Saturday, April 6, 2013

Le Chase, Season 2, Chapter 3

I'm in university, watching my friends study maths, subject I loathe. Lucky me, I got my laptop with me today so I said I'd start the post since I have either this or to watch two girls tackle a subject I hate. Of course I chose the first option, something I love to do.

Your feedback is much appreciated, comment down below to tell me what you think!

Thank you.

P.S: sorry for the April fools prank, hehe.

I know this is short, it's my beautiful mother's birthday *HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! Haha as if she'll see this* and so I completely forgot about the post, also having writer's block isn't helping, but I promised to finish it off this weekend since I'm done with my midterm exams this week. Lets hope the next post is longer!

Thank you @MarryamAlAali for one of the ideas, I loved it and added it to this post. Credit goes to you. xo


Previously in Chapter 2:

"Didn't 3abbas tell you anything?" Now Aisha seemed confused.

"Tell me what?" Thari questioned, Aisha pursed her ruby lips slightly before she started speaking but her words were muffled because of the sudden noise appearing behind him. He was turning around to give the ladies creating all this noise an annoyed glare but he met two familiar wide coloured eyes that he loved so much.

Layal stood staring at Thari and the woman with him in pure shock, the girls with her were too busy chatting loudly but one of them stood with Layal, glancing at Thari too, with a disgusted expression on her face.

"He didn't tell you about us meeting so we would you know, maybe get married? I don't mind that you have a first wife, if she doesn't mind that she has to share," soon, Thari caught the words from Aisha's mouth, but he was stuck in between both of the women.

And the man had no idea what to do.


And suddenly, it struck him. It must have been the most idiotic idea known to man, but he had to do it.

"OH GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?" Thari suddenly bolted out of his seat and looked at the women with his fake expression that was full of worry and shock. Aisha sat there, blankly staring at Thari as if he was a maniac.

"Huh-" Aisha was about to ask but Thari cut her off.

"Oh goodness, you're out of breath and you can't even talk anymore," Thari said in a loud voice, making sure everyone heard them. Especially Layal, who was intently watching them. Her face was now more curious than betrayed. "Did you know that man? The man that attacked you?"

And right on cue, 3abbas must have heard all the racket and had left the bathroom in a hurry. He quicky noticed that Layal was just behind them, he was about to tell Thari, panic crossing over his face but Thari gave him a glare that notified 3abbas that Thari already noticed his wife was a few metres away. 

"Sh9ayer?" 3abbas asked, his voice sounding nervous.

"Oh 3abbas, kent ga3d a6libly gahwa chan ashouf wa7d 7m** ga3d yet7arash feeha, kan yabe yijees'ha," Thari began to lie, 3abbas soon knew what he was trying to do and began playing along. Only Aisha remained confused and didn't have the chance to utter a word to ask what was going on.

"Offfh!" 3abbas exclaimed in a fake shocked voice. Thari could easily see that he was acting but 3abbas had his back to Layal, so non of the women, including Layal, behind them, could see that it was a fluke.

"Thari? Sh9ayer?" Thari felt a hand on his left arm, a warm one. He immediately knew that it was Layal, before he even heard her honey coated voice. He felt the guilt rise in his chest as he turned around and began making up a story about how he was minding his own business but once he saw a man try to approach the woman and try to touch her, he had to intervene. Layal seemed to have believed every word, her eyes were full of trust, as if she even knew that he wouldn't do anything else than protect a stranger, nothing like cheating on her. She had full trust in him.

"Wee, is she okay?" Layal seemed worried, before letting Thari to answer, she approached the woman with a worrisome expression on her face.

"Feech shay 7beebty?" Layal asked, examining Aisha to search for any wounds, in case the man was too rough on her.

"La2, shfeekom entow? Shel salfa?" Aisha took this chance to bicker, causing Layal to become confused. "Ey rayaal? W shfeekom kelkom etkhizouny? Ba6at athouni men 9rakh'kom."

"Huh? What-" Layal began but Thari quickly cut her off.

"She's a bit in denial, emshay Layal khan rou7," Thari's eyes looked desperate, he held onto his wife's arm, trying his best to veer her away from Aisha.

"Et3rfoun b3a'9?" Aisha asked, her eyes on Thari's hand on Layal's shoulder.

"Zouje," Layal answered, feeling the eyes of her friends burning into her back. She knew she had some major explaining to do once she got back.

