Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Le Chase Chapter 43 *FINALE*

After the last chapter, 70% of you were all disappointed, pissed off and were thinking "what the heck is wrong with this writer, is she trying to emotionally kill us with her cliffhangers?"

READERS! No pain, no gain!

Gotta remind you, Layal never actually died that time plus I love some drama in my stories, I can't let my readers lounge about on their couches saying "oh, it's a wedding, awww it's a finale, awwww it's gonna end this way". NO, when you read my chapters, I want you to think "God, I have no idea what's gonna happen next" or else my blog overall would pretty much be boring as hell, wouldn't it?

Everyone's minds when they read the last chapter was pretty much like: "aww so romantic, aww her dress, aww wedding, YAY Thari's walking in-WHAT THE FREAKING SJKDNJWKBCHWDBCHEBCHBHBHB!"

LOL sorry but I'm quite an evil author but it does make the story more exciting and less cliche-y. So before you get all disappointed or mad on me, be patient and wait till the next chapter, I appreciate the feedback, I like honest feedback! But don't suddenly assume that after that chapter, it's downhill from there, an evil plan is always plotted perfectly.

This chapter goes out to the beautiful birthday girl @DanahAO! I was too tired yesterday to write the chapter but I was about to, but then this birthday girl wanted it to be posted specifically on her birthday.

Birthday girls get their wishes granted, so here's the finale everyone's been anticipating for!

*By the way, I don't know when I'll write my next new story. Don't ask me, I might just stop writing till the summer comes or I might start the story whenever I feel like it. If I take a huge break from long stories, I might just post short stories every once in a while. You'll be updated if you follow my twitter. @vieblogue.



The voice was slow and quiet, it brought a sense of relief to my chest after hearing it. I automatically opened my eyes and found a good view of Thari standing over me, his traditional clothes were messy, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his strong arms in view and his hair that was once neatly gelled back was ruffled, his hair wavier and more natural. He was staring back at me, he breathed out a sigh of relief once he noticed that I was awake now.

"Where am I?" I murmured, quickly sitting up but it was a huge mistake because a my head began to throb with pain, I hurriedly laid back down, wincing slightly.

"Layal, shway shway." Thari placed his hands over my arms, making sure I sat back slowly. His hands were warm, his strong fingers gripping my more fragile ones that felt weak in comparison to his. I touched my head to where it was hurting me and felt my own hair, my eyes widened in shock.

"THARI GET OUT MU LABSA E7JABY!" I suddenly yelled at him. Thari blinked a few times, he stood in the middle of the hospital room that was decorated with white blank walls that resembled the hospital rooms I've been staying in for the past 3 years because of my cancer. The smell of medicine and plastic was too familiar to my nostrils. Thari suddenly began chuckling uncontrollably.

"Layal, ana zoujch, shfeech nesaitay?" Thari said in between laughs.

"Huh?" I asked, I couldn't remember anything, I had flickers of my memory flashing in my head. Slowly I remembered everything. The engagement, the wedding, how everything blacked out before I saw the two wide doors open, welcoming Thari into the wedding.

"Oh, God what happened?" I asked, fully conscience now.

"Lal7een ma nadre, the results aren't out yet and you've been passed out all day." Thari looked into my eyes, his eyes full of worry and tension. He sat back down into the seat next to me, fatigue filling his handsome face.

"I thought you were dead," Thari breathed out, his voice shaking, his eyes not meeting mine.

"What, why?" I asked, my heart breaking at the sad sight of him.

"Not all the husbands wish to see their wife on the ground on their wedding day," Thari gave me a sad smile. "Bas el7emdellah, I felt your heart beat and I knew you'd be okay."

"Then why do you look so sad? I'm sorry it ruined our wedding ni-"

"Layal shaku, bel6agag el 3irs, abeech entay, I did the wedding for you, not for me. Bas walla shay, la t7ateen." Thari looked away, clearly hiding something.

