Saturday, October 13, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 31

Hey there! The weather's amazing in Kuwait today, sunny but a bit windy too, not that hot. So yeah, I pretty much have my window open, the sun filling my room and my skin getting that warm summer feeling, even though it's nearing towards winter. My midterm exams have already started unfortunately, so I guess you've been noticing less and less chapters lately, that's why. I skipped an outing and put aside my uni work for later on today so I could write, I've got all these bottled up ideas ready to jump out of my head if I don't start writing haha, I also felt guilty for not posting as much anymore.

I also know quite a big number of my followers have gone through something truly sad, the passing of Iman Marshy, I am deeply sorry to every person who knew this wonderful girl or is related to her, I don't know her but I've heard about her story, it's all over my timeline, both on my blog and personal one. Allah yer7amha, truly sorry for your loss and I just wanted people to at least pray for her and all of the others who passed away. Always pray, for the good of others and show respect, you would want the same for yourself if it was you in the depressing situation. Wouldn't you want others to pray for you to go to Heaven? Or have a peaceful journey on your way there? Treat others how you would want to be treated, that's my life motto.

Anyways, sorry, hopefully this chapter will be a distraction to your life's troubles. There's always good in the bad, always remember that and be positive. God's always been here, don't ever forget that He's watching over all of us, He's there for you if you need to talk to someone.

*I know I've said this a million times but I should say it again: my characters are fictional, the events are fictional, do not become influenced by their actions, this world does not exist in reality and is only here for entertainment purposes, if you want to be raised up properly then do not go to blogs/books/movies, go to your parents.

Dedicated to the beautiful and amazing S_AlBinali. Thank you for all your support! :*


Previously in Chapter 30:

"@ThariAlX: El9ara7a bas mistanes 3shan ga3d akelmch 3adel. Finally."

"Thari?" A sweetly toned voice called me. I suddenly looked up to find Bdour standing in front of me, her gleaming eyes furious to have caught me messaging on my Samsung, clearly ignoring her message.


"Ahlain," I greeted Bdour, keeping my eyes on my phone, not really paying much attention to her. The other guys started staring at us for a few minutes, most of them had their eyes on Bdour's super tight shirt, showing off her curves.

"Bakelmik digeega," Bdour's fingers wrapped around my bicep, tugging on it, as if to help me stand up but I stood my ground, not bothering to move.

"Ana mashghoul al7een, tabeen shay?" I averted my eyes away from my phone and laid them on her face. She looked shocked and embarrassed that I'd so publicly reject her offer of a private discussion.

"Uhm, la2 khala9." Bdour slowly let go of my bicep, still looking at me with wide eyes. She quickly changed her facial expression and walked off without another word.

"Hathee mnu?" Mishare, a friend, asked me once he was done staring at her bottom while she walked away. I was 100% sure Bdour was pissed as hell right now.

"Wa7da lazga," I shrugged it off, the guys chuckled, all of them having their fair share of those girls who would stick to you like glue when you obviously wanted nothing to do with them. I found a new message from Layal, that distracted me from the whole Bdour thing and my smile was back.

"@LayalAlX: Aww.. madre shagoul Thari."

"@ThariAlX: I usually make the girls speechless;p"

"@LayalAlX: Malet 3leik I was just going to say how sweet you were and finally switch to whatsapp with you cus asasan dms annoy me."

"@ThariAlX: Loooool atghashmar yuba, there's only one girl in my life anyway. And really? Whatsapp?"

"@LayalAlX: I wonder who she is. & Ee really."

"@ThariAlX: Someone you know, yalla 3yal add me on whatsapp: *********."

After that, our convos were switched to Whatsapp messenger, that way, we were faster when we both spoke to each other. I clicked over Layal's picture and was disappointed that it was a picture of a baby, instead of her. I quickly switched back to the convo to see what she wrote.

Layal: Hmmmm. :p

Thari: Al7een ma tabeen t3rfeen mnu el bent?

Layal: Nope not really.

Thari: Afa laish?

Layal: Basss.

Thari: Don't make me call you.

Layal: Looool tara ma etkhare3.

I was guessing she was still inside the university. I liked a girl who challenged me. I stood up from my seat, excusing myself from the guys and took fifteen steps away from our table. I stood under a tree, the branches shaded the rays of the sunlight, trying to attack my skin. I dialled Layal's number, actually excited to get an excuse to call.

"Al7een khara3tch?" I chuckled through the phone once she answered, not bothering to wait for her to say "aloo" or something, but what took me off guard was the reply I got.

"Yal 7m*r! Ma tisti7y 3la wayhik etdig 3la khe6bety?!"A hoarse manly voice snapped at me.

"Shnu?" I breathed out, my voice quiet. I felt my back thrust itself against the tree's branch, I was too shocked to speak properly. Did I hear his words correctly? Did he actually say that Layal was engaged? And who the hell is he? Why did he have her phone?

"Shamlan 3a6nee telephonee!" I heard Layal's voice in the background.

"Eee, KHE6BETY. Sh3abalik? Hey entay, siktay wla agoul 7ag obouch ench ga3da etghazleen wa7d athwal ma yisma3." He sounded furious, his voice infuriating me because of the way he spoke to Layal. I also heard a blender in the background and a Filipino lady asking someone for their order.

I immediately knew where they were. I hung up on Layal's "fiancee", rushing inside the university, my toms sliding over the concrete floors. I was about to collide with some guy whilst running, but I slowed my pace. I finally reached to where Starbucks was, I found Layal arguing with a short skinny guy. His voice was the exact opposite of his appearance. I hurried over to where they stood, next to the blenders, Layal had her phone back in her hand, her face too engrossed into the argument with this "Shamlan" guy to notice me standing next to her.

