Thursday, July 10, 2014

Paradise Chapter 19

How are y'all doing? Hope you're having a good day, tomorrow I might not post, hectic day and I have an exam on Saturday, wish me luck! Enshalah it goes well, so it's a bit of a mess tomorrow and on Saturday, forgive me if I don't end up posting.

Hope you enjoy this chapter though. x


Previously in Chapter 18:

I needed to keep acting but I also needed to know why he sounded so freaking familiar.

“Mashe, enrid’ha dakhl wla shnu?”

“La lal7een ma khale9t menha.”

“Khale9 bsr3a, nabeek etrid 3shan ana ared b3ad, gabl la eshikoon bas.”

“Ee okay mashe.”

“Yalla 3yal,” I heard the stranger say and I assumed he turned his back to leave so I took the risk to open one eye to look at him.

But opening one eye to stare at him was the only thing I needed to instantly recognize him, which only caused both my eyes to shut open with pure shock.

It was Mi7sen!


“What the hell?!” I hissed once the door was closed and locked again, it was only Eissa and I now.

“Ft7tay 3younich?!” Eissa snapped at me.

“How the hell could I not recognize his voice y3ne?!” I argued, standing up from the floor, letting go of the act I was putting on before.

“I told you to keep them closed!”

“Why the hell don’t you want me to know?!” I snapped at him. “He was with me, with us, in that room, acting all this time!”

“Because it puts you in more danger, shfeech entay?!” He yelled back, growing frustrated at how stubborn I was.

“How is that more danger?! I trusted him, I was growing close to him!”

“Eee w al7een faj2a betwakhreen 3ana w bishik bel mwthou3, shfeech entay?”

“Was that why you wanted me to act like I was raped in front of them? So he would hear the whole thing?”


“Why.. why the hell is he on their side..” I asked, my expression dumbfounded. I was in shock, I couldn’t process any of this.

“Fee wayed ashya2 ma et3rfeena…”

“Tell me now!” I demanded.

Eissa simply shook his head, keeping ahold of his injured and painful arms.

Finally it clicked. I remembered that before there was also a Young Voiced kidnapper, I named him Young Voice and that’s how the whole process of nicknaming Eissa of Deep Voice happened.

Ever since Mi7sen came into the picture, Young Voice vanished, I hadn’t seen him again… could it be that Mi7sen was Young Voice all this time?

“Did he wear a mask too, was he a part of the group that took us in awal shay?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“Eee,” Eissa looked at me, pity painted his eyes.

“God,” I breathed out and plastered a hand over my head, suddenly I felt this overwhelming headache take over.

“Jawaa…” I felt Eissa get closer but I ignored him, I felt like crying all over again. I hadn’t ever felt so vulnerable before; a classmate I trusted for so long would do this to me? And joke over rape? And would actually rape me?

Who else was in this?

Dalal? I wouldn’t be surprised.

Hamdan? No… he wouldn’t. But I never thought Mi7sen would either…


I couldn’t imagine Muneera ever doing it, ever. Even after Mi7sen betrayed us all, my trust in Muneera was unbreakable. I prayed to God in my heart that she wasn’t apart of this… that would truly kill me.

“Jawaa, are you okay?” Eissa snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be okay,” I truthfully answered.

“Hey, you’re not alone in this,” he gently laid a hand over my arm. I pulled my arm away from his grip, not wanting to be touched.

“I still don’t trust you.”

“I know.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“I know,” he repeated.

“The only reason I’m letting you help because I’m desperate for a way out of all this.” I confessed and he was about to reply but I cut him off as soon as I saw his lips part. “And don’t say ‘I know’ again.”

Eissa smiled, obviously being caught on saying ‘I know’ again. “Enshallah.”

“Tegder etjawb su2al wa7d bas?” I asked.


“Fee ghair Mi7sen m3akom? Ely m3ana? Allah yekhaleek jawbny, bas ee aw la2 w la etchathb,” I looked into his strangely coloured eyes and pleaded.

“La2, bas Mi7sen,” he didn’t let go of my eyes and answered genuinely.

“Ashwa,” I breathed out in relief, my trust not wavering in Hamdan and Muneera.

“I have to take you back now Jawaa,” Eissa said, seeming sad about it.

“Okay,” I replied.

“Don’t act weird with Mi7sen, act like you never found out, he’s watching us, especially you.”

“Wai3, jad.”

“Adre bas 7awlay or else it’ll get so much worse.”

“I didn’t realize that there was worse than this,” I sighed.

