Saturday, January 26, 2013

Short stories - Un Petit Secret Pt.2

I start university tomorrow, my three week holiday is officially coming to an end. Strangely, I've missed university but I haven't missed the studying of course. So I'm bummed out and excited at the same time, just one of those things where you have mixed feelings about.

I can't start a full long story with university but I really want to start doing the short stories thing, hopefully it works out though, I have a tendency of getting bored of the story and changing my mind about continuing it. 

The parts will be short and quick, but most likely I'll develop the story even more (so you all won't get so confused with the story) with other parts. Oh and "un petit secret" means "little secrets".

Don't forget to leave some feedback on the comments below, I appreciate it a lot thank you so much! x


Previously in part 1:

"Since when did you start keeping secrets?" Fouz cocked an eyebrow at Mariyah, tucking her textbooks into her maroon backpack.

"As of today."


Raghad pushed herself to move her legs quicker, her feet were pounding over the hard ground, her sneakers squeaking out in dismay. The rays of sunlight hit the back of her neck, making it easier for droplets of sweat to form. Her chest heaved, she kept on running, but running from whom? She didn't know, all she knew that those footsteps behind her were following her. She kept her head low, too frightened to look at the figure behind her.

Just a few more minutes and I'll be at the car, on my way home. Go faster! Raghad thought to herself, trying to motivate her weak legs. She wasn't much of a runner, much less an exercising person in general.

A hard smack to her left cheek stopped her in her tracks. Her textbooks that were under her left arm fell down to the ground, her much needed to be trimmed bangs sticking to her eyes, blinding her image of what stopped her.

"Woah," a deep male voice scared her. Raghad brushed away her bangs from her face, leaving her textbooks on the ground to catch a clear sight of the 6 foot guy standing in front of her. He was in his school uniform, the same uniform as hers, his skin sun tanned from the summer and his eyes peeking down at her short height. She had bumped into his chest and had nearly toppled over but his firm hand grabbed her arm, stopping her from falling. He quickly let go once she regained her balance.

"Sorry," Raghad mumbled, becoming embarrassed. They were from the same school but the schools were segregated, Raghad was in the all girls version of the school and the all boy school was right next to theirs. 

"It's okay, I didn't see you there," he gave her a funny look that said "due to your short height". Raghad normally would have gotten mad at that snark comment but her heart was still grinding up against her ribcage because of the stranger following her. Raghad took this chance to look behind her, but she only found the numerous cars parked outside the school building and the students hurrying to their cars, excited to have finally get the chance to experience the weekend.

"You okay? You're not hurt, are you? I was just joking around.." The guy peeked at Raghad, pushing his face slightly next to hers so he could face her, his expression held an apology, thinking that she had gotten mad over the snark joke he made earlier.

"Yeah, yeah." She stuttered before kneeling down to grab her textbooks, he made a move to kneel down and help her but she was too fast for him, she grabbed her Biology and Chemistry textbooks and stood back up.

"Oh, I took Chemistry last year-" He began to speak with a hint of a smile in his voice, running his fingers over his dark black hair. Raghad didn't get a chance to hear the rest because she caught the familiar sight of her car, just a few meters away. She gave him a slight nod and walked off. 

Bader watched her run off, the sun glinting over her dark curled hair, with a surprised expression on his face, chuckling to himself as he murmured; "Weird girl."


  1. I wish you still used Arabii :( 6ara mb 7loo chi, with Arabi it is better. :(

    1. Sorry :c I want my writing to be as crisp as possible, the Arabic makes it less professional.

  2. You took Pretty Little Liars idea?

  3. Loved it!! Keep posting please my english Got so much better min ur blogs <3

  4. Loving it... Keep goingg

  5. LOVED IT<3 And my name:$ Anyways.. ENGLISH Is muchh moreee exciting!! Jad I loved it<3 Keep going:*

  6. Thank you so much for all the great feedback! :D
