Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Paradise Chapter 12:

Hope you enjoy the new chapter! I post every week now and uni will start soon too so I think this works for me but if I can post earlier, I totally will. It all depends on me having the ideas or not cus most of the time I don't. :(

Thanks for being awesome! :D x


Previously in Chapter 11:

 “Someone has to be positive,” he grinned, finally looking into my eyes again.

“I’m glad that someone is you,” I blurted out and he looked a bit surprised but he covered his reaction with a warm smile.

“Jawaa I have something weird to tell you,” Hamdan looked nervous, it was weird; I’ve never seen him nervous before.

“Yeah?” I bit my lip.

“Jawaa I, erm-“

Before Hamdan could even continue, the door was pushed open and Deep Voice walked inside with the rest of the kidnappers behind him, scaring all of us.

Hamdan bolted up from the ground, ready to fight any of the guys but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

“I have a surprise for all you kids,” Deep Voice smirked, watching us in amusement.

“Surprise?” I croaked out.

This wasn’t going to be good.


“We’re going to change things up a little,” the voice was younger and it was definitely not Deep Voice. It was Young Voice, the younger version of Deep Voice. He was the one who had been around the most when we were first kidnapped but then he disappeared. He was back.

“Change things up?” I croaked out in fear.

“Yes, we have a surprise for you guys,” Deep Voice continued on.

“We’re all going on a little trip,” he continued on saying, his fingers were fiddling over his gun holster whilst the other kidnappers stood behind him, smirking. “Guys, blind fold them and tie them up.”

And just like that, the kidnappers took each one of us, tying our hands and blind folding us to avoid us seeing a glimpse of where we were going. I could hear Hamdan try to fight one of them off but the biggest kidnapper chose Hamdan on purpose to fight back incase he was being too violent.

Hamdan lost the battle had to get tied up twice instead of only once like the rest of us. I gave him a sad smile before my vision was blinded with the piece of black cotton.

“I’ll be the one handling you,” I heard a low whisper into my ear as the pair of strong hands were holding my arms, pushing me, forcing me to walk to a direction I didn’t know about.

The voice was too familiar.




It was Deep Voice.

“Wai3,” I hissed under my breath and he laughed, walking right behind me. I heard doors click shut and were unlocked open, we kept stopping then walking again then stopping, they controlled our every move.

“Ekhthaw hal sayara ana barou7 brou7e wyaha,” I heard Deep Voice give commands and I gritted my teeth in anger once I heard that Deep Voice and I were going to be in a car alone.

I knew we were outside now, I was grinding my foot against the ground under me and it sounded like sand, not something concrete. The weather was also super warm, it hit my skin with a force, and it felt like we were in the desert for some reason than any normal suburban area in Kuwait.
“Ha laish?” I heard Young Voice call out in confusion.

“Bas, shtabe?” Deep Voice replied.

“Khala9 okay bas 3laqal ekhith a7ad wyaak laish brou7k? Tara ehya madre shloun 9ayra, 3ade ten7ash,” Young Voice badmouthed about me.

“Shd3wa kela bent, you think I can’t control a little girl like her?” Deep Voice said in disgust.

“Khala9 okay, we’ll meet up at the same place, right?”

“Eee, khoush.”

Deep Voice pushed his fingers into my back, pushing me forward and my body obeyed, I began walking.

“Dehkhlay yalla,” he ordered and he placed his hands over my waist, pushing me into the car. It was the back of the car, I felt the super closed space, there weren’t any seats and my body had to be squeezed inside.

“Ya wailch etha 6l3tay 9out, fahma?” I felt Deep Voice’s breath against my cheek.

I remained quiet and he shut the trunk of the car. I heard the engine whizz inside the car once he climbed inside and pushed his keys into the ignition.

I had no idea how long the ride was, all I could feel were the bumps on the road because of how the car would nudge and the sides of the trunk would hit my sides, causing me to wince in pain. It was uncomfortable and he was driving too fast. I heard other cars and it felt like we were on some kind of highway.

I tried moving around to untie myself or to move the blindfold a bit over my head but I had no luck, I was stuck as a blind and unmovable corpse in the trunk of some kidnapper’s car.

After what seemed like hours, I heard the trunk pull open and the warmth of the sunlight had hit my already warmed up face.

“Dekhtay?” I heard his deep voice ask me.

