Friday, June 7, 2013

Paradise, Chapter 4:

Hey guys! I'm so excited with this story so far and all your good feedback, thank you for everything. :D

I hope you'll like this new chapter as much as the others, there's so much more to come out of this story. Enjoy!

If you find any sort of mistakes, don't be so scared to tell me so I can fix them. c:



Previously in Chapter 3:

Next, I was forced outside of the bathroom but not at the same time as Haya. Haya was called outside and I was trapped inside. I had a feeling that Bu Salem or as his real name was, Mu6lag, had to take off his mask to act like nothing was out of the ordinary in front of his sister. He obviously couldn’t show me his face but why so sensitive about it? Could it be that if I saw his face, I'd recognise it?

Which only meant…

This Mu6lag, wasn’t only a student.

He was probably one of my classmates.

Or even one of my friends.


The ride to the new destination took what seemed like hours. It bore me to death and only increased my fears of what was yet to come. I was still processing the thought over and over again in my head about Mu6lag being one of the kidnappers.

Could it be the Mu6lag I shared Biology lessons with? Or the Mu6lag who always teases me about my hair? Or the Mu6lag I barely knew but he was always the quiet one in all of the classes? I couldn’t put my finger on it, the voice wasn’t familiar, non of the voices were, it wasn’t as if I heard them before and I couldn’t tell the difference on who was who by just looking at the bodies. It wasn’t as if I memorized every detail in all of the guys’ bodies back in high school.

I was completely lost but one thing I knew, the house I was in was definitely Bu Salem’s and Haya was his sister’s name, her real name. I felt one step closer to finding out their identities.

“HA! 5,200 views in less than an hour!” Young Voice cheered on, breaking the silence in the van.

“La testanes wayed, lal7een lazem nen6er,” Deep Voice said in an unemotional tone.

“Nen6er 7ag shnu?” Young Voice asked.

“Eee walla shnu bagee b3ad?” Bu Salem called out from his driver’s seat whilst I was trying to edge my hands out of the ropes they were trapped in. It was impossible, it was too tight around my wrists and it began to leave red marks over my skin. I knew this because of the incredible amount of pain I felt.

“We still have to record the other students we kidnapped,” Deep Voice’s words gripped my heart in a painful way.

Other students? Fee b3ad?!

“Oh ee 9a7,” Young said before silence was poured back into the little space we sat in. I could still feel Muneera’s shoulder against mine, shaking through the whole ride but my body remained calm. As long as the gun wasn’t against my skin, then I was calm.

Seventy-eight minutes had passed. Counting was what kept me busy through the rides and kept me aware of how long it took to get to the place.

After the seventy right minutes, I felt hands pull me off of my seat and push me out of the van once again. More violent pushes, more marks on my skin but I bore no sound, I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of listening to my pain.

“YALLA, ASRA3!” Deep Voice shouted into my ear, his spit disgusting me once it touched the skin of my ear. I hurried along; hearing doors open and close, footsteps behind me and locks turning, ready to trap us inside another room.

He pushed me down to the ground; it was carpeted instead of wooden so my behind didn’t go through so much pain this time.

“Offh,” I grunted once I landed on the ground. I heard Muneera do the same sound.

“Yalla, get the other students in here and start recording once they’re ready Rashed,” Deep Voice ordered but then I heard a door slap shut, footsteps disappearing off to somewhere. I heard someone else in the room breathe heavily and I was guessing that we were alone with only one person.

“You know Jawaa, I always had this crush on you,” a familiar voice said. It was Jerry-I mean, Rashed. The Indian accent was gone; it was his own original Kuwaiti one.

I remained quiet.

“You were always the prettiest one in Maths class, it was so weird when they put you in the nerd’s class, a pretty girl like you didn’t fit in with us nerds,” his voice grew closer, so close that I felt his M&Ms scented breath on my cheek.

“A liar like you didn’t fit in with a school like ours,” I spat at him, my fury burning inside of me.

“Tsk tsk tsk Jawaa, ana chathab?” Rashed said in an innocent voice.

“You helped them kidnap us! I thought you died, I thought your name was Jerry! Who the heck are you?!” I hissed.

“Haha I’m such a good actor aren’t I?” Rashed smirked. “That was fake blood, no one really noticed that I wasn’t really dead since they were on the ground, too scared to look at the kidnappers. But it was brilliant, wasn’t it? Ma7ad yegder yemathl nefse,” I heard the huge smug grin in his voice.

