Friday, May 24, 2013

The Tale Of A Broken Heart

Hey Masqueraders! This is a story I wanted to write for you guys and you guys inspired this one. I got a lot of real people, real readers to submit their stories and looks on my ask. The two people I picked were anonymous but once they read this, they'll know who they are. This isn't 100% true by the way! And I DO NOT know who these people are so don't bother spamming me or harassing me to know. They were all anonymous, it was easier to write when I didn't know who the person was, so I could add fictional parts and so on.  Hope you like this post, I'm travelling tomorrow morning and wanted to post something for all you beautiful lovely people. :D

This is a little different to what I usually write!


"Zaina? Shga3da etsaween?" A voice scared Zaina, startling her. She was doodling in her History notebook, ignoring the boring sounds of her professor in her class as her best friend, Fahda, sitting next to her. Zaina looked up from her book to catch those familiar dark eyes that she used to and still, loved so much.

“Uhm, wela shay, laish?” Zaina snapped her notebook shut, avoiding the dark eyes of Nasser. Fahda watched both of them, her mouth formed a slight ‘o’ as she was becoming more and more entertained by the whole conversation. Zaina tried not to give her best friend a laser glare.

“Oh, bas kent bas2lch su2al 3an el mu7athara,” Nasser continued on, his face seemed a bit nervous and shy. His hair was messily pulled back with some gel, to show off his handsome features, the left dimple Zaina loves so much and the small scar over his right eyebrow from his buggy accident last year. Just the sight of him, made her die a little more inside.

“El professor warak, ask him,” Zaina pushed away the softness that was growing inside of her and became steel hard. The history behind their story kept her ice cold.

“Oh okay,” he seemed weirdly disappointed, he frowned and walked away, his shorts slung low on his waist and Zaina remembered the millions times she would joke about how low he would wear his shorts and how silly he looked. She secretly loved this about him but used it as an excuse to talk to him for an extra hour on the phone through those endless nights of theirs.

Zaina, remember, he broke your heart, keep that in your head. A voice hissed in her head and made her ignore those lovely memories she cherished so much with Nasser.

“Hatha shyabe? Yaylich al7een? After what he did?” Fahda leaned in, her voice sounding snide. She was watching Nasser leave the already empty classroom with a dirty look on her face. Her hair was put up in a messed up ponytail, her eyes dead tired from the morning classes but she still looked as pure and beautiful as she always did, her almond shaped eyes full of dark deep eyelashes and her nude lips usually being drawn into a smile. But today, she was definitely cranky as ever.

“Madre 3ana,” Zaina shrugged, throwing her fingers deep into her long hair to massage her scalp, the headache easing deep into her mind.

“Hey, la tensain, my birthday’s coming up! It’s in July, remember?” Fahda’s face lit up, her hazel eyes looking into Zaina’s pitch black ones.

“Uh huh,” Zaina nodded, her head was somewhere else. It was whirring off into a night that was long ago but it felt like it was yesterday. 

January 5th, 2013.

“Zaina, a7bech, walla a7bech w abeech, khaly yiwaly!” His voice sounded angry but still sounded so comforting and fresh, he trapped her in the corner, away from their usual class since he pulled her away and had told her he needed to talk to her urgently.

“I c-can’t leave him, I don’t leave people,” Zaina stuttered but her heart was humming, ready to burst out of her ribcage. Nasser stood in front of her with a stressed expression on his face, like he wanted something so bad but he couldn’t quite have it. Zaina thanked God in her head that she was in a university in London and not back in Kuwait, she didn’t get any death stares from anyone passing by because they caught her speaking to a guy, it was refreshing and relaxing. But it also dared her to do things she usually would have never done back home.

“Leave him,” Nasser urged. “Or I’ll make you late to class.”

“Hey!” Zaina laughed, holding her hand up to her mouth, hiding her smile.

“Why do you keep doing that?” Nasser cocked an eyebrow, looking at her intently.

“Do what?” 

“Hide your beautiful smile,” Nasser’s eyes become far more serious, his dimple popping up ever so slightly.

“Speaking of class...” Zaina changed the subject, feeling her cheeks become hotter.

