Thursday, June 1, 2017


They promise you butterflies blossoming in the pit of your stomach; they promise you nights left awake with the sun shining through your windows at 4 am; they promise you of blissful words whispered into your mind to remind you of every inch of their extravagant soul; they promise you thoughts would build you a mansion of fairytales about the both of you; they promise you masterpieces of smiles and melodies of laughs that will fill out your hours and days; they promise you the reality of forever whenever you hear their name or catch a whiff of their addictive scent; they promise you that it's absolute heaven on earth, that hell will no longer have a place when they're by your side. 

They don't tell you about the rotting gunshots to your heart after it ends; they don't tell you about the nights the sun burns and blinds your eyes to the point of permanent insomnia; they don't tell you about the screams inside your head reminding you of the soulless name you beg yourself to forget; they don't tell you the mansion is built in the middle of a hurricane that is sent to destroy every last bit of your future hopes and dreams;  they don't tell you about the laughs that fade into echoes and smiles are replaced with tear stained lips; they don't tell you that promises are not made of concrete but instead are knives sharpened to fit perfectly into your skin, to slice you open to bleed every time their name knocks at the doors of your ears; they don't tell you that heavenly love is just hell in disguise, waiting for the perfect moment to be exposed in order to burn you.                                                                            @M657_

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