Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Short stories - Un Petit Secret Pt.1

Hey! Thanks to ALL the great feedback on my finale and all the other chapters, I've loved all of them and I'm very grateful for all the support you guys have given me.

My holiday's coming to an end and it's not enough to start a brand new long story, so I'm probably keeping my long story for the summer enshallah, but that doesn't mean I won't post from time to time. I decided to write short stories instead, they will be super short and each story will be different from the other, just so I can practice writing different types of stories.

Your feedback will be most appreciated! Tell me what you think about the new changes by commenting down below, and NO MORE ARABIC on my posts. ONLY English. (Sorry guys)

This goes out to Mr Quinn's awesome class I visited today, (any of his students reading? Make sure to tell him I put the dedication he asked for!) Mr Quinn, you're AMAZING and your source analysis lessons, just awesome.
Oh and this is just an introduction! So bare with me, it's very short and confusing. It's supposed to be mysterious.


Unknown Number: I know your secret. 

Raghad stared at the text message, her lips twitching slightly, her heart hammering in her chest uncontrollably. She tried reassuring herself that it was a prank of some sort, but the message seemed too personal and she had too many secrets to know which one the text was talking about.

"Psssst, did someone find out about your secret already?" A voice hissed into Raghad's left ear, scaring her, causing her to jump up from her seat. She turned swiftly around and made eye contact with the 16 year old Mariyah, her chestnut hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her hazel eyes swimming with excitement.

"W-what?!" Raghad stuttered, clutching her iPhone in her hands, her fingers began to sweat against the cool metal cover of the iPhone.

"What's wrong with you?" Mariyah smirked, looking at Raghad's worried eyes and how her fingers were closed over her iPhone so tightly that her knuckles turned pale and white.

"N-nothing, what were you talking about?" Raghad snapped at her.

"I was just joking around, I read the text over your shoulder by accident, it's a senior prank, chill dude." Mariyah rolled her light coloured eyes at Raghad, she seemed a lot more confident than her, even when Mariyah was two years younger and wasn't even graduating yet.

"Senior prank?" Raghad regained her posture and tried to give off a more confident expression on her face, she brushed her fingers through her dark mahogany hair, her curls tucking themselves behind her diamond encrusted ears. "Yeah, I know. Those creeps."

"You okay?" Mariyah laughed but her eyes seemed suspicious. "So what's the secret?"

"What secret? It's a prank, I don't keep secrets." Raghad grabbed her backpack, the bell rang and the sound burnt in her ears. She was saved, she hurried off, waved at Mariyah and left the Geography class room without a word.

"What's up with her?" Fouz whispered to Mariyah, staring at Raghad's back as it disappeared off into the crowd of students. Mariyah had snuck into the senior class, her full lips and long hair gave her a more mature age and the fact that the Geography teacher had his eyes sleepily closed most of the lesson, helped too.

"I dunno, are you guys pranking her? Is she the bait for this year's senior prank?" Mariyah looked over at Fouz, her deep chocolate brown eyes staring back at Mariyah's.

"We didn't even start the senior prank yet, the girls didn't choose the bait yet or assigned the rules for this year, why?" Fouz's dimple popped up as she bit on her bottom lip, seeming confused.

"Oh, nothing." Mariyah grinned.

"You're hiding something, spit it out."

"My lips are locked," Mariyah made a locking gesture over her lips, sealing them.

"Since when did you start keeping secrets?" Fouz cocked an eyebrow at Mariyah, tucking her textbooks into her maroon backpack.

"As of today."


  1. add my name?:(


  2. The name Zain 4 ur mini story? :(

  3. I loved it, 7asait chena pretty little liers;p

  4. A39aaaab 3abalich bnt Mary ��?

  5. Thank you all for the comments and feedback. :D

    I'll add the names when I introduce newer characters! x

  6. all your stories are amazing i love them all :D
    wonderful job C:


  7. Didn't read it yet i'm happy and have a huge smile on my face