“Don’t change the subject, you’ll leave Faisal, you’ll leave him for me Zaina. La etchathbeen w etgouleen ench ma et7beeny akthar men 7beebch,” his eyes bore jealousy and anger when he mentioned Faisal’s name.


“He’s back in Kuwait, I’m right here in front of you. Be realistic, I won’t be surprised if he didn’t talk to another hundred girls behind your back when you left to study abroad,” his words jabbed Zaina’s heart, she still treasured her love for Faisal but he hasn’t been the same lately ever since she had travelled abroad.

You’re not one to talk, crushing on another guy while Faisal’s back in Kuwait, thinking about you all day. An evil voice had whispered into her head but Zaina pushed it away.


“Okay shnu?” Nasser seemed surprised.

“I’ll leave him.”

“Hello? Earth to Zaina? Wain r7tay?” Fahda brought Zaina’s thoughts back to class.

“Fahad!” The professor’s voice startled both of the girls. Fahda’s calm expression turned into anger.

“It’s Fahda, FAHDA,” she answered the professor, he was seated in his desk, sipping his coffee, watching both of the girls.

“Whatever your names are, class ended fifteen minutes ago and my next class is coming in soon, so get out, will you?” The professor’s bored eyes dismissed them.

“Ugh, walla akraha!” Fahda kept repeating as both of the girls were walking down the hallway, towards the exit of the university.

“Fahda, calm down, he’s British, he calls me Saina instead of Zaina, t3wdt,” she sighed, too depressed from the memories that kept rushing back into her head to really care about what the professor really said.

“Bas you know how much it annoys-”

“Fahda bas khala9 3ad! E7na mu yahal, it’s university, they’re English. Just get used to it already,” Zaina snapped at her best friend accidentally, taking out the anger she had for Nasser and herself onto Fahda.

“Wow, okay. 3yal khalech m3ahom, ana bamshee,” Fahda widened her eyes at her, astounded by Zaina’s rude tone of voice.

“Fahda, la wait dgeega!” Zaina held onto her arm, stopping her.

“Tara entay teghayertay 7ail, madre etha Nasser el sebab wela la2, bas when I got my heart broken, I didn’t act this way towards you, even when you were too caught up with Nasser to even notice me. I’m sick of of this, talk to me when you’re the old Zaina, not the jerk one,” Fahda stated in a cold voice before walking off. This time, Zaina didn’t stop her, instead she repeated Fahda’s words over and over again throughout her day, not able to forget any of them.


Zaina sat back in her uncomfortable bad in her dorm room. She usually shared the dorm with Fahda but Fahda’s been M.I.A all day, clearly avoiding Zaina. The memories that rushed back tempted Zaina to do some stalking. She clicked on Twitter and searched his name.

SEARCH: @FaisalAlX”


Her eyes skimmed down to the first few pictures of older men or pictures of roses until she reached one picture of a handsome young man, tanned from the summer and a huge smile on his face while in his hands, he was holding onto his furry dog. 

“Haa, et7eb Jackie akthar meni mu 9a7?” Zaina would joke to Faisal.

“Mu men 9ijich 9a7? A7eb chalb akthar men murte?” Faisal laughed, his voice deep and full of love.

“Awww,” she smiled through the phone, missing him terribly. She had locked herself inside her dorm room to call him, it was around midnight in Kuwait but he stayed up all night, waiting for her to call.

A noise startled her, it was her phone vibrating against her left ear. She quickly looked at the screen and a name popped up it might her heart flutter for a second and forget about Faisal altogether.

@NasserAlX: haa wainch elyoum?:p ma dawemtay class, mukanch embayen!”

“Zaina? Aloo?” Faisal’s voice brought her back to reality.

“Oh hey, I’m here.”

“Wain re7tay? Sa3a w agoulch aloo,” he sounded a tad suspicious but concern filled more of his voice.

“Wela mukan, bas tana7t.”

“Sheklch ta3bana, rou7ay namay, ban6irich bacher or any time you’re free to call. Mu ela al7een,” he sounded like he really didn’t want to tell her to go but he forced the words out, a big part of him wanted her to fight back to stay on the phone.

“I guess you’re right...” Zaina yawned. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Love you.”

“Khala9 okay, goodnight. I love you more,” disappointment was hinted in his voice but he covered it up too well for Zaina to notice.

