Saturday, June 30, 2012

Masqué Chapter 22

I was listening to Madagascar's music while writing this.. shal mazaj, adry.. x_x  Hope you enjoy the chapter, don't worry, it's not as crazy as Madagascar's music. :p

Don't forget, your comments/feedback make my day. <3


 "Amal?" My mother's suspicious voice startled me.

"H-ha yuma?" I stuttered, my iPhone still against my ear. I could hear Saif's breathing, he heard my mother too and he didn't utter another word.

"Shimga3dich hal 7azza? Yalla besich etdigeen 3la your friends from Switzerland, rou7ay namay, warach jam3a." Mom yawned in between her words, her voice groggy. Her eyes weren't on me, they were on the left over appetizers from the dinner party. She was probably looking for a midnight snack.

"Enshallah." I mumbled.

"3afya." I heard Saif joke through the phone, I held back a smile as I walked in a hurry to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and pressed my back against it, listening to Saif's rhythmical breathing.

"Ha? Weinich?" Saif said after a long stretched out silence. The guilt of tricking my Mom melted away once Saif's voice made it's way into my ears again.

"Al7een? Dary." I murmured as I made my way to my comfortable looking bed. I laid back down, stretching my legs over the sheets, my elbows resting over one of my pillows.

"Uhmm.. Sh9ar wya omich?" Saif sounded a bit shy suddenly.

"She thought you were a friend from Switzerland." I said in a playful tone, enjoying Saif's awkwardness.

"Ohh.. uhm." Saif stuttered.

"Saif, shfeek?" I laughed.

"I finally have you." Saif breathed out, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Have me?" I questioned.

"Do I have you Amal?" Saif asked, his voice sounding nervous again.

"Eee, you do Saif. And you always will." I softly whispered, the thought finally dawning on me.

I was his and he was mine. It was official, there was no running from it anymore.

That night, Saif stayed on the phone with me for another hour, his happy voice chattering non stop, unable to believe that the drama with our relationship was behind us now. It felt too good to be true, the A7mad situation wasn't resolved yet but for that night, we acted like nothing else mattered anymore, it was just him and I.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I noticed my iPhone was up against my cheek, leaving a square shape over my skin. I looked at the screen and it said that Saif's call wasn't ended, it was on for 6 hours.

I pressed my iPhone back against my ear and noticed Saif peacefully asleep on the other end of the line. I couldn't help but notice a few snores make its way out of his mouth, I ended up laughing.

"Mhmm-hm." Saif grunted through the phone once I laughed. I didn't end the call, I left Saif to sleep whilst I took a cold refreshing shower. I pulled out a dark striped skirt and added a tucked in satin button down shirt. I paired it with a pair of comfy sandals and a matching belt. I grabbed my over sized Jimmy Choo bag that had my textbooks and only added mascara over my long eyelashes with blush over my cheeks.

I grabbed my iPhone again and Saif was still sound asleep, his voice grunting every few seconds. I could also hear the faint sound of his alarm but Saif ignored the sound.

"Saif yalla goum." I mumbled into my phone, my free hand looking for my tube of Rimmel lip gloss.

"Mhmmm." Saif groaned.

"SAIF WAKE UP." I yelled into the phone.

"G3DT G3DT!" Saif's voice was alerted, I laughed through the phone. I found my lip gloss, I tucked it into my bag and waited for Saif to wake properly.

 "Good morning." Saif groaned but his voice held a smile.

"Good morning lazy bum." I heard Saif chuckle lazily. "Yalla, I have to go."

"La trou7een.." Saif mumbled, his voice sounding deep and fragile at the same time.

"Neseit ena 3ndena jam3a?" I joked.

"La2 ma neseit bas I'll miss your voice if you end the call." Saif shyly stated.

"You'll see me in KU." I pointed out.

"It won't be the same, ma ra7 agder ag3ad wyach jidam elnas wla bagder asoulif wyach." Saif sighed.

"Mhm." I sighed too.

"Lets skip class." Saif said out of the blue.

"Shnuuu?" I said in a shocked tone. I'd never skipped a class before, I was the complete nerd in my classes, I made sure I never missed a word of the professor's speeches.

"Mu gilty you're dropping your major for another one? So skip it today and then change majors tomorrow." Saif said in a carefree tone.

"Saif enta mu men 9ijik." I argued. "W b3dain shnu bensawi?"

"We'll see the penguins." Saif smiled through the phone.

"Penguins?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  

 Okay goul starbucks ow bidi3 (I would have refused though).. bas penguins?

"Neseitay?" Saif said in a shocked tone. "Lema kena e9'3ar, kentay tabeen etshoufeen el penguins bas ayam gabel, kanow mu mawjoudeen in the scientific center."


The tip of my nose was pressed up against the cool glass that separated me from the water that was filled with colourful fishes, each one had it's own pattern and it's own way of swishing through the sky blue water. 

Saif was standing next to me, his hands pressed against the glass, his eyes staring at the huge shark that had teeth that were as sharp as knives.

"Wein el penguins?" I complained.

"Maku penguins." Saif frowned. Our parents were seated behind us, watching us stare at the fishes in awe.

"Mama, maku penguins!" I crossed my arms over my chest once I turned around to face my mother.

"7bebty maku penguins in Kuwait." Mom said awkwardly.

"Abe penguins!" I stomped my foot against the ground. My tone was spoiled.

"Ana bayeeblich penguins." Saif suddenly said.

"Men wein?" I turned to look at Saif's young and hopeful eyes.

"Entay bas ne6ray, ana bawareech penguins." Saif said confidently.

"Okay bas shloun Saif?" I urged him to continue.

"Ma a3rif.. entay bas ne6ray, hiff!" Saif complained, finding my impatience annoying.

"Okay bas etha enta ma wareitny el penguins, ma ra7 a36eek el 7alaw ely shareina men el jam3eya. enzain?" I threatened.

"Fine." Saif jutted out his bottom lip in denial, looking back at the sharks to ignore me.

- Present day -

"Saif.. madry, I think it's a bad idea." I was back in my room, the old memories of Saif and I dissolved into thin air.

"Trust me." Saif said.

"Okay." I sighed and surrendered.

"We'll both go alone, okay? Buy a ticket and meet me by the aquarium." Saif planned it all out.

"Digeega, ma adil." I bit down on my full bottom lip.

"Embala you do, yal kaslana, do I have to remind you about everything?" Saif chuckled. "Ma tithkireen shloun 7ife'9na el mukan lema kena e9'3ar? I know you remember."

