Saturday, July 19, 2014

Paradise Chapter 21 *FINALE*


I'm not going to complete the story Walls. I do not know what to even write for it. I did not post for a while because of problems I'm not going to write about on the internet, I'm not replying to the loads of angry comments on ask, I'm going to just post this finale and hope you all enjoy it, no promises for any new stories or anything but you never know, I always get random idea and end up writing anyway, but I seriously don't feel like writing Walls or completing it because I honestly have no idea where the story Walls is even going, I already wrote an Amnesia story before and it's like writing the same story again so it's nothing exactly new, you know? Madre..


Hope you all had a lovely day and enjoy this finale, I apologise for the inconveniences.

Dedicated to the beautiful birthday girl Zainab, I love you to death!


Previously in Chapter 20:

It was Eissa.

We all turned to look and we found Mi7sen behind Eissa, he grabbed him from behind and he had a gun to Eissa’s head.

Eissa, with his short hair and handsome face but there wasn't a smile to accompany a handsome face, nor were his coloured eyes filled with life but this time, his face was covered in sweat, his eyes were wide with terror and his mouth was gaping open.

Automatically dozens of policemen got their guns out, ready to aim and shoot.

“I SWEAR I’LL KILL HIM!” Mi7sen screamed at the top of his lungs, I watched in horror and only guessed that Mi7sen was hiding in the SUV’s trunk of the car all this time since the trunk was open.

I knew we were doomed.. but I hadn’t realized how doomed we were until I heard a loud BANG! Of a gunshot and my eyes shut closed in horror, dozens of screams and cries escaped from all of us and I was too terrified to open up my eyes to see who had been shot.


It was Eissa, he was laying on the floor along with Mi7sen right next to him. I hurried over to Eissa’s side in a panic and I felt the others follow be from behind.

“Eissa!” I cried out with panic in my voice. I could see the blood but I had no idea whose it was.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Eissa suddenly muttered and his eyes shot open, I looked to his right and Mi7sen wasn’t moving, he was breathing but he didn’t move to react in any way.

“Eissa, 7beebi, t3wrt?!” I heard his mom behind me, her hands on my shoulders since she couldn’t kneel down to hold her son.

“La la yuma, I pulled the gun away in a hurry and I think I shot him,” Eissa stood up and looked to Mi7sen, seeming worried. I finally spotted where the source of blood was coming from. Mi7sen was shot at his right arm and probably from the panic he had fainted too.

“Call the ambulance,” Eissa groaned, rubbing the back of his head that hit the rock hard ground.

“El7mdellah!” I heard his mother sigh in relief and grab Eissa into a huge hug when he was finally standing up. I gave them their space and looked to Mi7sen, my heart squeezed in guilt. He was once a friend and when I looked to my left, I saw Hamdan stare off in a distance, he was holding his breath and he finally breathed out in relief when he heard that Mi7sen was only shot at the arm.

Mi7sen was still Hamdan’s cousin, even after what happened. I didn’t blame him for being relieved that he wasn’t dead.

But how did Mi7sen get into the trunk of the car? Wasn’t he locked up in the room before we left?

Something wasn’t right.

I suddenly hurried over to Hamdan.

“Bakelmk,” I looked at him and he looked back, his eyes understanding me. He left his family for a few minutes and we went over to the corner to speak.

“Sh9ayer?” Hamdan looked at me, his expression confused but his eyes never followed.

“You helped Mi7sen,” I breathed out, remembering suddenly that he was the last one to climb into the car, he was the closest to Mi7sen, he was the only way that Mi7sen could have sneaked out of the locked room after us and I don’t remember seeing Eissa taking the key back with him, I only remember him locking it. Hamdan easily could have unlocked it when we were hurrying outside to escape.

Hamdan was also the last one to get into the car, he could have easily seen Mi7sen sneak into the car and he didn’t even stop him.


“Shaku?” Hamdan looked away, not knowing how to lie.

“Hamdan!” I said in frustration. “Mu wakta etchathb! Goul el7mdellah Eissa ma mat aw Mi7sen. This wouldn’t have ever happened if you never helped him!”

“Jawaa, just because Eissa turned out to be the kidnapper, doesn’t have to mean that I betrayed your trust too,” Hamdan suddenly looked into my eyes, his words genuine. “Ma achathb, 9ij Mi7sen nafs okhouy, bas ana mu ghabe asa3da b3d 3ugb ma shsawa feena.”

“It doesn’t add up, you were the last one who got into the car and you easily could have unlocked the door!” I was beyond frustrated now.

“Now that’s where you’re wrong,” Hamdna shook his head.

“Shloun?” I was confused.

“Muneera kanat akhr w7da, mu ana, ma sheftay shlun ehya ba6ee2a?”


What no.

It couldn’t have been Muneera!

“No shaku, she hates him, ma ta36eeh wayh,” I shook my head.