“There is… way worse,” Eissa said with all seriousness, the type of seriousness that terrified me.

Eissa later pushed me back into the room, acting violent with his mask on and no figure, Mi7sen was pushed back in right after me. He was shaking uncontrollably, acting like he was tortured. It disgusted me.

“Shsawaw feekom?!” Muneera cried out in alarm and Hamdan hurried to Mi7sen’s side since I wasn’t causing so much drama.

“Tortured us…” Mi7sen stuttered, not being able to speak.

I glared at him, wanting to punch him in the face, I felt like a hypocrite a bit since I lied about rape before but it wasn’t my choice, non of this was my choice, I was prepared to do anything to save us.

“Jawaa, are you okay?” Muneera hugged me.

“I heard her scream, I think he raped her again,” mi7sen spoke on my behalf, acting terrified and pitiful for me but I just wanted to slap him and attack him for saying that, adding more to the lies I had to act on.

“El 7m*r!” Hamdan looked furious, he left Mi7sen’s side and approached me.

“Shsawa?!” Hamdan looked at me, his arms unable to hug me or touch his fists and me were clenched, wanting to attack someone.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I croaked out, trying to act vulnerable, I left all of them and went into a corner and acted asleep to ignore all of them. I heard Mi7sen blab about how he fought one of the kidnappers off but then he was tortured with sharp objects while the blindfold was on him.

There weren’t even any new scratches on him but they easily believed him.

The annoying familiarity of his voice was not saved in my mind, I couldn’t erase it, I kept remembering the words he said to Eissa about raping me, this was one voice I would always recognize now, even if I was asleep.

It was the voice of the devil.


I hadn’t realized that I truly fell asleep until a pair of hands nudged my shoulders.

“Wake up,” he hissed.

My eyes felt like they were glued together, I was exhausted, I don’t know how long I was asleep for and what time it was or even which day it was.

“Hmm?” I sighed and finally my eyes were open. Eissa’s face was inches away from mine and I could see the blurred colours of his eyes in the dark since that’s the only thing I could focus on when he had his mask on.

“Eissa?” I looked at him in surprise.

Was I dreaming?

“Goumay bsr3a,” he whispered.

“Dgeega pinch me.”

“Mu wakta m3a siwalfch goumay!”

“Ha laish?” I asked, confused.

“Goumay gabl la ysma3 w ygoum b3d.”

I looked around and I saw Mi7sen asleep, Dalal and the others were sound asleep too, I could see the hall was dark and I assumed it was really late and everyone was sound asleep.

“Wain?” I asked, suddenly fully awake and on high alert.

“Goumay w bas,” he whispered and kept looking at Mi7sen to check if he heard any of his words or woke up.

I listened and quietly stood up.

“Wake them up, they’ll trust you, I’ll wait in the hallway.”

I did as I was told, I woke Hamdan, Dalala and Muneera as quietly as possible, they were all confused but they listened when they saw that the door was wide open.

But they were about to wake up Mi7sen too, I stopped them and shushed them, promising I’d explain later.

We all found Eissa outside and Hamdan was about to attack him, thinking that we were going to get caught but I stood in front of him to stop him.

“Stop, he’s with us,” I whispered and Hamdan looked confused as hell. I didn’t blame him, even Dalal and Muneera shot me shocked and weirded out looks.

“Yalla bsr3a,” Eissa hissed and the rest only followed me because they trusted me. Eissa had locked the room as quietly as possible before ushering us down the dark hallway.

“Wain ray7een?” I hissed to Eissa, my heart galloping in my chest but the words that came out of his words only made it race even faster.

“I promised I’d save you, didn’t I?”


Comment down below and tell me what you think!

Sorry, I know it’s a short post today but I tried my best writing, I don’t have many ideas tonight.



    reminder; smile you are beautiful xx

  2. ������������������������

  3. The post was more than amazing jad thank u so much for posting pretty :* bs leish el cliffhanger :(?? Me7sin 7aaail ygheth waai3 i hate him w bs jad mabe aseb:p Good luck with your exams wish u the best w take your time by posting aham shay derastich❤️

  4. elchapter �������� so talented mashallah

  5. Aww Eissa is soo cuteeee

  6. Oneee of the best posts yett!!! Thankyouuu sooo muchh for postinggg

  7. It doesnt matter if its short or long what matters that u took ur personal time to post, we cant thankyou enough for posting

  8. Welcome back ✋
    The chapters are amazing !
    Essa yshwgg ;p w mi7sn ynrfz laish swa chthy!
    Post soon beautiful and good luck with you exams ��
