Monday, September 3, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 20

This took me ages.. literally AGES.. this is my apology for all my readers for not being as fast at posting as I used to, yes I've grown old and my fingers are all wrinkly now, so I have to take an hour to write up a sentence.. okay I'm exaggerating it now LOL. Anyways.. for my old readers, who were there when I posted 3 chapters, that HUGE surprise that took me hours.. guess what?

This time..

This time..



Enjoy beauties, this is a little gift before university starts for me and it's a gift for all my amazing readers who have supported me from day one, who haven't pressured me and have let me write on my own time.

THANK YOU MY LOVELIES, MY HUGE SUPPORTERS *I'm not forgetting my other ones too* > @Ba6ah_ and Dalal Al S, my gorgeoussss friend! Much much love. xx

Time started writing: 3:15 am.


Previously in Chapter 19:

"Do you really want me to prove you wrong Layal?" I looked into her eyes, searching for the Layal I saw with her friends, the one with the smile, the one who didn't sound so cruel because the anger she had about me talking to Bdour.

I was pretty sure she was angry because of that, was it jealousy? Could Layal really be jealous though?

"Yeah, go on." Layal drummed her fingers over her desk, anxious for an answer.

"Do you know the blogger ********?" I asked her, her mouth formed a little 'o' but she nodded for a 'yes'.

"I'm him."




That word seemed to have been running and skipping around in my head for hours now. I couldn't utter a single word in front of Thari's chiseled features, I was beyond shocked. No scratch that, I was MORTIFIED.

I told him, HIM, that I liked him. How could I have been so idiotic?! I told the guy I liked, that I liked him, indirectly but directly at the same time! Did that even make any sense? No it didn't but still, this was embarrassing. Really embarrassing.

"Layal? Shfeech siketay?" Thari's deep voice startled me. Didn't I just say I was thinking for hours? I must have spaced out, that usually happens when a super cute guy I've been crushing on tells me he's been that sensitive blogger I've been messaging for days now.

"Madre shagoul..." I sttutered, my voice barely audible. But that also meant Thari was the guy who got his heart broken, he had the family issues, he was the guy who saved his own friend's stupid mistakes and had to become homeless because of it.

The Thari I always thought that was a huge player, a guy who would use a girl and then treat her like trash afterwards, was nothing like the Thari I expected. And he had some major writing skills, a guy like that could write? Seriously?

Yeah, this made me like him more.

This was not good, not good at all.. Oh no Layal don't fall for him, just don't.

"ENGLISH!" The professor wiggled his eyebrows at us, his hands on his hips whilst his eyes were aimed right at Thari and I.

"Sorry sir." Thari grunted, his masculine body was seated in front of me and he was way taller than I was, I looked down at my flats and regretted not wearing heels to my first day.

"So you're... him? And he's... you?" I stuttered once again.

"Yes Layal, yes." Thari sighed, he looked as if he regretted telling me, he nervously ran his fingers through his already messed up hair, the good messed up kind. I wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked.

What the heck Layal? Few days ago you hated his guts, what the heck happened? Stop thinking about his hair.

"Sorry." I forced it out, I was wrong by judging him and I wasn't afraid to admit it but I was still in shock. I couldn't believe it, I felt as if I met a celebrity for some reason. Everyone talks about this guy, my friends practically spam his ask account with "I love yous" and wish every man was like him, I just couldn't believe that the "perfect" Thari turned out to be the guy who's so imperfect.

Imperfectly good.

"For what?" Thari looked surprised, his mouth gaped open for a few seconds and I got a peek at his straight teeth.

"For judging you when I didn't even know anything about you. Well I kind of knew everything but I never knew that those things were about you exactly, I'm sorry." I was blabbing again and I couldn't control it, I was feeling shy around him, it felt awkward, just too awkward.

"I'm sorry too, I wasn't judging you actually, I said those mean things just to have something to say, I got pissed off quickly but honestly I lied about the things I said about you." Thari gave me a cheeky grin and shrugged.

"Oh?" I couldn't help but smile.

"Eee, it's true, the Kuwaiti girl working at a cafe thing but the others were all made up." He continued, his eyes watching me.

"You're forgiven." I regained my confident posture and forced my smile to vanish. He knew I liked him, and he knew I knew that he knew. So many words in my head, I'm not making any sense, okay Layal stop thinking, he's looking at you and waiting for you to say something else.

"Well, what do you think?" Thari continued on, obviously trying to push the conversation along.