"Okay okay, maybe I do. If I get lost, I'll call you." I laughed along.

"Ee okay, el sayig bikoun m3ay. Oh and bring a sweater." Saif said before hanging up on me.

"Amal shfeech 6aweltay? Yalla ra7 tit2akharein!" I heard Mom bellow out from the living room. I hurried out of my room, forgetting about bringing a sweater along.

Mom was already dressed in her usual attire for work, which was jeans and a long colourful shirt. Bibi and Turki had already left for high school. I grabbed a quick bagel to munch on and climbed into the white Porsche Cayenne Turbo. I started the car and easily drove out of the parking of our house.

I was now on the road, my eyes skimmed through the numerous cars that passed me. I suddenly felt like the way I was driving to was familiar and I instantly remembered the way to the scientific center.

I drove into the gates of the large building of the scientific center. I passed the bubbling fountain and found a good parking space. There weren't many cars, it was about eight in the morning and so, everyone was off in school, work or college.

I purchased a ticket and looked at the surroundings of the insides of the scientific center. I walked past the deserted stores and entrances to the different kinds of entertainments (cinema/games/museums). I finally stopped in front of the entrance of the aquarium and I found a tall guy standing in front of me.

It was Saif. He had a pair of comfortable looking grey A&F sweats on and a white polo shirt. He turned around, as if he felt my presence and his charcoal eyes met mine. His crutches were against his arms, keeping him in balance.

"Akheeran." Saif smiled, taking a step closer. There wasn't anyone around us, the place was empty.

"6awelt?" I asked as we both walked over to the entrance of the aquarium, giving the 30 year old looking man our ticket and walking into the dark large room.

"Eee offh, ni6ert sa3a!" Saif exaggerated, his smile taking most of the space from his handsome face.

"9ej?" I frowned up at him, believing him instantly.

"La2, you're so innocent." Saif chuckled, his laugh echoing in the large room. We were passing the glasses that held animals in them, we wanted to reach the aquarium part of the tour. I kept playing nervously with my gold spikes bracelet, too nervous on being alone with Saif.

"Shfeech sakta?" Saif suddenly asked, we were walking down the steel stairs to where the aquarium was. The scent of salt water and fishes filled my nostrils, reminding me of the first day I visited the aquarium.

"Madry." I replied shyly. Saif bumped my hips with his, his waist brushing against mine.

"Heey." I laughed, holding onto the railings next to me so I won't trip or fall.

"Tadreen.." Saif started.

"Eee?" I looked to him, a smile playing on his lips. He wasn't looking at me, he was gazing up at the huge glasses that surrounded us that held the hundreds of colorful fishes. It took my breath away.

"Beautiful." Saif murmured.

"Eeee, the fishes are amazing! It feels like it's the first time all over again." I smiled, counting the fishes in my head. An orange fish wiggled it's fins and scurried away at the sight of our large eyes, gaping at it.

"I wasn't talking about the fishes." Saif's gaze was on me. I turned to look at him, catching his gaze.

"3yal?" I acted dumb.

"You're beautiful." Saif murmured, his eyes moving from my face and then back to the fishes in front of us.

"Mashkour." I whispered shyly. "Hff, why do you have to make this awkward?"

"Ana?" Saif laughed.

"Eee enta!" I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at him with a disappointed expression.

"Asif ya princess Amal, I was just being honest." Saif shrugged confidently.

"Sureee." I said sarcastically.

"You're cute when you blush." Saif continued on, a grin on his face.

"I'm not blushing." And then suddenly, my cheeks heated up.

"You are now." Saif's grin widened.

"Chub, zain?" I groaned but I felt fireflies flying around in my stomach, making me even more nervous around him.

"Entay shfeech kela etzifeeny? I'm complimenting you, you should give me a hug or a kiss 3la8al." Saif complained.

"In your dreams." I rolled my eyes at him, walking deeper into the aquarium to where the sharks were.

"3yal khan arid anam, laish ga3adteeny?" Saif had an adorable frown over his face.

"You're so cheesy." I laughed but once I turned around, I caught a huge shark's nose pressed against the glass. The sight of the shark startled me, I took a step back, my sandals causing me to trip over one of the chairs behind me. I felt gentle arms clasp around my shoulders, stopping me from falling.

"Shway shway." Saif murmured, his hard chest pressed up against my back. His crutches were against my arms, Saif wasn't holding onto them.

"Hey, la et6ee7." I suddenly turned back around and handed him his crutches to hold on.

"Ana 3ade a6ee7 bas entay la2." Saif's voice sounded genuine. "Mu giltlch I'd protect you princess?"

"A princess can protect her prince too." I pouted.

"Her prince?" Saif teased. "Say that again please?"

"Maku, yalla bashouf el penguins." I said, trying to change the subject. I hurried over to where the other fishes were and left Saif to hobble behind me.

"Heey ne6ray, I have crutches, I can't walk as fast as you." Saif chuckled. I slowed down my pace and waited until he was next to me.

"Asfa." I said guiltily.

"La2 3ady." Saif smiled kindly at me as we walked at a slow pace towards where the penguins were. We passed the cockroaches and beetles, I tried to ignore their presence because cockroaches disgusted me. Saif would casually bump my shoulder, telling me to look to my right.

"Waiii3." I quickly turned to look to the left. Saif laughed at my reaction, there were beetles next to me in a huge box. Their tiny scrawny legs would shake and press against the glass that trapped them.

"Kaa wi9alna." Saif said in between laughs. We finally reached to the glass box that held the penguins, I gaped at them, smiling at the small penguins that looked too cute.

"Cuuuuute!" I gushed, staring the penguin that was swimming around in the water.

"Very." Saif said, his eyes on me again. I felt my cheeks redden again, I ignored his gaze and kept staring at the penguins, too shy to reply to him.

"Yalla al7een wein 7alawy?" Saif teased and extended his hand, waiting for the candy I promised to give him if he showed me the penguins.

"Ma 3nde 7alaw." I laughed, looking up at Saif's cheerful face.

"3yal 3a6eene something else that's just as sweet." Saif's dark eyes challenged me.

That evil boy. Two can play at this game. 

Saif was full of mischief but I knew for a fact that he didn't expect an actual kiss, he had a way of teasing you but he never was serious about it.

"Okay." I shrugged easily. I brushed my lips against my fingers, giving my finger a kiss and then, I pressed my already kissed finger against Saif's left cheek. Some of my lip gloss got onto his cheek.