"Thari, et3alimny feek? Spill it, what's wrong?" I ran my fingers along the wires that were connected to my wrists, my thumb brushing over my engagement and wedding ring, it felt so new to my skin but such a joy to wear.

"Thari," I repeated, trying to get him to speak. He was just staring at the ground, his face was depressed, his eyes red from the lack of sleep. I looked up and found that it was 4 am in the morning. Weird, 4 am, the same time Thari called me 2 months ago out of nowhere. "Gelt results, if I'm okay then why the results? Results for what?"

"Why is my wife so smart?" Thari finally looked up, his dark smouldering eyes meeting mine, it caused my heart to skip a beat but I quickly pulled myself together. "Results to make sure your cancer isn't back."

"What?" His words snapped me out of my thoughts about his dark eyes, I was now suddenly visualizing myself stuck in a hospital room for the next 4 years of my life, questioning if I was going to live or not everyday. What hurt the most, was knowing that there's a chance Thari would be forced to watch me suffer, when over those 3 years, I avoided him for that mere reason.

"Enshallah khair," Thari noticed how frightened I've become, he slowly inched his fingers closer to mine, placing his masculine hand over my smaller one on the bed. His long fingers wrapped around mine, our hands intertwined; I couldn't help it, even though my head was busy with thoughts about the cancer, my cheeks still heated up to his touch. "Cancer or without, either way I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry," I whispered, staring at our hands.

"Sorry for what?" Thari widened his eyes, looking confused.

"I ruined our wedding and now there's a chance of ruining your life after we find out that my cancer's back," I croaked out, trying not to break down in front of him. I had to be strong, I couldn't let the tears come, no not now.

"Layal ga3da tabcheen?" Thari asked, he was staring at me, looking sadder than ever. He quickly stood up and sat beside me on the hospital bed, his free arm wrapped over me. Instant warmth filled me, causing the tears to spill over. Do you know that moment when you're about to cry, you're trying to will the tears away but your throat's clogged up and once someone hugs you to comfort you, the tears becomes waterfalls of pain? Suddenly everything you've bottled inside, just comes flying out.

"7beebty," Thari murmured into my hair, his chin resting on top of my head. "La tabcheen."

"S-sorry," I stuttered, wanting to hide underneath the sheets of my hospital bed.

"Layal stop apologizing, ma sawaitay shay, please I want to see that beautiful smile of yours... Khala9 okay agoulch el 9ij?" Thari suddenly changed his seated position so he could face me. I rubbed the tears off of my cheeks, his fingers wrapped around my wrists, bringing my hands to his lips to softly kiss them.

"Walla etha kan eb eedy, chan ma saweit 3irs," Thari looked into my eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

"Huh, laish?" I asked.

"Cus I'm too impatient, I've waited 3 years. I didn't want to wait another day, I wanted to sign the papers and just go anywhere with you. Phuket, Paris, Germany, anywhere you want, elmohem ana m3ach." Thari chuckled to himself.

"I'm not much of a wedding girl either," I bit my bottom lip.

"Ha, laish b3ad? Entay bent, all you girls love these things," Thari cocked an eyebrow at me.

"I hate crowded places," I embarrassingly stated. "Just knowing that a hundred pair of eyes would be staring at me for hours made me feel nauseous."

"Laish ma gilteely?" Thari asked.

"Bas, madre I thought it would be different if it was my wedding day."

"Khala9 3nde khoush fekra."


"Shrayich we have our own wedding again, we never finished it. And this time, not a hundred pair of eyes would be staring at you," Thari's face lit up.

"3yal?" I grew a bit nervous.

"Just one pair of eyes would be staring at you."


"We'll do the wedding here," Thari grinned. "Now."

"Maynoun?" I laughed. "Ballah shloun bensawe 3irs in a hospital room?"

"Entay malech sheghl, your job is just to sit in your bed, mashe?"

"Wait wait, wein rayi7?" I asked once I saw him let go of my hand and quickly jump off of the bed, walking towards the door to leave.


