Monday, October 22, 2012


Eid is coming up AND my university midterm exams. DO NOT ask me when will I post or t7inoun on posts, please! I appreciate every read who has been patient and has let me post on my own time. I will not post everyday and I never know when I post, I just do and then I tweet to everyone that I've posted. I need to study, celebrate Eid AND take care of the contest.

I also need my winners for Le Chase before writing the next post, that's my priority before writing the next chapter.
As for the contest and when I'll announce the winners, I need at least a day to read everyone's entries, I have entries sent to my email and on my ask, it will take ages! And I have to be super fair and pick people that I will be able to write about. If you don't win, it doesn't mean your personality sucks or isn't different or as unique! If I could, I would write about each one of you but imagine direct messaging 80 people a day just to ask them about ONE post. That's HELL.

Just because I got male submissions, does not mean every guy can easily win since there's less guy competitors, if you did not write a detailed or a good persona about yourself then you will be replaced with a girl who has. Keep this in mind men!

My is open for contest related questions or entries, I will not reply to people nagging on me for posts or comments, because I honest-to-God, do not know when I will post, mu ga3da a3anid a7ad w agoul "madre" to piss anyone off, I just honestly don't know. If you want a good post, you need to give me time to get my ideas sorted out and I have university right now, it's not high school, and even if it was, it would still be hard to manage a blog with high school or university aside. Plus I've been sick as hell these 2 days, I can't even attend my quizzes, you guys want me to write a post with this huge headache? Call me a de3la, but I won't write a very horrible post, this is my blog and I want to keep it as good as I can make it, so I will never write a bad post just to keep people pleased, I need to please myself too or else I'll hate my own stories.

Thank you so much for understanding and for all the readers who entered the contest, good luck! This is 100% fair, I will not choose a person just because their appearance was great but their personality was bad, whereas another person may have had a more honest appearance and a great detailed personality written down, or picking a Kuwaiti over an Emirati (for example). I will try to pick a group of readers who are different from one another., so example I pick 1 Emirate, 1 Syrian, 1 Kuwait, 1 Saudi with great detailed entries. You can be any age, I will not change ages, if you're 12 years old and another girl is 17 years old, I can perfectly place you in my story with your age. W maku shay esma wa96a with me, if you know me personally, I love you to death but it won't mean you will win easily, same thing with people who commented first, it's not about timing, it's about the quality of the entries.

Thank YOU, every each one of YOU, who read my stories. The BEST audience a blogger could ask for, all of you are amazing and so considerate, wishing me get well soons everywhere and defending me, I am forever grateful to everyone! If I could, I would write 20 chapters in one day 3shankom. I WISH I didn't have university to worry about, if I had all the time in the world, I would devote myself to the blog and you guys. You all are a great blogger family to you, I just don't want any of you to misunderstand me of being mean or annoying with posts. So if anyone asks "where's the next post 6aweltay!" I'm sending you a link to this post, bagoulekom men al7een. :p

I can't wait to pick my winners for Le Chase and my new story! If this works out, I might do this again for my next next story. Please know that even if there will be real true characters, I will still add fictional ones to do the dirty work mostly, be smart, all the events will be made up so you can never point your fingers at any of my real characters and blame them for doing such a thing. It won't be 100% accurate but I'll try my best to make it that way. And my characters (the real ones) have the choice of staying anonymous, if they pick that choice then NO ONE'S questions about who they are will be answered, capiche? And no one has the right to be like "that girl HAS to be Flana Al X!" I know the drama of being anonymous, I was anonymous myself, stop your ligafa-ness and just enjoy the story, it's the person's choice to remain anonymous or not, respect it because it was their amazing entry that made the story even better with their true characteristics.

Hint: my next story is fantasy genre, not realistic at all, so imagine adding realistic people to the mix?  And it will be in 100% English, no one can change my mind about this decision, it's been ages I've wanted to write FULL English posts, I'm sorry if this will annoy any of you but I promise you there's loads of Arabic blogs you can switch to if you hate the No-Arabic part of my next story. 

New deadline for the contest is Wednesday, so Tuesday around midnight, I will disable comments and no one can add more entries or change their entries.


  1. 6yb can you give me some links 7ag el arabic blogs ? i realy need to reed some blogs (=|
