Friday, May 10, 2013

Masqué, Season 2, Chapter 1

Hello! It's time for a new story in an old one, I'm bringing back Amal and Saif back. Thari and Layal (Le Chase) has finally ended, now it's Amal and Saif's time to shine.

I hope you'll like this new season!

I've opened my blog ask and closed my personal one since all the questions were either about stories or the diet:


Just an important note, this has really saddened me. I've been blogging for a little over a year now, everything I've written was my own work, my original words, as bad as they started to be and how much it has improved, it's still my own work, my own ideas and so much of my own time that was put into it. It really makes me sad when I see bloggers who use these ideas for their own advantage and put their credits to them. Not small ideas, but major ones I've made for myself. What saddens me is that my readers tell me about this, they notice it before I do. 

This blog is my baby, yes my baby haha. I've started it myself and I've earned everything myself, so it really is precious to me and it's only a dream for me to turn the blog into a book one day, then I'd have copyright and I wouldn't need to worry about people stealing my work, but that's too far away from today and so, I still have to worry and be careful.

Please, I understand other people have their own stories and their own work but wouldn't you be sad if I stole your ideas/work too? 

Just put that into your mind before trying to take the easy route and just stealing other bloggers' work.

Thank you.


(Chapter 1 of Masque:

Epilogue of the last finale (just to remind you guys what has happened lately):

Amal and Saif raised their baby Razan together. They decided to go on with the baby shower, celebrating Razan's birth and then having a beautiful funeral set for their beloved Grandmother. Their Grandmother had passed away but God had gifted Saif and Amal with a new baby girl, they had received a new life after losing a beloved one. Non of them tried to forget their Grandmother, they'd remember her everyday, her presence, her footprints, her scent drifted around them in her old grande house. Bibi and Nawaf had eventually gotten engaged once it was time. Turki was in his own adventure, he's currently in America, for a break before coming back to Kuwait to work as a computer engineer. Ghalia was working in Switzerland as a lawyer whilst Fawaz had met a beautiful French woman while he was in Rome for the summer, he married her after a year and she had converted to Islam. Gran's house was never sold off, to this day, every one the relatives still visits the house every Friday for zwara, just like how Gran would have liked it.


"AMAAL! HEY! BRING OVER THE KETCHUP!" Turki yelled over the over crowded table, every family member was seated closely together, harassing the food with their hands, even after Amal strictly told everyone to wait until she was done with the salad before they could attack the machbous deyay. (*machbous deyay/dejaj: an Arabic dish, chicken with rice.)

"Turki, stop eating I'm not done yet!" An angry Amal yelled at her younger brother in frustration, she hurried over to his side and grabbed his plate away from him, it was filled with rice and chicken. Turki's face resembled a child's frustrated one. Amal instantly knew how hungry Turki was from how aggressive he became when she tried pulling the plate away from him.

"Y3ne ana al7een twne rad men America w etsaween feene chithe?!" Turki huffed and puffed, acting childish. If others saw him now, they wouldn't think that he's now a grown man.

"Yuma, wain 7a6aitay telephony?" Razan, Amal's fifteen year old daughter, whined to her mother after she hurried down the stairs with her friend Rotana, both girls had their mahogany hair up in matching ponytails. 

"Maku, yalla ghada, besich kel dgeega maska telephonich," Amal said in a tired voice, her hands too busy chopping up the vegetables for the salad. The whole family were growing impatient and having the food in front of them tempted them to sneak a few bites into their mouths when Amal wasn't looking.

"Yuma!" Razan whined, frustrated that her mother took away her phone for a whole day. "I need details on Bieber's concert."

"Ey concert? Tara el 9bay brou7a kafer."

"Shaku! He believes in God and he's my inspiration and-"

"7beebty, shrayech etkamleen salfetch wyaa Rotana? Ana mashghoula al7een," Amal cut off her daughter and held back her laugh when she noticed that Razan grew annoyed. Razan whipped around and grabbed her tall slim friend's arm but Rotana didn't budge, she was staring at Amal's hands in wonder.

"Rotana, shfeech? Emshay!" Razan hissed to her friend. Rotana's thick eyelashes kept fluttering about, her eyes moving to Amal's hands and to the vegetables.

"Tabeen shay 7beebty?" Amal noticed Rotana staring, she paused and looked to her daughter's friend, thinking about sneaking her some muffins when the rest of the family members weren't looking. She didn't want to get a huge lecture from Turki on why she would give food to Rotana and not allow him to start eating his favourite dish.

