Wednesday, August 17, 2016

People often..

people often look at old pictures with tears in their eyes,
I read old self written words with cracks in my heart,
people often call their old actions regrets that weren’t wise,
I cling to decisions that scar me as if they were art,
people mourn the old text messages they’ve received,
I mourn lies you’ve engraved into my skin that I once believed,
people often reminisce scents that inhabit forgotten & abandoned clothes,
I ache at memories that become a permanent perfume right under my nose,
people often sweep the pain under the rugs of their plastic homes,
I watch my pain grow wings and stab each part of me as it roams,
people often forget the letters and syllables of people they deeply bury,
I fight each hand not to write your name on torn papers as I grow weary,
people often smile once rusty memories turn into cool evaporated air,
I dwell each sleepless night because the thought of you keeps my mind bare,
people often forget the lyrics you used to sing with a smile on your face;
I draw the shape of your lips onto my skin as if it were pieces of lace,
people often choose to live and forcefully let go,

but before you, life was something I didn’t know.

Two different worlds

two worlds that collided in limited time,
two souls that only know how to be free,
you were my other end of the line,
growing too attached was always a crime,
you gave me a new pair of eyes to let me see,
that just the sound of a voice could taste better than wine,
we shared anticipated dreams and hopes each night,
we silently fought a war we loved to ignore around each other,
we were not okay but with each other we were fine,
we both ache for our own kind of escape with all our might,
two worlds so different yet so calm with one another,
two ferocious waves rushing in two different directions,
a storm and a blizzard destroying its own varied troubles away,
two human beings who needed a good friend, not just some lover,
a friend that would embrace their flaws; not just expose their needed corrections,
a friend that would still call no matter what they needed or wanted to say..
in a universe like this we both have endless possibilities to discover;

after all, we are both two airplanes with different flying locations;
with the same hope of landing right next to each other one day;
because we have yet to feel so many more exhilarating sensations,

with one another, in every breathtakingly beautiful way.