Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Paradise Chapter 18

Was very tired, long day and have an exam in two days, Ramadhan is already so hectic, add finals too? That's torture!

Ignore any mistakes and hope it's long enough, honestly couldn't think enough to write more.

Hope you enjoy! 

Kind of nearing the ending.

This post is dedicated to Basma, you're beautiful, truly. The baby sister and an angel that I love. 


Previously in Chapter 17:

 Before we could speak, the door was pushed open again and Mi7sen was pushed back into the room in a hurry.

That was way too fast... and weird.

Mi7sen looked frightened, he looked straight at me and his hands were shaking.

“Jawaa,” Mi7sen stuttered. “They want you.”


They who?

“They’re coming for you in a few minutes,” Mi7sen gulped, his Adam’s apple bopping up.

What the hell is going on?!


“Emshay,” Eissa was the next person who came in. I meant, Deep Voice. It was hard to differentiate between the two names, the mask always reminded me of the cruel Deep Voice but I couldn’t erase the face that was hidden under it.

I followed silently and I heard Hamdan grunt.

“Wain?! Mu kafee ena khathait’ha gabl?!” Hamdan screamed at Deep Voice in frustration.

“Eskit bas, male khlgk,” Deep Voice snapped at him and pulled me along, shutting the door and locking it before Hamdan could continue arguing.

“What’s going on?” I hissed under my breath so Eissa could hear. I tried looking at him but he didn’t turn his head to face me, he simply guided me down the hall and ignored me.

I grew frustrated.

“Ei-“ I was about to speak again but I grew suddenly quiet when we reached to a strange looking living room. The camera was on a stand and Jerry, the person who I thought was an Indian classmate who really was a Kuwaiti named Rashed stood there with the other kidnapper, Mu6lag who was called “Bu Salem” by the others but I found out his real name from his little evil sister Haya, who helped me in the bathroom before.

“G3day, we want another video,” Rashed grinned, looking evil.

“No,” I snapped.

I felt Eissa squeeze my arm, quietly telling me to listen.

“Do it or I’ll kill one of your annoying friends,” Rashed looked bored.

“Yalla.” I challenged him, my gut said he was bluffing and I didn’t want to seem afraid.

“9ij 7m*ra,” Rashed laughed. “Yeeb hatha el ghabe.”

“Ok.” Eissa let go of me by pushing me towards Bu Salem who instantly grabbed me, I was shocked by his sudden move and he went back to the room that they kept us in.

I grew nervous, I suddenly regretted challenging the scumbag. I thought he was bluffing.

“A7, shway shway!” I heard Mi7sen cry out in pain and I watched Eissa pull him by his ear to make Mi7sen look stupid.

“Want me to chop off his ear first?” Deep Voice smirked and the Eissa I knew melted away before me.

“3noud!” Bu Salem suddenly cried out and I saw a strange girl leave one of the rooms, her hair was dark black and long, it reached her waist and she looked about 16, her eyes were heavily marked with eyeliner and she had a smirk on her face once she saw us.

“Oulla ma khale9taw?” 3noud laughed.

Who the hell was this b*tch?

“Yebeeli may 3afya,” Bu Salem grinned.
“Get one yourself,” she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Yalla 3ad, we had a deal.”

“Weeh okay,” I saw her hurry off towards the hallway, her hair flying after her.

“How many of you are there?!” I cried out in surprise.

“Enough to kill you all in an instant,” Deep Voice grinned.

I glared at him and I saw his eyes smile with amusement, enjoying my reaction.

“Yalla 3ad, we don’t have all day, do the video or Mi7sen here will have no ears, killing him is too nice,” Rashed laughed.

“What the hell do you want?” I snapped at him.

“Abeech tg3den w tabchen mara thanya, we got loads of views, the audience love watching someone suffer, especially someone from a royal family.”

Bu Salem/Rashed pulled me along and forced me down onto the floor, he roughly tied up my wrists and I watched Deep Voice do the same to Mi7sen and pushing him down next to me. Mi7sen’s left shoulder was hitting mine and he was quiet, looking exhausted.

“1…2…3… Action,” Rashed said behind the camera.

I simply stared at the camera, not saying a word. Mi7sen was looking down, unable to speak but I heard him breathe heavily, he seemed like he was about to faint, he was sweating rapidly and I could feel his shoulders shake next to me.

“Ebchay!” Rashed ordered. “God they’re hopeless f*cks.”