"Oh uhm, la2 wela shay." Rotana bit her bottom lip and finally hurried away with Razan. Amal grew confused and looked back down to her hands, she saw the tiny scars trailing over her fingers and had realised that Rotana was staring at her fingers so intently. Amal grew fearful and hid her hands into her pockets, she handed the salad to the house keeper, telling her to finish setting up the table so Amal could disappear off to her bedroom.

"Hey hey, wain ray7a?" Saif, Amal's husband, grabbed the hook of Amal's arm when she was hurrying to the backdoor of the kitchen, where it took her to the second living room, leading her to her bedroom. Saif had just been entering the kitchen when he bumped into his wife.

"Oh, um neseit shay eb dare 7beeby, dgeega," Amal pressed the palm of her hand on his chest, pushing his slightly to the right but he wouldn't budge, his eyes squinted slightly, staring at her.

"Amal, feech shay?" Saif asked, looking worried. His build had grown stronger over the years, he had strays of greying hair but his handsome face remained, a few wrinkles would form whenever he would smile but his dark smouldering eyes were the highlight of his masculine features.

"No no, yalla go eat! I'll be back in a few minutes, promise." Amal stood on the tips of her toes, kissing Saif's cheek before hurrying off to the bedroom. Saif stared back at Amal, taking in her curvier body, her hair shorter after the pregnancies of their two daughters and couldn't stop thinking about how fidgety she was when he was holding her a few seconds ago.

Amal stripped off her apron, hearing the click clacks of the forks and spoons in the dining room, the chit chatters of her family brought happiness to her heart but under that, lay a depressing ache that she couldn't speak of.

She sat on the side of her voluminous bed, the dark walls closing down on her as she stared down at her fingers, looking at the small scars that webbed over her skin. She had smudged foundation over them to hide them, she waited impatiently as they healed but she worried that Rotana would mention them to Razan.

"Wainhaa Amal?" A male voice called out, Amal could hear every word from the dining room in the bedroom. The voices of her family were loud. It was Saturday, it wasn't zwara day but Amal had invited the whole family for lunch at her house.

"Ra7at el 7amam," Amal heard her husband lie.

"El machbous mu 9ij!" Another voice called out.

"Eee, Amal's machbous is to die for," Turki's muffled voice made Amal smile.

She continued on listening to their voices to drown out her memories but it didn't work. The memories were seeping into her head, sneaking up behind her, making the whole room seem murky and dark. It scared her for a second, she grabbed the bedsheets, her fingers squeezing over the cotton material as the memories finally hit her.

"Amal, are you done with picking the caterer for Friday's event?"

Amal turned around to face Jack, one of her employees at the gallery she used to host social events. His hair was gelled back, his piercing blue eyes met hers and his height overpowered hers.

"Yep, finally done! I think we can call it a night," Amal sighed happily, pulling down her long tousled hair from her high bun, relaxing back in her chair.

"That was the last of the planning, right?" Jack leaned back on the wall, watching Amal with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, Emily's handling the band to play at the event and she texted me telling me she'll be done with it by tomorrow."

"Sounds great, so what now?" Jack's hungry eyes trailed over Amal's legs. Amal wasn't conscience of his gaze, she hadn't noticed any of his looks for weeks, ever since she employed him as manager last month.

"Now we go home," Amal decided, packing up her things from her desk. Her eyes were on her phone, waiting for Saif's text but her eyes widened once she felt a broad chest press up against her back. She was about to turn around but she was trapped against the desk.

"Why in a hurry?" Jack whispered into Amal's ear, tickling her ear. His breath was hot and reeked of garlic. Amal's heart started stammering in her chest.

What was he doing?

"Jack, what the heck are you-" Amal turned around to push him off but he silenced her with a sudden kiss to her lips. The kiss was harsh and hard, it didn't feel soft and sweet as Saif's lips when they would meet hers. She pushed him off of her but he was too heavy, he wouldn't move.

"J-jack, s-stop!" Amal fought, he smirked and found it amusing. Amal knew he wouldn't listen, he was stubborn and arrogant. She had to play along.

"Jacky," Amal fake purred but behind her mask of seduction, she was terrified of the man.

"I love my name on your lips," Jack finally pulled away, being amused, thinking Amal finally gave in to his kiss. "What baby?"

