Monday, July 7, 2014

Paradise Chapter 17

Hope you enjoy these two posts, I wanted to post two instead of one tonight.

Enjoy! I'm finally going to bed now, waray ga3da.


Previously in Chapter 16:

“Because you have to say it to them, you have to.”


“Just do it Jawaa,” Eissa said and started the engine of the car, driving properly again. I hadn’t even realized we were parked for so long, I totally forgot about my surroundings.

He drove in silence and I sat in silence, I replayed his words thousands of times in my head and I hadn’t realized that we’d drove that far off until he nudged my shoulder, telling me it’s time to go into the trunk to act like I was truly put there for the whole ride.

“Jawaa,” Eissa had his mask on, now he looked like Deep Voice again but his voice was Eissa. He looked down at me, I was laid in the trunk of the car and my wrists were tied to my back, he didn’t put the black cloth over me just yet.

“Abeech etgouleenlehom b3d shay,” he said, sounding uncomfortable.

“What else?” I asked.

“That I raped you.”


I didn’t know how I would tell them such news. How would I even lie and act it out?

I was pushed back into the familiar room we were held as captives, Eissa gave my hand a gentle squeeze before he locked me back in.

I heard the familiar voices of Muneera, Hamdan and Mi7sen.

“Jawaa!” They all cried in relief and I heard Dalal mutter in annoyance in the corner. I bet she wished that I were dead.

I felt a pair of hands take off the dark cloth on my face and I felt another pair free me from the knots on my wrists.

Hamdan was the one helping me with the cloth and Muneera was behind me, she quickly hugged me tightly to her once I was free and started sobbing into my shoulder.

“Walla 3bale ench metay!” She sobbed and my heart tightened inside my chest, I hugged her back and squeezed her in my arms.

“I’m fine,” I croaked out, playing the role Eissa forced on me.

“Shsawaw feech?!” Mi7sen was the first to ask and he seemed angry. Hamdan stood quietly behind me, watching me, observing my arms and legs for more bruises.

“I d-don’t want to talk about it,” I stuttered, I let go of Muneera and walked into a corner but they all followed me except Dalal.

“Jawaa, goulay…” Hamdan said gently in a comforting voice.

“H-he took me to a scary place, I couldn’t see anything and he, he just kept saying such cruel things to me and abusing me…” I said the words in a croaky voice but I didn’t face them when I said it, I didn’t know how to lie.

“That a**hole,” Hamdan grunted in fury.

“That’s all?” Mi7sen asked.

“He sounds scary,” Muneera fearfully said.

“No, it’s not it,” I continued.

“Shnu b3ad?!” Mi7sen cried out.

“La et7n, give her some space,” I heard Hamdan argue with Mi7sen in annoyance.

“Lazem en3arf!” Mi7sen argued back.

“H-he raped me,” I blurted it out quickly.

“Sh-shnu ma sm3t?” Mi7sen asked.

“Bas khala9,” I bit my lip.

“Jawaa, did you say rape?” Hamdan’s voice was quiet and I felt Muneera grab my hand, I could feel her wanting to cry all over again.


“I am going to f*cking kill him!” Hamdan suddenly yelled out in horror and I felt the tears of guilt, Muneera saw me tear up and I could see the pity on her face. She thought I was crying because I was raped not because I felt like such a horrible filthy person for lying to them.

“Wakhraw,” Muneera said to the guys and held onto my arm to comfort me.

“Jawaa…” She said gently but I knew she didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to say to her either. How was rape supposed to feel? I felt disgusted for lying about such a thing; the matter was serious, very serious.

“It’s okay,” I told her, unable to look at her and meet her innocently sad eyes.

“It’s not,” she said, angry. The guys didn’t move away, they remained standing behind me, listening and I could hear Hamdan’s heavy breathing, he was trying to calm himself down.

“Hamdan t3al…” Dalal pouted.

“Dalal mu waktch,” Hamdan snapped at her and I heard Dalal gasp silently at how mean Hamdan sounded.

