Thursday, October 18, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 33

Hello! I'm half asleep but I got my idea for the next chapter in the random-est way. As my old readers know (or people who read all my stories), I improve with every chapter/story. So yes, if you go back to my first chapter, I wrote in a very simple way thinking that people didn't like story-like blog stories, I didn't find many of them at that time but today? Mashallah! I've found so many blogs who write PROPERLY. And have amazing skills that they're finally showing off. Of course my writing would be more detailed and even better if this was a book, but at the end of the day, it's a blog written by a 16 year old, so of course I'm not going to be a pro; practice makes perfect.

This chapter goes out to the lovely @DanahAlBader, I got to meet her today at the fab Loyac celebration at 360 mall by luck, hope you all enjoy this chapter and good luck Danah for November, I know you'll do great!

For people who keep asking when this story will end, my answer is I don't know. I never plan my stories, they all just.. happen. Unless it's one or two ideas I've planned, but usually I have NO IDEA what will happen or how it will end, that's why when people ask me "3afyaa tell us what'll happen next! I hate the cliffhangers." I honestly answer with a I don't know. I honestly honestly honestly know what'll even happen in this chapter, I just have one idea for it to start with, the rest are.. just blank. I'll just get my next ideas when I start writing.

**I am 100% AGAINST smoking, I have no idea how to tastes like but I make up things as I go along and these advantages of smoking are very general stuff you take in Biology in high school. So stay away from the deadly substance, and to all the guys (and girls) out there, you are MORE attractive if you don't smoke and have a healthier set of lungs. It's never too late to quit or try to quit.


Previously in Chapter 32:

And just like that.

I was blocked from her Whatsapp, Twitter.. everything.


3 and a half months later...

"Thari asra3!" My mom screamed, her voice strained from all the yelling she's done all day. The sun blinded me momentarily, I stuck a hand over my eyes, creating some shade for my eyes.

"Yuma besmellah ne6ray shway," I grunted. Beads of sweat formed over my forehead, my biceps feeling warm and tanned under the sun, I was wearing a sleeveless shirt paired with a pair of shorts. The winter had said it's farewell and summer had smiled with a hello. A very bright and hot hello.

"Wath7a sa3day okhouch," Mom told Wath7a. A straw hat was over my mother's greying hair, her voice sounded impatient and annoyed but her eyes were full of happiness. Happiness I haven't seen in years. Wath7a scurried over to my side, we were outside our house, unloading the Range Rover with our heavy sets of bags. We had just came back from our chalet weekend in the area called "Khairan". And tomorrow, I'd have to go back to university.

And face her again.

"Wein el khedam?" Mom crossed her bare yet pink-ish arms over her thin shirt, she never tanned properly, she was as white as a sheet. I was growing used to seeing her a lot, after that day outside her friend's house, she finally came back to her senses and came back to us, not bothering to stay away for another second.

"Neseitay? It's their holiday today." I chuckled, passing my mother, holding three large duffel bags. Two straps were wedged in one hand, the other one, the bigger duffel bag, in my left hand. Wath7a followed me, her tiny hands holding plastic bags that carried our extra stuff like shampoos/tanning oils.

The cold air conditioner slapped my bearded face once I walked into our vast house. The house was different. I dumped the duffel bags down to the marble floor. The decor of the house used to be so neutral, now there were splashes of colour where my mother had added artist's paintings around the depressing looking walls, making them look livelier, as if someone actually lived in the house.

I could only remember the days I dreaded coming back to this place, hating the sight of my father and his second wife. Becoming disgusted by each minute I had to sit in the same room as him. Now? He's gone, house by himself with his pregnant wife. My mother filed a divorce, got the legal papers to the house and 75% of his money after threatening him she'd go to the police with proof of him cheating against other companies if he didn't give her the house or some money to live on.

"Thari wein ri7t? Shfeek 6awelt?" Mom called out once again, I realised I spaced out and my eyes were staring dreamily at the colourful painting my mother purchased and hung on the champagne coloured wall in front of me.

"Asif, kane kane!" I answered her, hurrying back to collect more bags.


"Thari, alooo?" 3abbas waved a pair of his meaty hands in front of me. 

"Ha, ee ga3d asm3k," I lied, we were both seated outside the university, under the hot sun, a light breath of wind hit us, cooling us down. 

I spaced out, again.

The image of people passing us outside, holding onto their textbooks, different faces whizzing past me. But only one face caught my attention. It also triggered a few memories, making me feel even guiltier for the cigarette that was wedged in between my two fingers.

Layal's fresh face came in view, her eyes flickered to mine, catching me looking at her. She easily turned her head away, laughing at what her friend just said. She whizzed past our table, totally ignoring my stare. The stare I usually gave her, but tried to limit. It was hard. It was like my first love, all over again, but just worse. 3 months and a half ago she said goodbye, more likely gave me a virtual slap to my face and blocked me, then ignored my calls, ignored me in university, not giving me a chance to explain. So I went back to those cigarettes, they may not be Layal, they may not have the effect that her smile gives me, but they pretty much eliminated half of my stress. You would think I wouldn't need them after my parent's messy divorce, but I only needed them more when I went through it alone.

"Lal7een?" 3abbas noticed me staring at Layal and probably my pained expression. I simply nodded, I didn't bother talking about it anymore but 3abbas could just see it on my face. I wasn't good at lying or hiding anything.

