Sunday, June 9, 2013

Paradise Chapter 7:

Hey! It’s time for a new post, YES! Favourite part of my day is writing. :’)

Someone on my ask already cracked the mystery mashallah! I won’t say what she said cause I was planning to write this part ages ago but I hope you anonymous genius will enjoy the reading story anyway! Xo

Thanks to RM for an idea in this post about the parents! This one's for you. x


Previously in Chapter 6:

And just like that, I heard the locks and my heart began to beat furiously. The pain was throbbing but the fear was back.

“Hamdan, n-no!” I croaked out in fear, I looked up and had found Deep Voice standing in front of Hamdan, looking calm and collected. His following words haunted me but he said it so easily and coolly, a hint of a smile in his voice, a mischievous smile.

“Someone called me?”

“Eee ana, yal k*lb,” Hamdan spat at Deep Voice in anger.

“Shtabe yal athwal?” He smirked.

“Hamdan, la2 allah yekhaleek le etsawe shay!” I begged while the others watched in fear.

“He hurt you! Tabeene ag3ad chithe w ana sakit?!” Hamdan turned around to reply but at the same time, Deep Voice took it as a chance to punch Hamdan forcefully into his back, causing Hamdan to fall back onto the ground.

“Hamdan!” I screamed and watched Hamdan hurry while he tried to stand up from the ground, ignoring how the floor hit his jaw and caused his lip tear open, the blood oozing out in front of my eyes.

Hamdan reached out to grab the mask off of Deep Voice’s face but Deep Voice was far too quick for him, he pushed his hard knuckles into Hamdan’s face, Deep Voice’s golden ring grinded up against Hamdan’s bare skin, slicing it open.

“Mi7sen! Help him!” I heard Muneera hiss in fright but once I looked back, Mi7sen was in the far corner with a frightful expression on his face. H froze in his place, unable to move.

I crawled towards them as they fought, they didn’t pay any attention to me, I heard Muneera try to whisper that I should come back but I ignored her. As Hamdan and Deep Voice were trying to throw punches at each other, I grabbed Deep Voice’s leg, hugging it, forcing him to stick to his position as Hamdan successfully punched his fist into his mask. A part of the mask was torn apart by the sudden punch, I got an image of Deep Voice’s tanned skin, he had a slight beard and I was so close to seeing the rest of his face but he caught me, he pushed his foot into my face, forcing me to et go of his whole leg once a shot of pain hit my jaw once again.

“Jawaa!” Muneera yelled out, running over to my side to help me up from the ground.

I didn’t see what was going on anymore, my vision started to become blurry, all I heard were the shouts and screams of men fighting and the occasional punches and grunts.

Everything began to spiral in front of me, the walls began to dance, the floor began to sing and the air around me froze up against me.

And soon, blackness swept over me and engulfed me into its dark embrace.


“3lyaa2! 3ALYAA2!”  Faris called his wife from the top of his lungs. He knew his wife had been trapped in her bedroom ever since the kidnapping, crying constantly and demanding that her daughter would be brought back by today but Faris remained strong, he was the man of the house and he was expected to be the family’s anchor.

The police had just left and were done questioning the family, Faris wanted his wife to come down already once the men was gone but she wouldn’t reply to his calls.

“3alyaa2!” He yelled once again but no reply.

“Yuba, omy ma ra7 etrid 3laik khala9,” Joury, his daughter sighed. Her eyelids were swollen with puffiness from all the crying she had been doing too but she remained by her father’s side throughout the whole day. Faris sighed as well and sat next to his daughter on the couch, staring at the chandelier that remained above them, the crystals glinting with the lights.

“Yuba,” Joury murmured, staring at the glinting chandelier above them, as if it held all of the hope they had in its tiny perfect diamond resembling crystals.

“Halla 7beebty?” Faris replied, his tone sad.

“Tetwaqa3 benelgaha?” Her voice had bits of hope hidden behind it but she tried to sound mature and strong, wanting to act as the role of the eldest in the family.

“Akeed benelgaha!”

“How are you so sure?” This time, she sounded young, like a lost and confused child. It broke her father’s heart.

“Bas goulay enshallah 7beebty, bas goulay enshallah nelgaha,” Faris tried not to tear up but he lost every ounce of strength inside him, the tears filled his eyes and his daughter noticed them straight away, causing her eyes to fill up with tears as well. Joury grabbed her Dad’s arm, hugging it as close as possible as they began to cry quietly, trying to imagine that Jawaa’s presence was still existent in the house.

But sadly, it wasn’t.


“Jawaa? Jawaa! Goumay!” Muneera’s voice filled the darkness up with light, bringing me back up, pushing the unconsciousness away.

“Hmm?” I groaned, lost. Wasn’t it too early to wake up for school? And why the heck does everything hurt? “Is it school time?”

“No Jawaa…” Muneera said, her tone sounding sad. Once my eyes shot open, I saw the empty room and the black painted walls; they brought back the memories I forgot about for a few beautiful seconds. The memories hurt; it felt unfortunate that I couldn’t delete them with an easy click of a button.

“Oh,” I sighed and winced at the same time, the pain unbearable to handle. I was laying on Manour’s lap but I could see at the corner of my eye Hamdan lying down on the floor, he was bruised all over his face and blood drenched his what used to be was a white crisp uniform shirt.  He lay unconscious and Mi7sen sat next to him, trying to dab his blazer over his cousin’s face, cleaning him up.

“W-what happened?” I whispered.

“The kidnapper beat him up pretty badly, you’re lucky you fainted before he could do anything else to you. He was so angry, Mi7sen didn’t do anything but to be honest he’s smart to not have done anything or else that kidnapper would have called his other friends in with him to cause a bigger fight,” Muneera murmured quietly.