"Enta kela bas ne6ray? How many times have you told me that?" I laughed to myself.

"One more wouldn't hurt," he said before leaving the hospital room in a hurry. I couldn't wipe off the smile from my face, he was the silliest man I've ever met and have grown to love. I wanted to kill time, I tried to sit up from the bed once again and my head didn't hurt this time.

The room was filled with flowers from family relatives or friends, I took this time to just read most of them.

Finally, I was at the last vase of flowers that had chocolate in a small basket next to the vase. There was an envelope instead of a card, I pulled it out of the basket and looked for a name on the envelope but I got nothing. I ended up ripping it open, unfolding the paper and reading the following letter written in Arabic.

"Dear Layal,

I've heard that you're married now, you're all grown up, aren't you? But I also found out you're at the hospital because of your fainting incident, looks like you've taken after your mother with the fainting issues. 

I know I haven't contacted you in a while after I remarried once I left your father, may his soul rest in peace. I was quite busy but I only wanted to congratulate you on your wedding and soon hopefully, on your kids. I've tried calling your brothers (well, my secretary did the calling) but they've clearly ignored all of the calls. I hope you're still not angry with me and I hope we can put this behind us.

Here's my number attached to the letter (it's on my little business card) if you're interested in meeting up with me soon, it's my secretary's number, she'll give you the days where I'm free and can see you again.

Best wishes,

Aisha Al-X."

Wow, did your secretary send the flowers and basket of chocolates too? What kind of mother would put her daughter through her secretory? 

I stared at the name "Aisha Al-X", she didn't even bother putting "Your mom". It was like she was a colleague or a friend, not my mother who didn't contact me for years after she ran away with the man she was cheating with.

"I hope you're still not angry with me and I hope we can put this behind us," wasn't enough to make up for the pain we went through because of her, it wasn't enough to make up for her cheating on my father and leaving him, even after he begged her to stay, he loved her too much to leave her after he found out she was having a secret relationship with another man.

The letter angered me, I balled my hands into fists, wishing that I never found this letter.

"Layal?" I heard Thari's deep voice and caught a whiff of his manly cologne. I jumped, he frightened me. I tuned around and saw him behind me, holding a small plastic bag.

"Shfeech 7beebty?" Thari looked at the letter in my hands and then to my face.

"Ha? La2 wela shay," I gave him a reassuring smile, ripping the paper into small pieces before dumping it in the trash.

"Don't you want that?" Thari watched me, suspicious.

"Nope, it's waste." I shrugged, mentally knowing my mother was waste to me now. "Al7een shnu hatha eb eedik?"

"Betshoufeen al7een, yalla jidamy, go back to bed." Thari grinned, putting his hands on my waist and pushing me towards the bed.

"Thari!" I laughed, holding onto his hands not to fall or topple over. I finally gave in and walked back to bed, tucking myself under the blanket.

"Okay, we're going to have our wedding now." Thari gave me a huge smile. "Just you and me, what we both originally wanted."

"Bas Thari I'm not even in a dress and I bet my hair's a mess." I pouted, pointing to the shirt and shorts I was wearing that someone probably brought over from home, letting the hospital change me into more comfortable clothing.

"W ana y3ne? Shekly yi'9a7ik." Thari pointed to the deshdasha he was wearing, the sleeves rolled up, his hair ruffled everywhere and a stain on his clothes.

"Bas 3laqal labes deshdasha, and you look cute anyway." I laughed, trying to smooth down my hair. I glanced at the mirror in front of my bed and saw that my hair wasn't in the same braid-like hair do anymore, it was loose but the curls were still perfect. As for my face, the make up's fully gone but my cheeks were tinted with rosiness.

"And you look beautiful, in a dress or not." Thari grinned. "Yalla 3ad, abe 3irs."

"Khala9 okay okay," I laughed again. "How are we going to do this?"

