Monday, January 7, 2013

Le Chase Chapter 42

My schedule for this holiday (week days, mu weekend 3ad:p) is practically this:

1- Wake up
2- Gym from 5 to 8pm.
3- Shower.
4- Write a post.
5- Answer the advice ask.
6- Watch whatever's online.

And this is why I've been posting again everyday, lets hope nothing messes up schedule, right?

Hope you enjoy this chapter, this one goes out to @contempretty, you're beautiful my t-bot.

I appreciate all the feedback I get (huge THANK YOU), comment down below to tell me what you think about this chapter! x


Previously in Chapter 40:

"And yes, I did miss you and yes, enta a7la men Satan eb wayed," she said with a wide gleaming smile before shutting the door behind her, her dress swirling around behind her before I lost a glimpse of her.

I slid out my phone, quickly texting her a last message before I left the grounds of her house.

"And you are the most beautiful blessing my eyes, heart, mind and soul has ever been granted with."

All I needed was that last glimpse of her for my smile to glue itself to my face for the next twenty four hours.


Are you ready?

I stared at the text message blankly, feeling queasy to my stomach. I looked up from my Samsung and stared at the reflection standing in front of me. My face looked pale, a face that was caked with foundation, eyes rimmed with eyeliner and patted with barely there gold eyeshadow, that glimmered in the dark; my lips left as rosy as the crimson colour of the apple of my cheeks. 

My dress, the white long dress I've been day dreaming about for years and years, lay delicately over my mahogany chair. It was long, the material soft to my fingers as I trailed them over the dress. I looked over the ivory flowers that trailed down the dress, the tiny leaves and petals that were sewn over the sleeves, it was beautiful but I was scared to put it on and damage the frail looking dress. (Layal's dress: click on me! dress pic #1 and Layal's dress pic #2)

"LAYAL, hurry up! Your wedding's in 15 minutes, what are you doing in there?!" I heard the impatient voice of my good friend Taiba, her knuckles banging on my bedroom door.

"Digeega, walla digeega w akhale9!" I yelled back.

"Lebestay?" Taiba asked, clearly knowing that I was still in my under garments. 

"Eee," I squeaked out, biting the inside of my cheek.

"La walla? 3yal fit7ay el bab khanshoufch," Taiba challenged me, I could hear the evil grin in her voice.

"Okay okay lal7een ma lebest, enzain?" I sighed, looking back to the dress, laying over the mahogany chair.

"Shfeech sa3a? We took you to the salon, your hair's done, your make up's done, now it's just the dress and we're done," Taiba started to sound worried. (Layal's hair: Click on me! Layal's hair pic)

"I need help with the dress." 

"Okay unlock the door."

I approached the door, unlocked it and let Taiba in, not allowing the other girls to follow her. Taiba walked in, closing the door and unlocking it behind her. Her semi long auburn hair was curled and waved, her make up simple, winged eyeliner and red lips to compliment her sleeveless body hugging black dress, that reached right above her knees.

"Yalla, put your feet in," Taiba bossily snapped at me, grabbing the dress and placing it under my feet. I shimmied around till the dress was fully covering most of my body, I slid my arms through, the sleeves hugging my shoulders.

"Ma t'hagain it's too much?" I asked, biting down on my bottom lip once I caught a glimpse of my reflection. The dress was backless and the fabric was snug tight it, it hugged every inch of my body. It felt like I was wearing practically nothing.

"Ey too much? Mu men 9ijich 9a7? El habba al7een short wedding dresses and barely cover your body, w entay nagaitay this backless one w mu 3ajbich the sleeveless wedding dresses. Shensawe feech? Walla zain ma lebestay 3abaya to your own wedding," Taiba began to complain, her fingers buttoning the dress on my sides as I held my arms up, making sure they were out of the way.

"Shd3wa 3abaya 3ad," I replied.

"Look who's talking, the girl who wanted to wear a long sleeved dress to her own wedding, during the summer." Taiba smirked.

"That dress was elegant!"

"Y3ne mu 3ajbich this dress al7een?" Taiba shook her head in dismay, she was about to complain some more since her mouth was half open but as soon as I turned around to argue, she gasped.

