Sunday, April 24, 2016

You know it best

You know how each fire burns when a loved one leaves you, and so you promise you will always stay no matter what. You know how many daggers are sliced into your skin when someone betrays you, and so you promise you will always be loyal and kind. You know how empty your insides feel when you are stripped away of every bit of your pride and dignity, and so you promise you will always give all of you away voluntarily and not steal any part of anyone in return. You know how silent it becomes even when you're not alone, and so you promise to always keep everyone else company. You know how it aches when your skin hasn't been touched, and so you promise to always be loving to everyone you treasure. You know how hard everything could be, and so you promise to make everything easy for everyone that means the world to you. You know how blind to evil you can become, and so you promise to be their eyes so they could always see. You always know how it feels because you've allowed yourself to feel every last bit of pain. You promised to protect them; your promises are lost for people who don't love you back; your promises become every part of you but no part of them; you feel every fire, every dagger, ever sting and you give away your smiles, your time, your love and warmth... just because you know how it feels and because you know it would hurt you far much more if they ever felt the same pain too.

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