"Entay g3day mukanch, ana ba6la3 w badish, basawe rou7y y3ne ana el mi3ris and it'll be exactly like how I walked inside our wedding earlier today, and I'll be staring right at you."

"You're lucky I have a good imagination, yalla khala9 let's start." I smiled, he grinned before leaving the hospital room. I stared at the door, my heart hammering in my chest as I waited patiently. I heard a knock on the door and I smiled to myself before calling out the following words:


"Are all the women covered up?" Thari called out from outside of the hospital room, I could hear the sheepish grin in his voice.

"Yup, they're all wearing their 3abayas." I laughed, looking around, seeing no one but me in the hospital room.

"Yalla badish, one... two... three." He took a deep breath, making me laugh again because he was acting so serious. He pulled the door open and I stared at my husband, in his messy deshdasha, his hair wavy and his eyes staring right at mine, a smile on his face.

"Ma ga9ertaw, mashkoureen, allah yibarik feekom," he kept talking to the air, as if people surrounded him, cheering him on. I couldn't contain my laughter, my eyes started watering just at the funny sight of him. He finally walked up to me and sat next to me on the hospital bed, he leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"You look really beautiful, your shorts really bring out your coloured eyes." Thari whispered in my ear, chuckling slightly.

"You look very handsome yourself, I love what you've done to your hair bas yabeelah shay." I smiled.

"Shnu yabeelah? 3ad 7a6ait gel w sawait this Justin Bieber look with the hair, mu 3ajbch?" Thari joked. I leaned over and used my hand to ruffle up his hair, making it messier.

"Hey!" Thari exclaimed, "stop trying to increase my sexiness."

"It's your wedding day, I have to." I laughed at his fake serious expression on his face.

"Fine fine," Thari smiled back, his serious tone not matching his funny expression. "Yalla al7een we cut the cake."

"What cake?" I asked, looking around for it. He stood up and grabbed the little plastic bag. He got out a small piece of strawberry cheese cake in a plastic container. He sat back on the spot next to me and looked at me.

"Sorry, this is all I could find at the cafeteria downstairs."

"Allaaah, 3ad ana amout 3la cheese cake," I grabbed it, clearly wanting to eat it without sharing.

"Hey hey ya mara! Ne6ray!" Thari laughed, fighting me on the bed to get the cake back.

"I'm hungry," I whined.

"Sharing is caring, hmpf." Thari finally got the cake out of my hands after wrestling me for a few minutes, he was too strong to win against.

"Yalla, lets cut it." Thari gave me a plastic knife, I leaned in to cut it but before I could, he smashed the cake into my cheek by pushing the plastic container forward. The cake was cold and soft against my skin, it smelled of tongue watering strawberries.

"You-" I gasped, touching the cake filled cheek. He grinned in response, I took a chunk of cake and aimed for his face but instead, I got his neck.

"You're going to pay, wife." Thari stared at me, his eyes serious.

"Not before you pay, husband." I copied his facial expression, making his serious face melt away, causing him to laugh. Thari poked my cheek with a finger to get some cheese cake on his hands, he licked it off of his fingers.

"Mmm, Layal and cheese cake goes very well together," he said, his mouth full of the cheese. I did the same to avoid the feeling of my cheeks heating up again, enjoying the sweet taste of strawberries. Afterwards, our faces, necks and hands were filled with stickiness because of the cake.

"Ha, shrayich bel 3irs?" Thari asked after we were done eating and had our hands washed.

"El9ara7a, 3ajeeb." I couldn't stop smiling, it wasn't the fairytale wedding every girl hoped for but it was the perfect wedding for me. I was beyond happy.

"We forgot one thing," Thari sat back next to me, looking at me.

"Shnu ohwa?"

"Pictures," he slipped out his phone and aimed it at us after he clicked on the camera icon on the touch screen. I smiled at the camera, automatically thinking Thari would do the same but once the camera's flash blinded our eyes, I felt a pair of soft but manly lips on my left cheek. I quickly turned to face him with a surprised expression on my face but then those lips were on top of mine. It was a quick kiss but a sweet one, he was smiling from ear to ear as soon as he leaned back, looking back at the picture of us kissing.