"Shnu?!" I asked, already worrying that the dress was too tight or wasn't flattering on me. 

"Shoufay," Taiba gave me a huge smile, pointing to the mirror next to us.

"Mabe," I hesitated but then turned around to face myself in the mirror. The dress was absolutely perfect. Yes, it was tight but I could breathe and move, it framed my hips, covered up half of my chest and the flowers lay around me on the ground, making me even look angelic with my side curled/braided hair that was filled with delicate flowers to match my dress.

"Etgoul mabe w et6ali3," Taiba laughed. "Ha, do you still want that long sleeved dress?"

"Men 9ijich albes 3abaya to my own wedding?" I replied, with the same tone of her complaining voice earlier, causing both of us to laugh afterwards.

The girls helped me walk down the stairs without tripping on the long train of my wedding dress, my skin was patted with every kind of perfume and I smelled of vanilla and orchids. Every five seconds, Taiba had to pat some more perfume to my bare neck or wrists.

"GOULAW MASHALLAH BANAT!" Taiba lectured the girls before we dove into the car.

"Entay shfeech kel digeega bas etzifeen aw tit7l6main?" I laughed once Taiba and I were in Thari's Rolls Royce. I had a 3abaya clung to me and my hair but the driver was a woman.

"3shan ma ya7sidounch, ma shfteehum shloun khazouch, walla." Taiba pouted as she powdered her face, using a small compact mirror and a Chanel powder in the left hand.

"GO FASTER, THE BRIDE IS LATE!" Taiba suddenly exclaimed at the driver.

"Madame, I can't we're stuck in traffic," the Indian woman pointed to the numerous cars in front of us.

"MAKE THE CAR FLY." Taiba snapped at the driver.

"Wa6ay 9outch! Entay feech shay elyoum, shnu sharba?" I couldn't contain my laughter anymore, I was afraid I'd rip my dress since it clung to the skin of my stomach.

"Red bull, red bull and red bull," Taiba gave me a meek smile. "Oh, gabel ma ansa!"

Taiba quickly reached inside her classic Chanel purse, digging out a pair of Cartier diamond earrings along with my diamond bracelet.

"Your earrings," Taiba handed them over, I quickly dug them into my earlobes and circled the bracelet around my wrists, firmly closing them. 

Afterwards, I remembered the text message I never replied to. I dug out my Samsung that was in Taiba's purse and stared at the text message again.

Thari (my one & only): Are you ready?

That crazy man prompted his mother to plan a whole wedding in a week after I accepted his engagement offer. After he surprised me, by showing up the next day, talking to my brother and then banging on my door saying; "I'M NOT WAITING FOR YOU TO ANSWER ME THROUGH YOUR BROTHER, WILL YOU MARRY ME LAYAL?" 

I was in my room, astounded by his familiar voice. I could also hear my brother in the background, lecturing him that this was not the traditional and manly way of proposing to a girl.

"LAYAL, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE," Thari had shouted through the door, I was tucked in bed watching Gossip Girl, totally in shock.

"Thari, maynoun ent?! La etkhaleeny a6al3ik men baitna w agoulk ma tegder etzawij ekhty!" Abdulra7man had angrily shouted.

"LAYAL, BSR3A GABEL MA OKHOUCH YI6IGNY," Thari had continued to shout, completely stubborn, not listening to my brother. I was laughing, my heart hammering in my chest, I thought I was in a dream. It was surreal.

"YES!" I immediately shouted back, in between laughs. And then silence, neither did Thari or my brother speak a word.

"Thari? 7amany?" I had asked, staring at my bedroom door. Silence.

"Layal." Thari barely whispered, I heard his deep voice through my door. "Akhaf ga3d at7alam, can you say that again please?"

"Yal maynoun ekhty galetlk ee!" 7amany laughed, his voice full of joy, the anger and annoyance from his voice completely melted away.

"I SAID YES!" I shouted again, willing the happy tears away. "YES! YES! YES!"

"Ashoufch next week in a white dress!" Thari said, I could hear the huge smile in his voice.

"Offh wein rayi7?! Shnu next week?!" 7amany followed him, I heard the footsteps on the stairs, Thari was running off, too excited and 7amany was complaining that a week was too fast. I had wrapped a veil around my head just to cover my hair, put on a jacket over my pajama pants and shirt then ran downstairs to catch Thari, speeding off in his Range Rover.

