Sunday, January 6, 2013

Le Chase Chapter 41

Woah, so after chapter 40, I swear to you, OVER 100 DMS/MENTIONS all complaining, or all shocked and pretty much NON of you liked the way I ended it haha.

Non of those mentions or dms changed my mind on how to end this story. I'm a stubborn and evil writer, I will not spoil any of my stories for anyone, not even my closest friends who read my stories. Your wait's been appreciated, you can now finally know what happened after that chapter.

I apologise for being evil, but you gotta admit, it sure as hell keeps the story exciting.

Don't forget to leave your feedback on this chapter on the comments below, haha I love seeing your reactions! Thank you so much for reading my chapters and all the support. x


Previously in Chapter 40:

"Oh right, I got the wrong address." I lied, buying me some time. "Funeral Al-X right? Uhm, for the father?"

I knew Layal's father passed away a while ago but I gave her a dumb expression. She looked at me with a confused expression on her face.

"No, Layal Al-X's funeral."


"What?" I croaked out, my vision began to blur as I tried to concentrate on what the housekeeper was saying. Did I hear her right? Did she truly say it was Layal, my Layal's funeral? Before she could answer me, the door was cracked open even further and a womanly figured young lady came in view.

"Thari, shitsawe yay ehny?" Layal asked in a surprised tone, she was dressed in all black. Her 3abaya (A'abaya: a dark piece of clothing that's made of a soft material to keep a woman's body hidden) was loosely thrown over her body, I could see traces of her dark dress underneath it. Her face looked energised and healthy, not pale and dead.

"Thari? Are you okay?" Layal looked alarmed, she was staring at my left cheek. I quickly touched the spot she was staring at and found a tear that had sneakily escaped. I brushed it away, awkwardly coughing under my breath. I hadn't realised that my emotions had taken control over me, I also hadn't realised the true meaning of death of a loved one. It felt utterly horrible, those last few seconds. All I could do now was stare at Layal in awe, gratefully and emotionally thanking God inside my heart for keeping Layal alive, for keeping her in this world, for keeping her in front of me for a while longer.

"Layal, who is dis man?" The housekeeper's accent was heavy with Filipino heritage. I wanted to strangle her with my bare hands because of what she said a few moments ago.

"My far away cousin Annie," Layal lied.

"You told me it was Layal's funeral!" I barked at her, anger oozing out of me. I was grateful that Layal had shut the door behind her, so it was only the housekeeper, Layal and I.

"What? You told him it was my funeral?" Layal asked the housekeeper in a shocked tone.

"No I did not say dat," she shook her head in dismay." I said, LAK-AYEL-QWUDH." Her words were muffled and said quickly.

"Huh?" Layal and I asked, our eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What, you no hear?" She asked, shaking her head in annoyance. She said the words again slowly but the words were still muffled, we couldn't understand a thing but it sounded a lot like "Layal Al-X's funeral" once again.

"Annie, what the heck are you saying?" Layal laughed, finding it amusing but I was still angry. I wasn't over the fact that a few moments ago, I truly believed that my Layal was gone.

"Filipino for no funeral in this house." Annie snapped at us as if we were stupid.

"Annie, we are Arabic, we don't understand your language." Layal shook her head at her. "Sorry Thari, she's new to the house." 

"La7tha, akeed entay 9ej jidamy?" I asked her, I was starting to think that I may have fainted and may be hallucinating that Layal was truly alive. I pinched my left arm, waiting for the sounds of people shouting in my ear to wake up. Annie left Layal and I alone to speak, she hurried inside and closed the front door behind her.

"Haw, shfeek Thari? Ee jidamik! Enta men 9ijik 9adegt'ha?" Layal's red lips formed an 'o'.

"Walla seme3t 'Layal's funeral', walla!" I winced after I pinched myself, clearly I wasn't hallucinating.

"Okay calm down, akeed seme3t ghala6, ehya tagrig bel Filipino wayed, ma tifham wayed 3arabe." Layal gave me a reassuring smile.

"Okay bas ehya galat maku 3aza, bas galetly ena okhouch bel 3aza w entay labsa 3abaya..." I was remembering her words. "Fa shloun al7een etgouly maku 3aza eb baitkom? Mnu mat? Layal 3atham Allah-"

"Thari calm down, wait wait. My brother's in the funeral that's right next to our house but there's no funeral here and I don't know the man who passed away." Layal put her manicured hands up in protest to stop me from rambling on, I was sure she was about to even put a hand over my mouth but she stopped herself from doing so. "W fee 7afla eb baitna, plus how would I go to a funeral with red lipstick and a dress like this?"