"About you being the blogger?" I asked.

"Yeah." Thari kept his eyes on me, his gaze was too strong, I was forced to look away for a second.

"I don't know." I honestly answered.

"Are you mad?" Thari asked, his eyes full of worry.

"N-no." But I am feeling quite awkward after finding out that you know about my silly crush.

"You sure?" Thari peeked at me through his thick eyelashes, his eyes were the dark colour I wanted, I honestly hated the eye colour I had to get from my Mom's side.

"Mashallah your eyes." Thari blurted out before I could answer him.

"What?" I hesitantly touched my left eye with a finger, just the skin around it, feeling insecure about them.

"They're beautiful." Thari stared at me, mouthing the words quietly. His words sounded sincere, open and honest. "Like you."

"Class, split up! Discussion's over, you can get to go over them next time we have English, which is in about 2 days. Make sure you have notes on your discussions so you don't end up forgetting anything, the essay will be due Monday next week." The professor's voice startled us both, I could feel my cheeks heat up and I felt like I lost myself for a minute there Thari had a disappointed expression on his face, as if he wanted the partner thing to go on longer. Did he?

He gave me a half smile before standing up, going to where his stuff was to gather it, getting ready to leave class.

Did that just happen?

I was still in shock.

Very much in shock.



I was mulling over the whole conversation I just had with Layal. I didn't know if she was happy or not with me being the blogger but I felt like I saw a whole different side of her. A part that wasn't closed off or protected, she was wide open and easy to read. I even caught her blushing, it was denitely worth it, calling her beautiful to her face.

She left class before I could see another one of her expressions, all I saw was the fuzzy image of her Juicy jacket disappearing into the crowds of people in the hall way of the university.

"Bu Zaid!" A male voice exclaimed and a strong shoulder bumped into my muscled one. I turned around and Jarra7 with a smile on his face, he didn't have his glasses on today, I was guessing he switched to contact lenses.

"Halla bl 7abeeb." I grinned and patted his back once we both kissed each other's cheeks for a quick second.

"Bitiyee el l3b elyoum, mu 9a7?" Jarra7 asked once we were done greeting each other.

"Offh akeed, enta?"

"Eee, 9pm mu 9a7?" Jarra7 had a few textbooks hooked under his arm, his white polo shirt bringing out his tanned skin.

"Eee, hey t3al." I said before Jarra7 could turn around to walk off.

"Halla?" He asked.

"Sh9ar wya Noura?" I gave him a little wink, I was a bit on the happy train because of my little success with Layal.

"Wela shay." Jarra7 shrugged carelessly but I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Weeh, ma 3aleih." I gave him a smile before I left him to walk off. I headed towards the parking area, I wanted to get back to 3abbas's place to take a long nap before the football match tonight. Once I was out of the air conditioned halls of the university and out on the exposed and chilly tree scented parking area, I heard a seductive voice behind me.

"Tharouyyyy." A girl purred behind me. I was in the midst of throwing my textbooks over to the passenger's seat. I turned around and found Bdour.

No surprise.

That girl was stickier than wax, seriously.

"Hmm." I didn't bother saying 'halla'.

"Wein raye7?" Bdour looked at my books in the car and then back at me, realising that I was going to leave.

"Barid baitna." I lied, I didn't need to tell her the details of being homeless.

"Haw, laish? Neseit bitiyee starbucks elyoum wyana?" Bdour looked skeptical and annoyed.

"Ma ra7 ayee." I shrugged, trying to end the conversation. "Yalla-"

"Shnu?!" She cut me off.

"Gltlch ma ra7 ayee, qa9eb yuba?" She pissed me off easily.

"Bas.." Bdour jutted out her bottom lip, looking all depressed and pouty.

"Yalla bye." I cut her off this time and climbed into the Range Rover, silencing her by shutting the driver's seat. She watched me drive out of the parking area, her face full of two emotions: anger and astonishment. I guessed that no guy usually rejected her, especially with that tight fitting shirt she always wore.

Before I could enter 3abbas's diwaneya, my Samsung vibrated in my pocket.

I pulled it out of my pocket and the screen indicated that I had a new notification from Twitter. I swiped a finger across, unlocking the Samsung and clicked over the Twitter app.

I had a new direct message.

And who was it from?


I was about to exit the application after seeing her username but her message was obvious and I could read the first few words, they grabbed my attention and I was forced to read the rest of the message.

"@BdourAlX: Treat me better or else I'll tell the whole university about your little blog baby;*"

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