Thursday, July 25, 2013

Paradise Chapter 9:

Hey guys! Finally a new chapter to the story now. Thanks for all the people who wished me a happy birthday and really made my day 324234 times better!

I finally got the time to write, thanks for understanding that I won't be able to post everyday but I won't take too long, enshallah I will try to post as often as I can.

Enjoy! Leave feedbacks in comments down below please. :D


Previously in Chapter 8:

“That thing when you jut your lip out and your cheeks become a whole lot bigger, like those cute little babies and your eyes go all sad.”

“I d-don’t do that,” I seemed surprised and instantly Hamdan seemed to regret to have said that.

“Never mind,” Hamdan murmured.

“You noticed that?”

“Laa ensay, wela shay khala9.”

Before I could ask again, the door next to us was pushed open and instead of Deep Voice or anyone else barging in, a girl was pushed into the room before the door was locked back up again.

She had deep dark black hair, her curls framed her bruised face and her uniform was half torn, half dirty. Before I could look at her face properly, Hamdan’s eyes were wide and alert; he quickly ran to her and kneeled down, instantly holding her to check if she was okay.

“Dalal!?” He exclaimed in horror.

I simply watched them both, clearly confused.

Dalal? Huh?


“What happened to you?!” Hamdan exclaimed in worry, trying to help Dalal up by holding her arms, positioning her better on the ground.

“H-hamdan,” Dalal hiccupped and sobbed, holding onto him, she was crying into his chest and a pang of disgust hit me. I looked away.

“Who did this to you?!”

“The kidnappers,” Dalal sobbed. “I was taken to another place alone and then I-I don’t know what happened but n-now they got me here. I-I can’t believe they got you too.”

I looked back at both of them, trying to concentrate on Dalal’s face. She was 100% not from our school and her uniform was different too. She was from a totally other high school.

“Bas shloun? Entay mu eb *** high school, how did they get to you?”

“They got to our high school too, mu bas entow,” Dalal sighed but her eyes would flicker over to mine every few seconds but she wouldn’t acknowledge my existence. Her fingers held on to Hamdan, as if he were her property as soon as he tried to stand back up, he was trapped besides her.

“Shfeech?” Hamdan looked over her hand.

“La etgoum, ma agder… akhaf a6ee7.”

“Shloun et6ee7een w entay ga3da?”

“Hamdan bas eg3ad wyaay shway, lazem agoulk shay bas erm,” Dalal stared at me, ignoring Manour’s asleep body behind her. “It’s private.”

“Dalal, we’re stuck here in the room, it’s not like we can go anywhere else for privacy exactly,” Hamdan pointed out blankly.

“Eee 9a7 erm, khala9 b3d shway.”

“Dalal hathee Jawaa, w ely nayma Muneera. Mi7sen mawjoud bas khathouh, ma nadre weina,” Hamdan explained to Dalal, sighing.

“Aww 7beeby Mi7sen,” Dalal frowned, suddenly she didn’t seem so hurt or sad anymore, she was just normal but she was still covered in bruises but they weren’t as bad as mine, it was just a bruise over her leg, the one you get from falling during a soccer match and one small cut on her lip that could easily be the fact that she bit her lip too hard. It was the way she acted that seemed like she was in way more pain.

I hated Dalal already.

“Umm ee,” Hamdan awkwardly said. “Jawaa, Dalal’s a family friend.”

“Heyyy, ana kha6eebtk shfeek,” Dalal giggled shyly.

Kha6eebta? Isn’t he too young for marriage? He’s just 18. My nose crinkled in confusion.

“Hahaha Dalal basich entay lal7een?” Hamdan laughed. “She’s just joking, it’s an inside joke.”

“It’s because they used to always dress up in wedding clothes and he’d always act as the husband w ana the wife so then the name just got stuck,” Dalal stroked Hamdan’s arm but Hamdan barely noticed, he was laughing because he found it funny but Dalal’s eyes stared at mine, she was smiling but her eyes were deadly serious when she said the word “wife”.