“Men 9ijch? Lazga feeh lema khathouch, ma 9adeget ena entay ma kentay mawjuda, she finally had alone time with him, the whole time she kept trying to talk to him and he didn’t give her the time of day,” Hamdan smirked. “Ma alouma, Muneera yahel.”

“Mu men 9ijik…” I was shocked, could she have helped me because of a stupid crush?

I watched Muneera from afar, she was hugging herself, seeming worried and her eyes were on Mi7sen the whole time, she even detached herself from the family to get a sight of Mi7sen properly.

“So it is her,” I breathed out, sighing.

“Jawaa, la etzifeenha, maskeena sh3rf’ha ena Mi7sen kan besawe kel hatha, I’m sure she was just trying to help the guy she liked,” Hamdan said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, I know,” I kept watching her, feeling sorry for her.

“Khala9 we’re fine now, la eta3been nafsch zyada, riday el bait w erta7ay,” Hamdan looked at me with a sincere smile on his face.

“Thank you,” I smiled back to him.

“Ma sawait shay,” he didn’t tear his eyes away from mine.

“Bas thank you.”

“A hug?” He suddenly said, he seemed shy to ask for such a thing but we were in a corner that no one could even spot us in, it was easy to just give him one but suddenly I looked back to where Eissa was, he was talking to the police officers, his shirt dirty and his hair a mess but his face full of emotions as he spoke. He caught me staring and stared back for a few seconds, he looked at Hamdan next to me and I saw his features harden before he looked away from us to continue talking to the police officers.

“Ma aloumich,” Hamdan suddenly said and my cheeks flushed in embarrassment when I realized that Hamdan was watching me watch Eissa. I tore my gaze away from Eissa and looked back at Hamdan. “Enshallah alga w7da 3la youm et6al3ny chithe.”

“Hamdan I’m-“ I suddenly felt really bad.

“La la, 3ade,” Hamdan smiled but it was a sad one, he knew I didn’t share the same feelings for him as I share for Eissa, the ones I was trying to ignore all this time.

“Ana bared, t3bt w ahali na6reeni, ashoufch 3la khair Jawaa,” Hamdan looked away and walked off towards his family without another look back at me.

And suddenly I was grateful for that. I was grateful to escape the drama and the pain of having to say it out loud; that I didn’t want Hamdan.

That I wanted Eissa.

“What was that all about?” Eissa’s voice fazed me out of my thoughts and I was surprised to see him in front of me, he must have finished that conversation with the police officer and had walked towards me when I was staring off into the distance.

“Ha, shnu?”

“Shnu ha shnu?” Eissa tried to imitate me

“Ha madre,” I looked confused and he laughed.

“Este3abch nar.”

“Adre, shfeek m7tr?”

“Shloun elwa7d ma ye7tr lema yeshoufch?”

“Why would they?”

“Because you’re one God creation of perfect.”

“Khair,” I looked away, feeling hot again.

“Ma khalaiteeni akhale9,” Eissa looked at me with a stern look.

“Enzain, kamil.”

“Because you’re one God creation of perfect that isn’t mine,” he said, his eyes on me. I wouldn’t look at him. It’s not that I didn’t want to. It’s that I couldn’t, I just couldn’t, I felt like a torch, I was heating up and I thanked God that it was night time or else my cheeks would be so obvious, they were blazingly red.

“El mohm.”

“Ee el mohm,” Eissa chuckled. “What was that all about?”

“Shnu? Wya Hamdan?”



“Bas kaife abe a3arf.”

“Malk sheghl.”

“Embala, ley sheghl.”

“W laish?”

“Tadreen laish.”

“La madre.”

“Tabene a3eed kalami?” Eissa smiled.

“I’ll walk away if you do.”

“Ma tigdireen,” Eissa laughed.

“Walla agder,” I finally looked into his eyes and the sight of them comforted meand put my nerves on high alert at the same exact time.

“A7bech Jawaa, w abe a3arf l2ni aghar, ma abe ashoufch etkalmeena, adre ohwa y7bch, a9lan ma abe ashouf a7ad yekalmch aw eye 9oubch,” Eissa said, he looked serious and I couldn’t stop staring at him, I froze.

“You didn’t walk away from me.”

I couldn’t even if I wanted to, I was frozen.

“Jawaa?” Eissa waved a hand in front of me.

“You do know my mom is like, ten feet away. And my dad,” I suddenly said and Eissa laughed, looking to where my parents were but they were talking to the police, they didn’t even look at us.

“Way to ruin the romantic moment,” Eissa laughed.

“And now I’m going to walk away,” I said and finally tried to walk away by taking a few steps away from him and towards my parents but he grabbed my arm, for the many times he grabbed me, it was never as gentle as this. Instead of fear at his touch, I felt fuzzy, the warm kind of fuzzy.

“Ma ra7 akhaleech,” he said from behind me and his hand didn’t let go of my arm.

“Ma y9eer chithe!” I suddenly turned around and cried out in frustration.

“Shnu ely ma y9eer, yal drama queen?” Eissa laughed, finding this funny.

“Mu ga3d etkhaleeni asawe shay, what kind of relationship is this?” I rolled my eyes.