Layal let of her A'abaya slightly to show the ends of her dress, her dress was long. It was a maroon colour but it had faint glitter in the material that looked too flashy for a funeral. It flowed loosely down to the ground, not showing the figure of her body but I couldn't help but imagine how she would look like if she was in a wedding dress. She pulled the A'abaya tighter over her, hiding that piece of material that I was staring at.

"So ma7ad mat, ma feech shay and everything's okay?" I sighed, the lump in my throat disappearing. It felt like someone had lifted off a huge car off my chest. Yes, my chest had gotten that heavy.

"Eee la t7aty," Layal smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Al7een lazem ared dakhl gabel ma el banat yila7'9oun, digeega enta laish yaay 3ndena a9lan?"

"Uhm," I scratched the back of my neck, a smile creeping back onto my face. "Awal shay gouleely meta okhouch bekoun bel bait?"

"Mm, everyday from four to six then he goes off to the gym, why?" Layal looked suspicious, I could now notice her party make up and the faint beats of music that was probably coming from the ground floor of Layal's house. 

"Bacher bekoun bel 3aza wela?" I asked, ignoring her question. I took my time to stare at the way her eyelashes effortlessly was curled upwards, her wide eyes gaping into mine. I could see the small features of her face in broad daylight, the little beauty mark over her cheek and the way her nose crinkles ever so slightly every time she smiles. She seemed to notice my stare because I could have sworn I caught her cheeks becoming rosier than usual.

"La2, he'll be home. Now can you tell me what's going on? You know, it's been two months as of today, you should tell me today what's going on and why we didn't talk for so long," she regained her posture, trying to eliminate the shyness in her voice.

"No, that night I talked to you was at 4 am, remember? So that day, doesn't count as two days and so, tomorrow is the official day when it turns into two months and our deal ends," I grinned.

"You're so evil," Layal crossed her slim arms over her waist.

"You mean I'm so smart," I confidently replied, chuckling.

"No, very very evil, even as evil as Satan," Layal fiddled with the soft material of her A'abaya, her eyes peeking up at mine.

"Bas ana a7la mena, mu 9a7?" I continued, causing her to laugh. I enjoyed listening to the sound of her laugh, it was musical and it made my heart feel as light as a feather. I couldn't get enough of it, especially for having to go 3 years and 2 months without listening to it.

"Your ego mu 9ij, you're still evil."

"Laish? Am I evil cus I got you to miss me over those long two months?" My grin widened.

"Shaku," Layal stubbornly answered, lowering her eyes down to her heels that peeked out of the ends of her glittery dress.

"Aa7, you didn't miss me?" I faked a heart broken voice.

"Layal, wein Layal?" A young woman's voice called out from the inside of the house. Layal jolted from her comfortable posture and turned around to hear the voice more clearly.

"I have to go," Layal nervously stuttered in a hushed tone, she quickly turned the knob of the front door and scurried inside, but before she closed the door, she dipped her head out of the house to look at me.

"And yes, I did miss you and yes, enta a7la men Satan eb wayed," she said with a wide gleaming smile before shutting the door behind her, her dress swirling around behind her before I lost a glimpse of her.

I slid out my phone, quickly texting her a last message before I left the grounds of her house.

"And you are the most beautiful blessing my eyes, heart, mind and soul has ever been granted with."

All I needed was that last glimpse of her for my smile to glue itself to my face for the next twenty four hours.



    Love uu too=))<3:$

  3. Amazingggg <3<3 nextt onee please

  4. Looooveeeddd the post <3333
    Especially the fact that she didn't die :**
    Post soon …

  5. I thought this was the end, ma grait your comment foge properly and I was nearly going to die! Great post sweetie xx please post soon with a longer one xx

  6. Oh god thanks that layal isn't dead!!

  7. HAHAAaa!!!! Wallah kint adri ina shay bil 5adama il yideeda!!! 7adha '3abeeya LoooL! Waaaay ashwa! You should've seen my face i was smiling like an idiot when layal showed up in the post ;DDDD!! Waaay thank u thank u thank u!!!! ;********
    Yalla ily ba3duuu!!!

    UmYousef:DDDDD *mistansa*

  8. That Filipino part was really smart. You're such an exceptional writer and I knew that that was an excellent cliffhanger :)

  9. wow im in awe literally/

  10. 3ndi Final exams w jalsa agra your blog 6abe3ii?Edmmannn
    Amazing lala jed a m a z I n g AMAZING AMMNNGGGGGG

  11. Wow that is amazing keep it up cant wait for next chapter.
    Can you check out my blog please

  12. AMAAAAAAZING el7emdella enha mamatat :D bs ba4ba7 el5adama el7mara ,, anyways thanks for the lovely post loved it

  13. Amazing as usual :) but i thought this was the finale.. is there more to come?

  14. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! Yes there's more to come, this isn't the finale and I've posted the next chapter for all of you now.


    Much love. x