Okay, now I’m totally freaked out. I thought to myself.

“Hey sheftay wiyouhom aw sheftay wein khathouch, ay shay Dalal?” Hamdan steered back to the subject.

“La2,” Dalal frowned.

“Weeh 7asafa, we’re stuck. And I’m so hungry God.”

“I have food!” Dalals’ face lit up.

“9ij?!” Hamdan exclaimed.

“Eee!” Dalal got out a foiled sandwich out of the pocket of her skirt, it looked fresh and uneaten when she unwrapped it.

“Kaa ekhith,” Dalal handed it over to Hamdan, I smelt some of it and my mouth began to water but I looked away.

“Offh 7aar, laish ma kalaitay mena?! Entay mu you3ana?” Hamdan looked over to Dalal. She was so skinny that I doubted she would ever ear anything. She just gave him her best portrayal of puppy eyes and shook her head no.

“La2, ma ye3t take it ma abeeh.”

“Jawaa, tabeen? Ga3dayy Manour khal takl I’m sure she’s hungry too,” Hamdan turned around to look at me. This time when he stood up, he was too strong for Dalal’s hand to force him back down. He walked over to me and I could see the anger in Dalals’ eyes, she didn’t want anyone else to have the food. She only wanted Hamdan to have it.

“La2 Hamdan it’s fine, you eat it,” I said.

El9ara7a este7ait agoul abe, mabe akel shay men eed 7abeebta, it’s awkward w elmeshkela ga3da etkhiz she won’t look away. Besmellah ana shsaweitlch?

“La2 Jawaa, eklay! There’s enough to divide it,” Hamdan cut a piece and handed it over, forcing it on my hand. He was basically holding my hand in front of his “wife” and she seemed super angry now.

“Mashkour w erm, mashkoura Dalal,” I said out of politeness but it didn’t calm her anger at all but once Hamdan turned around to look at her, she gave me a bright genuine looking smile but I knew for sure that it was absolutely fake.

“My pleasure,” Dalal said in a fake sweet tone.

“Kaa ekhthay w ga3day Manour 3shan takel shay,” Hamdan cut another piece and handed it over to me for Manour. I nodded and walked over to wake Manour up to give her the food.

“Haa? Sh9ayer?” Manour said after waking up, yawning. She looked over to Dalal, seeming confused. I explained how Dalal had joined us in whispers.

“Bas a7s feeha shay,” I whispered.

“What do you mean?” Manour replied.

“There’s something about her, I can’t put my finger on it.”

Manour turned to look at Dalal once again, she was sitting next to Hamdan, giggling as they both were chatting as if they weren’t kidnapped and trapped in a room that began to stink.

“Are you jealous or something?” Manour suddenly asked.

“Haa?! La2!” I snapped at her. “Shaku!”

“She’s kidnapped just like all of us, what’s wrong? I don’t get what’s so fishy about her? Other than the fact that she’s super close with Hamdan. Probably his ex girlfriend or even his current girlfriend, shay 3ade all the guys in our school date.”

I slapped the palm of my hand to my forehead, shaking my head in annoyance. “Just forget it Manour, ensay ena gelt shay.”

God if Thajbah or Maha were here, they would have understood. They were my friends after all and Manour was too young to really see past Dalals’ acting.

I needed to do something, I was either going to stick to sitting in my corner and staring at Hamdan and annoying Dalal giggle every five seconds or sit next to the asleep again Manour.

I had another plan but this time, I was doing this alone.

I walked over to the door, pressing my ear against it, trying to hear for sounds but I couldn’t hear anything other than quiet footsteps and the sound of the TV.

It was a football match on TV.

I tidied up my shirt, pulling it down and pushing my hair back with my fingers, trying to adjust myself. Hamdan was watching me, confused.

“Shga3da etsaween?” Hamdan asked, not paying attention to Dalal anymore.