"Hal rayal mu 9a7y, are you sure you want to marry him?" 7amany had asked me, we were both standing outside of the house, my eyes on Thari's car that was slowly disappearing, the road swallowing it up.

"I'm one hundred percent sure." 

"Layal we9alna!" Taiba's voice drowned out my thoughts and I dove back into reality. I quickly replied to Thari's text message.

Layal Al-X: Yes! 

Thari (my one & only): Shfeech 6aweltay;p, yalla 3ad don't keep the groom waiting. Why can't we have an American wedding 3shan ashoufch 3la6oul? Mu an6er w b3dain ayeelch?

Layal Al-X: Cus we're Kuwaiti LOL. 

Thari (my one & only): 3yal 9awray nafsch, khan ashoufch.

Layal Al-X: Hey, be patient you'll see me soon. It's bad luck a9lan.

Thari (my only & only): you said we're Kuwaiti and that saying's only applied to Americans.

Layal Al-X: 3ade, we can have a semi American/Kuwaiti wedding. :p

Thari (my one & only): La walla, eb kaifich. ;p 

Layal Al-X: It's 2013, the woman controls the relationship now.

Thari (my only & only): Awareech who controls it after the wedding.

Layal Al-X: Too bad, was going to send you a picture of the train of my dress just to make you a bit happier. Never mind.

Thari (my only & only): Hey hey! Khala9  you control the relationship, ely tabeen! Bas dizeely el 9oura 3afyaa 7beebty. 

Layal has sent you a picture.

Thari  (my one & only): Basss? Ma sheft shay, bas ashouf a few flowers. :( 

Layal Al-X: LOL yalla 3ad it's better than nothing, you'll see the whole thing in an hour. :p 

Thari (my one & only): Okay khala9, I can't wait to see your beautiful face!  Layal?

Layal Al-X: I can't wait to see your handsome one! 3younha?

Thari (my one & only): Zoujte?

Layal Al-X: 3youn zoujtk?

Thari (my one & only): I love you.

"Hey, why are you smiling like a dummy?" Taiba scared me, causing my smile to widen uncontrollably once I notice that we're already in the hall, I was about to go inside the ballroom.

"Bas," I kept smiling and replied to Thari's message with a "I love you too."

"La ykoun entay ga3da etkhouneen zoujich men al7een?" Taiba gasped, trying to peek at my phone.

"6ayoub!" I smacked her arm.

"Atghashmar, atghasmar!" Taiba laughed. "Yalla heday telephonch, time for the bride to go in." 

I took a deep breath, re-applied my rosy coloured lipstick and slowly took a step towards the two wide doors.



"Bo Zaid, yalla al7een bendish," 3abbas, dressed in his formal clothing, his face cleanly shaved, exclaimed excitedly. It's finally time to see her. Finally, I'd see her now, really see her. No veil, no boundaries, she was now officially mine.

"Tell the women to cover up," I told him, trying to sound normal but he smiled, already noticing how impatient I was.

"They're covered up, yalla endish?" 3abbas asked, with a grin on his face.

"La2 enta ma ra7 etdish, bas ana, murty mit7ajba, nesait?" I gave him a smirk.

"I was being general Thari," 3abbas shook his head at me but I was finding it amusing. I was finally going to see her, no other man could see her the way I would be seeing her, in just a few minutes. A few minutes, that's practically nothing! But it felt like hours.

"Jahiz?" 3abbas was my driver, he was about to leave but he turned to look at me once more.

"Yes, yalla goul mabrouk w emsh, tara bashouf zoujte." I impatiently said, 3abbas ended up laughing.

"Khala9 khala9, barou7." 3abbas gave me a hug, kissed both of my cheeks, a huge smile on his face. He congratulated me thousands of times before finally walking off, letting me go past the two wide doors.

I was expecting the women to stare, to murmur good words but once I walked in, all I saw was a crowd of covered women, in a circle. I couldn't understand what was going on, I couldn't even see Layal in the wedding seat that was in front of me.