He looked up from his phone, staring at me with an amused expression on his face. "Why are you red?"

"What?" I stuttered, touching my cheeks. They were completely hot, super hot, I couldn't imagine how red they appeared to Thari.

"Zoujte tisti7y," Thari chuckled.

"La2, shaku." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You're still blushing," Thari couldn't stop smiling, he took a quick picture of me and showed me my cheeks in the picture. "Hmm, this would be a good wallpaper for my phone."

"YA WAILIK!" I exclaimed.

"Shnu? 7laly, kaife." Thari smirked and hid his phone to stop me from grabbing it and deleting the picture.

That night, was probably one of the best nights of my life. My worries of cancer had flown away, Thari kept a smile on my face all night, keeping my thoughts off of the subject. But we couldn't avoid it any longer, because the next day, the results was what woke me up the next morning.

"Akeed?" I heard Thari's voice, it was sleepy but not distant. My eyes were shut and my arms felt cold, they felt warm all night because Thari had kept his arm around me. I opened up my eyes and a bright ray of sunlight whispered good morning to me. I looked to the right and saw the female doctor, her hair in a ponytail, her wrinkles showed wisdom and she held papers in her hand. My brother Abdulra7man stood next to her, with Thari on the other side, his hair was even messier than yesterday but he looked adorable.

"Sh9ayer?" I murmured, I was still tired.

"Are those the results?" I asked once all of their eyes were on me, they stared at me, not answering. My heart began grinding against my rib cages, the atmosphere felt tense.

"Just say it, please." I sat up from my bed, squeezing the blanket's soft material to calm myself down.

"You don't have cancer!" Thari exclaimed, a huge smile on his face.

"THARI!" Abdulra7man shouted at him in annoyance. "What happened to surprising her?"

"Ma gidert, shift wayiha? Etshawig, ma gidert." Thari looked at Abdulra7man, trying to reason with him. I stayed in the bed, still in shock.

"N-no cancer? Did I hear that right?" I croaked out.

"Yes, yes, yes." Thari repeated.

"Yes, really Layal." The doctor smiled.

"Yes." Abdulra7man finally said, three of them made it official for me. I was going to jump out of bed but the headache was back again.

"Careful Layal, you're blood sugar's quite low but by tomorrow you'll be fine. You fainted because you're claustrophobic and I've heard that you barely ate that day, so make sure you fill yourself with food today if you don't want to faint again." The doctor advised me but I couldn't stop smiling, even through the bad headache.

Thari and Abdulra7man hurried over to the bed, both giving me a huge hug. A few minutes later, my other brother Ebrahim joined us, also hugging me after hearing the news.

I remained in the hospital for another day just to rest up but Thari never left my side.


"So, Germany, Paris, Phuket or got another country in mind for our honeymoon?" Thari asked me once we were both in the car, leaving the hospital together.

"Anywhere," I smiled.

"All of Europe?" Thari grinned, he had the windows down, the wind filling the insides of his sleek Rolls Royce.


"Okay Layal, neseitay shay thane men 3irsna gabel ams," Thari kept his eyes on the road, but his eyes would flicker over to me every once in a while.

"I think I know what it is, but do you really want it? Ma maleit?"

"Shloun amil? Men 9ijich? It's the highlight of my day." Thari replied.

I leaned over from the passenger seat to make sure I could whisper in his ear, saying it slowly so he wouldn't miss a word.

"I.. love... you."



This story's different. No, I won't say how many kids they have or whatever happened to any of Layal's or Thari's other relatives.

But I'll say one thing.

Both of them remained happy through whatever problem they faced or whatever other tragedy they had to live through.

They were and are.. simply happy. 