“Wela shay,” I shrugged but Hamdan kept watching.

I banged on the door and shouted: “OPEN THE DOOR! HELP!”

“Offhhh mara thanya?!” I heard Deep Voice yell out in annoyance. He was right next to the door already. “Shtabeen?! Ma ra7 afta7 elbab esta7melay!”

“Abe arou7 el7amam!” I shouted.

“Maku! G3day mukanch!”

“Shga3da etsween?! Stop!” Hamdan stood up, ready to stop me but Dalal hung onto his arm.


“Wai3 shal wa9akha! Ne6ray bas!” Deep Voice grunted and I waited for a couple of minutes.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Hamdan hissed.

“I need to pee, shnu y3ne?” I spat at him in annoyance. “Aboul bel arth?”

“You’re being stupid Jawaa, you’re planning something and I know it. Tell me now ma ra7 akhaleech brou7ch!”

“Agoulk abe el 7amam! Shfeek ma tifham?” I took out my annoyance at Dalal on him.

“Hff khala9 kaifich,” Hamdan shook his head in disapproval. “Bas I’m coming with you.”

“What?!” Both Dalal and I exclaimed in shock.

“Hamdan la2 eg3ad wyaay! Akhaf y9eer feek shay!” Dalal held onto Hamdan’s leg now since she was sitting on the floor and he was standing in front of me.

“W etha 9ar feech shay?! W etha khathouch methl ma khathaw Mi7sen?” Hamdan stated.

“Ma ra7 y9eer shay Hamdan just stay, shloun bekhalounk tyee wyaay ballah?” I replied.

“3ade, haman ana 7asran.”

“They won’t believe us.”

“I’ll pee all over them and they will believe us.” Hamdan shrugged.

“Waiii33 Hamdan!” I laughed.

“Shnu? 3laqal ma ra7 aboul bel arth methlch, I’ll use my pee as a weapon and use it against them not against the house.” Hamdan laughed along and I could feel Dalal’s stare, I swear this girl was going to freaking kill me with her laser eyes.

“Fine.” I gave up.

I heard Deep Voice grunt behind the door, he was unlocking the door and he pulled it open but he had a gun in his hand.

“Yalla, emshay,” Deep Voice said in annoyance.

“Haman ana 7asran tara,” Hamdan said before Deep Voice closed the door on him.

“La2, bas ehya. Enta daber omourk.” Deep Voice wouldn’t budge.

“Ma 3nde mane3 aboul 3leek al7een, tara 7ail 7asran!” Hamdan was holding his pants, showing how desperate he was.

“Mu sharbeen shay besmellah shfeekom 7asertaw?!” Deep Voice yelled.

“You kidnapped us from school, they don’t let us go to the bathroom during class time!” Hamdan fought back.

“Hffff khala9 3awertaw rase, emsh bas emsh!” Deep Voice put the gun against Hamdan first and I was walking in front of both of them after Deep Voice had locked the room behind him.

“Okay who’s first?” Deep Voice pointed at the one bathroom that was next to our room exactly. I couldn’t see the rest of the house, I was in the hallway.

“Umm, Hamdan enta awal mu enta 7asran 7ail?” I mumbled but Hamdan gave me that look that said “you go first” but I shook my head mouthing a “no”.

“No, ladies first, go ahead.” Hamdan said.

“Khal9oune!” Deep Voice spat at us and pushed Hamdan first into the bathroom. Hamdan gave Deep Voice a glare before going into the bathroom alone.

“Sooooo,” I murmured, standing in front of Deep Voice. He had the gun pointed at me, it terrified me but I tried ignoring its existence.

“Shtabeen?” Deep Voice snapped at me.

“What kind of gun is that? It looks like a pretty, er, strong one.”

“W entay sh3rfch eb guns?”

“I don’t know anything about them, ena chithe ga3da as2al.”

“Agoul sektay bas.”

“La2 3afyaa yalla jawib,” I was terrified of nagging for an answer but I didn’t know what else to do. I had to get on his good side, somehow.

