Saturday, July 5, 2014

Paradise Chapter 14

Like I promised, the next chapter!

You all made my day by your awesome feedback. I hope you enjoy this chapter I've owed you ages ago.

I wrote this with sleepy eyes so forgive me if there are any mistakes or anything, I didn't want to go to bed until I wrote you guys the second post cus I have uni tomorrow, so enshallah I'll find a way to post again tomorrow.

Good night!


Previously in Chapter 12:

“Tadreen laish sawait kel hatha?”

“Mabe a3arf.”

“Jawaa, tadreen laish?!”

“MABE A3ARF,” I cried out and looked away.


I focused on the deep sounds of the engine and blocked out the existence of Deep Voice.

The next few words I heard were quiet and said with such heaviness that I couldn’t believe that I even heard them. I couldn’t believe that Deep Voice would even say such words to me; I had to freeze ultimately once they rolled off of his tongue.

“Because I.. I have feelings for you.”


“W-what?” I stuttered and turned to look at him, my eyes wide, I couldn’t believe a word he just said. He wasn’t facing me, he was facing the road.

I wished I could see his face, I was aching to see if his words were true because I simply couldn’t believe such a cruel hearted guy could ever be be soft enough to bare feelings other than anger and cruelty.

“Seme3teeny,” he breathed out the words calmly.

“Shayfny 9aida? How in the hell can you have ANY feelings for me when you’re so cruel to me?”

“I have enough feelings to know what they mean to me.”

“What do they mean?” I was watching him, his neck began to redden slightly and I wondered if his cheeks did too.

“I’ve loved you long enough to know that it’s love.”
“Bullsh*t,” I spat.

“Entay shfeech?!” He snapped at me.

“Enta ely shfeek!? Maynun ent et7bny w et6gny? Etha 7abaitne 9j chan khalaitne ared 7ag umy w obouy! Ma etsawe feene kel hatha!” The emotions were overwhelming me, I wanted to hit him all over again and at the same time I wanted to get rid of him so I can cry at peace.

“It’s a long story,” he sighed, sounding genuine and for some reason, sad.

“Another fake story? Like the one about the car running out of gas?” I tested him.

“God, I only did that to get you out of there, so I could be with you!” He yelled back at me, frustrated.

“To torture me further?!”

“Ana el 7*yawn gaylch enzain?!”

“What was the cruel surprise ha? Shnu b3d kent betsawe feene 3shan et7bny?” I was infuriated.

“That was the surprise, you idiot.”

“Eee khoush surprise, allah my kidnapper loves me, amazing right? Why the heck would you even kidnap me if you loved me?!” I began to yell all over again. Nothing was making sense to me, this wasn’t a stupid cliché love story, this was all wrong.

“Sktay bas, jad ga3da etnrfzeny!”

“Eee etb7ny 9a7? Then keep up with my annoying voice.”

“Chub khala9 ma a7bch enzain?” The veins popped out of his neck again, he was angry, he had such a horrible temper and absolutely no control over his emotions.

“Ee a7san, men 7alat 7ubik, kela 6ag,” I looked away from him and back towards the window. A little nagging feeling inside of me kept repeating his words over and over back again in my head. What did he mean by I’ve loved you long enough to know that it’s love and that it’s a long story?

No Jawaa, don’t ask, don’t seem interested, it’s all just as fake as his car story.

The silence stretched on and I focused on the sound of his heavy breathing, I bet he was still angry; he kept inhaling and exhaling the oxygen as if it was puffs of smoke, trying to relieve his anger.

I found it amusing that me, only a girl, could make him so angry.

It felt like hours after we eventually reached the pharmacy, it was planted on the big desert grounds and looked deserted. There was one car parked outside, a dusty old truck and there weren’t even any tracks over the sand that indicated that there were many customers that visited the pharmacy.

Next to it was a small store with snacks and a gas station. Also deserted.

“Ka we9alna, badish m3ach w ya wailch ensawaitay shay aw geltay shay,” his tone still sounded fearful, even after his stupid love confession.

I ignored him and just watched him park outside of the pharmacy. He left the car fast enough to get to my side before I could leave and run away, he grabbed me by my elbow but his hold wasn’t tough, it was gentle.

“Yalla,” he muttered and grabbed me along with him whilst he walked into the dull-lit pharmacy.

It smelled of old medicine and dust inside, it was a tiny space that only held the generic meds like panadol and such, I doubted if they were even in good business and I bet that most of everything here had expired.

“Okay wain ely, shsmhom..”

“Pads?” I said.

“Ee whatever.”

“Ka,” I pointed to the end of the aisle and he followed me. He was watching the store instead of me, checking of there were was anyone or if there were cameras. There wasn’t a man at the cashier; the place was just as deserted looking on the inside as the outside.

“Yalla ekhthay ely tabena, bsr3a.”

I grabbed any random brand of pads and he quickly pulled me towards the cashier, I started looking for a camera and I found a tiny one at the pills section, I HAD to make sure my face popped up somewhere with this strange looking masked man.

Maybe then someone would come after us and help me.

“Uhm, dgeega abe pills.”

“Pills 7ag shnu b3d?” He sounded impatient, he wanted to leave as soon as possible, and it was too risky being out in public in such a mask.

“Ba6ne y3wrny 7ail, lazem akheth e7boub.”

“Mu lazm, 3ade yrou7.”

“La walla ma yrou7 w b3dain the period won’t ever stop if I don’t take pills,” I lied; I took the risk of assuming that he doesn’t know the accurate facts of a period.

“Men 9ijch?” He sounded like he believed me.

“Eee walla,” I crossed my fingers, hoping he would believe me fully.

“Yalla bsr3a, ey 9oub?”

“Ka, menak,” I started walking towards the pills section where the tiny camera was. I slowed down and looked up, as if I was examining, reading the packets but truly I was just trying to make sure my face popped up long enough on the camera for it to recognize me.

“Yalla bsr3a 3ad!” He hissed under his breath, he kept looking around for a man or a worker, or anyone.

“Dgeega ga3da a7awl adawra…”

“Ekhthay ay shay!”

“Ma y9eer, lazem hatha!”

“Hatha shnu? Shsma?”

“Uhm, ma at’thakar esma bas-“

“3yal shloun betelgaina yal ghabeya?!” He grew more impatient and began to get angry.

“At’thakar shekla, el loun w chithe,” I lied and tried to mouth “HELP” towards the camera when Deep Voice wasn’t looking.

“YALLA!” He yelled, not caring if anyone heard us. There wasn’t anyone around to even give us the light of day.

I jumped after his loud yell and quickly grabbed a random packet of pills. He pulled me along and forced me out of the pharmacy without bothering to go to the cashier.

“Dgeega, ma defa3na!” I nudged him, trying to stop him from pushing me back into the car.

“Yalla 3ad mu wakta dehshay gabl la a7ad ysm3na!” He hissed and forced me into the vehicle, afterwards he rushed inside too and locked the doors. He sped out of the driveway of the pharmacy spot and I turned around, spotting a confused looking Indian leaving the small snack store next to the pharmacy, holding a Coke in his hand.

Damn it! I groaned.

“Mu men 9jk, begt men el mskeen!” I argued but internally I was actually frustrated that I didn’t get a chance to ask for help from the man who worked there, he could have contacted the police or anything after seeing Deep Voice’s mask and how he had his grip on my elbow the whole time.

“Ga6ait madre chem 3al arth gabl ma 6l3na, ma begt shay, khale ya7mid raba 3a6aita yemken 30 dinar.”

“7aram etboug bas 7alal 3leek enk takh6fny 9a7?” I spat at him in disgust.

“Chub wla kelma, jad narfezeteeny 7ail elyoum, mu emga9ren.”

“Tstahl akthar men chithe, hatha wla shay,” I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“7ayate entay,” he said sarcastically.

“Wai3 g6ee3a, la etgouly 7ayate b3ad.”

“La et9adgeen wayed, men 7alatch 3shan adal3ch men galb?”

“Ye7a9ilk w7da mthly a9lan.”

“Khair,” he laughed sarcastically. “Law abeech chan al7een enta mayta 3lay.”

“I love you y3ne ma tabeny 9a7?”

“9aida, et9adgeen bsr3a, laish tabene a7bch? Maskeena. Shftay nafsch? Mnu yegder y7b hal wayh el jaikar?”

He meant absolutely nothing to me now, absolutely… nothing. His words still stung but I couldn’t muster up another line full of hatred. I suddenly grew tired of his verbal and physical abuse, I just wanted to go back to the stretch of silence, and to the only peace I had with him.

I looked away and stayed silent, I felt him look at him, even through his mask but I ignored him.

He suddenly sighed and I kept on ignoring, just watching the road, having no idea where we were going. I didn’t even bother to ask.

“Ra7 enrid bacher.” He suddenly said to break the silence.

I didn’t reply.



“Benred bacher.”


“Benam bel sayara.”

Was he waiting for some kind of cry of anger or some kind of reaction he could feed off for entertainment?


“Bas okay?” He sounded calm.

I didn’t reply.

“Jawaa, 6al3eeni.”

Ignoring him.

“Jawaa, ga3d akalmch ana.”

Ignored again.


“Shtabe?!” I snapped at him, finally facing him.

But only now that I realized that there wasn’t a mask between us.

His face was bare.

His mask was off.

I finally knew who Deep Voice was.


Comment down below and tell me what you think about this post!


  1. Oh my god!!! Seriously so excited, deep voice 7aaaada eshaweg! 7baita 7ail enshallah t7iba jawa! meta next post?

  2. OMGGGG������ i really can't wait

  3. La 3ad cliffhanger :'(
    And I'm sure you aren't going to post anytime soon since you posted two chapters :'(
    Aby a3arf mn deep voice!!

  4. LAAAA POSSSTTTTTTTTT PLEASEE MRRAAA 7MSSTEEENI mdri leeh i have a gut feeling enna deep voice Aziz 7beeb maha!

  5. greaaat! waiting for the next post!

  6. Please post asap aby a3areed mnu deep voiceee!!! Amazing post thankyouu

  7. pleaseeeee post !!!

  8. i can't sleep i really want to know who deep voice is. PLEASEEEE PLEASEEEE POSTTTTTTTT :'(