"Done." I laughed. Saif's cheeks turned a bit pink but he ignored it, acting cool.

"Haaaay." Saif laughed, touching the spot of lip gloss that got smudged over one of his cheeks. "Wallah enich thakeya."

"Adry." I said in a confident tone, joking around.

"Yal the8a." Saif laughed. I shivered in the aquarium and Saif caught me.

"Ma yebtay el sweater, mu 9a7?" Saif looked at me with a grin.

"Neseit." I confessed.

"Ee I knew you were going to forget." Saif was holding onto a Hollister grey that had a zipper line in the middle. He handed it to me, our fingers touching for a few seconds.

"Lebseeh, yebta 3shanich." Saif's voice sounded a bit shy, his eyes weren't meeting mine.

"Mashkour." I replied in awe. I slipped my cold arms into the warm jacket, the jacket hung loosely on my body but it felt as homey as my bed back in my room. I hugged the jacket against me and caught the whiff of Saif's familiar masculine Abercrombie perfume. I could feel Saif's eyes on me every few minutes.

"It looks good on you." Saif whispered suddenly, I replied with a shy smile, unable to speak.

Saif ushered me down the stairs to where another door held more fishes. We passed them, not wanting to look at any more of the numerous fishes. And soon, we were out of the aquarium, feeling satisfied after seeing the penguins.

"Al7een wein enrou7?" Saif said with a smile. I checked the time and gasped, a whole hour had passed. Time flew when I was with Saif, it felt like minutes when I was with him.

"Saif?" A girl's voice startled both of us.

We both turned around and found a girl who looked about 17 with a navy 7jab on that framed her high cheekbones. She was about 5'4 and had a wide waist but her face held beautiful lips with small yet cat shaped eyes.

"Hessa." Saif awkwardly said, his eyes suddenly down on the ground.


Who was Hessa?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Masqué Chapter 21

Shlounkom shakhbarkom?:D I always tend to write chapters late at night or when I'm super tired, it's strange but that's when my ideas kick in. I'm posting this today so no post tomorrow, Fridays are family outings and I only post when I receive the best ideas so I can offer the best chapter I can write up for you guys. Thanks for being patient! :D

3bdulmajeed inspired me.


+ Your comments make my day. <3


"Saif." I whispered, my voice barely audible. Saif's eyes were on the ground, he turned around giving me his back and slowly walked out of the living room, his hands holding onto his crutches. Fawaz's head was bent down, the emotions of sadness washing over his face.

What could I do? Fawaz fell for the wrong girl and Saif misunderstood the situation. I wanted to hurry after Saif to explain but the others who were seated around us were starting to stare at us awkwardly. Fawaz's face was breaking my heart as well, I hadn't seen him so depressed before.

I couldn't believe how I'd have affected both of them.

"Yalla 3asha!" I heard Mom call out with a grin on her face. Everyone followed Mom into the dining room filled with scrumptious food except Fawaz, he stood in the empty living room and I stood far away from him, unable to look at him.

"Et7beena Amal? Et7been Saif?" Fawaz murmured, his voice shaky.

"Fawaz.." I started, taking a step towards him but he put his hands up in defence, stopping me in my step.

"Jawbay." Fawaz urged.

"Fawaz walla you're like a brother to me." I clenched my hands into fists, trying to calm my nerves but I noticed a look of hurt pass over Fawaz's face.

"Ouch." Fawaz laughed sarcastically. "Kanet ghel6ity, I misunderstood everything."

"Asfa.." I couldn't utter another word, I didn't know what to say.

"Saif is a very lucky man." Fawaz looked up to meet my eyes, a sad smile stretching over his lips. "Enshallah I'll be there for you whenever you need me, as a brother." Fawaz flinched slightly when he said the word "brother".

"Enshallah, ma3arif shagoul Fawaz.." I looked down and stared at the ceramic floor.

"Mu lazem etgouleen shay, yalla khanrou7 nakil." Fawaz turned around to walk to the dining room, not waiting for me to follow him or say another word.

I had lost my appetite after that shocking event, I kept replaying the conversation with Fawaz back in my head. I should've said more, I should have apologized again, I should have..

Amal, it happened and now, Saif is gone.


I hurried the the dining room. The long glass table held about more than 20 people that were staring deliciously at their plates that were filled with kabab, white rice and other Arabian food. My eyes raced over the numerous faces but I couldn't find Saif's.

"Amal yalla g3day." I heard my Mom hiss in an embarrassed tone. I glanced to my left and found Mom sitting by one of the chairs that was closest to where I was standing.

"Uhm, barou7 el 7amam awal." I lied and practically raced out of the room before Mom or anyone else forced me to sit at the table.

I grabbed a black wool shawl to wrap around my dress, replacing my heels with flip flops before running to the entrance of our house. I forced the gold knob to twist and pulled the door open, my eyes staring out into the dark, trying to find Saif.

Saif couldn't drive, his leg was covered with a cast and Nawaf was in the dining room. He couldn't have gone far. I searched through our wide garden, passing the rose buds and ignoring the sweet scent that it gave off.

I had a feeling I knew where Saif was. I went further into the garden to where our swing set was. It was the swing set Saif and I used to always play with when we were younger, when Saif visited us with his parents and older brother Nawaf.

I peeked at the darkly lit garden. I heard a few squeaks that the swings made. The rustling of the trees surrounded me and the faint breeze brushed against my skin, the swooshing of the wind filling my ears. My eyes finally adjusted to the dark and I could see Saif.

Saif was sitting on one of the swing sets, his eyes on me. He had been watching me, watching me search for him and he stayed silent, not forming a word.

"Saif?" I murmured, scared to take another step closer to him. I was frightened of losing him, not when it was hard enough to stay close to him for all these weeks.

Saif heaved a sigh, his eyes still staring into mine.

"Saif rid 3lay." I whispered, my voice cracking. I took the risk and took the steps closer to him.

"Gi3day." Saif pulled the swing next to him forward so I could sit on it. I listened and placed my bottom over the plastic swing, waiting till it wasn't moving so much before I could turn sideways to face Saif. My flip flops dug into the wet grass and I could smell the rusting of the swing's metal chains.

"Abe khedma." Saif kept his voice low.

"Shnu?" I looked at his face in the dark, noticing his features were hidden at night. I couldn't notice the details of his face anymore, so I couldn't read his emotions.

"3a6eene telephonich digeega." Saif extended his hand, waiting for me to give him my iPhone. I dug my iPhone out of the pocket of my dress and landed it over the palm of his hand, our fingers brushing against each other for a few seconds before Saif pulled his hand away, breaking the warm skin contact.

I watched Saif go into my app store on my iPhone home screen and download a new application.

"Abeech tir3i9een play on this radio at midnight, okay?" Saif handed my iPhone back. I looked at the time and it was 10:34pm.

"Midnight?" I grunted.

"You're so impatient." Saif chuckled to himself. It was the first time I heard him laugh since the Fawaz incident.

"6al3a 3leik." I stuck my tongue out playfully at him, hoping to make him laugh again.

It worked. I heard the beautiful sound of Saif's laugh once again.

"Midnight, okay?" Saif turned serious again, his eyebrows arching slightly in the dark.

"Okay. Saif.." I began my speech about Fawaz and how Saif had misunderstood me but Saif stopped me from speaking by pressing his thumb against my lips. It shocked me, the sudden action he pulled out. I was speechless.

I stared at Saif in disbelief. My heart was stammering in my chest. Saif dropped his thumb away, turning his head to the other direction.

"Midnight." Saif repeated in a gentle voice before standing up and walking off into the night, leaving me stranded in the dimly light garden, the only thing surrounding me were the rose buds that began doze off at the sight of Saif leaving.


"Amal, sa3deena shway." Mom bickered, her freshly manicured hands collecting the plates from the dining table to clean up after the dinner party. Everyone was gone now, it was just Mom and I in the living room.

Turki and Bibi hurried off to their bedrooms to avoid helping. The housekeepers were fast asleep, too exhausted from the dinner party to stay around. I tore my eyes off of my iPhone, I was staring at the time, waiting for midnight.


One more hour Amal.

I obeyed and helped Mom clean up. After the long dreadful minutes of cleaning every part of the house, our arms were aching and our backs longed for the comfortable sheets of our bed.


Minutes left Amal.

Mom was already in bed with Dad, no one was awake in the house. I was in my Abercrombie neon shorts and loose one shoulder shirt, my legs stretched over the cool glass coffee table of the living room. I could still smell the faint scent of the kebabs that were served for dinner today. My stomach growled hungrily in response to the smell, I hadn't had dinner yet.

I decided to fix myself a cheese sandwich as I waited for midnight to strike. By the time I finished my snack, it was 11:59 pm.


I ran to the living room, grabbing my iPhone and clicking on the MarinaFM app that Saif downloaded onto my iPhone a few hours ago. I pressed my finger against the iPhone screen and waited for Marina FM to load. (Marina FM is a Kuwaiti radio, very famous for putting on hit songs + having a cool spokesman to listen to every weekend, and it's 88.8 in the radio station.)

12:00 am.

I listened intently to the radio station, my earphones were dug deep into my earlobes and I was hugging my bare knees against my chest, my chin resting over one of my knees.

"Aloo Saif! Shlounik, shakhbarik?!" I heard the spokesman named Ali cheer into the radio.

"Tamam el7amdellah, 3li, dageit 3shan kent abe et7i6ly eghneya gabel ma ti6la3 men el studio." Saif's familiar voice caused my heart to quicken.

"Akeed! Ey ghneya tabe?" Ali kindly replied on the radio station. Saif had apparently called the radio station and I was curious on why he wanted me to listen to the conversation.

"Y7lamoun." Saif's voice was deep but I sensed emotions behind his voice that I couldn't explain.

"3bdulmajeed? Allaaah!" I heard the grin in Ali, the spokesman's voice.

"Ehda2 7ag ely ga3d yisma3 el radio al7een." Saif's voice barely whispered.

After a few seconds, I listened intently to the beautiful sounds of the piano and violin before 3bdulmajeed began to sing:

ياخذونك انت مني والله لو يتجنون

يا خذو قلبك مكاني
او ينسونك حناني
قل لهم هاذي اماني
ولا هم ما يقدرون

يحلمون .. يحلمون اللي فيك يفكرون
ياخذونك انت مني والله لو يتجنون

لو يغيرونك عليا
او تجاملهم شويا
خلي بالك انت ليا
غيرك انت يدورون

ما احد يقدر يحبك ولاياخذ مني حبك
لو يشوفوا شوي قلبك ايه اسمي يلمحون

يحلمون .. يحلمون اللي فيك يفكرون
ياخذونك انت مني والله لو يتجنون

يكتبونك يرسمونك ولاهم يتخيلونك
لا حشا ما يلمسونك
فيك لا لا يحاولون

لو يمدولك ايديهم ضحكتك راحت عليهم
وحتى لو انت تبيهم انت معهم يحلمون

My eyes teared up, I couldn't control the emotions I felt from hearing the song. I heard a little ding dong from my iPhone as I was listening to the song. I clicked on Whatsapp and read the following words:
Saif Al-X: Abeech tifhimeen shkither ana a7bich Amal..  Ma ra7 akhaly Fawaz yakhthich miny, aghar 3leich Amal, ma abe ashouf ey a7ad yemir yemich ow yijeesich. Adry enich khasheitay mini wayed ashya2.. etha et7been Fawaz gouleely al7een.
I've loved you for 18 long years and I'll love you for another 100 years if I live that long. I'll love you better if we end up in heaven together. I've been patient, I've watched you from far and I've acted like nothing happened between us when you didn't remember me but do you know how much it hurt me to act that way?
I didn't tell you this but.. everyone thinks I recovered my memory a few days ago, I didn't tell you because I wanted you to feel the way I felt when you had amnesia.
I know this is horrible but Amal, you won't ever understand how I feel until I make you feel how I felt. I'm so sorry for putting you through the pain, I'm so sorry for lying about Asmaa making me strawberry cake. That day, I was eating strawberry ice cream and thinking of you. I wasn't with Asmaa or with any other girl, Amal there's only one girl for me and that's you.
No one can ever take your place in my heart. If you'd see yourself in my eyes then you'd fall in love with yourself too. I love the way you sing in the shower when you think nobody's listening. I love how strong you are, even when you're in the toughest and worst situations. I love how your dimples show whenever you frown or move your lips. I love how your laugh is higher pitched when you're hyper but lower when you're shy. I love how protective you are of your friends and sister Bibi.

Amal, I can talk about you all day. Aktiblich ketab 3shan tifhimeen shkither ana a7bich, walla asaweeha Amoula.
My princess Amoula.. I don't have a sword but I do have a heart that loves you. And I hope you don't break that heart..

Saif Al-X: Amal? Laish sakta..?

Saif Al-X: Amal..
Da la ling ling!

Saif Al-X Calling, Accept/Decline?
I wiped the tears that were streaming down my cheeks off with the back of my arm as I clicked on "Accept".
"Galbe?" Saif whispered, his tone sounding scared.

"Mhm." I tried to hold back a sob.

"Et7been Fawaz.." Saif sad slowly, his voice trying to hide how hurt he was.

"La2 la2!" I nearly shouted through the phone.

"9ej?" I heard the smile behind Saif's cheerful voice.

"You stupid boy, why do you always get it wrong?" I laughed through my tears.

"Ga3da tabcheen? W ti'97ekeen? Ma 3arafnalich Amal." Saif laughed along.

"I'm happy." I sighed through the phone, my smile intact.

"Doum enshallah.. who made you happy?" Saif sounded a bit jealous.

Idiot, you made me happy, can't you see that?
"Wa7ed eyenen! Galba abya'9 and he always makes me smile." I gushed.
"Aha." Saif grunted.
"Esma Saif Al-X, et3arfa?" I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold back a laugh. I was doing the same trick he did to me back when he confessed to me, it felt like it was ages ago.
"Ohhh, hatha refeeji! That a**hole, how could he betray me?!" Saif acted along, sounding gobsmacked.
"Chub zain?" I laughed at Saif's acting, holding onto my phone with my fingers as tight as I could.
"Does that mean that you love me? And that Fawaz won't steal you away from me?" Saif teased, urging me to say the words.
"Yes, I love you Saif Al-X and only you, no one could ever steal me away from you." I surrendered and said the words, my heart galloped happily inside my chest, meaning every word that left my cupid bow shaped lips.
"Haaaaaaa? Ma sima3t, ma sima3t!" Saif laughed, his voice booming with happiness.
"Yal chathab!" I giggled whilst feeling my cheeks turn scarlet.

"Yalla 3ad, say it again." Saif teased once again.
"Maku." I teased back.
"Az3al?" Saif tried to sound sad.
 "Tigder tiz3al 3la Amal?" I said confidently.
"El9ara7a la2, it's impossible." Saif groaned in defeat but his voice was playful, it made me smile again.

"Amal?" My mother's suspicious voice startled me.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Masqué Chapter 20

Hope you enjoy this chapter. :D

Dedicated to M_Qassimi, it was his birthday yesterday and he had been waiting patiently for this chapter. Happy late birthday, sweet sixteen!:D Hope you enjoyed it to the fullest.

Any comments?x


It's been a whole day since that awkward day with A7mad and Saif. A7mad teased me further about getting Asmaa included into the conversation but I dodged his questions and played it cool that day.

I made up a lie about Saif falling on top of me and hurting my arm. This also got me out of Gran's birthday zwara, I had the excuse to leave early and go home to tuck myself in bed with Baskin Robin's chocolate mousse ice cream as my companion.

I was supposed to meet Fawaz and Ghalia today. My mom wasn't the controlling and over protective type but she still had rules. She told me I'd be able to meet with Fawaz if only he would be attending our dinner party with everyone else present.

It wasn't like she was going to allow me to go to a public mall with him and Ghalia, society would get the wrong idea. Two girls with one guy? I wasn't comfortable with it either. We got to invite Fawaz and his father over to our house for the dinner party. Ghalia didn't have her parents with her so she came alone.

I needed a distraction from everything and Ghalia was my distraction. Mom didn't tell me who she invited from our family but she assured me she didn't invite that many people I didn't know. I had a feeling she was lying, Mom loved big parties.

For some reason, Mom had dinner parties every week on Wednesdays. She'd invite her friends, Bibi and Turki would invite theirs and they would all be family friends in one huge table eating a Kuwaiti cuisine.

"Amal, wear this!" Ghalia gushed, pulling out a dress that was long enough to reach my knees and casual yet elegant enough for a dinner party. It had multiple patterns that held the colours blue, violet, white and black. The sleeves reached to your elbows and was conservative yet chic enough for something you'd wear with your friends.

"You always had an eye for fashion." I smiled at Ghalia. She had a short sleeved white dress that reached a little over her knees, it complimented her tan and it had a belt along the waist. Ghalia had come two hours early to help me get ready, it was the first dinner party I was going to attend with the whole family.

I wore the dress Ghalia picked and put my hair up in a high slick ponytail. I used dark blue eyeliner that framed my oval eyes, thick mascara that accented my long eyelashes and a dark violet shade of Rebel Mac lipstick that brought out my bronzed cheeks. I clasped my Tiffany eternity necklace around my neck before wrapping my Van Cleef & Arpels bracelet around my wrist.

"Banat, khale9taw?" Mom knocked against my door before pulling the door open to step into my room. Mom had one of her beautiful summer dresses on. This time, it was a Paul & Joe tribal patterned dress that swished over the floors of our house whenever she walked. She paired it with her Cartier accessories and a beige veil that covered her hair.

"Yah yah, kashkheen." Mom smiled, her eyes raking over our outfits.

"Halla khalti, shlounich?" Ghalia smiled.

"El7amdellah zeina 7bebty, entay shlounich? W shloun el derasa wyach?" Mom walked over to greet Ghalia, she hadn't seen her when Ghalia first came to the house.

"Tamam." Ghalia replied politely, returning the greeting.

"Yalla ta3alaw ta7at, Bibi lal7een ma khale9at. As usual." Mom rolled her eyes.

The house was filled with vases with white delicate orchids. Mom's dinner parties were her specialty, she had to have everything perfect. The lights were dimmed so the rooms weren't so bright and it made our surroundings even more prettier. The pillows were fluffed and put against each couch to make the house look cozier.

Dad was sitting by one of the couches, his hands holding onto his cup of coffee as his eyes were absorbed into watching one of the Euro2012 matches.

"Ibrahim, yalla 3ad goum w sa3edna shway." Mom switched the TV off midway through the soccer match.

"ZAINAH LAAAAAAA!" Dad growled, his hands reaching out for the TV. "ITALIA LA TEKHSOROUUUN."

"Shd3waa, kela korat 8adam." Mom rolled her eyes once again, trying to hide her mocking smile.

"Allah y3afy twitter." Dad grabbed his Samsung phone and clicked over twitter to check the scores on the match. "GOOOAAAL!"

"Waiii3, ana ashaji3 Spain." I crossed my arms over my chest, giving my Dad a challenging look.

"Ghal6ana benti, ghal6ana!" Dad growled again, his eyes serious about his football matches.

