Friday, September 28, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 21

Okay second chapter now, and it's now 4:03 am. Running out of ideas already, yalla I'll make up stuff as I go. \o/

Chapter 20:


Was this girl serious? She was going to threaten me?

I knew exactly how to deal with her.

"@******: 7beebty asif walla;* kent mista3eel w nafseety kanet kh*ra, sam7eeny?:$"

"@BdourAlX: Ooooh:$ la la 3ade 7beeby:$ awal mara etnadeeny 7beebty hehe."

Ghabeya. I snickered to myself as I typed up the next message, I was now on 3abbas's comfortable couch in the diwaneya, sleepiness threatening to overtake me.

"@*******: Ya 7alat'ha tisti7y;*"

"@BdourAlX: Hehe:$ yalla enshallah next time enrou7 starbucks mu lazem tiyee elyoum, and next time we'll be alone, oki?:$"

"@*******: As you wish babe;*"

"@BdourAlX: Hehe:$"

Her 'hehe's' were starting to annoy me, I didn't realise how much a girl would use one expression so many times before. I knew she would threaten me again in the future if I stopped sugar coating my messages for her, I needed something on her, so she would keep her mouth shut.

"@*******: 7beebtyy mu 3ndch 9oura w entay eb bikini?;*"

I was definitely not going to see that picture, I just needed to keep one for safety measures.

"@BdourAlX: Naughty:$ I'll send it to you on whatsapp, what's your number?"

Well that was easy, I thought she would at least say that we had to be closer or we had to have known each other better before she'd send such a picture. This just made my judgement about her even more true, I sent her my second number, the one I didn't usually used and it was in my blackberry phone. I didn't want her to have my permanent number.

In a few minutes, she sent me a bikini photo on Whatsapp, I saw it from the outside but I didn't click on it, it took a lot of will not to. I kept it in my blackberry picture folder, I was going to threaten her with it if she ever threatened me again with the blog. I wasn't an idiot to fall for a girl's evil plan, she was the idiot to fall for mine.

"@BdourAlX: What do you think of the picture?:$"

"@*******: Wai3. Next time you threaten me, think about that picture being sent to every guy in Kuwait "baby". ;*"

And with that, I blocked her and unfollowed her. I wish I could have seen her expression when she read my message, I bet it was priceless. This was just too easy, too freaking easy. I decided to follow request Layal on my personal twitter, if she accepted then that would mean she wasn't mad or anything, right?

That afternoon, I fell asleep for 8 lovely hours. 3abbas forced me awake afterwards for our football match. We both changed into our sports clothes (which consisted of shorts and a Barca shirt) and headed out, my body felt untrained and weak but after tonight, it'll be tired and sweaty from all the exercise. It was a feeling that I loved.

Once we were at the field, there already were guys surrounded everywhere, stretching or on their phones, or just talking to their friends. I dumped my bag which held a towel, 3 water bottles and extra clothes if I needed to change.

The game lasted 2 hours, we would usually play for ages and take a break in between, the rush and the sudden heat in the winter felt great. My muscles were sore and throbbing after the long match.

"Benrou7 jam3eyat Al Zahra, yalla bitiyee?" Ghanim, a tall rugged and muscled friend of mine patted my back as I was trying to look for my water bottle in my grey sports bag. The water had stayed cold because of the chilly weather, even though my skin felt lava hot.

"Ma feeh shay." I said with a confused expression.

"Offh kela gaz, min 9ijik? El'9aher wela mara ri7t'la at 11pm." Ghanim grinned. I didn't feel like going there to hook up with girls, they gave me a headache, especially that Bdour.

"I'll pass." I slipped off my shirt that was soaked in sweat and threw the rest of the water from the bottle over my hair, letting the water dribble over my heated skin. The wind rushed into me, cooling me off, causing me to shiver. I felt refreshed again.

"Yalla 3ad." Ghanim nagged at me, 3abbas walked over to us to continue the nagging contest.

"Shnu bitsawe? Etrid el diwaneya? Maku a7ad a9lan." 3abbas tried changing my mind.

"Waray jam3a bacher." I gave an excuse.

"W etha?" Ghanim laughed mockingly, he was in his twenties and he was on a break from everything, so he had no job, he only had time to waste.