"Ya satir!" One of the women exclaimed, her voice full of terror. It caused my heart to bang against my ribcage, I practically ran over to the crowd, the women quickly put space between me and them, letting me pass.

"Besmellah!" Another woman exclaimed.

This isn't good.. this isn't good.

I finally got to the spot they were crowded around, what I found ripped the insides of my heart into thousands of pieces. 

On the ground, was a body, a young woman in a black dress with red lips was on the phone, obviously calling the hospital, but I couldn't tear my eyes off of the body.

Layal, in her beautiful wedding dress, her face pale, her dark mahogany hair that was once curled and neatly put into a side curled braid was sprawled around her beautiful face, her curls slowly untangling from the hair-do, her curved body angelically laying on the cold hard ground.


  1. I don't know what to say Maryam... walla y3ni I expected a good chapter but this just completely disappointed me... all I could say was thanks for posting but.. yeah </3

  2. Oh god I was just too excited for the wedding, I was expecting something better. I'm really disappointed at how the chapter ended up like, I thought she was cancer-free. Anyways I know for sure you added this part to the story to make us excited.... Thanks for posting, keep the good work going on :D
    Lots of Love;
    M-from UAE aka meem <3

  3. I won't deny how disappointed and shocked I am in this right moment. Lovely chapter, thanks for posting xx

  4. DON'T DIE DON'T DIE PLEASE MARYAM ARJOOCH!!!7araam walla 7araam I fell of the stairs the last part !! I was reading and I was just like "omg this is so cute!!" then I went on the stairs and when I read the last part I slipped and fell on my face! :( tra you are gonna kill us not Layal :D

  5. Y3ni mdry shgool shfeech 3ala layal shmsawyat lich :( btw thanks for posting ;*


  7. Enty Mu 9a7ya w bs. </3

  8. Why? Really I'm completely serious. I don't understand why you decided to end it like this. It was perfect. PERFECT. And then? This.

    -not happy-

  9. You had to ruin it?-.- whenever a problem gets solved, a new one happens? I was excited for the wedding, didnt really like this chapter sorry


  11. Abay maskeeena Layal shfeeea?!!! Waaaay maskeena mo gadra titraga3 il bnaya! Kil ma 5ali9at min shay yo6la3laha shay thani :(((( maskeen thari kisar 5a6rii:((( Anywayzz thanks for tha postttt!!!! ;****

    UmYousef:(*maksoor galbha*

  12. That's too dramatic , I'm disappointed.
    And you still didn't mention anything about Layal's mother

  13. Meskeena 3ad shda3wa! Kelkm gelabtaw 3al blogger xD ya5i it's her story! Kaifha

  14. disappointed to be honest

  15. I love how everyone didn't expect this cliff hanger.

    You're disappointed now but I find it amusing, and you'll know why soon.

    Stay tuned for the finale, writing it tonight enshallah.

    Keep in mind, whatever you expect something to happen in the story, it won't happen.

    And thanks for the good feedback to the others!:D I won't keep you waitinf, much love. xx

  16. BUT WHY :( she can't die in her own wedding :( Thari will be sad and all alone :( please post soon xx.

  17. Akeed he was hallusinaiting!! Enshallah....

  18. People are so mean. Ignore them amazing chapter not that I'm surprised all the others are too!! Don't let anyone tell you different:*

  19. omg its better to put unexpected stuff, cause if they got married and everything everyone would've guessed it before, so don't change the story just because of these comments! keep going!<3

  20. Your comment implies that we have been to hasty in deciding what will happen and that instead of death it will be something foolish. I feel embarrassed already.

  21. Tadren shbasawii feech:)? I'm omw to school and this completely ruined my whole day!!!

  22. noooooooooooooooooooooo :"((((((((((((((((((((((

  23. can't wait for the next chapter..*-*

  24. When is the next one :( ?

  25. Finale has just been posted!


    Bad or good, THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. :') And thank you for reading my stories, the only reason I write them is because of you amazing readers.

    Much love! xo

  26. okay seriously i cannot wait any longer, im supposed to be studying for my test tomorrow but instead i read the chapter =)) <3 compared to the blogs ive read this is currently my best and ive been reading your blog ever since your first story but never had a chance to comment, and for that i apologize x
