Saturday, October 6, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 30

What a busy busy week (yet again). You know what I absolutely hate about uni? The quizzes! It's like, they tell you congrats you just got a great mark on the quiz today but hey by the way, the next quiz is next week. I'm so used to the British system, it would depend on teachers and if they were the test/quiz types but mostly in my high school years, tests would be like, once a month or something. Now it's every subject, a quiz every week. It's not even the small quizzes you can study for in a few minutes, the content is long and requires a whole day of stressing out if not more than a day, then the quiz turns out to be super simple and usually half of it is stuff you don't remember taking or hearing in lectures. Annoying, isn't it?

And don't even get me started on some of the professors, if you have a good one, you better stick to him/her like a leech. Anyways, back to why all of you are here now, to read the next post and not read my rants. :p


Previously in Chapter 29:

I read the following new message, that also caused my smile from ear to ear.

"@LayalAlX: Yeah, it was you. I mean, yeah you seemed like a jerk at first but then I was wrong. I was talking about you all along when we were messaging. I like you Thari. Please la etfashilny aw shay whenever we see each other next, okay?:p I answered your question, happy?" 


It's been a day, where strangely, Layal and I have been talking 24/7 on twitter DMs. I also tried the trick where I said my messages were freezing up, so giving her the hint we should switch to Whatsapp since she's an iPhone user, but all she did was tell me to reboot my Samsung a few times and it should be working fine afterwards.

Yeah, well that was a total fail.

3abbas and I got caught up in annoying university quizzes, I would have totally skipped the studying but 3abbas forced me to wait one more day before driving to the house where Mom was at. He knew my grades were getting worse, my GPA decreasing because of the messes I've had to deal with lately. I also needed 3abbas because he had the address, I didn't get to memorise or take it earlier, if only I knew he was going to force me to study yesterday instead of investigate the disappearance of my Mom.

"Pens down! Time's up," the instructor's heavy Arabian accented bombarded my thoughts. I looked down at my quiz, my handwriting was a mess and was squinty looking, but I got to answer every question. I handed the paper over to the guy next to me, letting him pass it to the front. I sat at the back of the class, avoiding the spit of the professor. Every time he gave us a lecture, he had to spit into someone's face as he was too engrossed into the topic he was talking about. I felt sorry for the guys who were forced to sit at the front once the seats at the back were all taken, their faces were usually wet after each class.

"Ha, shloun kan el quiz?" M6ref, a tall lanky looking guy with a clean shaven face asked me once we were out of class.

"Offh sahel," I answered confidently but my mind was completely elsewhere.

"9ej? 3ad kan 9a3b 3nde," he shrugged, his camel toned skin looking brighter in the sunlight once we walked out of the university through a doorway, near the class. We both walked towards a table outside that 3abbas and a couple of other guys sat at, their cigarettes in between their lips, their dark tongues whipping around the tobacco, tasting it on their taste buds before inhaling the poisonous smoke.

"Halla walla Bu Sultan!" 3abbas grinned over to M6ref, engaging him with a hug as a greeting and a slap on the back. I already had greeted 3abbas in the morning, I pulled a free seat and sat onto it, the other guys already giving me grins of welcome.

"Meta betkhale9 classes?" I asked 3abbas, my fingers wedging into the pockets of my shorts, the morning sun bathing my naked legs, hinting winter's farewell.

"Bas bageely one class, at 12pm w ba3dain bakhale9, enta?" 3abbas asked once I had my Samsung out of my pockets and in the palm of my hands. I was eagerly checking Twitter to check if Layal had replied.

"Ana khale9t, an6irik?" I yawned sleepily, I had been up late last night messaging Layal. I clicked over the message icon and saw that there was a new message.

"Eee abeek tetghada 3ndena, ome emsawya mawash roubyan elyoum." 3abbas's eyes were full of hunger, his tongue escaping his mouth to lick his dry lips, letting his cigarette lay over the steel table, resting aside. The smoke whirred around in the wind, I caught a whiff of it, my lungs finding the smoke  delicious to inhale.

"Alllaaah, 7ag el diwaneya elyoum?" Jarra7 was one of the guys, seated with us. His eyes widened in excitement.

"La2 mu 7ag el diwaneya," 3abbas replied.

"3yal shnu 3ashana elyoum?" M6ref tore his eyes away from his blackberry, interested in the conversation.

"KFC, the usual, 3yal shnu?" 3abbas smirked.

"Shm3na Thari biyakil rubyan w e7na KFC? Maleina yuba," Jarra7 laughed.

"Tara entow e'93af 7ail, lazem enwakilkom fast food 3shan timtinoun shway!" 3abbas joked along.

"Agoul, shekly barou7 freej swali7 w bakhith M6ref wyay," Jarra7 shook his head in disapproval, the other guys cracked up. (*freej swali7 is a place full of Arabic dishes like machous delay/dejaj, they deliver it to your house.) 

"7ayakom Allah, goulouly men al7een etha taboun titghadoun 3ndena 3shan adig 3la omy w agouleha etsaweelena akthar," 3abbas gave a welcoming smile.

"Allah y7ayeek ya b3ad chabdy enta bas la2 a9lan ana mashgoul elyoum, khal'ha youm thane." Jarra7 said in between smiles.

"Ee w a9lan elyoun ghadana zubaidi, you know how much I love my fish." M6ref grinned, his teeth baring.

"Khala9 ya jema3a tara ana yi3t al7een," I annoyingly stated, the guys laughing once again.