“Fix it,” Rashed looked to Deep Voice first.

I saw Deep Voice’s hands shake a bit, as if he was thinking of a way to hurt me without hurting me but that was impossible.

“Knife or gun?” Deep voice asked smoothly. “Knife better actually.”

My heart began to race, I watched him slip out a small knife from his jeans and he approached us. Mi7sen’s eyes widened but Deep Voice approached me instead of him.

“Girls cry better than men.” Deep Voice laughed and Rashed grinned, Bu Salem clapped his hands in excitement.

“This will get us SO many views, they cry over girls getting hurt,” I heard Bu Salem hiss to Rashed but it was hard to listen to anything other than the sound of my heart thumping, wanting to explode out of my ribcage.

I squeezed my eyes shut, Deep Voice was behind me now and he was holding my wrists.

I felt him give my wrist a squeeze.

“I want you to scream,” I heard him whisper into my ear, he was so quiet that only I could hear him and his head was low, as if he was focusing on cutting my arm since my veins on my wrists only needed one deep slice to kill me instantly.

I felt the sharp blade tickle my skin but it didn’t slice into me, I focused on staring into the blackness whilst having my eyes shut instead of the whole process.

“Scream,” he hissed.

I screamed, the tears flowed instantly from fear, I had no idea what I was screaming for but the fear of dying took over me in an instant.

“Oulla!” Bu Salem cried out in surprise, I couldn’t understand what was going on.

I felt a sharp pain into my skin, the blade hit my skin but it wasn’t a deep slice, it was a light one and suddenly he pushed me down to the ground.

“Ya 7m*ra!” Deep Voice suddenly cried out in anger.

I winced in pain, screaming still.

“Stop!” Mi7sen cried out, I watched his face, he was in pure shock and he stared at me, his eyes suddenly tearing up.

What was going on? I couldn’t see anything but suddenly I saw drops of blood right besides my thigh and my heart began to race all over again.

Did he cut me that deep and I hadn’t noticed?!

“The f*ck, you pushed me and you sliced me instead!” Deep Voice said in such an angry tone that I believed him, the words sounded so true but I knew they were lies, I hadn’t moved an inch and I could feel the cut on me, it was tiny.

“A7san, tstahlain, enjoy the blood on the ground and on my arms, it’s all from the cuts I gave you,” Deep Voice suddenly grabbed my hair and is other hand cupped my face, his fingers appearing to be slicing into my cheeks violently but his thumbs tried to be gentle, I could feel him stay back.

“Wakher!” I screamed and let the tears flow but I was still confused. I got a sight of his arms, they were cut and they appeared to be deep cuts but he quickly pushed the sleeves of his shirt down to hide them.

Did he try to make it seem as if he cut me so deep that I was bleeding down to the floor? Did he cut himself instead?

“Perfect! Video ended, yalla lets get this posted on youtube as soon as possible,” Rashed grinned and Bu Salem looked proud.

“Emshay, ana bawareech shnu basawe fech al7een,” Deep Voice grabbed me and pushed me up to my feet.

“Ekhth el thane bas,” Deep Voice ordered Bu Salem and he obeyed. I silently followed Deep Voice to the room he took me once before and he locked the door behind him.

I swore that I could hear Rashed whisper in the back “he’s going to rape her again, ashkara!” And laugh, probably to Bu Salem.

“W-what happened?!” I suddenly asked once the door was locked, he grabbed my wrists and freed me instantly. I looked at my arms and I was right, I was sliced on my left and right arm with soft short strokes of the blade, it stung but it wasn’t deep at all, it only needed a day to heal but it would probably scar for a few months.

I turned to look at him and his mask was off, he was sweating and grabbing a handful of tissues to press up against his arms.

“What the hell did you do?!” I hissed in horror, staring at him. I quickly grabbed his arms and saw all of the blood he was trying to hide and act as if it was mine.

“Men 9jch tabene amawtch?!” He hissed back in frustrating, wincing in pain.

“God Eissa,” I wanted to tear out of my hair from the frustration. I grabbed more tissues and tried blocking the cuts to stop the bleeding.

“I want you to yell out stop in ten minutes, they think I’m raping you,” he looked up at me and his eyes looked tired, the Deep Voice act was over, I finally could see the real him again.

“I want this to stop, I hate lying, I can’t go on this way,” I shook my head.

