Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Paradise, Chapter 2:

I had the laziest day today, so lazy that I didn't even go to uni. I didn't feel good and I was constantly tired but writing really changes my mood so I just had to write and it cheered me up loads when I read all of your awesome comments about the first chapter. I appreciate everything you guys have done from me, from day one. It's already been a year of blogging and now that it's summer, it brings back so many memories of when I first started writing, of when I had only three followers and I still remember my first reader. Unfortunately, that first reader still isn't around but replaced with one, is hundreds of beautiful people, which is you, the person who's reading this right now.

Thank you so much!!

Be sure to tell me about what you think, it makes me so happy. c:

This goes out to Lulu, MABROOOOK! YOU'RE DONE WITH FINALS! I love youuu! I'm sure you've ACED every exam and kicked that evil Egyptian teacher's butt! xo

P.S: Sorry if it's a bit short, my brain doesn't have that many ideas yet. :(


Previously in Chapter 1 of Paradise:

I wished so many things.

I wished I were fighting with Joury over a dress.

I wished I were back with Maha, telling her how her boyfriend was so annoying.

I wished I were with Thajbah, discussing politics.

I wished I were with my parents, hugging them.

But the wish I really needed and wanted right now was one thing and one thing precisely.

A black cloth was pulled over my head painfully, turning my vision to the image of the hallways of my high school to pitch black. I stared into the blackness intently, my body moving, being commanded by the two kidnappers whenever the gun burned deeper into my back.

“What do you guys wish for?” My own voice echoed into my head, remembering the conversation I had with the girls fifteen minutes ago in class.

To be back in Miss Maria’s boring class, as if none of this had ever happened.


“Enta mu men 9ijik 9a7?” A voice hissed in the dark. It’s been eighty-five minutes. I know this because I’ve been counting them as the car I’m seated on has been moving so violently, forcing my shoulder to jam into the van’s wall to the right. I guessed that it was a van because we were seated up against a wall, not a seat and I could feel Muneera’s small feminine shoulder pressed against mine to my left and could hear her whimper during the whole ride.

We didn’t get a chance to see a thing, all we did was hear and feel. I didn’t hear the police’s siren or the people’s shouts, telling the men to free us. Life still went on, as if it was untouched by this kidnapping. It saddened me, knowing that my parents probably didn’t know anything yet and that no one has begun looking for us yet. When they will, we’d probably be so far off, somewhere I would never find out the location of and we’d be trapped.

“Shfeek?” The deep voice hissed back, it was the voice of my kidnapper. I didn’t know if there were any other students with us or not yet.

“Tadre mnu hathee?” Young Voice hissed back. I named him Young Voice in my head since his voice was much younger than the other man's, I clearly had nothing else to call him.

“Ey w7da? Hathee?” Deep Voice had asked and at the same time, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I moved away automatically, suddenly knowing that they were talking about me. I could feel Muneera’s shoulders tense up, she was listening to the conversation too.

“Hathee bent Al-X, maynoun ent? You know how much trouble we’ll get in now for kidnapping the Royal family’s daughter? I told you, pick the easy targets!” Young Voice had scorned.

“She was an easy target, kanet jedamy! W ana sh3rfny feeha? A9lan we can get money off of her, think about it.” Deep Voice had replied, his words caused my body to shiver but not from the cold, especially in this hot weather but rather out of fear. "W ent kalemny 3adel! Shayefny a9ghar e3yalk etkalemny eb hal esloub?! It was your job to tell who was who, you messed this up not me."

"Fffh khala9 okay."

I hate you Miss Maria. I loathe you for calling me up to the board. If I were back in my seat then they wouldn’t have ever kidnapped me.

I knew blaming my teacher wouldn’t do me any good but at least it put my fury onto someone rather than keeping it linger around me.

“Haa Bu Salem, we9lana?” Deep Voice called out, I could hear the sounds of cars passing us, the traffic overpowering the sound of Muneera’s whimpers.

Bu Salem, that’s one of the names. Remember it Jawaa, remember the name.

Yal ghabeya, akeed it’s a fake name, shaku yigoul esma el9ijy jedamich? Fakray shway! My conscience blared out at me.

Okay, in the movies they listen to their surroundings. Do that. What can you hear? Cars. Lots and lots of cars. The highway? We’re on the highway? How many highways are there in this freaking country? How is this supposed to help me? Ugh.

“Kaa, al7een benaw9al,” a third voice called out, probably being the driver’s voice. I was beginning to wonder on how many men were apart of this kidnapping.

“Yalla, asra3!” Deep Voice commanded and as soon as he did, I felt the van exceed its speed by how many bumps my shoulder got from the wall.

“Haa, 6l3tay mu haynaa ya bent Al-X,” the younger voice aimed right at me, I felt his hand on my shoulder again. His fingers felt rough and heavy, I tried to edge away but I was trapped in my corner, I couldn’t move.

“Riday 3lay!” His voice became more furious and terrifying, ready to battle with my weaker voice.

