Saturday, July 5, 2014

Paradise Chapter 13 *CONTINUING THE STORY*

Hey! I'm officially back, I am SO sorry for being gone and not continuing the stories but as I promised, I am doing it now, even though it took ages to finally come back. 7agkom 3lay!

I couldn't write that much because I need to go work out with my trainer now but I promise I'll write the next chapter when I'm back today hopefully because I have a million ideas right now.

Hope you enjoy, please comment, did I lose all my readers or are you all still out there reading my stories? You make my day and I've missed all of you, hope you didn't all disappear. x


Previously in Chapter 12:

Soon enough, it was beginning to get darker and I began to get more fearful of everything. He simply sat next to me, lounging and not doing anything. I couldn’t give him the silent treatment any longer, I had to ask and silence my growing curiosity.

“Okay, laish ga3deen hnee?” I broke the silence.

“I ran out of gas, mafrouth enrou7 mukan thane.”

“W al7een shnu? This is the great surprise?” I asked sarcastically.

“La2, ga3da agoulch mafrouth enrou7 mukan thane, shfeech 9amkha?”

“Offh okay bas ley meta ra7 neg3ad hnee?”

“Wai3 7anna, khala9 dageit 3leehum al7een bas nen6er.”

“Okay,” I looked away in annoyance, once again.

“Shfeech kela mtnerfza?” He looked at me.

“Ana? Etha ana mtnfrza 3yal enta shnu?”

“See? Proves my point,” he sighed.

“Do I need to give you the whole you-kidnapped-me story again?”


“Okay,” I croaked out. I watched him walk off towards a bush to do his “business”, he had his back to me so he couldn’t even see me. I got up from the ground and ran towards the car before he could see me. I wasn’t planning to drive off because 1) I can’t drive, even for my life and 2) his threat was so real and I wasn’t ready to die.

Plus all my other plans were total fails, I didn’t even know how to start the car properly to escape but I knew for sure that I can search the car for any hints about his identity or try to call someone if I found a phone.

I climbed into the passenger seat and searched as fast as I could, the car basically had nothing.

No phone.

No wallet.


But I caught the sight of the gas information, it said that the tank of gas was full but Deep Voice said that the reason we were here was because we ran out of gas…

Now I was truly terrified and wished I could drive. But it was too late, I had to leave the car fast before Deep Voice was back but more than one question began to whirr around in my curious head.

What the hell is Deep Voice trying to do, trapping me here with him?

Was this the whole surprise?

Or was the surprise going to show up… soon?


“Shnu kentay ga3da etsawen?” His voice startled me from behind. It was Deep Voice, I hadn’t heard him walk back to our spot, I was too fixated on my thoughts on the whole surprise and escaping.

“Ha? Wela shay!” I stuttered. Could he have seen me leave the car or something?

“Shayfetny ghabe? Sheftch w entay t6l3een men el sayara, shga3da etdawreen ha? Hatha?” Deep Voice slid his fingers into the waistband of his jeans after pushing his Abercrombie shirt up, showing some of his toned skin to slide out his gun.

“La2 sh-shaku!” My eyes widened at the gun in fear.

“3yal? Jawbeeny!” He grabbed the ends of my hair and pulled me closer, I felt my scalp starting to prickle with pain.

“F-fashla, mabe a-agoul,” I stuttered, trying to think.

“GOULAY!” He spat into my face.

“I th-thought I got my p-period so I went inside to get some privacy to ch-check,” my face heated up from the heat of the weather but I squeezed my eyes shut to redden my cheeks even more to appear as if I was embarrassed to bring up my period in front of a guy. Truthfully, I wasn’t, I’ve been in a mixed school long enough for the guys there to not be disgusted by anything as petty as a period, they were way more advanced than that.

I heard Deep Voice laugh hysterically, I opened up my eyes to see his face breaking into a genuine laugh through the mask, the tensed up veins on his neck from all of his anger had disappeared and his face genuinely looked kind – well what from what I could see from the mask he didn’t seem so scary during this moment.

“And so?” He breathed out after he was done laughing, he still had ahold of my hair but his grip loosened and scalp was relieved.

“So what? I blinked.

“Yatlch refeejtch wla la2?”

“Refeejti?” My eyebrows furrowed.

“Wow esta3bch ba6ee2,” he began laughing all over again, “did you get your period yet or not?”

Should I say yes? Would he check if I was lying? Ew no, god who would even do that, he would seriously have to be that disgustingly cruel.

The thoughts kept whirring around, should I lie or say the truth?

My gut said lie.

“Eee, I got my period,” I nervously lied, my eyes blinked way too many times but I hoped he wouldn’t notice that blinking was my weakness when it came to lying.

“Weeh, shensawe al7en?” He finally let go of my hair and I sighed in relief, sitting back down on the ground comfortably, away from him.

“Uhm, I need a pad.” Now I truly did feel embarrassed, I never had to actually explain my period to a guy, usually just saying you were on one when you’re at P.E class in front of the guys, the guys would leave you alone and wouldn’t probe you with questions. Especially if the P.E teacher wasn’t a woman.

“Pad? Men wainli? Shayfetny bent mthlch?”

“Enta ely s2lt,” I got annoyed and I thanked God internally 500 times for not actually having my period during this horrible timing.

“Okay shnu b3d? Bas?”

“Panadol, ba6ne ga3d ythb7ne,” I squeezed my stomach, wincing, acting like I was in pain.

“Weeh, 3yal maku surprise chithe,” he scratched the back of his neck, seeming kind of.. worried?

Hearing that he was calling the surprise off made me both relieved and not relieved, I was terrified of it but I still was aching to know what it was.

“Yalla goumay,” Deep Voice grabbed my arm but gently, to help me up, not to hurt me.

I obeyed and stood up, he was ushering me towards the car.

“Wain ray7een? No gas, remember?” I reminded him that we were stuck here either way with no car with gas.

“La 3ade,” he groaned and shrugged. He pushed me towards the passenger seat and he went towards the back of the car to push the trunk open. I heard a few clicks and clacks but couldn’t see what he was doing, in a few minutes he was sitting next to me in the driver’s seat, he easily started the engine and the car breathed into life.

“I’ll take you to the closest pharmacy and you better act proper or else I swear I’ll kill you in front of everyone,” his voice sounded stern.

“La7tha shloun.. maku banzeen..” I was confused.

“La aku,” he began driving easily and I was shocked.

“Shnu?!” I yelled at him.

“Shnu?” He sounded bored, not giving me any attention as he drove out of the dessert place and onto the road.

“There was gas in the trunk of the car ALL THIS TIME?!” I was furious.


“LAISH?!” I started hitting his arms and he couldn’t drive properly, he grew angry and pushed me off of him by pushing his right shoulder into mine, my back slammed up against the passenger door.

“Kaifi.” He shrugged, eb kil buroud! (eb kil buroud: in ultimate coldness.)

“7m**r! Walla 7m**r!” I began to tear up, it was so easy for him to torture me and to be cruel to me, why?! Why me?!

“Chub wela kelma!” He yelled at me, growing angrier.

“Laish etsawe feene chithe?!” I started hitting him again, the car swerved suddenly to the right, he couldn’t focus on driving properly with me attacking him. The gun was too deep into his jeans for him to use an arm to get it out while using the other to hold me off, he needed a hand on the stirring wheel and there were a few a cars behind us, we would look too suspicious if we parked suddenly. We would look like an angry couple and that would catch too much attention from any other Kuwaiti passing by.

“STOP,” He spat at me and tried to control his driving. “Tabene amawtch?!”

“GOULY LAISH SAWAIT FEENE CHITHE!” I yelled, my tears rolling down my cheeks. “JUST LET ME THE HELL GO.”

“Ana el 7ay**n bawadech 3nd el pharmacy for your stupid period! Glna period bas mu chithe, you hormonal b**ch!”

“Ana el b***ch?! Enta shnu 3yal ayal 7m*r!” I began hitting him stronger now, digging long nails into his arms and he yelped out in pain. He pushed me again with his shoulder, this time harder and my head hit the glass window on my right.

“Aa7,” I groaned, rubbing the back of my head.

“Will you f***king stop?! Tabene ag6ch 3al shar3?”

“I’d rather be in hell than anywhere with you, a**hole.” I breathed out in full fury, my eyes blazing with hate. “I HATE you. I hate you, so much.” I suddenly began to sob hysterically and I finally grew too tired to hit him, I needed water, I needed food, I had no energy and I hadn’t felt so helpless as I did now.

It suddenly grew quiet; he didn’t speak to me or even turn his head to look at me. I hugged myself and watched the window, there weren’t any cars around us anymore, and I couldn’t even wave for help to anyone. The passenger door was locked and if I attacked him, he wouldn’t be able to die in a car accident; there weren’t any cars to smash into, it was an empty road and I was 100% sure I would be the one harmed and he would still be free and alive.

There was no way out of this.

I gave up.

I truly did.

“Jawaa,” he muttered under his breath after a long stretch of silence, longer than the road we were driving on.

I ignored him; I had my eyes shut to avoid any more tears to escape. My eyelashes were already wet with desperate tears. I was just as trapped as them.

“Jawaa,” he said again, louder this time.

I ignored again.

“Jawaa, t3wrty?” He sighed. “Ba6nch? Rasch?”


“Jawaa reday 3lay, la a3a9b mara thanya w-“ He began to yell.

“Wla betmawitny ha?!” I yelled back. “Mawitny yalla! Er7mny menk!” I yelled back at him.

“Jawaa sktay,” he spat at me, furious all over again.

“Then don’t talk to me,” I glared at him, my eyes finally open and the tears were dry now. He had his head turned to face me but the ugly mask covered up the facial expression I was trying to imagine.

“Tadreen laish sawait kel hatha?”

“Mabe a3arf.”

“Jawaa, tadreen laish?!”

“MABE A3ARF,” I cried out and looked away.


I focused on the deep sounds of the engine and blocked out the existence of Deep Voice.

The next few words I heard were quiet and said with such heaviness that I couldn’t believe that I even heard them. I couldn’t believe that Deep Voice would even say such words to me; I had to freeze ultimately once they rolled off of his tongue.

“Because I.. I have feelings for you.”


Can someone so cruel have feelings for such an innocent girl? And why would someone like that keep hurting you if he had feelings for you?

Do you believe Deep Voice?

Hate him or love him?

Comment down below, tell me what you think!


  1. AMAZING you made my dayyy!! Hopefully, we readers make your day by commentingg hahah↨♥

  2. Oh my god he finally admitted it! I saw it coming :') I really like deep voice. He's such a bada** (which is a good thing) Post ASAP please :* :*

  3. Glad to see you are back!
    3ad ya5ofy you disappear again after a few chapters...