I didn’t answer.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out of the car. I felt dizzy for a moment, it was so humid and dark, I just wanted to fall asleep for a bit. I didn’t realize it but I fell onto Deep Voice’s body, collapsing momentarily.

“Offh offh, shfeech?” He sounded surprised and held me in his hands. I was thirsty, starving and warm as hell, I was really going to faint, I could feel it.

His rough hands pushed the blindfold off of me and the bright rays of sunlight blinded my eyes. I finally could see, we were both in the middle of the desert.

What the hell?

I looked around me in panic, there were a few scattered tents far away and the road was a few miles away, I could hear the sounds of cars far off but I still felt stranded alone with him.

Now I was truly becoming even dizzier by the second, I was panicking, fearful and STARVED as hell.

My vision began to dim and blur, I stared at the masked kidnapper in front of me as long as I could before everything was painted black in front of me. Before I fell into the dark sleep, I felt his ands grab me once again, but gently, before I finally fainted into the blackness.


“Jawaa? Jawaa!” Cold water was seeping into my mouth and the voice was muffled, I couldn’t hear it properly but my mouth automatically opened to allow the water to drizzle into my tongue and down my throat.

“Hffff, mu wakta,” I heard him sound more worried than annoyed. I was squeezing my eyes tight before I pushed them open, it wasn’t as sunny anymore, and the skies were fading into colours of orange and pink. A face popped into my view, the dragon-masked kidnapper didn’t have a dragon mask on him anymore, it was more like a ski mask. The mask was black and had three holes, two for his eyes and one for his mouth.

For the first time ever, I saw his eyes. I imagined them to be as dark as his dangerous soul but instead, they were light and were the colour of the fresh grown trees I’d stare at when I was a kid, visiting California with my parents.

His eyes were truly green with splashes of almond green, I questioned for a second that if he was even Kuwaiti or a kidnapper, his eyes weren’t cruel, they were kind and reassuring.

“Jawaa? Akheeran!” He huffed, he was holding the water bottle over my mouth and his lips were dry but I caught the colour of his tanned skin.

“G-get off me!” I snapped at him suddenly, remembering that he was also the same man who hit me.

“Shfeech?! Ga3da asa3dch!” He yelled back at me in anger, his eyes growing darker as the sun began to disappear through the clouds.

“Etsa3idny?! YOU kidnapped me,” I spat at him, pushing him off and grabbing the water bottle from his hand, finishing the drink before he could steal it away from me.

“Ungrateful b****, I swear,” he grunted, getting up from the ground to walk off back to the car. I was lying on the sand, my hair smelled of desert and my knees were dirty, I tried cleaning myself up but I still felt pretty dizzy.

“Kaa, eklay,” he walked back towards me, throwing a paper bag at me. I looked up at him in surprise and smelled the food through the paper bag. I tore it open and saw french fries and a sandwich.

“What if it’s poisoned?” I looked at him with doubt.

“Do you want to starve to death? Kaifich,” he shrugged, having his own paper bag full of food for himself. He was eating a piece of french fry in front of me, making it harder for me to say no to the food. I gave up and stuffed a couple of the fries into my mouth, chewing the pieces of heaven.

“You’re welcome,” he watched me in amusement. I ignored him and continued eating in silence. He sat right besides me, doing the same, staring off into the distance.

I began looking at my surroundings. I could see a few tents far off and I was wondering if I could run towards that area and scream for help once I was done eating. I wasn’t tied up anymore or blind folded, he probably freed me while I was unconscious.

“Don’t even think about it,” Deep Voice muttered.

“Ha? Shnu?” I looked at him, confused.

“Don’t think about running to those tents, maku a7ad, 3balch ma cheyekt?”

“Shnu al7een ma agder akhiz 3la ra7te?” I annoyingly snapped at him, hiding my shocked expression. I couldn’t believe that he found it so easy to read my mind.

“La 6egeeny b3ad.”

“No sorry, I’m not like you. Violent and heartless.”

“Walla ench de3la, al7een 67tay ghashyana w sa3adtch w lal7een em3a9ba? Ley meta? Tara maleit,” his green eyes met mine.

“Tabeene a’97ak? Astanes? You kidnapped me! For God’s sakes, how blind can you be?” I snapped at him.

“Khala9 okay sektay bas, 3awertay rasy.”

I looked away, ignoring his presence.

Soon enough, it was beginning to get darker and I began to get more fearful of everything. He simply sat next to me, lounging and not doing anything. I couldn’t give him the silent treatment any longer, I had to ask and silence my growing curiosity.