"I just need to go to the toilet for a second and I'll be back, okay?" Amal gave him a smile, running her hand over his chest but thankfully, he didn't notice how her fingers were shaking.

"Okay, be quick!" Jack grinned, finally pulling away from her. Amal hurried over to the toilet and took her stuff with her, she locked the door behind her and stared at the window in front of her, her head swarming with solutions to how she could escape. She was about to use her phone to call Saif but when she checked her Miu Miu purse by rummaging through it, it was nowhere to be found.

"Ugh, darn it." She hissed, she must have left it on her desk, where Jack was, waiting for her. She looked back up again, seeing the window besides the white toilet, complimenting the peachy colours of the bathroom. 

FInally, she realised that the window she was staring at, was her only solution.

She hung her purse over her shoulder and tried pulling the window open. It was locked. She started to panic, beads of sweat formed over her forehead as she began looking around her. She saw a soap holder, it was made out of metal. An idea sprouted into her head. She grabbed the metal soap holder that was shaped like a donut and threw it against the window, causing it to break in shards. 

She covered her hand, shielding it of the pieces of glass as she pushed them back away from the window, making space for her to escape. Unfortunately, shards of glass had snuck into the hole of her shirt and had swiped over her skin, her fingers began to bleed but she didn't worry about her injuries, she quickly wedged her body into the window, leaving the toilet and thanking God that the building she worked in had only one floor. Her knees were smudged with grass and dirt but she didn't care, she was panting, running as fast as she could to her midnight indigo Porsche that was parked a few meters away from her.

Once Amal had finally left building and gotten herself into the safety of her car, the heaviness in her chest began to melt away. She took a few moments to breathe before starting the car engine, ready to hurry back home, but before she could, the passenger door was pulled open and Jack had sat besides her, his eyes angry, piercing right into hers. She hadn't even seen or heard him, she was dumbfounded on how fast he had caught her.

"Amal... Amal... Amal..." Jack shook his head in disappointment. Amal's heart was threatening to jump out of her chest, she froze in her seat and stared back at him, her bottom lip quivering. He locked the doors and trapped her in her seat. Her fingers rubbed over the metal shape of the car keys, trying to calm herself down as she watched Jack's hand grab her leg, his face slowly edging closer to kiss her once again. His hand dangerously moved up her skirt, filling her with disgust. His other hand was trapping her shoulder back against the seat, hurting her shoulder blades.

She did the first thing that popped into her head.

She lodged the car keys into his face, the metal scraped his skin and made it's way into his left eye. He screamed in pain, his hands leaving Amal's body to cover his bleeding face.

"Arrgghhh!" Jack screamed. "You b*tch!"

He was about to attack her, his hand had already grabbed her hair, pulling it out, causing Amal to painfully scream, but she used the same car keys to stab him in the neck. She was aiming to scrape the skin but the metal was too sharp, it had sliced into his skin and into his veins, causing them to bleed out uncontrollably. His blood supply soon ended and his body laid lifeless, his head had landed on her lap and her clothes were drenched of blood.

The only thing Amal could later hear were the calm crickets and the loudness of her heart thumping.

"Amal, yalla shfeech 6aweltay?" Saif's voice crushed Amal's horrific memories. Amal was now by the table, brushing foundation over her scars of that night.


Amal took a deep breath before turning around with a perfectly drawn smile on her face.


Feedback? Don't forget to comment down below! :D If you find any mistakes, don't be shy to tell me. x


  1. CONTINUE!!!! Please as soon as possible, we beg you! great as always though xx

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 7lalha :''(
    Loving that saif is still the sweet awesome loving husband love him
    Hope nothing happens between them
    Thank u thank u <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. omg omg omg I LOOOVE! Keep going babes!

  4. I missed this story sooo much!!! :D <3 and I love how the sorry matured as did the characters but one question, how did she manage to clean off the blood stains from her car? :$

    1. Thank you so much! You'll know more in the next chapters. :D

  5. Oh my god! This chapter is fantastic! I instantly got hooked! It's. A shame that people take your ideas and claim them as their own! Please post soon xxx and you wrote 'non' instead of 'none'

    1. Can you tell me where if you know where it is?

      I checked over the chapter now again, can't find it. :( Thank you so much!!

  6. Thank you all so much! :D

    Stay tuned for more chapters to find out more about those questions.

    Thank you so so much!xx

  7. Wow <3 F*ck off jack, she's not yours. Inshallah bad mana ywadoonha elma'3far :O
