Friday, October 19, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 34

I hope everyone's having a great weekend! I sure am, I want to say thank you to every person who clicks on my blog and just reads my words, and to every supporter who had my back since day one and continues to support me today. Even if you just joined the Masquerade family, thank YOU. I will be forever grateful to have met and to have been writing for such a beautiful audience, no matter how many haters I've come across, every one of YOU make all of this worth it.

This chapter goes out to the beautiful Badriya! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This one goes out to you, I've written some parts of this chapter just for YOU and your lovely birthday, you'll know which parts I mean once you get reading.

THANK YOU ALL, again! Just really, THANK YOU.


Previously in Chapter 33:

After that, I left her and left the cafe, walking to my car with my head drooped down, disappointment filling me. I was about to climb into my car but something stopped me.

Layal's voice.



"Halla?" I turned around to find Layal hurrying up to me, her left hand holding her veil around her hair, afraid it'll fly away as her feet were gliding in a fast pace.

"I k-know we're not talking.." She began, looking nervous.

"And it wasn't my choice." I bluntly replied.

"Thari you lied to me!" My words angered her, her tone angered me.

"I called you a thousand times, you didn't even let me explain! Was I that easy to forget Layal?" I let everything out, using hand gestures to show her how much I meant every word.

"Thari shaku-"

"Layal, I only lied about knowing your brother Ebrahim, and only about him." I fired back, finally getting my chance to speak.

"And the smoking? Don't lie and say you didn't smoke! I see you smoke everyday now." Layal spat at me in disgust, hating anything to do with cigarettes. Her face was full of fury, her eyes not looking into mine and her body rigid.

"Laish ma sa2alteeny Layal?" I sighed. "That was the first time I started to smoke, I needed something to kill the stress, there were so many things going on and I needed you, but all I found was a message from you saying a harsh goodbye, without even giving me a chance to speak for myself."

Her fury evaporated and her eyes grew moist; "Things like what?"

"I'm going to have a new sibling, a half sibling. And my parents are divorced now, that day, my mother went missing and when I found her, she wouldn't come back to the house and we were stuck with my Dad and his second wife." I babbled on, trying to summarise everything. "Khala9 ely 9ar 9ar, w al7een elwa'93 9ar a7san, laish yeeitay al7een? After nearly 4 months? What else do you want to blame me for? Mu kafee ely feene?" The sun over us sliced through our skins, making the conversation even more heated than it already was.

"Happy birthday," Layal said in a quiet voice, her eyes finally meeting mine, a tear spilling over her gorgeous looking eyes.

"What?" I grew silent.

"It's the 15th of February. Your birthday," Layal continued, she looked cautious.

"Oh." So my own birthday slipped my mind and even 3abbas's mind. I didn't really care for such things, usually it was the girls who made such a big deal out of one day, what was so special of growing up to be a year older? I was guessing I got my birthday wishes all over my twitter by now but I stopped using both my twitter and blog account, avoiding most people.

"Bas?" I asked, hoping she'd say more.

"Bas." Layal nearly whispered, disappointing me even further.

"Even after what I just told you?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I hope you have a good birthday today." She ignored me, she gave me a sad smile, her eyes looking down at my hand that held a cigarette pack before turning around to give me her back, to walk off. All I did was watch her, speechless of what had just happened.

"What happened? To us?!" I yelled at her, causing her to stop midway. It wasn't possible, could she have changed that much in a few months? Could I have changed that much?

"Layal don't walk away from me!" I yelled again, sprinting after her, not letting my last chance to get ruined, this was the chance 3abbas told me about and I was going to seize it. She turned around once I caught up with her, her cheeks were damp and wet.

"Don't you love me?" I asked her bluntly.

"No I don't," Layal said, her voice cracking.

"Your tears don't agree." I saw through her lies, I sighed once again, hating the fact she was crying in front of me and I couldn't do anything.

"Usually the mind disagrees with the heart." Layal looked away.

"Give me a second chance."

"Thari why can't you understand?!" Layal exclaimed in frustration.

"Entay mu ga3da etgouleenly shay 3shan afham!"

"W-we don't have a future." Layal's words stabbed me. She sounded so sure of it and I couldn't help but disagree with her, no matter how confident she sounded.

"Is that what you're worried about? Layal ba7achy obouch 3shan akh6ibich! You're never going to be a girlfriend to me, you'll be my wife, Layal just give me a second chance and I'll make everything happen, I promise. Layal its my birthday." I used the birthday excuse, I had to sugar coat it, I needed her to say yes.

"I don't love you." Her eyes hardened but I could see the moistness still lingered, the tears were threatening to spill over again but it took all of her power to stop them. I got a better look at her eyes this time, they seemed more yellow-ish than as white as it used to be, her face more strained and tired.

And this time, when she turned around to walk away, I didn't chase her.

Soon enough, my chase for Layal had ended.



My chest ached, it ached with endless pain. Maybe it was the wires going into my arm, or the fact that just a few hours ago, I stood in front of the man I love and pushed him away. The eery smell of the hospital made me feel queasy, I remained in my bed, every part of my body felt dead and weak. And the worst part was that this was just the beginning.

The beginning to the pain that I was about to endure.

"Layal, ga3d y3wrch shay?" My brother, Abdulra7man, tall and confident, stood over me. But his usually confident face was replaced with a worrisome expression, his eyes pitying me.

"La2," I lied. Everything was hurting me, my mind was split in half, one half wishing that Thari was by my side, the other half dreading the the situation I was in. A few days after blocking Thari, I was right about to answer his call, give him a second chance but something stopped me. That day, the first shot of pain hit my left breast, usually it hit me every once in a while but I thought it was because I slept on the wrong side of the bed.

But that day, the pain was too unbearable to handle. And next, came my test results.

"Layal Al-X, 18 years old?" The doctor, short, chubby but had a friendly looking face, walked into the all white painted, medicine scented room.

"I have unfortunate news Layal," The doctor's voice didn't assure me of good news at all, I grew scared and mentally prayed, hoping for some good news after the bad one.

"Allah yastr," Abdulra7man whispered, his voice quivering.

"Your cancer has spread from your breast to your liver through your blood stream, it's third degree sarcoma cancer. This also explains the pain and the yellowness in her eyes."

"Doctor.. explain it in a simpler form please?" Abdulra7man's English was broken, his heavy Arabian accent could be heard.

"Your sister's cancer is growing everyday and I don't think she will be able to live, she will have to fight hard to live. Very hard."


**A little awareness for breast cancer.

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