"Makh6ouba, ha?" I startled her with my words, she quickly turned around to face me, her expression helpless.

"Eeee makh6ouba, enta el athwal?" Shamlan's short height and lanky body was nothing compared to my muscular one but his confidence was oozing out of him. He stood in front of me, ready for a fight. No one was around us, most of the students were in classes or didn't come to university yet.

"We're not engaged!" Layal hissed to Shamlan, trying to lower her voice even though no one was really around.

"Embala we are!" Shamlan argued back. They both looked like two kids, having a fight over who should get the piece of candy. If the fight wasn't about Layal, I would have laughed. Even if Shamlan looked like a tiny mouse, the jealousy in me was pouring out nonetheless.

"Shamlan we're cousins! You're like my brother and my father would never agree to it anyway," Layal rolled her eyes at him.

"Mom already talked to your brother 7amany and everything, shfeech entay!?" Shamlan argued, crossing his arms over his chest like a kid.

"You're 2 years younger than me you idiot, being a genius and getting into university two years early won't change the fact that you'll graduate after I do." Layal sighed, shaking her head at him. "7amany was joking with your mom, I was there yal thake."

"La7tha la7tha, al7een y3ne entay makh6ouba wela la2?" I ran my fingers through my hair, getting a headache from this mess.

"We're not." Layal said at the same time as Shamlan, when he said "We are."

"Layal, ya etgouleen ee wela agoul 7ag obouch ena hal athwal 7abeebch," Shamlan pointed towards me when he said "athwal".

"Hey hey, t7acha-" I was about to tell him off, my fist ready to punch him in the face.

"He's my fiancee, I'm allowed to talk to him before we get married." Layal gave Shamlan a sarcastic smile whilst I stared at Layal in awe. Did she just call me her fiancee?

"Shnuuuuuuuuuu?" Shamlan gasped, pronouncing the word as "shenaaaaaaaaaw". His small eyes squinted back at me in fury.

"A9lan ma y9eer!" Shamlan started blabbering about.

"Shnu ma y9eer? We have to get to know each other a little bit more if we want to get married." Layal started making up facts to shut him up.

"Bas.. Layal ana a7bch." Shamlan's eyes begged.

Okay, that was his last straw. I couldn't help it anymore, the fury got the best of me. I grabbed ahold of the back of his shirt, easily pulling him off the ground, his feet dangling in the air.

"LAAAAYAAAAL." Shamlan squeaked out in fear.

"Thari don't hit him!" Layal stopped my fist midair, I was about to make sure one of his teeth fell out.

"Shal 7achy?! A7bch?! Ma tisti7y 3la wayhik etgoul hal kalam jidam zoujha el mustaqbal?!" I nearly shouted, my teeth baring at him, ready to bite off his large ears.

"Sir, please do not fight in the cafe!" One of the waiters fearfully kept a step away from me.

"Asif asif, walla ma ra7 agouleha a7bch, don't hit me." Shamlan's confidence melted away, his weakness showing.

"Thari let him go," Layal's voice was serious. I obeyed and let go of the mouse Shamlan. I made sure I did it as roughly as possible so Shamlan would fall to the ground, hitting his elbow to the floor.

"Offh," Shamlan groaned out. He quickly stood up, trying to gain back his manliness.

"9adegt b3ad? A9lan ana mu khayef mnk yal athwal," Shamlan hissed before running off, I was about to grab him again to make sure I punch that squeamish face of his but Layal's fingers grabbed the back of my shirt, stopping me.

"Thari, calm down." Layal said behind me, I turned around to face her. I didn't understand how she could stay so calm, that little brat annoyed the hell out of me, especially how he spoke to Layal in such an ill mannered way.

"Asif," I sighed, scratching the back of my neck. I was sure the veins in my neck were about to pop out from how angry I was.

"It's okay, I just hope Shamlan doesn't go to my brother and ask him if the things I said were true or not." Layal looked down at the ground, her eyes full of worry. I wanted to take that worry away.

"You won't have to be scared, if..." I began to say but quickly stopped.

"If what?" She looked up, catching every word.

"If it was true."

"What are you saying?"

"You'll see." I gave her a smile that held a secret.

"Thari, shnu?" Layal asked again.

"Ne6ray entay. Yalla al7een ana lazem arou7, etha athaach el ghabe mara thanya, call me. Okay?" I didn't wait for her to reply, I walked off before the cafe filled itself with students and witnesses that would probably shoot laser death stares at Layal and I for even speaking so comfortably in public.

That day, 3abbas finally finished his classes early and we were both able to visit the house we tracked down right after lunch. We both were guessing my mom was staying over that house while she was missing. 3abbas parked his car right along the curb of the road.

The house had pillars, a balcony and it looked like it had two floors. It was painted in light crimson, trees hugged around the area and the door looked welcoming. An audi black car was parked outside.

"Yalla?" 3abbas looked over to me in the pine tree air freshener smelling car. I nodded, pushing the passenger door open to walk up to the house with 3abbas by my side.

I pressed a finger over the plastic doorbell. We both waited patiently after hearing the dingalonglong of the sound of the doorbell. Finally, the peach painted door was pulled open by a figure.

"You." The figure breathed out in disgust.

*This is not my best chapter so far, sam7ouny but I have exams and two 8 page research papers to write for this week. I couldn't take too much time on writing this chapter.

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