"Ohh, ma 3areft ena kentay bitiyeen! Chan galouly, walla el7mdellah wayed ahwan chithe," Aisha seemed relieved.

"Shqa9dich?" Layal's face twisted with confusion.

"Layal emshay," Thari's voice was hard as steel but Layal wouldn't move or answer him.

"I thought we had to do the engagement behind your back but since you're here, we can do it with your approval enshallah." Aisha gave Layal a gleaming smile. Layal felt a hurtful pang to her chest but her inner voice told her to keep calm and Aisha might be talking about another man, maybe even 3abbas. But wasn't 3abbas already married? Was Layal missing something here?

"Thari, your wife's on board! So I was thinking we skip the wedding since Thari already had one with you, it would be weird to do one just for me. I'm cool about it but I want the honeymoon to be in Italy. Layal, you understand that we have to have our private time too," Aisha's cat shaped eyes landed on Layal's stricken coloured ones. Now, Layal's assumptions were answered, the excuses she made for her husband withered away in an instant.

"S-shnu?" Layal turned around to face Thari, her eyes remained hard but inside, she wanted so desperately to grab Thari away, cry her eyes out and demand for an explanation. Thari stood in front of her, he didn't even say anything. He froze, his head blank, unable to lie to explain a thing.

Those moments were you replay the events later on and wish you would have said so many things, but once you were in that event, you freeze and realise you have no words to say. You're simply stuck there, unable to think or find a good explanation. Thari felt that way, he knew few hours from now he would have the perfect explanation to save him for this. As for now, he had nothing.

"Layal, t3alay digeega-" 3abbas intervened, trying to save his best friend's marriage before it corrupted in front of him. He felt he was to blame for but at the same time, he wanted his best friend to have the family he always wanted. He put Thari before his wife but seeing his wife in front of him now, trying all of her best to not break down in tears in public to embarrass herself in front of her co-workers, caused him to feel one percent of the guilt Thari was feeling.

Layal began recalling how Thari looked like he was a kid, being caught stealing a piece of cake in the kitchen when she walked in the cafe, catching him with the woman. That moment lasted for a second before he began screaming, starting the whole story with the man bothering Aisha. She also recalled that there was no man, or a car driving off when she arrived. The cafe was deserted. Hessa would have noticed these details even without Layal hearing Aisha's words of another marriage. Layal felt completely idiotic to even miss these details at first. She also felt idiotic that she would have complete trust in him, after all those nights he spends out of the house and ignoring her existence altogether when he's finally back.

"Okay," Layal said.

"Okay what? Thari and 3abbas asked at once.

The following words that left Layal's mouth shocked Thari to the core.

"Okay, lets get you married Thari."


Don't forget to comment! Any mistakes? Sorry about them, tell me if you catch one. I was in a hurry with this post.


  1. ahhhhh ! words can not describe wht im feeling ! lovee it as ussal


  3. No let thari say no to aisha and fix his relationship with Layal!! 7araaam!!

  4. omgg i hate 3abas !!!!!!!! bs I'm confused y3ny thari was set up?

  5. Those moments (where*) you wrote were

  6. Wai3 3abas kalb okay:)? W layal.. uufff no comment:(

  7. A7la shy lma arj3 mn sfr bl syara ω mn Kuwait ω alga this amazing post that I love♡_♡ !! Oo 3la fkra mskeeena Layal :''

    -Bahraini old fan .. M

  8. Wai3 kela men 3bas thary ma swa shay ! Enshala yt7cha w ygol ena thary a9alan ma ydre shelsalfa !!!!!

  9. Please please please don't let him get married!!! Ya rab layal t3aref the truth!! Ambaih khla9 enough with the lies, 7ram he should totally be honest now!

  10. El9ara7a klsh mb wagataa 3alashan 3abas ysaweey chee! I would say I can tell where the story is going, but with you we can never tell, which is what I love so much about your stories! Love this post!

  11. who cant bring kids, Layal or Thari?/:

  12. Meta the next post������??!! We're dying here...glad that you are back I really love your writhing style you and the way you think in LOVE with your stories

  13. omg pls pls let them fix theirselves and have kids!! let aisha go away omg pls!! amazing as usualy<3


    You all are AMAZING!

    I'm writing the new post now, hope you all enjoy it.

    And sorry for the evil cliffhanger nyahaha.

    Maryam. x