"Enta el ghabe ma 7acheit'ha!" 3abbas said for the millionth time, at first his lectures angered me but now I grew used to them. I just nodded again, taking a long draw of my cigarette.

"Shfeek ag3d chithe? Laish ma trou7 et7acheeha?" 3abbas urged me.

"Chem mara lazem agoulk? Dageit 3leha foug elalf mara bas ma etrid 3lay." I sadly stated, puffing out the smoke as I spoke.

"Ana giltlk dig 3leha? Akeed bita7girik, lazem etqa9ibha she listens to you," 3abbas's energy hasn't died, even after those 3 months. I thought I would have forgotten her now, like my other exs in the past I forgot about after a few minutes.

"Bel jam3a? Meynoun? Akhareb sum3t'ha 3al fa'9y? El bent ma tabeene, khala9 drop the subject it's been 3 months," I annoyingly exclaimed.

"You've been counting? You're in love." 3abbas gave me a sad, slow smile.

"I don't 'love'," I said it in a disgusted tone.

"Embala." 3abbas nodded, disagreeing with me.

"Love? 3war ras you mean," I shook my head, trying to laugh it off but my eyes were weary, 3abbas could see through my act.

"Talk to her." 3abbas said once again, giving me another sad smile, probably pitying me.

"I lost my chance." 

"Thari Al-X doesn't have a chance? Since when did you lose your ego and cockiness?" 3abbas let out a deep laugh.

"After I lost her." I answered quietly, dumping my cigarette into the ashtray, not bothering to finish it. I ran my fingers through my short hair, I had it cut for the summer. It was a buzz cut, military style. A lot of people said I looked different this way, tougher and also angrier in a way. I much preferred this look than my softer one in the winter.

"W etgoul ma et7bha?" 3abbas shook his head in disappointment. I didn't reply, I remained quiet, too deep in thought. 3abbas had to leave after a few minutes for class, I left the table to walk into the university to grab a drink from Starbucks then leave.

The smell of cozy oak woods and caramel frappuccinos welcomed me once I entered the dark cafe. No surprise, Layal was seated with her friends inside the cafe as I stood in line, wanting to get a drink. I avoided her by checking my Twitter to pass time.

"He's so hot." A female's whisper was heard by my ears. 

"Who?" A second voice replied. They were two girls, whispering and giggling. It was coming from Layal's table, where her friends were.

"That guy with the buzz cut hair, the super short hair and light beard. Super tall, waiting in line, ma etshoufeena?"

"Offh he is! Is he a freshman?" Another girl's voice whispered. Usually this would make me flash a smile to the girls, flirt and grab their numbers but this time, it didn't interest me. Until.. a familiar voice entered and caused my ears to pay more attention to the conversation.

"Ma a3ti8id Nouf."

"Not my type." Layal's voice suddenly grabbed my attention.

"Mu men 9ijich 9a7, Layal?!"

"Al7een khan nadris, beskom men hal siwalif." Layal whispered through clenched teeth.

"Shfeech faj2a emnafsa Layal? Loosen up."

"Ana 3bale benedris, mu enghazel."

"Shd3wa ma ghazelna, bas glna he's hot!"

"El 9bay ygder ysm3ch wa6ay 9outch."

"Kho 3ade, bara8ma a9lan."

"You can't be serious."

"Why not?"

"Sum3tch, that's why! W a9lan ma t3rfeena!"

"So what? He's hot."

"Sir? What would you like to drink?" The waiter's voice distracted me from the girl's conversation. I couldn't figure out who was saying what, their voices weren't loud but their table was close and I caught every word. I couldn't look at them, it would be too obvious then that I heard them and am still listening.

"Oh, uhm one expresso, two shots." I quickly took a step forward to the counter, giving him my order. I couldn't hear the girls anymore, I tried my hardest not to glance or look at them. I paid and the stricken looking waiter handed me the receipt. I cautiously turned around to walk over to where you wait for your drinks, I got to glance at Layal's table and found that three other girls sat next to her, one of them was staring at me in an obvious manner, her crooked smile aimed at me.

"Sir, your drink." My drink finished pretty fast, I grabbed my coffee, walking towards Layal's table just to pass it and leave, but as I was about to pass by Layal's table, she quickly stood up, pushed her chair back and the leg of the chair hit my knee. We both collided, my drink pressing up against her back and falling to the floor, her chair falling sideways to the ground.

"I'm so sorry," Layal gasped, her eyes looking at my drink splattered on the ground. Once her eyes met mine, her words were cut off, as soon as she noticed that it was me. "Oh."

"3ade." I shrugged it off, her friends stared at me in awe. 

"I'll pay for your next drink," Layal hesitated for a second before grabbing her wallet from her Alexander Wang purse, offering to pay back.

"Shd3wa kela 1KD (**that's like around $5 in USA money? Not sure but not expensive)." I stated, my eyes staring at her more colourful ones. I caught the scent of her perfume, the same perfume I smelled months ago.

"Uhm, akeed?" She looked like she wanted to get this over with but her eyes wouldn't leave mine either. I fought the urge of pulling her away from the cafe and taking her to a private place just to talk like old times. Just to laugh with her, see her smile and know that I was behind that smile.

"Eee, don't worry about it." I gave her a smile. Her posture turned rigid, she looked away, ignoring my smile and simply said "Okay."

After that, I left her and left the cafe, walking to my car with my head drooped down, disappointment filling me. I was about to climb into my car but something stopped me.

Layal's voice.


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