Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Ending, Part 2

Hey! My posts are irregular I know, I post then disappear then post again.. University has started once more so I'm just going to write because I want to, instead of HAVING to. I need to love writing again enough to write with passion, so I won't make any promises on when I'll write and on what I'll write.

I'll just write and see where this thing takes me..

I hope you enjoy Part 2 of the Ending and good luck to all of you, I wish summer didn't have to end so soon but endings don't necessarily mean new beginnings won't be any more beautiful. xo


Previously in Part 2:

I nearly had a heart attack once I saw the girl sprawled over the passenger’s seat, passed out and I could see her pale lips parted, her breathing slowing down.

“Reem!” I grabbed her shoulders and shook her but she was limp, she wouldn’t move and the plastic bag she was clenching dropped down to the seat floor, exposing the empty pill containers, there were at least 5 or 6 empty ones and I couldn’t even make out the names on the containers, I had no idea what they were but whatever they were, they were killing this stranger right in front of me…

What the hell did I just bring myself into?!


I never knew the true feeling of the kind of cold sweat that you couldn’t control until right at this moment. I’ve never felt each itch and nerve in me ignite so forcefully, not even when I was minutes away from completing my university entrance exams nor when I was minutes away from finding out my grandfather had passed away from his heart attack.

The girl lied limp, not moving and her head was tossed to the side, she was lying on the hospital bed and I was staring right at her, dumbfounded.

I hadn’t noticed the purple hues over her pale sensitive neck, there were bruises inhabiting her skin and I was counting the scars from afar my eyes kept blinking uncontrollably as I kept losing count.

“Bader Al-X?” Her voice startled me. I jumped slightly and turned around, meeting the gaze of an old woman; she wore a white coat and had kind amber eyes. I read her name tag: Dr. Gina Al-X.


“You’re her brother, correct?” Her Caribbean accent was hard to ignore but her English remained intact.

Don’t ask me why I lied. I had nothing to be afraid of. Nothing. I hadn’t done anything wrong, I practically saved this idiot of a girl who tried to commit suicide right in front of me. I could have easily just gotten her here to the hospital and left, they would have called her family, they would have taken care of her, they would have given my conscience the amount of freedom it needed to allow me to leave… yet I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I just couldn’t.

And so I lied. I’m her brother that I didn’t even know even realistically existed. I was another Bader today, the Bader that was related to a girl who had no ID on her, no certain identity or siblings that I even knew of… not even as solid address besides knowing that she lived in Adaileya… who knows, maybe even that was a lie, maybe her name wasn’t actually Reem either, I didn’t know what God intended to do with me today; to test me, to give me some good deed to fulfil-

“Bader?” The doctor scared away my fumbling thoughts. I couldn’t control the speed of my mind, I knew I was panicking, I was losing track of time and reality, all I could think of were her liquorice eyes, those liquorice eyes that were sad; a type of sadness I hadn’t even noticed until now. Why hadn’t I noticed that earlier? 

“Y-yes, sorry?” I blinked.

“Your sister, she’s going to be fine. We pumped her stomach and were able to extract the meds from her system. Now I have a few questions before she’s stable enough to wake up.”


“I need to know what happened with your sister.”

This is where you tell the doctor the truth Bader. This is where you come clean, tell her you’re just a stranger who found a crazy girl, tell her everything, there’s still time to walk away from this mess you didn’t even create. This isn’t your mess to clean up.

But why did I feel responsible for it then?

“I have no idea. I just found her and came straight over,” I answered honestly without hesitation.

“Ah, okay,” the doctor bit the inside of her cheek and looked back and forth between the girl and I. I could see the worry in the furrowing lines on her forehead. 

“I’ll come back once she’s awake, we need to question her once she’s stable.”

“Of course,” I nodded, staring blankly at the doctor. She looked at me and back at the girl once more before speaking one more time.

“I’ll be needing your family’s information too, your sister’s ID as well as yours, and the numbers of your family members to contact them of course,” her words only caused more panic to arise.

I can’t bring my own family into this and by giving her my ID, my family will be involved by default. I was stupid enough to lie and now they’ve assumed this fake sister of mine had the same ID information. How the hell was I going to explain that part once they realise that our IDs don’t match up? That is once she wakes up and is able to give them her real information herself.

“U-um, about that…” I scratched the back of my head, trying to think of some kind of explanation. This was the moment where I had to come clean and spill the beans,  opened my mouth to begin explaining but the door to the hospital room was barged open suddenly.

“Doctor! Patient 632 is having a seizure!” A heavy weight nurse yelled out in panic and the doctor hurried out of the room with the nurse, leaving me alone with Reem - if that was her actual name.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and shut the door behind them, resting my head up against the closed door afterwards to relax my nerves. I’ve never felt so nervous about lying before and the problem was I couldn’t even understand my own intentions behind the lies.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” her voice only woke up the nerves I tried to put to sleep.

“Ga3da?” I turned around to face her half asleep face, she wore a pained expression as she tried to sit up from her position on the hospital bed.

“Ee,” she answered bleakly.

