnu adig 3leeh. Obouha ma yadry, emsafer wyaa 3ayleta."

"W zoujich?" I heard the rest of their words, shaking my head at the fact that only we were the ones who knew about Maha's condition, I wondered if her sisters knew, if her step sister knew either.

"Mashghoul bel dawam, akeed bi7aty.. gelt a7san awal shay bas akheth'ha el mustashfa 3shan encheyik 3leeha awal, etha ma feeha shay laish adig 3la el kil?"

"Haifa aham shay al7een el tests yikhal9oun, enshallah et6eeb!"

"Thari? Hello?" Maha annoyingly said, her strong personality still shone through, even through the weak state she was in.

"Are you okay?" I croaked out.

"Thari yikhaf 3lay?" She teased me, smiling. 

"Thi8a walla," I laughed.

"Eee I'm okay." Maha's smile vanished, her mahogany eyes more serious.

"How long Maha?" I asked, watching her.

"Thari please." She tried avoiding my eyes.

"Months?" I asked again, unable to stop.

"Thari." She said in a more annoyed tone.

"Years!?" I gaped.

"Ohoo, you're worse than my step Dad!" She fired back at me.

"W entay laish sakta?! Habla? Meynouna?" I grew angry, I was overly protective towards my girl cousins, they were my sisters and were always around me when we were children.

"Mu layig 3leik, 7ail mu layig." Maha started laughing, unable to contain her laughter. I couldn't help but laugh too, her eyes seemed more alive now, not like a few minutes ago when all they spoke were death and pain.

"Entay kelshay mu 3ajbch? Khala9 ma ra7 azifich wela ba7ateech wela ba'6a7kch, enzain?" I laughed.

"You're more childish than me and I'm way younger." Maha kept on laughing, ridiculing me and my maturity.

"Chub chub zain?" I imitated her girly voice, the one she used earlier. "Chub" was her favourite word.

"Hey shaku 9oute mu chithe!" Maha cried out in defence. All through our crazy childish conversation, I couldn't help but notice that my mother and aunt abruptly stopped chatting, their eyes were on us and they continued watching us with a smile on their faces.



"Layal wein ray7a?!" My brother called out, his body on alert.


I was trying to sneak out of my bed, I was sick of laying in it all day, I was sick of the smell, every place in this hospital reeked of medicine that wouldn't get rid of my cancer.

"Uhm, 7amam." I lied, I thought my brother 7amany was fast asleep on the couch in front of my bed. He's been sleeping over, taking care of me and then going back home to check on my father when I was the one who was asleep. His hair was messed up and his face looked exhausted of all the long nights he had gone through.

"Oh okay, etha tabeen shay, y3ne, uhm, bel 7amam aw ey shay thane... gouleely." He awkwardly said.

"Uhm... okay." I laughed, shaking my head at him. He was adorable. I acted as if I was walking into the bathroom but I watched him closely as he closed his eyes and made himself comfortable on the peach coloured couch. I closed the bathroom's door but I didn't go inside, I just wanted him to think that I was already inside.

Luckily, the door to my hospital room was open ajar. I was already wearing Free City sweat pants and a fitting white shirt, a dark veil wrapped around my face. I had to take the long metal walking thing that held my medicine everywhere with me, I pulled it with me slowly, careful not to cause any noises to wake my brother up. 

The bright lights of the hall of the hospital hit my weak eyes, my room was fairly dark and I was always either asleep or getting my chemotherapy. I pulled my long sleeved shirt down over my sweat pants before walking around the hall, the desk in the middle didn't have any nurses or receptionists so I was free to walk as I pleased.

I looked through each door, most of them were closed but some of them had beautiful pink or blue balloons, indicating a new child being born. It made me smile, seeing more life when I had been expecting death lately. I didn't know how long I could lie to my friends anymore, telling them I was just sick with a bad case of the flu when all my cancer did was grow each other, it leeched through my organs, digging it's poison into anything that was healthy and alive. It was my murderer.

I heard a faint sound of laughter towards the room next to the one that had blue baby balloons floating everywhere. It attracted me, it was the source of happiness that my room lacked. My room seeped of depression. I weakly walked towards the room, the closer I got, the more louder the voices became.

The door was wide open, I stood fairly far from it so the people inside didn't notice me, but I quickly noticed the people inside. One person to be exact. 

Thari was sitting close to a hospital bed that held a beautiful young girl, she looked around 15 or 16, her lips were formed into a huge smile as he talked to her, making her laugh. I couldn't hear a word they said but watching them horrified me, I knew for a fact that he only had one little sister who didn't wear a veil.

I overheard the next words from the two woman standing slightly far from Thari and the girl, they were watching them both, looking happy. I couldn't understand anything that was going on, but the words clarified it enough for me.

"Yishawgoun, mu 9a7?" The woman who had dark hair, the same dark hair as Thari's and the same light skin, gladly stated.

"Eee, walla chan sheftay Maha gabel chem sa3a, kanet 7ail ta3bana w mu ra'6ya et7acheeny bas teghayarat lema shafet wldch." The second woman had a veil around her, I couldn't see her face but her voice was deep and I could catch every word.

"Perfect match." Thari's mother stated, I could see her face, it resembled Thari's perfectly. But her two words, may have caused happiness for the second woman, but those two words sliced into me, and broke every organ in my body, it broke me even more than the cancer slithering around me.

Most of the pain I felt was shot right into one organ.

My heart.

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