“Relationship?” Eissa said with a smile on his face.

“I meant, friendship, kela nafs elshay tara!”

“La mu nafs elshay, you said relationship,” Eissa suddenly seemed happy.

“Whatever, so?”

“Mu tikriheeni w you don’t trust me? How can you ever have a relationship, even if it was a friendship one, if you hate and not trust me?”

I couldn’t think of a smart reply to answer him with.

“Ha?” Eissa’s smile grew wider and his hand was still on my arm, his thumb started drawing circles on my skin and I forgot what he was saying.

“H-ha, madre,” I stuttered and grabbed my arm away from him.

“Jawaa, say it.”

“Say what?” I acted stupid and Eissa looked at the arm I pulled away from him. He grabbed it again and this time I didn’t pull away, he returned and drew circles again and I forgot how to think, all over again.

“Say it.”

“Stop,” I nudged my arm away but not too hard so he could still hold onto it.

“Tara ana mu ghabe, wla entay ghabeya, if you hated me you would have walked away and pulled your arm away from me again,” Eissa stated the obvious.

“I don’t want you to kill me, so…” I shrugged but I ended up smiling and he laughed.

“So that’s the excuse?”

“Yeah, and.”

“And what?”

“And I don’t know.”

“And you love me?”

“And I don’t know,” I repeated.

“Will your ‘I don’t knows’ be ‘I love yous’ y3ne?”


“3yal I don’t know either,” Eissa gave me a handsome smile.

“Well, I don’t know too.”

“I know you don’t know, that’s why I don’t know.”

“Okay stop,” I laughed, blushing.

“I didn’t think an ‘I don’t know’ would have made me so happy before.”

“It better make you happy,” I glared.

“You make me happy, you know,” Eissa squeezed my arm and let it go, finally giving me a chance to process what just happened since I could think again.

“I know,” I cockily replied.

“Theqa,” Eissa laughed.

“I have to go now, before my parents get the wrong idea,” I laughed too and suddenly looked at my parents, they seemed like they were looking for me.

“So there’s a wrong idea of us?” Eissa teased me, making it obvious that there was something between us with the smile on his face.

“Chub enzain?” I nudged his shoulder with mine and hurried away before he could grab my arm again but I hoped that he would, obviously he didn’t because my parents spotted me when I was inches away.

I looked back when we were going back into the house, I saw him with his family, climbing into the car but he would keep turning to look at me.

That night was probably the best; I finally got to sit with my parents after a long hot shower. We stayed for hours together, afraid we would lose a chance to see each other again.

But we were forced to leave to our bedrooms to sleep after we grew exhausted.

I went back to my room and saw that my PS3 was switched on.

“Le3ebt feeh chem mara when you weren’t here, I wanted to see what your video game fuss was all about… and I just missed seeing you sit there and play for hours,” I heard my sister say behind me, she was standing at the doorway of my room.

“Bacher awareech shloun al3ab,” I smiled.

“That would be great, I kind of suck, majorly,” she laughed, her eyes tired and red from the tears she shed before when we would keep hugging and talk about what had happened all day.

“It’s okay, I do too,” I laughed along. “T9be7ein 3la khair.”

“Wentay men ahla,” she said after hugging me. She walked off to wash off her face and I was about to switch the TV and PS3 off but I was surprised to see a message on my PS3 account.

I clicked on it, it was from “EISSA_Q8**”. I smiled.

“EISSA_Q8**: I don’t know.”

I clicked on reply and typed the following reply before finally going to bed.

“JAY_AL*: I love you too Eissa.”


Comment down below about what you think of the finale!


  1. LOOOOOVE THIS FINALE! This is too good for life, mashalla you're very talented;* hope to read a new story from you soon ♡

  2. Omg! Jed the most amazing finale chapter in history! I absolutly loved it! Mashallah ur so very talented and beautiful inside out! Allah ytamim 3alaich xx. Hope to here from you soon! *crying emoji*

  3. Omg it's like the cutest post ever :( !!!! L O V E D the end WAAAAYED !!!! Bs 7safa makent abe hal story tkhale9 cause 7ail yazatlee :::: thank you so so sooo much for posting such an AH-MAZING posts like these walla u are the B E S T LOL iloveyouuu and i hope u will write another story cause 7ail a7b your writings wa shukraan<3:::

  4. Great work on Paradise! It was honestly a masterpiece and very well written ♥
    If you are in need of an inspiration to continue writing or even a light read be sure to check out my story:
    And don't hesitate to leave some feedback it would seriously mean a lot Xx

  5. Omg. I seriously can't believe i finished all your stories in under a weeek! They keep getting better and better everyday mashalla! You're so talented, don't stopp!<3

  6. WOW! What an unusual story. Loved it. Looking forward to another burst of your creativity. take care.
    xx. Reader from SOUTH AFRICA

  7. Are u going to write something after this orrrrr its been over 3 months

  8. what you write is really inspiring. Please, keep going.