"Ana ashaji3 Hawaii!" Ghalia butted in, her smile wide.

"Ghalia, Hawaii isn't a European country." I hissed to Ghalia, bumping her shoulder with mine. I tried to hold back my laugh. Dad gave Ghalia a "Oh dear" look.

"Oh. Uhm, I'll go help your Mom with the food." Ghalia said in an embarrassed tone before scurrying off to the kitchen.

"Ta3alaay." Dad patted the space next to him on the couch. "Bakhaleech etshaj3een Italia, just listen to me shway."

"Ohoo, bida Ibrahim." Mom entered the living room as fast as she could once she heard her husband start his long speech about Italy. "Amal abeech et9ereen el host shway, ana mashghoula bil ma6bakh. Answer the door, okay? 7atan el khedam mshgouleen m3a el akil, allah y3eenhum."

"Okay." I laughed, giving my Dad an apologetic look that said "Sorry, you heard the Boss."

"Next time, next time." Dad grunted, his eyes glued to his twitter account. I took a peak and noticed he was following 570 people and had only 6 followers. His timeline was filled with football related topics, I couldn't help but laugh again.

Ding dong!

"AMAL, ANSWER THE DOOR." Mom yelled from the kitchen. 

I hurried over to the door with my heels click clacking against the naked floors. I turned the gold knob and pushed the door open to find Shamma (my Syrian friend from KU) in a beige long sleeved cocktail dress. Her hair was in a simple bun and she was holding a tray full of sweets.

I couldn't help but notice that there was a new scar on her. A freshly new one that sliced over her cheek. I could notice the overly put foundation that was trying to cover up the scar. I was growing curious about Shamma's scars.

"Hey Amal, thanks for inviting me. This is for you." Shamma gave me a sweet smile, handing over the tray of sweets.

"Mashkoura!" I tried to eliminate my questions out of my head and smiled back at Shamma, taking the tray from her hands.

The guests kept pouring in, I greeted every one of them with a smile. Most of them I didn't know, they were friends of my mother that regularly came for her dinner parties.

"Shlounich Amal?" Fawaz grinned, his father standing behind him as I held the door open for them next. I couldn't help but notice that Fawaz's father was inspecting me, as if I was a vase he was ready to buy. It was strange.

"Zeina el7amdellah, entow shlounkom?" I replied politely.

Fawaz was wearing a Hollister shirt and casual shorts while his father was wearing a dish dasha. His father had the same shaped eyes as Fawaz's and the same dark curly hair with milky skin. I couldn't help but notice that Fawaz was clutching onto his Hollister jacket, the one I found back in his Silverado car on that Bidi3 day. The jacket I used to try to brush of strawberry syrup off of Saif's cast.

After a while, I grew tired of having a smile plastered on my face for an hour. My cheeks were aching and my dimples must have been all over the place. Bibi finally was done with wearing her Fendi dress and hurried down to take over hosting. Most of the older people sat in the living room that was furthest from the kitchen.

The younger people sat in the second living room which was next to kitchen. This meant we also got first dibs over the little cakes and appetizers. I sat next to Ghalia on the couch, staring off at the multiple faces of Bibi's and Turki's friends. Fawaz sat on one of the other couches, next to Turki.

But of course, both living rooms were fairly close to each other so the adults could see us in plain view since we weren't being blocked off by a wall. So it didn't feel like a mixed crazy party with all your guy and girl friends, most of us were silent and the atmosphere felt awkward.

The adults seemed to have been chattering non stop on the other end of the large room. I could hear their booming voices, discussing Kuwait's politics and how the young generation has been so different to their own generation.

"Amal, someone's at the door." Ghalia nudged my shoulder with hers.

"Huh?" I was staring off into space.

"Ma sima3tay the door bell?" Ghalia laughed. "Bsir3a!"

"Okay okay." I laughed too, hurrying over to the door to answer it. I avoided Fawaz's stare, his eyes kept looking at my dress. I grew uncomfortable.

"Welcome." I said without looking at the person.

"Mashkoura." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and found Saif in his Polo shirt, holding onto his crutches. Nawaf was in an American Eagle shirt and shorts, standing next to Saif. I couldn't help it but my cheeks reddened at the sight of Saif. He had shaved off his stubble and his face was cleaner now and more adorable. His tan was back and he didn't look so pale anymore.

Nawaf handed me a box that had little mango and vanilla cakes in them and walked past me to look for Bibi. Saif stood in front of me, not saying a word for a few minutes.

"Tara Nawaf knows." Saif murmured quietly.

"Ha?" I gasped.

"He found out about the acting about having amnesia thing from the bidi3 situation." Saif kept his eyes on the ground, not looking into my eyes. I found it gentleman-y of him not to straightly look at me.

"Aha okay." I said. I felt relieved that Nawaf knew about it. At least now I could count on Saif to be himself around Nawaf whenever I was around.

"Amal." Saif's masculine voice grabbed my attention.

"Na3am?" I was still holding onto the box that held the little cakes, I felt the plastic material of the box against my fingers and tried to concentrate on that.

"You look beautiful mashallah." Saif whispered softly, his eyes finally meeting mine for a few seconds. Before I could reply, Saif moved his crutches and began to walk into the living room, leaving me behind, holding the door open for no one anymore.

I pressed my fingers against my cheeks and felt how hot my cheeks had grew.

Shd3wa, you didn't blush like that when the other guests complimented you.

I ignored the tiny voice in my head and shut the door closed. I went back into the living room and found something strange.

"Fawaz! Radeit men Sweissra akheeran! 7amdellah 3la salama, shlounik 7ubi?" Saif grinned, his arms wrapping around Fawaz for a hug.

"Allah yisalmik, eee radeit! Zein, enta shlounk? Shloun reelk al7een?" Fawaz's voice boomed with happiness.

"A7san men gabel. Shitsawy ehny?" Saif suddenly grew curious, his eyes looking down at Fawaz's jacket, the same jacket I used on Saif a few days ago.

"ENTA shitsawy ehny?" Fawaz switched the question around and aimed it at Saif.

"Hatha bait khalti yal thaky." Saif chuckled. "Hey, ma giltly 3an you-know-who."

"Oh, tara ehya mawjouda ehny, ush la tesma3 bas." Fawaz chuckled and tried to lower his voice but I heard every word. Non of them turned to look at me, they were absorbed into their own conversation.

"Yalla 3ad mnu ehya? Yayib obouk ba3ad, akeed bitekh6ebha? Mu tawik 9gheer?" Saif grinned, patting Fawaz's back.

"Ana bagoulk mnu ehya lema enta etgouly mnu el bent ely kent ga3d etsoulif 3anha gabel chem youm 3la bbm wyay." Fawaz challenged Saif with a smile.

Didn't Fawaz know Saif was acting to have amnesia? I guessed not and Saif wasn't trying to act like he had amnesia either.

"Ehya ba3ad mawjouda ehny." Saif laughed.

"On the count of 3, we'll look at the girl we're talking about, deal?" Fawaz looked excited. I grew curious too, I couldn't help but eavesdrop. I made myself look like I was trying to place the tiny cakes over the table for the people to eat.

"1, 2, 3!" Saif hissed.

After 3 seconds, I felt two pairs of eyes against my back. I turned around to find both Fawaz and Saif looking at me.

Fawaz and Saif turned around to look at each other in shock and disbelief. Saif finally looked down at Fawaz's jacket again, remembering that the jacket was Fawaz's. Saif's eyes were full of one emotion.

Saif was hurt.

"Amal?" Saif said in disbelief, his voice was dosed with jealousy.

"That's the girl?" Fawaz asked Saif, not keeping his voice quiet anymore, his voice grew angry.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Masqué Chapter 19

This is dedicated to @NouraAlmesned, her tweets genuinely make me laugh! I've never seen such an excited person before, all this just for a post? I LOVE YOU NOURA! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I'm back in Kuwait. :D I can't ever thank you all enough for the support you've given me, don't be shy and comment, your comments make my day. <3

This is a LONG post.


"Amal yalla goumaay." I heard my Mom's voice disrupt my peaceful sleep. I forced my eyes open and the sun rays felt like knives slicing into my eyes, forcing me to stay awake.

"Argh." I groaned, rubbing my tired eyes.

"Yalla 7abouba, elyoum zwara. Elyoum youm melad yeditich fa keshkhay, enzain?" Mom said before leaving my bright room.

It's been a few days since that weird day back in bidi3 with Bibi and those two frightening guys. I haven't seen much of Saif and he hasn't talked to me on Whatsapp either. It was weird. I didn't know what was keeping us apart but it didn't feel the same between us, things changed.

I hope things don't stay this way for too long.

As for Ghalia and Fawaz, they were upset about the stealing the car thing but they got over it quickly. I had the chance to catch up with Ghalia. Both Ghalia and Fawaz were staying at the Regency hotel. They gave me some space and agreed to meet up with me later in the week.

I climbed out of my messy cream coloured bed, my toes shivered at the touch of the cold wooden floors of my bedroom. I took a quick steamy shower, letting the water seep into my skin before pulling the doors of my wardrobe open, my eyes gliding over my hordes of clothes.

Hmm, zwara? I was going to see Saif there. Everyone was going to be there.

A7mad and Asmaa were going to be there.

My heart vibrated against my ribcage fearfully once their names popped into my head. I remembered seeing them back in bidi3 and their smile held a story I didn't know.

"Amal, sa3a?" My mom called out in an annoyed tone before going to Bibi's room to complain to her about how long she takes on getting dressed.

I felt sorry for Mom, she had to take care of two girls at once now.

I quickly picked an Escada soft satin button down shirt that was in a wine colour. I tucked it into a pair of camel beige high waist trousers and matched it with a brown belt. I grabbed my brown Hermes Jypsiere purse and I was good to go after applying my standard make up, which was winged eyeliner, bronzer, mascara and nude lipstick.

I sprayed some Beige Chanel perfume over my skin and my straightened caramel hair before leaving my room. I found my mother dressed in a long Missoni dress with a cardigan over it, her dark 7jab framing her wrinkled yet beautiful face.

"Bibi lal7een ma khale9at." Mom huffed, her almond eyes rolling. Turki was sitting next to her, his face dug into his blackberry, he had a Hugo Boss shirt that was paired with shorts.

"BIBI, YALLA." I shouted in my loudest voice. Mom widened her eyes at me. The next thing we heard was a door opening and the click clacking of heels that were running over the marble floors of the house.

"Khale9t, kani kani!" Bibi tried to run faster in her heels towards us, her hair whipping against her face, her strands of her sticking against her lipstick. She had a dark purple jumpsuit on and her Chanel purse over her shoulder. Her curled hair was let loose and I could catch glimpses of her overly done make-up.

"Bibi, shnu labsa?" Mom asked in a strange tone.

"Mu 7lu?" Bibi frowned, trying to get her hair out of her face. I had a feeling Bibi was trying to impress Nawaf.

"Labsa 7afar! Riday darich w ghayray ehdoumich al7een." Mom barked disapprovingly. "El sayig biyakhthich, wayed 6aweltay. E7na binrou7 gablich." Mom grabbed a big plastic bag that probably held Gran's birthday cake. I grabbed the other bags that held the gifts for Gran.

Bibi had her shoulders slumped, she walked back into her room to change. I assured Mom I'd drive Bibi myself and that Turki should go with her.

"Yalla okay, la et6awleen." Mom said before leaving the house with Turki, his hands holding the bags I was holding a few seconds ago, his other hand holding his blackberry.

I helped Bibi sort her outfit out. She ended up changing in a flattering gold sequined shirt that was paired with a blazer and dark jeans that also went well with her Chanel purse. I also brushed off her red lipstick replacing it with a light pink one.

I tried driving as fast as I could to Gran's house. I'd learned the way to it pretty fast but my heart kept stammering in my chest, I was too nervous to see Saif again.

We got to Gran's in 10 minutes. I parked the Lexus and checked if my Louis Vuitton heels were strapped around my ankles right before ringing the doorbell.

Even Bibi looked nervous, her left eye kept twitching, causing her eyelashes to flutter every once in a while. One of Gran's kind housekeepers answered the door and let us in. Our heels glided over the smooth floors as we walked to the living room. The living room was packed with relatives that I didn't know.

We greeted everyone, one by one. I smiled at each one, acting as if I remembered them from the first day I met them. I didn't find Saif in the brown furnished living room but Nawaf was sitting by Khalti Ghaneema with a grin on is face once he noticed Bibi. My father was sitting next to my mom, both of them engrossed into a conversation.

"Happy birthday!" I gave Gran a big squeeze and a kiss over her forehead after kissing both her cheeks multiple times.

"7beebty walla, mashkoura." Gran gave me a wrinkled smile, her eyes lighting up.

"Chem 3umrich al7een?" I teased.

