Saturday, June 8, 2013

Paradise Chapter 6:

Hey, I’m in an awful mood today but I still wanted to write for you all. It’s short but it’s better than nothing. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Dedicated to the beautiful Nabila who dmed me today, wanting to know more about the story haha! xo


Previously in Chapter 5:

“I can imagine you Hamdan with make-up on so accurately that it scares me,” Muneera said in between laughs.

“Manour!” Hamdan groaned.

“I told you it was a good look on you,” Mi7sen chuckled. Before we could continue on joking around and laugh some more, a sound startled us.

The door was pushed open by a figure in a dragon’s mask, silencing our laughs and causing our smiles to vanish in seconds.

“You, you’re coming with me,” Deep Voice called out with his finger pointing straight at one person.

That one person being me.


“G3day!” I was pushed down to a chair in front of me. He had pulled me by my arm a few seconds ago in such a hurry that I only got snippets of my surroundings. It was a tiny hallway, not like the longer one I saw in the other house, this one looked like a tiny apartment and he had forced me into another room that actually had furniture. It had a desk on the right hand corner, a bed in with plaid patterned sheets tucked into it and simply lamp besides it. It didn’t look like a room someone actually lived in, more like a room someone had just rented.

Deep Voice stood in front of me, we were both alone in the room and I was terrified to bits. A few minutes ago Mi7sen and Hamdan were about to wrestle the guy down to the floor to stop him from taking me but he had a gun in his hand, which meant we were powerless.

“W entay laish ma tet7achain?!” Deep Voice snapped at me through his Dragon’s mask.

“At7acha 3an shnu?” I croaked.

“You’re the Ameer’s granddaughter! Ugh, that b*stard didn’t tell me that,” Deep Voice hissed the last few words under his breath. I stared back at him, clueless to what he exactly wanted.

“Shfeech sakta chithe ga3da etkhizeeny? T7echay!” He took a step closer, looking violent. I was terrified; it only silenced me even more.

“GELTCH T7ECHAY!”  He shouted more forcefully now, very close to easily punch me in the face but he had his hands clenched, trying to control himself.

“Sh-shagoul?” I stuttered.

“Is it true?” He hissed.

“Y-yes. I’m his granddaughter.”



“You know how much trouble we’ll be in now because of you little brat?!” He spat at me.

“It’s not like I told you to kidnap me!” I snapped at him, my anger taking control.

What the hell was his problem?! 7asesny ena the kidnapping was my idea!

“Kalmeeny 3adl!” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and I winced, remembering how painful his hands were.

“S-s-sorry,” I sobbed, the tears clouding my vision. I felt his hand relax and soon, his fingers let go of wisps of my light coloured hair.

“Okay tara besich bachee, walla maleina,” Deep Voice said sarcastically but the anger from his voice disappeared.

“S-sorry,” I croaked out again, the tears not listening to him, they kept flowing out my eyes.

“You’re staying here tonight,” he ignored the rest of my tears and grabbed some rope from the cabinet behind him, while he had his back to me; I did the craziest and probably stupidest thing I’ve ever done.

I stood up slowly from my seat; he was bent down into the cabinet, pushing the clothes to the side to look for the rope. As he was doing this, I snaked my hand into the holster that was attached from his pants and pulled the gun out as quickly as I could. My fingers trembled in fear and he had whipped around at the same time, freezing in his spot.

“You little lying b*tch,” he hissed, seeing the gun in my hand as I aimed it fearfully towards him.

“La etgarib!” I hissed, watching his foot slide closer towards me. “Or e-else I’ll shoot you!”

“Oh really? Yalla, shoot me,” he smirked as if I was bluffing.

I had no idea what to do with the gun and it felt weirdly light in my hands, as if it was easy to use. I was too scared to even try to fire but he kept growing closer and closer, I was walking backwards, away from him but soon the wall was against my back and I was trapped.

I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my finger on the trigger hard and waited for the bullet to fire but all I heard was a click.

And water squirted out of the gun, wetting my fingers.

Deep Voice laughed so hard that I doubted for a second that he was even mad; I stared at the gun in my hand once my eyes were open.

All this time, the gun was fake?!

“Walla ench ghabeya!” Deep Voice kept laughing and I dropped the gun to the floor, my hands still shaking.

Jawaa, you are so freaking stupid.

“The real gun’s in that cabinet behind me, incase you ever think of actually shooting me for real,” he kept on laughing.

“I-I,” I stuttered, leaning back against the wall, too scared to move or say an actual word.

“Phew, I haven’t laughed this hard in a while,” he breathed out and the laughs had dissolved away. “Now, what to do with a little b*tch like you?” His voice turned serious, deadly serious.