“Jawaa,” Hamdan said, more gently in a kind tone towards me. I turned to face both of them and Muneera kept on holding my arm, I didn’t get rid of my tears, as fake as I felt, I needed them to look like I was saying the truth.

“I will kill him,” Hamdan said in full seriousness whilst looking me dead in the eye.

“It’s too late,” I stuttered.

“I. Will. Kill. Him.” He repeated in a slower pace, his nostrils flaring. Mi7sen was standing besides him, his face was in shock, he couldn’t utter a word or even draw an emotion on his face.

“Can we stop talking about it? Please?”  I pleaded.

“Asif.” Hamdan breathed out and Mi7sen whispered the same but he was too in shock to say anything else to me. He later walked off giving me some space but Hamdan remained with me along with Muneera.

For the next hour or two Hamdan and Muneera sat right besides me, Muneera kept ahold of my arm and Hamdan would look at me every few times with sadness in his eyes.

Mi7sen remained off in his corner and Dalal in hers, they didn’t approach me but Mi7sen had some weird expression on his face. It looked a lot like disbelief and horror, I felt even worse when seeing that on his face.

“Is Mi7sen okay?” I whispered to Hamdan after a while, I felt Muneera slowly fall asleep on my shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Hamdan turned to look at me with his honest eyes. I always knew what he was all about, his face couldn’t bear a lie and he was so straightforward, he always was.

“Enshallah,” I gave him a sad smile.

If only you knew Hamdan, if only.

“I wish he took me instead of you.”

“Don’t say that,” I shook my head.

“I would have killed him, I swear.”

I remembered the sight of Eissa’s muscles, they were larger than Hamdan’s and Eissa seemed like he had a lot of skills for fighting, Hamdan only had the muscles of a gym player, not the ones of a hardcore cruel fighter.

“Lets not talk about him anymore, okay?” I looked at Hamdan.

“Asif, khala9 khanghayr el mawthou3,” Hamdan forced a smile and my insides melted, he was too kind, too honest that he expected whatever others said would be pure honesty too.

“Shrayech nel3ab truth or dare? W ma ra7 as2al 3an el mawthu3 klsh, I promise.”

“That game is getting old,” I laughed.

“Yalla 3ad, namaw w bas e7na ga3deen.” Hamdan looked at the others and I realized that every one of them were truly asleep.

“Okay okay,” I surrendered.

“Pick one.”

“Truth, male khlg agoum 3shan anagy dare.”

“Yal kaslana,” Hamdan laughed and I noticed dark circles under his eyes. I wondered if they got fed recently or not. The guilty came back; I wish I asked Eissa to let me at least sneak in food back with me.

“Yalla okay, did you ever have a crush on me?” Hamdan suddenly shot the question at me.

“Oulla men wain 6l3t hal su2al?” My eyes widened.

“Gelna lazm shay qawi 3shan enghayer el mawthu3,” Hamdan gave me an innocent look.

“La walla?” I laughed but I suddenly felt shy.

“Shfeech ma jawebtay?”

“La jad men wain 6l3t hal su2al?!” I laughed, feeling hot.

“Bas chithe.”

“Bas chithe ha?”

“Eee bas chithe, al7een ana ely ga3d as2lch, mu entay! Lema y9er dourch ts2leen s2leeny,” Hamdan grinned.

“W etha ma jawabt?”

“Then you lose.”

“Then okay I lose, game ended and you win.”

“Laa! Ma glna chithe 3ad, yalla jawbay, etha ma jawebtay then I’ll take it as a yes.”

“Mu 3la kaifik!”

“Embala kaifi, just watch me,” Hamdan laughed.

“Ohoo, enzain 3yal no, my answer is no.”

“La etchathbeen.”

“I’m the one answering, not you.”

“La etchathbeen,” he repeated, grinning.

“If you know the answer so well then why even ask?”

“So I’m right, you did have a crush on me.”

“Ugh Hamdan,” I nudged his shoulder, wanting to smack him.

“Taben etkafkheeny 9a7?” Hamdan chuckled and suddenly the whole weight of guilt I felt in my chest got lighter.


“3ade kafkheeni, you can’t hurt me.”

“Wanna bet?”