“Care to explain yourself?” I approached her slowly and stood in front of her by the hospital bed, watching her carefully.

“There’s nothing to explain. This was non of your business. You shouldn’t have done that.” She repeated her last words once more, not meeting my eyes.

“Entay men 9ijich?” I breathed out, trying to hold back the anger that was seeping out of my chest.

She finally tore her eyes away from her shaking hands and looked up at me, she stared into my eyes for what seemed like hours before she nodded her head in all seriousness.

“Why?” I sighed, searching for an answer in her face as she went back to staring at her small hands; unable to find an answer to her own silent questions.

“Enta mu okhouy, e6la3 bara gabl la yadrun w b3dain yishikun feek w ysababunlk meshakil,” she avoided my question.

“Why?” I repeated once more.

“Enta ely laish?” She suddenly looked up from her hands and dug her dark eyes into mine.


“Laish sa3adt wa7da mynuna mthly? Okay 6l3t khoush wa7d tabe etsa3d w7da ma et3rfha, shay 6bee3i ma ra7 etkhaleeni amout bs laish thalait m3ay? Sawait ely 3leek, emsh 3ani w khalni bru7i.”


“La2?” She looked surprised.

“You approached me in the first place. If you didn’t want someone to stay why the hell did you even approach someone-no I mean, why did you even approach me, not just anyone, you chose me… why did you do any of that if you didn’t want anyone to stay?” I was rambling, I was trying to make sense of things but I couldn’t grasp any inch of understanding in the whole situation, the more I thought the more confused I became.

That was the problem with thoughts. The more I allowed these thoughts to seep into the beings of my mind, the more control they took away from me; hence why I felt so lost.

Could she feel it? Could she feel what she was doing to me? 

Why is a stranger doing so much to me? 

“I-I don’t know,” she mumbled.

“No, you do know.”

“What do you want me to say?” She snapped at me.

“The truth.”

“Who are you a9lan for me to tell the truth to?”

“I’m a total stranger. I’m a nobody. A nobody that saved your crazy ass.”

She sighed and looked away. She said it once more but this time her words didn’t sound so strong, they sounded as weak and sad as her dark eyes looked. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Stop saying that. I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do and what I’m not supposed to do, all I know is what I did. And what I did was give a total stranger a ride and she ended up a taste away from death in my car. Do you know how crazy that sounds?!”

“Not as crazy as lying for that stranger and saying that you’re her brother just so you could stare at her for hours,” her words caused my face to heat up in embarrassment.

“Kentay ga3da 6oul hal wakt?!” I was dumbfounded.

“Mu 6oul el wakt… bas long enough,” she had a smile creeping up in her voice, playing slightly over her pale lips and I could see a light in her dark eyes for a second. It was only for a second and that second melted away far too quickly, the darkness enveloped her back in instantly and the smile evaporated.

“I was trying to make sense of things. Nothing is making sense,” I sighed, growing frustrated more and more.

“It doesn’t have to make any sense. It shouldn’t make any sense to you actually, like you said, you’re a stranger, a nobody, you’re not entitled to any kind of explanation.”

“You’re right, but I still want an explanation. Ra7 a7anch.”

“You’re running out of time, the doctor will be in soon with more questions and I can easily make up lies about you, say you raped me, kidnapped me, poisoned me, the list is long…” Her words infuriated me.

“What the hell did I do to you for you to do that to me?!” I snapped at her.

“You saved me. And you shouldn’t have done that,” she wouldn’t look at me nor would she bore any other emotion on her face, she remained still and blank.

“Should I have let you die in front of me?!” My voice began to get louder by the minute.


“Why do you want to die so badly?! What the hell is going on? Does it have to do with the bruises on your skin? A7ad 6agch? Shfeech?! Tekelemay!” I couldn’t control the rage in me any longer, she was a total stranger I knew nothing of but what could sh have gone through to make her this way? What could it be that forced her to be sucked into death so easily? The curiosity in me was going to get killed off so easily, not when she made the decision to involve me into this, she could have chosen anyone else at the supermarket and yet she chose me.

“Leave,” she squeezed her eyes shut, the pained expression returning to her face.


“Leave Bader. Thank you for your help. You are a good person, you’ve done a good deed today, now leave knowing you saved a life, leave before I force you to leave.”

“You can’t force me to do anything,” I shook my head in denial.

“Leave or I’ll scream.”

“Maynouna entay?!”

“Leave. Or. I’ll. Scream.” She repeated slowly. She sucked in a breath, getting ready to scream but I held up my hands in horror, stopping her.

“Don’t!” I shook my head in disgust, all the curiosity in me died away at her childish behaviour. I suddenly didn’t want any part of this. I was involved for too long and all it did was cause me more problems. I couldn’t take this any longer.

“Then leave,” she shot daggers at me through her eyes, I couldn’t believe hoe such sad eyes on such a pale face could look so emotionally dead and cold.


And with that, I left.

Sadly enough, the curiosity and worry that I believed was dead only followed me out of that hospital room..

That wasn’t the last time I saw her.

It was only the beginning of the many times I’ve come to see her again.