“But, it was a real gun.” I breathed out in fright as I remembered the feeling of the gun’s exterior again over my skin.

“For a smart girl like you, I thought you would have known that there are things called sound effects?” Rashed laughed. “It was so easy to just get up and leave the class room, no one noticed or did anything. I bet they think the kidnappers took ‘Jerry’s’ body off to dump it somewhere.”

“No, they’ll see the blood, they’ll investigate it and know that it was fake,” I pointed out, feeling clever.

“So? Jerry was kidnapped then or killed off somewhere else, who the f*ck cares about fake blood on the ground when there are students being kidnapped?”

“So you were Rashed all this time?” I gulped.

“Ever since I transferred late into the school this year.”

“W shloun ma e3refaw enk Kuwaiti? Akeed jenseitk mu Indian, shloun chithe?!”

“That’s for you to figure out,” he whispered into my ear, his lips barely touching my skin. I edged away, panting in fear. I couldn’t bear him be so close other than even touch me.

“W-why?” I breathed out. “Laish kel hatha?”

“Because it’s fun,” and with that, he lightly kissed my cheek before I heard him back off. His lips felt slobber-ish and disgusting, the tears quickly ran down my cheeks, I was defeated, I couldn’t keep up with my hard exterior anymore.

A door was pushed open and I heard two other bodies be pushed down to the ground next to us. I heard whimpering and sob that caused my chest to tighten.

The other students were here.

“SEKTAW BAS!” I was expecting Deep Voice to say those words but it was Bu Salem, or Mu6lag, whatever his real name was.


“Rashed, did you get the camera set up?” Bu Salem asked as I stared at the dark cloth’s material that was still over my head.

“Eee, yalla.”

And just like that, in the next minute, the dark cloths were taken off of our heads. Instead of being greeted with raw sunlight, we saw plain black darkness. We were in a small room that had black painted walls. I looked to my right and saw other two students seated next to us.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

It was Hamdan and Mi7sen, both boys were in the same school year as I was and was known to be the funniest guys in the year with probably the cutest features. Mi7sen was rugged, lean and tall where Hamdan was taller, slightly muscled and lean as well. They were both cousins and bore the same dark tousled hair and dark eyes with masculine jaws.

“Jawaa? Manour?” Both guys croaked out in shock, their eyes widening when they saw us.

“Haha, it’s like high school reunion but during their young years,” Bu Salem smirked, finding this enjoyable. I noticed that Bu Salem had a scar on his wrist, I stared at it and he noticed my eyes, he quickly hid it and looked to the left.

I followed his direction and saw another man in a dragon’s mask, I didn’t know who he was until he spoke.

“Yalla?” Deep Voice said.

“You guys know what to do, or else my friend here won’t be so happy,” Rashed gave all of us a smile, his eyes aimed at Deep Voice when he said ‘my friend’.

“Action!” Rashed clicked on the button over he camera and I saw the familiar red light blink, indicating that the camera began to record.

“Yal 7m*r ma ra7 agoul shay, go f*** yourselves!” Hamdan spat at the men, his dark eyes furious, if he wasn’t tied and trapped then he would have lunged at the men, ready for a fight. His body posture shouted angry.

“Hamdan,” Mi7sen hissed to his older cousin, trying to co-operate with him but Hamdan didn’t listen, he tried to stand up from his seat, wanting to fight and Muneera looked too frightened to watch, she had her eyes shut tight, the tears visiting her once again.

“Walla ghabe,” Deep Voice shook his head in disappointment. His hand reached to the gun holster and his eyes were on Hamdan but then I saw his fingers flinch for a second, his eyes quickly shifted from Hamdan to me. He tucked the gun back in its holster and began to approach me; my heart began to scream in fear as I watched.

Before I knew it, he grabbed a fistful of my chestnut hair and I felt every piece of hair try to tear our of my scalp, I screamed in pain and the others watched me in fear. Except the kidnappers of course, they found it funny.

“STOP IT!” Hamdan screamed, his mouth gaping in shock. Deep Voice was being stubborn, he only then grabbed Muneera’s hair but Muneera was even more frightful than I was, her screams were louder and her face had turned red.

“STOP IT YAL K*LB!” Mi7sen later screamed too, trying to lunge at the kidnapper but also couldn’t due to him being trapped.