“Ahaa, al7een 3areft laish gemtay etsolfeen wyaay,” Deep Voice sounded interested now.


“Got a crush on the kidnapper, ha?”

Well he said it himself and to be honest, it sounded like the perfect plan.

“Erm, laa shaku shaku,” I stopped breathing trying to redden my cheeks, whenever I suffocate myself my face goes red and I wanted to give him the impression that I was shy. I heard him laugh and I knew that he fell for it; he slowly put his hand down, not aiming the gun at me anymore.

“You’re a weird one,” he said, sounding amused.

“Bas s2lt 3an your gun, besmellah,” I said, acting like I wasn’t interested in him and he seemed to like the game I started.

“You have a thing for guys with guns, don’t you?”

“Err, ma agoul la2.” I felt disgusted but I tried acting along.

“Hmm, 3ayara.”

“Khale9t, dourch.” Hamdan suddenly opened the door and interrupted us, ruining my plan. Deep Voice quickly held up his gun again and wasn’t playful and flirty anymore.

“Yalla emshayw khal9ay bsr3a,” Deep Voice commanded. I listened and ignored the stare I got from Hamdan, he must have heard everything through the door. I went in the bathroom using it and washing my face, trying to fix how I looked. There wasn’t a window or any source of escaping in the bathroom and I’m sure Hamdan looked everywhere in the bathroom for anything he could use. I noticed a few soaps missing from the marks on the sink that told me that there was a piece of soap put there.

After I was done, I left and both men were waiting for me.

“Yalla jidame, back to the room,” Deep Voice aimed his gun towards the rooms’ door.

“Lazem?” I sighed, using my girly ‘dalou3a’ voice.

“Laish? Tabeen awadeech Maldives? 5 star hotel a7san?” Deep Voice mocked at me. I gently brushed my shoulder against his and looked at him.

“Sounds perfect,” I winked and I got the weirdest stare from Hamdan. He didn’t understand what was going on.

Deep Voice unlocked the room and pushed Hamdan inside, I could see Manour was awake now and Dalals’ face lit up once Hamdan was pushed in.

“La2, entay g3day wyaay,” Deep Voice grabbed my arm before I could go back inside. I smiled to myself but Hamdan looked worried, he shook his head, telling me no but I ignored him; I looked back at Deep Voice.


“Betshoufeen wain,” Deep Voice said before locking the door, trapping the others.

I was both terrified and excited.

Terrified because of this violent man in front of me, taking me away from everyone else.

Excited because Jawaa’s Plan Part 1 has just succeeded.

Just a few more parts to the plan left.

Just don’t mess up Jawa, don’t mess up. I thought to myself before being forced to follow Deep Voice.


Don't forget to comment! Thank you so much. :D


  1. naaar mashalah keep going!

  2. AMAZING!!!! Loved it! Can't wait for the next post(*

  3. Amaaaazing! Omgggg come one plz post asap walla i love your blog so much !

  4. Post post post post postPost post post post postPost post post post postPost post post post postPost post post post postPost post post post post

  5. Just when i thought this story can't get better u surprise me again.
    ur storys are too amazing to describe, LOVE IT!
    don't keep us waiting for the next post too long.

  6. Ahhhhh i wish i didn't start cause its incomplete and i want MOre :') can u tell us when r u posting next please?

  7. qawyyy il post!!! thank youu x

    hubba hubba

  8. omggggg ahhhhhh im worried about jawaaaa!!

    thanks for the post dear xx

  9. Possssssssssssst <3 AMAZING!

  10. POSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Amzing post just like it's writer <3

  11. Jad it's so amazing <\3 hope you post asap

  12. WOWWW!! Thank you ALLLLLLL soooooo muuuchhh!!


    I love you allll. :D


  13. Why'd you delete chapter 10 :( 7aram 3alaich I want to read...

    1. Posted belghala6, it was incomplete. I'm posting it again now.