“P-please, I-I’m sorry!” I begged. “P-please don’t h-hurt me.”

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly once I saw his hands grab my shoulders. He turned me around and pushed me up against the wall so my left cheek was grinding over the hard exterior of the painted walls of the room. I felt his body press up against mine from behind as he hissed into my ear with the following words:

“Mess with me one more time and I’ll kill you, got it?”

“I-I won’t d-do it again!” I sobbed.

He ignored me and pulled me backwards before pushing me into the wall, crushing my face into it, as if it was a piece of object. The pain hit my jaw before it hit my head, trickles of blood touched my lips and I accidentally licked some of it when I sucked in a lungful of oxygen. Salty and sweet, mixed in with my tears.

“P-please stop!” I screamed through the pain. He ignored me and held me by my arm next, throwing me down to the floor. My face hit the floor first, the carpeted floor thankfully didn’t damage me as much as the wall did but my ankle became twisted and a shot of pain filled my bones.

“Offfh,” I grunted, my face breathing in the dusty scent of the olive coloured carpet. His fingers grabbed my hair, using it to pull me off of the ground and pieces of my hair had been pulled out, the pain becoming unbearable.

I had my eyes shut the whole time but what it only did was make me concentrate on the pain more. It was pure hell. HELL.

Every part of me began to throb of pain and my face was wet of blood and tears, the blood oozing out of my lips and head.

“P-please stop,” I shrieked out in pain, his fingers were forcefully pulling out the strands of my hair. I couldn’t take it anymore. “PLEASE!”

“W etha gelt mabe?” He hissed.

“I’ll do anything you want!” I sobbed, the pain hitting me in every angle.


“ANYTHING!” I shrieked and finally, he let go of me, I automatically fell back down to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

“I’m keeping your word on that Jawaa Al-X,” I could hear the evil grin in his voice.

I had my fingers dug deep into my scalp, trying to soothe it but once I took my fingers out of my hair, I saw spots of blood on my fingers from the amount of damage he put me through. It only made me cry harder.

He watched me, enjoying my pain. All I did was give him what he wanted, my vulnerability, my fear, I didn’t put up a hard exterior, I was too weak to put it back up anymore.

“Yalla thelfay, mabe ashouf wayhech el z*g. BU SALEM! T3AL!” He called out in a loud voice. I wasn’t paying attention to anything, all I heard next was the door push open and a pair of hands forced me off of the floor.

Bu Salem was violent and rough, not caring that I was bleeding. He pulled me out of the room in a hurry, it felt like seconds as he pushed me back into the dark room were the others were, locking me, trapping me back inside.

“Jawaa!” They all cried out in surprise, seeing the blood and tears. I was back on the ground and I remained there, sobbing silently as they crowded around me.

“Jawaa, what happened?!” Muneera cried out, her hands touching my shoulders, trying to calm me down but I flinched to her hands. I was shaking.

“Jawaa?” Mi7sen whispered, sounding worried.

“WALLA K*LB!” I heard Hamdan yell out in frustration, he marched over to the door, banging on it, trying to open it but was failing.

“FET7AW EL BAB!” He screamed.

“Hamdan, stop it!” Mi7sen shouted.

“FET7AW EL BAB! ANA AWAREEKOM! YAL 7M*R ADRY ENK MAWJOUD!” Hamdan screamed at the top of his lungs.

And just like that, I heard the locks and my heart began to beat furiously. The pain was throbbing but the fear was back.

“Hamdan, n-no!” I croaked out in fear, I looked up and had found Deep Voice standing in front of Hamdan, looking calm and collected. His following words haunted me but he said it so easily and coolly, a hint of a smile in his voice, a mischievous smile.

“Someone called me?”


Don’t forget to leave some feedback down below in the comments! Thank you. xo


  1. AMAAAAZING♥ entaaaay 3aajeeeebaa♥ a7laaa w asraa3 blogger wanasa wayed tnazleen chapters☹☹♥♥ I LOVE YOUR BLOG & YOU♥♥-H


  3. you have a gift of writing i loved it i barely read blogs and this is very diffrent keep posting


  5. OMGOMG!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for posting!!!!!

  6. please post asap

  7. Omg.. The entire time we were imagining the rough scenes with Jawa's scalp bleeding... Hopefully Deep Voice doesnt kill Hamdan :(</3
    We can't wait for the next post!

    Lots of Love

  8. Wooooooooooow that was amazing mashallah mashallah mashallah mabee a7sidich this was the best way to end my first day of exams thank you soo much for posting!!!! :*

    -L :*