“Shoufay,” Hamdan flexed a bicep and showed off his muscles. “Kel hatha, this is titanium.”

“Shayef nafsk wayed,” I laughed, smacking the bicep and he grabbed his arm, yelping out in pain, acting like he got hurt from my smack.

“You idiot,” I couldn’t stop laughing.

“An idiot you like,” he gave me a cocky smile.

“Yalla T or D?”

“Lal7een ma jawebtay!”

“Either way you’re gonna answer for me so what’s the point?”

“Hatha ghash, jawbay 3adl!”

“Gelt no w khala9,” I smiled.

“I don’t believe you.”

“3yal pretend that I said yes so you can be happy and continue with the game.”

“Fine I will,” he gave me an expression, acting like he was mad at me.

“Y3ne em3a9b al7een?” I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face.

“La laish a3a9b? Tawa Jawaa galetly ena she has a crush on me, so I’m super flattered right now,” Hamdan’s cockiness never dissolved off of his face.

“Ayal-“ I smacked him again before completing my sentence and he chuckled.

“Offfhh aaa7, that’s going to bruise!” He acted along.

“Chub enzain wla a6gk 9ij,” I laughed.

“Y3ne kel hatha mu 9ij hatha ye3tbr warm-up?”

“Ee so be afraid,” I gave him my scariest face and he only laughed even more.

“Your face is too cute to ever be scary.”

My cheeks flushed and I brushed off the compliment.

Before I could ask him again T or D to continue the game, the door was pushed open strongly and all of us went quiet to look at who just came in.

It was Eissa.

“Deep Voice.”

He was standing in the doorway with his mask on and I suddenly felt all of the guilt rush back for lying.

“Enta,” he pointed at Mi7sen and Mi7sen was wide-awake now with wide eyes. “Goum.”

Mi7sen obeyed and stood up instantly. Eissa grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer. He pulled him along and took him out with him before locking the door again, I saw Hamdan flex his hands, trying to not attack Deep Voice to avoid anything like before to happen again.

“What.. Where the hell is he taking him?!” Hamdan cried out in frustration.

Before we could speak, the door was pushed open again and Mi7sen was pushed back into the room in a hurry.

That was way too fast... and weird.

Mi7sen looked frightened, he looked straight at me and his hands were shaking.

“Jawaa,” Mi7sen stuttered. “They want you.”


They who?

“They’re coming for you in a few minutes,” Mi7sen gulped, his Adam’s apple bopping up.

What the hell is going on?!


What do you think is going to happen next? Comment down below!


  1. Oh my god whattttt:o cliffhanger!! Like I don't have a single idea cause now deep voice likes her and is family and she knows mi7sen is her friend and he's scared deep voice still no emotion Bas madree I think deep voice is lying can't wait for the next post your so talented mashallah!

  2. Omg awl shay a7s 7amdan mala 5i9 fe elsalfa =)) ymkn eissa is trying to get her out? Lana he feels jealous ? Please post asap!!!

  3. oh godddd..
    this is getting better and better

  4. this is tooooo good!!!!! i really want her to love hamdan or mi7sin i really don't like eissa!!!!! please posttttttt !!!!!!!

  5. for some sick reason I like Eissa, and I think mi7sin b6la3 thdhom at some chapter xD I have to re-read this story!!

  6. I love hamdaan and essa �� but i hate mi7sen. Amazing possst

  7. You should really post more often :( that's not the right way to get us eager! :( Loved all 3 posts, I hate essa but like him a bit, but please include more action between essa and jawa ♥ -21

  8. I'm not sure whether my comment was published or erased. What I think is that it is so obvious that Hamdan has or started to have feelings for her. So this makes three guys like her: Hamdan, Mi7sen and Eissa "Deep Voice". I think the reason why 'they' want Jawaa is that they doubted what really happened when Deep Voice was with her and wanted to question her. It was mentioned that one of the bad guys has doubts whether deep voice loves Jawaa, so i don't think the questioning will go that easy. They might hurt her, to see how deep voice would react so they could prove it. Amazing story. Can't wait for all the secrets to be revealed!