My vision became blurry, I tried to focus on anything else but the pain was unbearable. My worries used to be split ends but now? I was worried of being bald. Deep Voice let go of Muneera and she fell down to the ground, her head had landed besides Mi7sen’s leg and she sobbed into the ground. Deep Voice didn’t let go of me; instead, he only let go of my hair but put around one of his arms around my neck, suddenly choking me.

“N-no!” I choked, I couldn’t feel much oxygen, my throat was being clenched even more forcefully by his biceps and I tried to fidget and turn to stop him.

“KHALA9 OKAY!” Hamdan screamed and I could have sworn that I saw his eyes tear up for a second but my vision became even blurrier, it was as if sleep was welcoming me in, the kind of sleep you never wake up from.

Hamdan’s stared back into the camera as he screamed the following words through clenched teeth: “HELP US BEFORE THIS F*CKER KILLS US!”

“PLEASE!” Mi7sen shouted too.

“P-please, yuma, yuba, allah yekhaleekom, anyone!” Muneera suddenly got up from the ground, in-between sobs, and she began to plea.

And just like that, Deep Voice’s arm let go of my throat and I sucked in gulps of breathes, beginning to cough uncontrollably.

“And cut,” Rashed gulped but this time, he wasn’t grinning or anything. Even he looked terrified of what had just happened. He shut off the camera and tried to erase the emotions from his face.

“I told you little sh*ts, listen to my orders or pay,” Deep Voice spat at us as I lay on the ground, still trying to take as many breaths as I can, my throat beginning to ache.

“Upload the video and lock them in,” Deep voice said, leaving the room. Young Voice was nowhere to be seen and Rashed had already left with Deep Voice. Bu Salem stood in the room by himself, watching us with a smirk on his face.

“Yahal, walla yahal,” he smirked.

Hamdan glared at him, he was about to speak, I saw his mouth open for a second but then Mi7sen bumped his shoulder, obviously telling him silently to shut up.

Bu Salem freed us from the ropes but made sure that the guys were last, he didn’t want them to do anything funny or try to attack him. He had his gun aimed at us to stop us from even touching him or fighting back as he edged away slowly towards the door.

“No funny business,” he said, his gun pointed right at us. We all stared back at him, waiting for the bullet but instead, he grabbed the door knob, ready to shut us inside but before he locked us in the small windowless room, he said the following words that caused a shiver to trail down my back.

“Welcome to Paradise.”


Don't forget to leave some feedback! Comments or or @vieblogue. Thank you and have a blessed Friday. :D xo


  1. FIRST!! i swear if you publish a book i would buy all the copies and re read it over and over! so talented mashala, be sure to post soon love! xx

  2. What can I say? Feedback to this over amazing post isnt too much to ask for but is hard to say! speechless. the way you write is different from all the other bloggers but much better. most talented blogger ever! Love how you had 0 ideas i think but wrote this lovely story! Really excited to know what may happen next! WOW... The only blogger that I am 100% sure that If someone read your story they will never hate it or make fun or think it was "stupid" or have negative comments except if they were jealous. LOOVEEE your way of writing. dont stop writing: millions of people out there should know about you! I am now speechless i dont know what i can say. You are beautiful: your blog is too! 10000 words arent enough to speak about you/ur blog! THank you&ya36eech el3afya beauty:*-

  3. Please make her fall in love with deep voice

  4. OMG that was utterly amazing!!!!!! Thanks for posting I love u to death and I can't wait for ur next chapter.

    This will keep me going through exam week.

    -L :*

  5. I've read more than 85 stories, I've been reading blogs since 2009 and I never commented on any of them, not because they we're bad bil 3ax most of them were amazing but non of them made me leave a comment but this story? Your story? Is beyond amazing, its so craetive and different a very unique idea I'm really impressed KEEP IT UP!!!! And I guess I'm not a silent reader anymore, I couldn't help but leave a comment! -477

  6. A M A Z I N G! Mashallah, you should seriously write a book. This is your fourth story? Or third? Bess either way all of them were amazing, and your such a talented writer mashallah 3alaich! Keep it going I'm soo curious to know what happenes please post soon and thankyouu for posting elyoum!
    -L xo

  7. Ohhh and one more thing! I just want to make sure... About the guys, there's 4 guys sa7? Rashed, Bu Salem/Mu6lag, deep voice, & young voice.. Was it young voice ely kidnapped Jawa? *sorry bess I got confused:$*
    -L xo

  8. OMGOMGOMG!!!!!! i just can't!!!! speeechless!!!


  9. you leave me wanting more
