Saturday, May 18, 2013

Masqué, Season 2, Chapter 3:

It's nearly 3 am and I have a final tomorrow, so guess what I do? I write a new chapter! I'll be in London next week after finals end so I want to make sure I'm done with Masque before I travel, or at least be done with most of it. I also missed writing and didn't want to study anymore. :(

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, there's so much more to the story coming next so stay tuned! I'm going to be EXTRA evil.

This chapter is dedicated to gorgeous Latifa, pretty Haya and beautiful Kenda, the three incredible girls I got the honour to meet in person this weekend, who are both readers and wonderful supporters. 

Hope you enjoy.


Previously in Chapter 2:

"What happened to the police? No court? No questioning? And where's my car?" Amal began to become suspicious, the questions were flowing off of her tongue but they only caused Nawaf's face to wince slightly. An emotion finally filled his face for a few seconds but it was wiped off with his control in a few easy moments.

"Amal, gltlch khala9 I fixed it. I have good friends there." Nawaf looked away, avoiding her eyes.

"D-did you bury the body?" Amal croaked out.

"Entay men 9ijich?!" Nawaf exclaimed out in anger.

"Men 9ijha shnu?" Another voice entered the conversation, silencing both Nawaf and Amal, causing their faces to bare all of their guilt right away.

A female voice.

Bibi's voice.


“I’m waiting Nawaf,” Bibi urged on, her metallic bronzed eyes staring right into her husband’s emotionless irises. His fingers slid deep into the pockets of his khakis, his lips pursed calmly together before they opened to speak.

“It’s simple. I helped your sister commit a crime and she’s too stupid enough to remain quiet and to ignore the problem,” Nawaf shrugged, looking deep into Bibi’s eyes, waiting for her reaction.

Bibi remained still as a statue, her fingers clenched into fists yet Amal’s fingers were shaking out of nervousness; her mouth formed a slight ‘o’ to resemble how shocked she was of Nawaf’s statement.

“Nawaf!” Bibi exclaimed, her face breaking out into laugher, her hand on her stomach as she kept on giggling, the anger and suspicion on her face rotted away. Nawaf grinned easily, watching Amal’s disbelief.

“Don’t be too long, okay?” Bibi pressed her lips to her husband’s cheek, the hints of a smile remained in her voice as she was playing over what Nawaf had just said, thinking his words were a complete joke rather than an honest answer.

“Okay, bas dgeega ba7achy Amal w b3dain agoulch sh9ayer,” Nawaf lied to save himself from Bibi’s questions later on about why he was so suspicious over the days with her sister.

“Mashe,” Bibi seemed pleased of his answer, she walked off without another word. Nawaf turned back around to face Amal, her face had paled to a haunting shade of white. Her face seemed grotesque and Nawaf feared that she would topple over any second now. He hurried over to her side, linking his hips against hers to give her a sturdy body to lean on in case she was to faint.

“Amal, shfeech?” Nawaf asked, his emotionless mask had been taken off and replaced with a deeply concerned one.

“I c-can’t believe that you would say such a thing to my sister!” Amal took a deep breath before hissing angrily.

“Ma shefteeha? E’97akat w meshat, ma galet shay wela 7aset eb shay, shfeech mekhtar3a?!” Nawaf spat in an annoyed tone.

“Mu men 9ijik 9a7? Is this a freaking joke to you?” Amal pushed Nawaf’s shoulder off of hers, not wanting any kind of support from such a malicious man.


“A man was killed a few days ago, because of ME. And you, you-“ Amal began to stutter, her eyes full of the tears she’d tried so hard to lock up inside of her. “You don’t even try to help.”

“Are you screwing me over? Who the heck cleaned you up and got rid of the evidence?!” Nawaf held up his hands in protest.

“And who the hell asked you to get rid of the evidence? I asked you to go to the police station!” Amal’s tears began to pour, instead of the steam being released from her ears; her temper broke out in infuriated tears.

“Amal wa6ay 9outch please-“ Nawaf took a step towards her to calm her down by putting a hand over her shoulder but he didn’t expect the reaction he was about to receive.

Amal’s eyes flashed back to that night. Jack’s touch on her skin felt new again, the callouses of his fingers running over her skin; those terrifying nails scraping against her neck, those wet haunted lips touching her cheek and finally, Amal burst. Every light in her, the strength she treasured inside her, the posture she built; all was bombarded by the images of Jack’s blood all over her clothes, that stench of dead meat and those dirty fingers that still reeked of rape and lust.

All she could remember last was his piercing blue eyes, staring deep into hers, hungry for a touch before Amal saw deep shades of greys, the shades becoming darker by the second before all she could later see was black. Haunting, wretched and empty black.


Amal felt fingers all over her. Fingers were poking every inch of her skin constantly and it terrified her, she began moving around, trying to push off those fingers; her body was a temple, it wasn’t an object.