“Okay, laish ga3deen hnee?” I broke the silence.

“I ran out of gas, mafrouth enrou7 mukan thane.”

“W al7een shnu? This is the great surprise?” I asked sarcastically.

“La2, ga3da agoulch mafrouth enrou7 mukan thane, shfeech 9amkha?”

“Offh okay bas ley meta ra7 neg3ad hnee?”

“Wai3 7anna, khala9 dageit 3leehum al7een bas nen6er.”

“Okay,” I looked away in annoyance, once again.

“Shfeech kela mtnerfza?” He looked at me.

“Ana? Etha ana mtnfrza 3yal enta shnu?”

“See? Proves my point,” he sighed.

“Do I need to give you the whole you-kidnapped-me story again?”

“La2 la2, heard that too many times already, change the story will you?” I caught him smile.

“To what? You murdering me?”

“Such a violent mind you have, more like into a more pleasant one.”

“There’s nothing pleasant about kidnapping and hitting,” I reminded him, finally looking at him once again. It was becoming harder to see him properly in the dark, his green eyes were now mahogany brown in the darkness.

“Hey, we’re going to be stuck here for a bit so either you play nice or I can be the a**hole you hate again, shtabeen?” Suddenly his voice sounded serious, scary serious. I could only remember how painful his hand would feel against me whenever he would hit me, it terrified me and I was forced to hide my attitude and hate towards him.


“Good. Al7een ey wa7d 9ar 7beebch?”

What?” I cried out in surprise.

“Mi7sen aw Hamdan?”

“Wela wa7d feehum!” I snapped at him. “Shal tafkeer?”

“What? You’ve never dated?” He smirked.

“It’s non of your business, stop,” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Atwaqa3 Hamdan 9a7? Kel dgeega ga3d yedafe3 3anch el 7m*r,” he snickered.

“Shaku?!” I wanted to just slap him now and then, he was being so annoying about everything. He was worse than my own friends Thajbah and Maha when they teased me about guys in our school.

“You’re such a goody two shoes,” he shook his head in disappointment.

“Metrabya, sh3abalk?”

“That’s no fun, bad girls are way more fun. 7asafa chan khathait Dalal, she looked like a bad girl.”

“Eee wallah, a7san meni, chan khathait’ha! So I wouldn’t be the one here stuck with you.”

“Laa, she’s too in love with Hamdan, too desperate. A7b elthgal,” he shook his head once again.

“Shdarak?” I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. How did he know the love lives of everyone or what was going on in the hostages’ room while we were all alone?

“I know everything little girl.”

“Stop calling me that seriously, ana mu yahel.”

“Chem 3umrch? 15?”

“Turning 18!”

“Aha, senior mu 9a7?”

“W enta chem 3umrk?” I asked, wanting to get some facts on him.

“Chem ta36eeni?”

“Walla m3a el mask, atwaqa3 20, el mask ye9aghrk,” I said sarcastically. “Y3ne shdarane? Agder ashouf wayhk y3ne?”

“Man, your attitude never goes away, does it?” He smirked, finding me amusing.

“I’m only nice to my friends.”

“You were much nicer before when you were playing with my guns bas I knew it was fake, what? Did you run out of fakeness now little girl?”

“I told you to stop calling me that.”

“I’ll call you whatever I want, get used to it, you’re my hostage, remember?”

“I wish I could forget,” I sighed, shooting him a glare.

“I won’t let you forget it,” he gave me a wink that made me feel even more disgusted, I didn’t even think that was possible.

“I’m sure you won’t.”

“Surprising, a girl like you never dated.”

“Would you stop talking about that? Ugh,” I was growing even more annoyed by the second.

“You’re not too bad to look at, shnu? Did you reject off any guys who wanted to date you or are you too innocent? Aren’t you in a mixed school, aren’t you supposed to be cool with dating w kelshay?”

“Just because I go to a mixed school doesn’t mean I have to date or be a wh*re, okay?”

“Offh offh ma gelna shay, haday shway. A9lan aku 7lween wela kela jeyakir nafs Mi7sen w Hamdan?”


“Aha y3ne Hamdan w Mi7sen mu jeyakir 3ndech?” He grinned.

“Will you stop it?! They’re like brothers to me, we went to the same school for years.”

“All the reason to find them attractive.”

“What’s it to you? Why are you so interested in my ‘love’ life?”