“Y-yes,” I croaked out, my throat feeling dry and rough from all the silent sobbing I’ve done.

“Khala9 3ad, besik Hussain,” Deep Voice snapped at Young Voice.

“I’m just trying to have some fun,” Young Voice’s hand quickly fell off my shoulder. I was guessing that Deep Voice was the leader, everyone listened to his commands and he had this calmness to him. Not the type of calmness that you found good, the type of calmness that even if they saw someone die in front of them, they wouldn’t be bothered by it. The type of calmness that was deadly.

“We9alnaa,” Bu Salem called out. And in a hurry, a felt a pair of hands grab me, pulling me up from my seat and pushing me out of the car. I automatically fell down to the ground, feel sand grind up against my left cheek.

“Shway shway 3leeha!” Deep Voice yelled, I immediately knew that whoever had pushed me was the Young Voice guy.

“Offh offh khala9 okay,” Young Voice annoyingly said whilst helping me off the ground, he did it violently, grabbing my arms and squeezing them with his hard fingers, not caring about genuinely helping me. But then again, he was a kidnapper, why would he want to be helpful?

The gun was against my back again; it made my body shake uncontrollably. I could take the rough hands hurting me but the gun terrified mistake, just one stupid mistake and BAM, I’m gone.

They pushed us along, I heard the sounds of doors, locks and whispers. I was lost; I had no idea where we were or where we were heading.

“Bsr3a! We have to do this quick,” Deep Voice ordered. A pair of hands pushed me down to the floor, the back of my head hitting the wall behind me, I couldn’t help but wince in pain. I heard Muneera do the same right besides me, this time; Deep Voice didn’t bother anyone to be gentle with us.

“Where’s the camera?” Bu Salem asked, I heard the men start to pace, their footsteps hitting the wooden floors. I knew they were wooden because they made the same exact sound from when I walked around on our living room’s wooden floors.

“Kaa al7een beyeeba, na6reena,” Young Voice answered.

“Offh hatha shfeeh? Laish 6awal?”  Deep Voice huffed.

“Deg 3leeh, shouf weina 3la ma ayeeb el laptop,” Young Voice suggested.

“La2 la2! La etdig 3la a7ad, they’ll trace the calls soon once they find out we kidnapped the students,” Bu Salem hurriedly said.

“We need to do this now before the freaking trace our IP address on our laptops, weina el athwal?!” Deep Voice sounded angry. Real angry, I didn’t understand a word they said but I knew the IP Address was how police could trace you from your laptop and find out where you are. I took it in my Computer class last year. For once, school education has helped me out.

“Kaa kaa we9al!” Bu Salem exclaimed.

“Yalla khaleeh yijahiz el camera 3la ma ajahiz el6ulab,” Deep Voice said. I didn’t hear the person they were talking so much about, calling him an idiot and asking about why he was so late yet. All I felt was, what I was guessing, Deep Voice’s hands. He was ripping my school blazer to shreds, taking off one of my shoes and I had no idea why but his hands weren’t as rough as Young Voice’s hands. And then he stopped, I could hear Muneera fidget and scream, I was guessing he was doing the same to her.

I didn’t bare a sound or express any movements; the thought of that gun on my back or ear again scared me enough to stay quiet. For some reason, they didn’t take all of our clothes off or rip all of them; I was thanking God that it wasn’t rape. They simply just made us look roughed up and damaged.

“Are you done? They need to look damaged, as if we hit them and abused them. We need to scare the parents.” A new voice entered my ears. It sounded so familiar, it had a heavy accent, an accent I found so freaking familiar. I couldn’t believe it once I heard it but my doubts were classified as correct once the piece of cloth that covered my face was taken off.

Light hit me everywhere. It attacked my eyes, blinding them momentarily before my eyes were transfixed on four men. Three of them had a dragon mask on but the fourth one, the one with the accent, the one standing behind the camera, was in his bloody uniform, a grin on his face.

“They’re ready,” Deep Voice said, standing next to the other men in their masks. The camera in front of us began to blink in red, telling us that it started recording.

“Smile for the camera girls,” The new man said, his accent pure of Indian, he had a dragon's mask over his face but he pulled it off of his face to bare a huge smile at us behind the recording camera.

Behind that mask was one guy who ate too much of M&Ms and spoke too much of Algebra three times a week in Maths class.

It was Jerry.


Don't forget to comment! :D


  1. omg this is such a good story, and Jerry wasn't died wow wasn't there blood wow that's freaky man this really interesting please keep going!-SAL


  3. So talented mashallah, you never fail to put a smile on your readers' face. -Haya

    1. Thank you so much Haya, I hope I'll always put a smile on your face. c:

  4. Super talented breathtaking story

  5. omgomgomg!!!

    so wait, jerry is a student, teacher or the IT guy? who is he exactlyy?

    thanks for posting!!!

    1. He's a student who was killed in the first chapter. :D

      Thank youu!!

  6. You never cease to amaze your readers!
    Whenever I read a story I think its my favorite and then you write a new one and it becomes my new favorite one!
    Loved it.