“Amal, stop it, 7beebty calm down!” A familiar voice whispered into her right ear, the breath tickling her ear rather than causing terrifying ants crawl down her back.

“S-stop touching, s-s-top please,” Amal yelped, the fingers still touching her. After the muttering of her words, the fingers stopped; it was as if time was frozen for a second, she couldn’t feel anything or see anything.

“Amal, 7beebty Amal,” the whispers calmed her down, they caused her eyes to flutter open, the lights blinding her eyes and causing the pupils of her eyes to grow larger. She saw Saif’s worrisome face over her; he was kneeling on the ground of the living room, his hands pulled back, afraid to touch his own wife.

“Amal…” Saif murmured, his eyes crinkling in worry. Before she spoke, she turned around to look at her surroundings. Nobody else was in the room; it was just the both of them.

“Gamat?” A new voice entered into Amal’s ears, her accusations were false once her eyes caught the tall shadow of Nawaf’s strong build. “Good morning sunshine.”

“Nawaf, bas khala9 el mara mekhter3a,” Saif shook his head in annoyance at his bigger brother. Bibi was nowhere to be seen, it was just she and the two brothers.

“S-sh9ar?” Amal croaked out.

“You fainted Sleeping Beauty,” Nawaf joked on, ignoring the jealous glare he got from Saif when his brother had heard him say “beauty” after “sleeping”.

“El’9aher mu makla 3adel elyoum and we’re so sorry we stressed you about the lunch today, t3btay men kel el sheghl.” Saif provided an explanation for Amal before she could even offer one.

“Eee 9a7,” Amal agreed. Saif lightly kissed his wife’s forehead before dashing off to the kitchen, ready to make Amal some soup or anything easy for her to eat and get nutrition from. Nawaf remained, a glass of coke in his left hand, his back coolly leaned back on the wall.

“You know, you made quite the sounds while you were passed out. I’m surprised Saif hasn’t asked any questions,” Nawaf said before taking a sip from his fizzy drink. The black in his glass resembled the haunting shades of black she had experiences whilst her body had fainted.

“Mnu kan ga3d yijeesny?” Amal stuttered.

“Zoujich, shfeech? He was just putting some wet cloth over your face to calm you down when you kept shouting about,” Nawaf answered.

“I want my answers,” Amal tried to sit up but her head began to fly about for a second, dizzying her. Nawaf quickly kneeled down besides her, ready to catch her if she fell off the couch.

“Hey hey, shway shway.”

“Don’t ignore me,” Amal reverted back to the subject.

“We can’t talk now,” Nawaf whispered, careful with his words, scared that Saif would overhear them.

“3yal meta?” Amal hissed.

“How about never?” Nawaf cocked an eyebrow.

“Nawaf, I need to-“

“You need to know? Why? What’s it going to benefit you? Why can’t you just trust me? I fixed the problem, now continue living or would you want to go to jail?” Nawaf’s tone morphed from humorous to dead serious.

“Why would I go to jail? It’s self defense Nawaf, they’ll understand.” Amal pleaded on.

“Yes, they’ll understand that a woman stabbing a man countless times is self defense, of course they won’t put the news in headlines ruining the family’s reputation, of course they won’t consider taking away the kids because of how aggressive you were, of course Amal,” Nawaf’s words silenced Amal.

“Haa, still want to go to the police or choose my way?” Nawaf noticed Amal’s silence and the way her eyes were averted away from his, trying to rethink her choices. The choices she didn’t even have.

“I still need to know what you did,” Amal finally said.

“Why? It’ll frighten you.”

“Nothing’s less frightening and haunting than not knowing,” she breathed.

“Trust me, this is far more scarier.” Nawaf’s eyes were as hard as steel as he stared into Amal’s for a moment before having to break the eye contact once Saif’s footsteps grew closer.

“Shlounich al7een?” Saif’s voice interrupted the murkiness of the atmosphere.

“Perfect,” Amal forced a smile.


Razan, Amal’s daughter, wandered about in the dark lit house once her parents were sound asleep in their bedroom, in an adventure to look for food. Her stomach began to roar from hunger, her footsteps were quiet and slow, afraid to wake up anyone in the house as she tiptoed to the kitchen.

Her eyes looked over her choices of food once she pulled the fridge door open. She heard a loud clank! that scared her to bits. She was about to turn around to check who was there but a hand had covered her face, a stench of medicine filled her nostrils and mouth that caused her to black out instantly.

All she last heard before she saw pitch black were two voices, fighting with each other in hushed tones.


Don't forget to leave feedback! :D

What do you think happened to Razan?


  1. Can you please post more often?
    -anon k-

    1. Enshallah bas I have finals this week so I'm trying my best. :*

  2. wow amazing! i hope nothing bad happens to her! waiting for the next one;**

  3. WHAT HAPENED TO RAZAN? Who whould try to kidnap her?? Please try posting more often xxx

    1. MADRE, YOU WILL FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! (That I'm writing now nyahaha)


  5. Ah May Zing !!!!!!!