“Love life b3ad? 3ndech esm 7aga?” He laughed, making fun of me.

“You’re so immature, God.”

“My first girlfriend was a bad girl, I was only 12 back then, et9adgeen?”

“Tara ma se2alt 3ank.”

“It only lasted for like a month bas hey, at least I got my first kiss.”

“Wai3 jad enta wa9ikh, just stop it.”

“Second girlfriend was at 12 again, cheated on my first girlfriend, kanet maleeqa de3la 7ail.”


“Third one had a nice body bas ghabeya 7ail w lazga.”

“Enta shnu? You count your girlfriends?!”

“6ele3tay 9aida b3ad,” he started laughing, his deep voice sounding more playful now.

“Shnu?” I froze for a moment.

“You can’t take a joke? Ga3d atghashmar wyach, loosen up a bit will you?”

“W ana shdrane what’s fake and true with you? You’re so bipolar.”

“Shnu y3ne bipolar?”

“You change your mood super fast, multiple personalities.”

“Sounds like a super power.”

“Tara mu shay 7lu lema a7ad yigoul 3ank bipolar as an insult.”

“A9lan wela mara 6ela3 shay 7lu men 7aljich, bas kela insults.”

“Do you blame me? You ki-“

“Kidnapped me, hit me, blah blah,” he cut me off and continued my sentence in a girly voice, trying to imitate me. “Yuba fahamna, bas et3edeen elkalam.”

I huffed and ignored him.

“Don’t move, I’m going to go take a piss and if I find you gone, I will hunt you down and kill you myself got it?” He suddenly said, his words hard as steel.

“Okay,” I croaked out. I watched him walk off towards a bush to do his “business”, he had his back to me so he couldn’t even see me. I got up from the ground and ran towards the car before he could see me. I wasn’t planning to drive off because 1) I can’t drive, even for my life and 2) his threat was so real and I wasn’t ready to die.

Plus all my other plans were total fails, I didn’t even know how to start the car properly to escape but I knew for sure that I can search the car for any hints about his identity or try to call someone if I found a phone.

I climbed into the passenger seat and searched as fast as I could, the car basically had nothing.

No phone.

No wallet.


But I caught the sight of the gas information, it said that the tank of gas was full but Deep Voice said that the reason we were here was because we ran out of gas…

Now I was truly terrified and wished I could drive. But it was too late, I had to leave the car fast before Deep Voice was back but more than one question began to whirr around in my curious head.

What the hell is Deep Voice trying to do, trapping me here with him?

Was this the whole surprise?

Or was the surprise going to show up… soon?


Comment down below about your feedback! What do you guys think Deep Voice is trying to do?:o


  1. He wants to spend time with her :o?
    As always it's amazing!


  2. I think he loves her , and wants to spend sometime with her :D or maybe something else u never fail on surprising us love u and every post u post in this blog ❤❤❤
    And thank u a lot for the post


  4. I like deep voice ;p

  5. He has feelings for her and he is jealous of Hamdan and Mi7sen. He is keeping her there to spend time with her. <3

    Love the blog and eagerly awaiting your next post.


  6. I bet he has a crush on her,because he finds her challanging

  7. You never cease to amaze me
    Seriously it's like the story gets better and more exciting each chapter
    We love you and I wish you the best of luck in your studies ,hopefuly you won't take long for the next chapter

  8. He probably likes her or has a crush on her or something like that! AMAZING!!!<3!!

  9. deep voice is kinda attracted to jawa so maybe he wanna spend some time with her anyways perfecttt♡♡

  10. Pleaaase post bser3a !! Allah y5alech :( , i like ur story its very different from other blogs and the best of course ;* i cant wait to know the reason he told her the car ran out of gas

  11. Please post soon :c ❤❤

  12. Pleaaassee 5aleeha t7bah w she hugs him 3ashan she's scared please Maryammm :') !! She's scared mnn a lizard oo tn6 3aleh w she hugs him PLEASE

  13. LOVE IT!! HE LOVES HER !!! 7leilaa cute ! Enshalla enshalla they both end up being together !!! SO CUTEEEEEEEEE KIDNAPPER nd HOStAGE LoVE!! Ahhhhh can't wait !! I hope chalb y6la3 Mara wa7da and she gets scared and holds him tightly <333 or or or they sleep and he removes the mask and she sees him and its someone she saw ? OMG way too log for a comment ! Hehe oops
    Love it