“My plan will work, you just have to act a little longer.”

“And what if it doesn’t Eissa?” I looked back up at him and he winced from the pain but tried ignoring it.

“I’ve been planning this ever since I found out they took you, they were never supposed to take you.”

“Please just answer my questions, I need to understand,” I begged.

“I can’t, just understand that. Not now.”


“T3wrtay?” He motioned towards my arms.

“You’re the idiot who really hurt himself, you barely cut me properly,” I rolled my eyes.

“Mu 3ajbch? You want deep cuts b3d?”

“La shaku!”

“Tetshare6ain b3ad about how you get hurt?” Eissa rolled his eyes at me.

“Chub bas, you won’t stop bleeding,” I put more pressure on his cuts.

“I’ll be fine, I’ll say you attacked me with the knife when I tried to rape you again.”

Suddenly we hard loud knocks on the door.

“Efta7 el bab!” The voice sounded so familiar.

“En6r bas!”

“Oullaa sh3ndk em6awl?!”

“Shasawe el 7m*ara 6a7at ghashyana!” Eissa suddenly got up and pushed me away from his arms, he took his sleeves down to his arms again and pointed to the floor, meaning to say act like you’ve fainted.

“Aham shay!” He laughed hysterically. “3yal efta7 el bab khanshouf.”

I obeyed and quickly laid across the floor, acting like I fainted.

I felt Eissa unbutton one of the buttons on my shirt; only one to appear like he was trying to harass me but nothing was visible. He ripped one of my sleeves and rubbed his bloody arms on my shirt and cheeks to make it look like I was beaten up.

“Don’t say a word,” he hissed into my ear, “no matter what.”

“Okay dgeega! Bas khan albes,” he smirked and yelled out to the man.

“Yal 3ayar! Enta shemsawe m3aha?!” He laughed in amusement.

I heard Eissa move around quickly, probably trying to make the surroundings look believeable that something did really happen and that it was abusive.

Finally I heard the door click open.

“Offfffh,” I heard the second guy say.

“A7la wa7da feehum hathee, 9j lsanha 6weel bas jsmha nar,” Deep Voice laughed hysterically.

“Zain etsawe feeha bas she’s such a b*tch,” the guy continued.

Was it Bu Salem? Rashed?

No, the voice was too familiar but it wasn’t them!

I couldn’t focus on the voice properly, I never knew how to know anyone by their voice, I always needed to see their face, I would so be confused if I didn’t save the people I knew on my phone with their names or else I would ask “mnu” a hundred times whenever they would call. My friends always complained that I was a 9amkha when it came to identifying voices.


“Laish kela dam?” The stranger asked.

“The b*tch tried attacking again so I sliced her again,” Deep Voice smirked.

“Khanshouf, sheel ehdoumha,” I heard the stranger say and my heart began to stammer.

“Wakhr agoul, malte hathe,” Deep Voice bickered.

“Still have a crush on her ha?” Stranger asked.

God the voice was SO familiar!

“La g6ee3a, I just need her body.”

“Once you’re done with her, it’s my turn.”

“Ee kaifik lema akhale9 menha, ekhth’ha,” Deep Voice smirked.

I needed to look at the stranger but how could I open my eyes in front of him? He would so then take advantage of me.

I needed to keep acting but I also needed to know why he sounded so freaking familiar.

“Mashe, enrid’ha dakhl wla shnu?”

“La lal7een ma khale9t menha.”

“Khale9 bsr3a, nabeek etrid 3shan ana ared b3ad, gabl la eshikoon bas.”

“Ee okay mashe.”

“Yalla 3yal,” I heard the stranger say and I assumed he turned his back to leave so I took the risk to open one eye to look at him.

But opening one eye to stare at him was the only thing I needed to instantly recognize him, which only caused both my eyes to shut open with pure shock.

It was Mi7sen!



Or expected it all this time?

Comment down below!


  1. I KNEW ITTTTTT, UGH UGH UGH UGH. Yes, I'm lovin this xD
    i have nothing in my mind how will chapter 19 be D: xD

  2. OH MY GOD. I swear kent adre ena hal me7sin wrah salfaa !! Such an amazing post thank you soo so much for posting and i'm so inlove with this paradise story please don't end it soon :(

  3. Wow I didn't see that coming!! What a plot twist!! But seriously?!! Mi7sen?!! That was a shock I always thought he was innocent! Excited for the next post!