  1. When i have to give you feedback about your posts .. I really dont know what to say! MIMII my favorite & really talented blogger♥ You can never imagine how much i love you or how much i love your blog!! You are simply amazing:( Really glad that i started reading this great blog! I am also lucky to know an adorable girl like you! You are sooo white-hearted&one of a kind:(♥ Your posts? dont even ask! Each post has something nice ! Your stories? Each one is cuter than the other! Each story has something special that is different! As you know that many many people have blogs now! People are making twitter accounts and a blog to start a story! Well none of them is as talented as you! None of them is as beautiful as you and none of them is great as you! Your stories showed me and taught me loads! Not everyone can see that but i know that i learned from your blog! I learned from your amazing tweets too♥ No regrets! Never gonna regret pressing that follow button one day or reading this blog el3ajeeeb!!! People who know you are so lucky wallah mimi:( NEVER stop writing!! Keep writing and stop dreaming! There are two kinds of writers: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder. Well you make me do both!!! i wonder and think of what may happen next! Moreover, i feel that i am the main character while reading your blog! I feel sad when the characters are sad and happy when they are wallah!! Sometimes you say somethings through tweets that are exactly what i feel or its 100% true! you can say things that others cant! Love everything about you & your blog♥ I feel really sorry for those people who dont know you! You are a very special person to me and a close person to my heart! Never stop writing! Ya36eech il3aafyaa;* Thankkk youuuu soooooooooo muuuchh!!! I enjoyed every bit of this story! You deserve much more than that i know because it took you time to write those lovely stories! Cant wait for the next story and hope your enjoying your holidaaay xx !!! -B'258


  3. LOVEDDDD ITTT <3 are you gonna write another story?

  4. I am speechless,I am gonna miss this story great work!

  5. LOVED IT!!!!! Best story ever!!! And i love u!!

  6. Made the inside of my cheeks ache! You're amazing!!!! Mashallah!

  7. You're a very amazing writer,I write a blog too but yours is just extra ordinarily good!! Sometimes when I'm writing I'm like how would she spice up the story to make it more interesting?? But the thing is I'm not like you,I'm not that much of a good writer but You're so good that I just wish this was a true story! Mashallah maryam! A7bch!!!!♥

  8. LOVED ITTTTTT!!!!!!!! thanks sooo much for posting!!!!! keep postinggggg, you kinda inspire me you know? ahaha thanks again xxx

  9. T.H.I.S. I.S. T.H.E. B.E.S.T. S.T.O.R.Y.

  10. Waaaaay il LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED the endinnnnggggg!!!!!! *tears* 3ajeeeba il 8i9a *tears* 3ajeeeb their wedding oo everything la2na 7ada unique! Waaaaay eshawgooon!! *tears* i couldn't stop smiling throughout the post!! Waaay wallah i love u plz write another storyy!!! I love ur way of writing u make it suspenful oo everytime i see that u posted wayyhy byinshag min il tha7ka! Walllah this was like the perfect ending.... *sigh*

    -UmYousef:D *mitshagiga*

  11. You always suprise me with your writing I'm speechless AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING <3<3<3 and I'm sad because the story finished:( will miss you so much hope you write new one soon LOVE YOU !

  12. Amazing, amazing, amazing & amazing! This is too good to be true, ba9ee7 :( your posts and stories are so :( ma3arf. They're so 7lween, 7lahom is incompatible!! I love you much, one of the best writers with error-free posts <3 xx


  14. I literally cried! Your blogs are the best I swear to god, I love you :c <3 plus bdour was a bitch :P I hate her !!!!!!

    -F, a not-so-silent reader

  16. WOW, thank you SO much EVERYONE, I've read ALL of the comments and they've put a HUGE smile on my face!♡

    It's been such a joy to write stories to such wonderful readers, thank you for all your support and feedback. :')

    Much love! xo

  17. AMAZING a very unique ending from a very unique writer loved the story ..

  18. This should be turned into a book too. Heck all of them should.