“I’m so stupid,” Zaina whispered to herself, the memories disappearing and the images of her mahogany coloured dorm was spread in front of her. She stopped herself from stalking Faisal’s tweets, it would only make her chest ache even more. She typed in the second name, the second name that started all of this mess.

SEARCH: @NasserAlX”

It was as if every time her fingers glided over the keyboard and typed in a familiar name, the memories of that person would rush back and blind her eyes for a few minutes that seemed like decades to her.

“Nasser, shfeek?” Zaina had pulled Nasser to the side, they were outside their class and he had been avoiding her lately. They’d already been together for months, Faisal was old news and Nasser was all she could think about, but he had been acting like a stranger, drifting away from her.

“Ma feene shay, laish?” He coldly replied, trying to ignore her eyes.

“Nasser, look at me!” Zaina urged.

“Tara 3ndena class, el professor ga3d yekhiz,” he walked off into class, not letting Zaina continue on, even when he saw her lips open, ready to word her next sentence. That time, she stayed as close as possible to Fahda. Fahda had been depressed lately over her heart being broken too, it was as if everything bad had been happening recently but Zaina was too engrossed into staring at the back of Nasser’s head to ask if Fahda was okay.

Fahda’s boyfriend had been real, he had been serious, he planned a marriage when she was going to graduate and a plan was set up and everything but all of that melted away when Fahda’s boyfriend’s sister had found out, scaring him off from continuing anything with her. 

“Zaina?” Fahda whispered, her eyes were puffy and red. It wasn’t enough that her parents were divorced and she already felt alone, even her only first love had left her. His reason was understandable but Fahda couldn’t dismiss the fact that it still hurt.

“Yeah?” Zaina acted like she was busy with writing down the notes from class but really, she was too busy thinking of why Nasser was acting so weird.

“La2 khala9 wela shay,” Fahda noticed Zaina’s lack of care and brushed off the words that she wanted to say. Zaina didn’t bother asking her what’s wrong or to force Fahda’s words out, she was still staring at Nasser’s wavy hair, wanting an answer.

“Nasser, dgeega! Wain raye7?” Zaina called out, rushing to follow him out of class once it ended. The 50 minutes of class felt like 50 light years but she managed to successfully sit through it.

“Oh hey,” Nasser seemed weirded out by Zaina’s approach. He looked like he was in a hurry to leave. “Uhm 3nde class-”

“La2, ma ra7 etrou7 ela lema etgouly shfeek!” Zaina commanded, her eyes pleading him to answer her.

“Uhm Zaina, I don’t think we should be together anymore.” Each word felt like a prickling needle that was being sewn inside her heart, she stared at him, in shock, not knowing what to say.

“I hope we can stay friends bas walla al7een 3nde class, lazem arou7.”

And just like that, he left, not even allowing Zaina to process his words or to ask for an explanation.

That was the last time they ever spoke to each other, until today, when he approached her out of nowhere.

“Oh, you’re here,” Fahda’s voice crushed Zaina’s hurtful memories. She was caught by surprise when Fahda walked into the dorm room, looking annoyed that Zaina still existed.

“Fahda I-”

“Save it for someone who cares,” Fahda shut her off. “Bakheth aghrathy.”

“Wein ray7aa?” Zaina bolted out of bed, watching Fahda gather up her clothes and stuffing them into a duffel bag.

“3nd Nour, her apartment’s close. I’ll move out by tomorrow,” Fahda avoided Zaina’s eyes.

“I’m a b*tch, a complete b*tch, okay?” Zaina sighed. “I’m so sorry, please Fahda don’t leave. Please.”

“I won’t say that you aren’t,” Fahda still seemed angry.

“Fahda I’ve been so selfish, so caught up with Nasser, I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me. Fahda please!” Zaina held onto Fahda’s arms, her eyes filling with tears. “I need you.”

“Zaina, okay okay la tabcheen 3ad...” Fahda’s anger was melted away, she had a huge soft spot for people who cried but also, she had a huge heart. Her anger never lasted, it quickly faded away.

“I’m so stupid for losing you over that jerk and losing Faisal,” Zaina’s tears kept flowing uncontrollably, her eyeliner beginning to melt off of her skin.