"Hff okay okay." I surrendered, the guys were stubborn as heck and I knew they didn't mind nagging at me all night. I pulled a Abercrombie hoodie from my bag and pulled it over the naked first half of my body before following the guys.

3abbas and I used my car, the other guys drove in their own. 3abbas kept turning up the volume of various songs on the radio, he was definitely in a party mood whereas I, just wanted to sleep some more. I was pretty sure I was going to be tired as hell tomorrow morning and grouchy too.

"Hey, ley meta bitiktab 7ag el blog?" 3abbas asked me as I drove towards the road that led us to Al Zahra.

"Madre, laish?" I shrugged.

"Tara yifashel." 3abbad bluntly said.

"W laish yifashel?" I snapped.

"Ryal shkubrik takteb 3an qi9at 7ayatik?" 3abbas chuckled, clearly mocking me.

"A9lan gareita?" I challenged him.

"L-la2..." 3abbas answered in a quiet tone. I didn't bother saying anything else, 3abbas was starting to piss me off recently, I wanted to get out of his property already so I didn't have to stay quiet with my comebacks. He had no idea what I put myself through so just he wouldn't get in trouble with his own parents.

I parked the car in front of the super market, about three other cars followed me, holding most of the other guys. The rest of them decided to go home, some of them already were married and had kids so I didn't blame them.

We entered the large building, in front of us it took us towards the actual super market but to our left, it held stores for 3abayas or cakes, to our right were other stores, and most importantly, the cafe Starbucks, where all the "gaz" (gaz = flirting in slang) happened.

The cafe was packed with guys and girls, all of them probably had an early morning to get up to tomorrow but they didn't seem to care as they gazed at any other good looking person with longing.
The guys poured into the cafe to order but 3abbas and Ghanim stole the table that was right next to about 5 teenage girls who had their face caked with make up and their manicured hands holding onto their steaming hot coffees.

"Thari, t3al." Ghanim waved me over. I sat besides him and the girls ignored our presence but 3abbas didn't take this as a warning to back off, he simply stared at the girl with the long hair, her body thin but elegant. She was the only one in the group that didn't have so much make up on and she was definitely 3abbas's type.

"Shal sha3ar el 7lu." 3abbas whispered in a husky voice, the girl that sat nearest to him shot him a dirty look. I gave them a helpless expression.

"Yalla 3ad, tara they're young." I said to 3abbas, who was still trying to get the long haired girl to notice him.

"Ush." 3abbas hissed over to me in annoyance.

 "3abbas shouf hathee ga3da etkhizik." Ghanim smirked, pointing over to a girl that didn't look good looking at all and her clothes were too tight, too revealing and it cried out "desperate" and "easy". 3abbas's two favourite words.

"Offhh, shlabsa hathee?" 3abbas laughed, making sure the girl heard him.

"I bet you can't get her number now." Ghanim smacked 3abbas's arm, laughing at him ocne he noticed that 3abbas pissed the girl off.

"Watch me." 3abbas winked at both of us, he left the table and made his way behind the girl. She was standing in the line for her turn to order and 3abbas made it seem like he was waiting too but I saw his lips mouth. He was whispering to the girl and she was listening alright, she was trying her best not to smile.

The next thing I knew, 3abbas got out his blackberry and then it was the girl's turn to start whispering, the words that I could read from her lips were numbers, she was giving 3abbas her number and 3abbas was recording them into his Porsche blackberry.

In a few minutes, he came back to our table with a satisfied smile on his face. He dialed the number in front of us and kept it on speaker. A ringtone jingled out loud, we turned around and it was the girl's phone ringing. She answered it and at the same time, we heard her deep voice through 3abbas's phone:

"Aloo?" She tried to deepen her voice in a seductive way.

"Walla enik rayal!" Ghanim let out a deep laugh and slapped 3abbas's back. 3abbas didn't bother replying to the girl, he hung up on her and looked proud of himself.

"Tawik etla7i'9?" 3abbas replied in a confident voice which only gained him another proud smack on the back from Ghanim.

"Offh offh 6a3 hathee, bsr3a." Ghanim's eyes nearly widened and his gaze was on someone in front of us. I quickly turned around and found a girl, maybe 163cm tall, her slender body was clothed in a comfortable looking and loose sweater, she wore denim leggings and slender boots, a dark veil framed her familiar face.


"Hmm shekilha thgeela." Ghanim inspected her. "Now watch me get her number."

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