"Kisar kha6ry Thari," Mishari, a chubby dark skinned 19 year old joined in, his books palced over his lap and a cigarette tucked in between his lips.

"Walla bas enta 7as feene Mishari," I chuckled. I looked back down at my Samsung, drowning out the voices of the guys' conversations so I can concentrate on Layal's message.

"@LayalAlX: Tadree shnu ana mishtehya?:: Pink pasta!"

"@ThariAlX: La la khala9 bamout chithe:'("

"@LayalAlX: Smilla 3leik laish?:o"

"@ThariAlX: Awal shay el shabab all their convos are about food w al7een entay?=))"

"@LayalAlX: Shasawe:: 7aram el bent etyou3?"

"@ThariAlX: A9lan weinch al7een?;p Tara ana bel jam3a."

"@LayalAlX: In class, ugh."

"@ThariAlX: Maths?=))"

"@LayalAlX: Shdarak?::"

(*The smiley "::" or "=))" means the laughing face, both are the same.)

"@ThariAlX: Gilteely ams ench tikriheen shay esma maths w ham gilteely ena it's your first class today.;p"

"@LayalAlX: You remember?"

"@ThariAlX: Tara kan ams, mu gabel chem shahar. =))"

"@LayalAlX: Lool eee bas I didn't think you were really listening. ;p"

"@ThariAlX: Afaa, I don't listen? Al7een ana ga3d asoulif wya mnu?"

"@LayalAlX: Uhmm madre, mnu?"

"@ThariAlX: M3ach entayy, mnu 3yal?=)) Fa akeed I'll listen, it's Layal, it's not anybody.;p"

She took a while to respond, I guessed she got caught up in class, I was about to let go of my phone to engage back into the guys' conversation but my Samsung vibrated, indicating that I got a reply on messages. I looked down, hoping to find a reply from Layal but it was from someone else instead. The name just made me twinge in annoyance.

"@BdourAlX: Tharouyyy abe ashoufeck;( weineck? Bel jam3a?"

I ignored her and scrolled back up to find Layal finally answering my message on Twitter.

"@LayalAlX: I don't believe it, Thari being sweet?:p"

"@ThariAlX: Awal mara etshoufeen this side of me y3ne?;p"

"@LayalAlX: Maybe."

"@ThariAlX: Al7een shm3na you're not being sweet to me too?"

"@LayalAlX: Bassss."

"@ThariAlX: Lazem athakrich?;p"

"@LayalAlX: Thari laaaaa2! You promised!"

"@ThariAlX: Gilteely ena you liked me. :p"

"@LayalAlX: Ba7girik. :)"

"@ThariAlX: Afaaa. :( A9lan tigdireen t7gireeny?;p"

"@LayalAlX: The8a. :: Yalla al7een ba6la3 men el class, akheeeeeran!"

"Thari, tabe shay men Starbucks?" Mishari's voice caused my head to shoot up suddenly.

"Ha? La2 mashkour," my eyes travelled to the right, and the university windows showed me the corridors inside. We were sitting right next to the glass window, we got the view of girls rushing out of a class. One of them was a smiling Layal, her smile aimed at the thin girl walking next to her. Layal wore a Louis Vuitton belt over a simple black turtle neck sweater, dark veil, brown knee high leather boots and jeans.

"@ThariAlX: Eee shftch tawa."

I watched Layal, she stopped in her track, her eyes peering over her iPhone, probably reading my message. She quickly looked around her, trying to find me.

"@LayalAlX: Huh? Wein?"

"@ThariAlX: Jidamich. =))"

Her eyes widened at my message, she looked up, as if she was going to find me standing in front of her but she realisation struck her once she saw me sitting outside, my eyes peering right at her through the window. Her eyes met mine, I didn't know why but I looked away once she caught me.

"Shfeek ga3d ti'97ak?" 3abbas was watching me, his questioned dwelled the fact that my smile was huge.

"La2 wela shay bas gareit broadcast yi'9a7ik," I lied, since the guys were seated around us and I didn't exactly broadcast any of my business to them. I looked back down at my Samsung, expecting another message from Layal.

"@LayalAlX: Lool! Eee twne ashoufk, ma 3ndk class?"

"@ThariAlX: La2 khale9t:p entay?"

"@LayalAlX: Omw (on my way) to my next class now."

"@ThariAlX: Looool=)) 6i7say."

"@LayalAlX: Wow you're so nice Thari Al-X, so nice. :c"

"@ThariAlX: Kesertay kha6ry, khala9 asif asif, tabeene a7'9ir bidalch?;p"

"@LayalAlX: Walla el fekra 3ajeeba bas yabeelik wig w 7umra 7amra. ::"

"@ThariAlX: La khala9 ensay ma ra7 asaweeha =)) shrayich ayeeblch pink pasta ma tz3leen?"

"@LayalAlX: Men weinlk pink pasta?"

"@ThariAlX: I can cook. ;p"

"@LayalAlX: Adre it's off topic bas 3ade as2lk su2al?"

"@ThariAlX: Go ahead."

"@LayalAlX: Do you smoke?"

"@ThariAlX: No, do you?=))"

"@LayalAlX: Enta feek shay elyoum?:: Akeed fa9l, wla sherabt shay?::"

"@ThariAlX: Agoulech el9ij?"

"@LayalAlX: Goul."

"@ThariAlX: EL9ara7a bas mistanes 3shan ga3d akelmch 3adel. Finally."

"Thari?" A sweetly toned voice called me. I suddenly looked up to find Bdour standing in front of me, her gleaming eyes furious to have caught me messaging on my Samsung, clearly ignoring her message.

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