Sunday, April 24, 2016

Love to me

Love to me is someone who calls you up randomly during the day to check up on you. Love is when someone sends you treats to your doorstep for no reason. Love is good mornings and good nights daily no matter where you are and what the time zone is. It's when someone shows you they're constantly thinking of you. It's when you find their names in places they've never been and see their face in books they've never read. It's when you dream of them from songs and movies that trigger the memories of them. Love is when you forget what pride ever meant because all you worry about is their wellbeing. Love is when you'll steal your own smile off of your face and promise to give them every smile you'll ever have. It's when you promise them the best of you and vow to never shed your worst to them. It's when you take all of the weight they carry till your own back aches. Love is when you don't remind them of their faults and constantly promise them that they're more than perfect. It's when you let them go if it means it's better for them in the long run. It's when you vow to make them happy no matter what, even if it means you'll end up being depressed. It's when you allow them to leave and come back just as they please to give them the comfort they need. It's when you listen to their voice for hours and hours complaining about silly things, but you remain by their side, showing how each word that leaves them is more important than anything else in this whole world. Love is when you give yourself away, you surrender all of you to them even if they didn't ask you to; love is when you become completely entitled to them, so entitled that everyone else don't just blur out of your vision, but they ultimately disappear and all you see, breathe, touch and smell is them. Life becomes them. And without them, life isn't worth living for. Love is you and when there's no you, I forget what love is. 

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