“Zaina, it wasn’t your fault. We fall in love with other people, we leave them, we start new friendships, new relationships, it’s the cycle of life. We’re human, we make mistakes and that jerk made a huge one, leaving you. He was never worth it but you were only going to learn that when you had to experience it for yourself.” Fahda began to comfort her, holing Zaina close for a hug.

“Screw him, I can lose him. I just can’t bare the thought of losing a friend over a guy.” She sighed.

“You won’t lose me, just please don’t be the Zaina he turned you into. Please be the one I first met and love. Please.”

“I promise I’ll try Fahda, I promise!” Zaina pulled away from the hug to show how serious she was by looking into Fahda’s eyes, promising her to be better.

“Fahda, are you okay?” Zaina finally wanted to hear if her best friend was okay, she didn’t want to be the sole topic of their conversations, she had to ask about her for once.

“Walla I’m okay! I wasn’t bas I am now,” Fahda gave her a huge smile. “And you will too, you’ll be okay too Zaina, you just have to be patient.”

Zaina stared into her best friend’s hopeful eyes, for once, believing that she was really going to be okay. The next day, when she walked into her classes, she didn’t have that frown on her face when she saw Nasser, she had a huge smile as she chatted to Fahda, actually hopeful that she was beginning to feel like herself again. Nasser stared at her, waiting for her to notice him but Zaina kept her eyes off of his, ignoring his whole existence.

Zaina never forgot the dread and pain she felt when being in love, she didn’t forget the mistakes she made with leaving Faisal and falling for someone she couldn’t ultimately trust. She didn’t forget the mistakes she made with her friends, becoming a person that didn’t enjoy life unless it was with Nasser. No. She learned from them. She learned that not every man is a good one. Not every word is a reliable one, not everyone tells the truth and not everyone is perfect, but that won’t mean she’ll lose hope in others, for she also made mistakes too but that only morphed her into a better person. What happened, was supposed to happen. If it didn’t, then she wouldn’t realise that loving Faisal wasn’t right, or else she would have never fell for Nasser, for another man. She wouldn’t realise that friends matter more than boys if she didn’t have to go through the pain and the change and the mistakes she made with her own friends. Every small step of the way had taught her a new lesson and it had made her smile grow larger each day. Especially when she finally knew that she was too good for that jerk anyway. 


This story wasn’t entirely true but I chose two true stories and morphed them into one. Zaina exists, Fahda exists, Nasser and Faisal exist too. They don’t necessarily know each other and I myself, don’t even know these beautiful girls either. The entries were anonymous and the names were fake. I added more of my own ideas into the story because I don’t know every last detail of theirs and I wanted to make it more realistic than my usual murder/fairtytale types of stories.

I hope girls, even guys see this as a lesson to them too.

Pain isn’t always bad but that doesn’t mean you should always dive into it. You can learn your lesson today by reading this, rather than having to experience it.

Hope you enjoyed this, first time trying to write a true story in my point of view with my own fictional ideas added into it.

Leave comments/feedback please! Yiwanisny 7ail when I see your opinions. :D And sorry if I didn’t write it as best as I could, I’m tired and I have to be awake by 4/5 am but I REALLY wanted to post something for you guys. xx


  1. LOVED IT AMAZING <3<3<3

  2. Simply amazing! I can read for a whole day over and over without getting bored. This is such a realistic story, it touched me to the core. I can relate to the ideas and morals you've showed, I loved the way you made the events and flashbacks go smooth. You're truly talented, I think this is the first time I ever comment on your blog, I've been a silent reader for so long. I've always read your stories and truly enjoyed them. I loved your choice pf words, they were more than perfect. Thanks for posting such good idea of yours, keep this amazing work going on. I'm looking forward for more of this type of stories xx
    Ps; Have a safe flight♡
    Lots of Love;
    M-from UAE aka meem <3

    1. Wow wow, thank you so so so muchh!! This means a lot to me, especially
      coming from a frequent reader. :')

      Thank you so much again.

      You truly are a sweetheart!

      Much loveeee.

      Maryam. c: x

  3. Best post ever walla! Will you please keep owriting stories nafs hay?:( they're just amazing