“Is he okay?” I called out to Mi7sen. Mi7sen looked up, his face looking tired and definitely worried.

“He will be enshallah, are you okay? El7emdellah g3dtay!” Mi7sen gave me a sad smile.

“Eee I am, just a few bruises, nothing I can’t handle,” I forced a smile back.

“Malet 3laikom ana ga3d tara,” Hamdan groaned.

“Hamdan!” We all surprisingly called out, seeing him wince over and over again in pain as he tried to sit up properly.

“Shfeekom metfaj2een y3ne?” Hamdan seemed bored; he pushed Mi7sen’s hands away from his face, not wanting his help.

“Shfeek ga3d tetmathel ena mu tawa that b*atard beat you up?” Mi7sen looked to his cousin strangely.

“Because he doesn’t get the benefit of hearing me whine and cry from his lousy skills in punching,” Hamdan winced once again, trying to crack his neck.

“You are unbelievable,” I managed to laugh, ignoring the pain I felt in my jaw as I did so.

“That’s a good thing, right?” Hamdan grinned, his left eye all swollen and purple but his handsome face was still intact.

“Yeah yeah,” I smiled. “How much of a mess do I look like right now?” I turned my face around to face Muneera to ask her.

“Uhm, you’re swollen shway and bruises are on your cheek bas tara walla it’s not that bad Jawaa!” Muneera tried to comfort me.

“You look perfect, mafeech shay Jawaa,” Mi7sen interrupted our conversation. I blushed slightly but ignored it.

“Mr Romance,” Hamdan teased Mi7sen but his tone wasn’t as playful, he sounded slightly mad for some reason.

“Thanks Mi7sen,” I gave him a genuine smile.

“Just being honest,” he shrugged in reply.

“Waai Mi7sen, etghazil wayed! W el mshkela, you have the worst timing in the world!” Muneera exclaimed, laughing at Mi7sen’s embarrassed shy face. Muneera was 14 and rather young but she had the bravery of a lion sometimes, she would throw the most ridiculous phrases and words in people’s faces without a care in the world.

“I totally agree,” Hamdan joined in, enjoying Muneera’s words.

“You guys!” I laughed, once again ignoring the pain.

“I was just trying to make Jawaa feel better, okay? Just admit that you guys are jealous that I’m not trying to do the same for you guys,” Mi7sen huffed.

“Yeah and I wonder why it’s only Jawaa you’re trying to cheer up, w e7na?! Haa Mi7sen?!” Muneera teased some more.

“Hey, save the best for last, right Manour?” He gave Muneera a seductive wink and I could have sworn I saw her blush for a second, becoming tongue tied before she said the following words:

“Waiii, 9ej Mr Romance. You’re too much of a flirt!” Muneera shot back at him, laughing again.

“You guys,” I suddenly said.

“Halla?” They all replied at the same time.

“Tara ye3t,” I sighed.

“Offhh, 3ad elyoum ghadana mchbous!” Hamdan excitedly exclaimed but his smile vanished after a second, once he realized that he wasn’t on his way home any time soon and he wouldn’t be able to get a taste of his mother’s cooking.


“We need to get out of here,” I finally said.

“How?” Muneera asked.

“I think I have a plan.”


Don’t forget to leave some feedback down below in the comments! Thank you. xo


  1. FIRST! i was always a silent reader w kil ur stories 3ajeebeen please post tomorrow. bs umm a7s the fact ina u mentioned that jawa is the grand-daughter of the ameer isn't good l2n fe nas mar'9a bymskoon elsalfa w ydawroon ay wa7da mn a7fad elameer 9fat'ha greeba w by2alfoon ina 9ar feha che. i think you should change that to mathalan mn elroyal family, mb dawla mo3ayana, w a relative to the ameer but dont mention the relationship. n9 elesh3at t6l3 che. sick people, ughh.

  2. Omg omg lovedddd itt! Misakeeen Hamdaan & Jawaaa! Bess I love all 4 of them! & I soo want to know shnw the plan is! Post sooon!
    -L xo

  3. A M A Z I N G!! Post soon!! ;*


  5. AHHHH!!!!


  6. wow i read because the way you discrabe is very entertaining

  7. Addiction!
    You have a special way of writing imaginary stories! Keep it up x
    I read lots of blogs before reading yours, and they were way boring. Now everyone is trying to copy other's work. They don't even try to imagine new ideas as you did through your stories. Plus, you showed us different faces of reality.
    You're talented mashallah!
    By the way, I've been reading your stories since 3 days!I couldn't stop reading it.

    Best luck x


  8. Hey can u write today?! Cuz I start exams tomorrow and I can't read ur posts so plz try to write today!!;**

    -Maryam =D

  9. So heartbreaking for them to realize its not a normal day, its not "having machboos" or "going to school" <3

    Lots of Love


  11. it has been 3 days has passed and you did not post

  12. Pls write this weekend!! MAGDAR AN6R B3AD!!

  13. Please please post. Soon

  14. I can't wait till the next post! i love your story plz post soon!


  15. 7 days waiting.. 7 days.. Uf please post walla 7ail nan6er 3ala nar 7aram 3alaich!

  16. Thank you guys for all the wonderful comments! They made my day!

    As for the people asking for posts, I write on my twitter more than once that my blog is on HOLD. I have exams and university, it's a summer course, it lasts a month taqreeban so exams and quizzes are pretty much doubled and comes up faster than a regular course obviously.

    Just wait please, I have a life and education other than my blog. Thank you so much for understanding. o/

  17. Hello ikthay ra7tich bas I just wanted to tell you hang on to your studies and that we all love you and we're waiting
    (oh and plz if you have any free time post plz)


  18. I'm not going to keep on saying post because it may annoy you, and you may not have all the ideas ready in your head or just dont feel like it! :(