"A woman never tells her age my dear." Gran laughed, her English rolling off of her tongue easily.

"Amal, shrayich etzahbeen el cake?" Dad whispered to me once I was next to him. I ignored the stares from the relatives I didn't know, they were inspecting every little thing about me. It was awkward.

"Okay." I smiled giddily. I hurried into the beautiful white decorated kitchen. The housekeepers were getting the hors d'oeuvres (appetizers) and offering them to the guests. I got the cake out, it was a beautiful crimson cake with delicate flowers that were added with smooth icing over the large delicious cake. I carefully placed the white candles around the cake once I pulled them out of the plastic bag.

I was too absorbed into making the cake perfect that I didn't hear the faint footsteps behind me.

"Allaah." A male voice gushed. I turned around and found A7mad in a Le Martina navy shirt with shorts standing in front of me. His hair was gelled back and he had a grin painted over his face.

"Eee el cake eyenin." I said politely before turning back around to continue placing the candles into the cake. My hands began to sweat, I was afraid of A7mad. I couldn't explain why but there was something about him that terrified me.

If he had the guts to to try to end my life and Saif's, then he could do anything.

"Mu ga3d atkalam 3an el cake." I could feel A7mad's breath against the nape of my neck. I shuddered.

"Aha, mashkour." I didn't turn around to face him, I tried to ignore his presence.

"El3afu, shloun el jam3a?" A7mad took a step closer so he stood besides me, he placed a hand over the kitchen counter so his arm would be pressed up against mine.

"El7amdellah zain." I answered. I didn't bother asking him about his university, I didn't want the conversation to continue.

"Amal shfeech?" A7mad's grin widened, he sensed my rigidness.

"Wela shay, bas abe el cake yi6la3 7ilu." I lied, my fingers shaking as I placed the last candle over the cake. A7mad reached to grab my shaky hand, his fingers felt masculine and hard, not gentle at all.

I was caught off guard, it pissed me off that he was touching me. I swerved my eyes towards him to cast him a glare.

"Shga3d etsawi?" I hissed, trying to free my hand from his grip.

"Haday a39abich, shd3wa Amoula." A7mad teased and ended up laughing at me, his fingers strongly wrapped around my hand, not willing to let go. I hated it when he gave me a nickname, as if we were old friends.

"Low sema7t, la etjeesny." I glared at A7mad again, trying to keep my voice cool. A7mad took a step closer, his tobacco filled breath filling my nostrils as he said the following words:

"Deeray balich 3la nefsich Amal. I'm watching you. Entay w Saif 3balkom ana ghaby? Ma afham? Shiftich bil bidi3 w shift shloun Saif misakich. Etha giltaw shay 3an el 7adith, 7ag EY A7AD, you'll regret it. W ya wailich etha giltay 7ag Saif ena ana giltlch hal kalam, fahma?" A7mad hissed into my face, his fingers tightening around my wrist painfully once more before letting go of it.

A7mad took a step back, freeing me and giving me a wide innocent grin.

"Yalla, ashoufech bel 9ala?" A7mad said in a kind tone, his evil layer shedding and was replaced with an innocent one.

"U-uhm, e-ee." I stuttered in shock, watching him leave the kitchen without another word.

"Amal yalla! Weinich? Ma khale9tay? It's time to sing Gran happy birthday." Bibi walked into the kitchen after a few seconds with an illuminated smile on her face.

"Amal?" Bibi said in a worried tone. "You look pale, chena you just saw a ghost."

"Oh, I guess my bronzer wasn't long lasting." I laughed sarcastically. "Khale9t el cake, kahoo."

Bibi walked over to the kitchen counter to grab the huge plate that held the crimson cake but she stopped midway and turned her head to look at me.

"Ma ra7 tiyeen?" Bibi asked, her hands holding the giant cake.

"Digeega al7een ayee, bas ba3adil my make up." I lied.

"Yalla okay, la t6awleen!" Bibi said before going to the darkly lit living room. I heard the crowd inside the living room start to sing "Happy Birthday" to Gran.

I leaned against the kitchen counter, my heart galloping in my chest. I could still smell the tobacco smell of A7mad's breath and I could still feel his rough fingers against my skin. I looked down at my hand and noticed that it was reddening because of how strong A7mad was holding onto it.

Tears clouded my vision. I couldn't control my emotions anymore, I let myself free and willed the tears to stream down my cheeks. I slid down to the floor, kicking off my heels and digging my face into my knees, covering my face. I sobbed quietly against my knees, trying to keep my voice and head down.

I didn't want anyone to get a peek at my gaudy crying face.

I thanked God that I wore water proof mascara and eyeliner today.

"Amal?!" A voice cried out and interrupted my crying session. I took a peek through my arms and found that a pair of crutches were thrown on the ground and Saif was kneeling down to face me.

His leg that was covered with the cast was in pain because of his sitting positive but he seemed to ignore the pain he was feeling.

"Amal shfeech ga3da tabcheen? Riday 3lay!" Saif ordered, his hands trying to pull my hands away from my face.

"Saif khala9 bas rou7, allah yikhaleek rou7." I whispered, urging him to leave. I didn't want him to see me in my weakest position.

"Ma ra7 arou7! Gouleely shfeech, please Amal? Dam3itich ghalya 3lay.." Saif's voice sounded worried. He was in an Armani shirt and a pair of comfortable looking sweats because of his bruised body.

I swiped my fingers over my cheeks, pushing the tears away carefully in order to keep my make up perfect.

"Ma feeny shay, 6aaf." I gave Saif a smile, trying to stand up but Saif's hands kept me sitting on the ground.

"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me everything." Saif's dark eyes looked into mine, his hands were gentle and they were resting over my shoulders now.

"Oh Amal!" I heard another voice. Saif quickly turned around and we both found A7mad standing over us with a fake worried expression over his face.

"Eee goulelena shfeech 7bebty." A7mad mimicked Saif's caring voice, trying to sound sincere. Saif dropped his hands from my shoulder.

"6e7t 3leha bilghala6, el'9aher et3wrt." Saif lied, trying to make an excuse for having his hands on me. I suddenly missed the touch and the weight of his hands over my shoulders. The worst feeling is to smile when all you want to do is to cry.

And so, I smiled. A big old fake smile.

"Akeed Amal? Laish ga3da tabcheen? Anady Asmaa?" A7mad willed on, his eyes challenging me to tell Saif the truth in front of him.

Oh God no.

I was put into the worst position.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Masqué Chapter 18

Not a VERY long post or a very short one, it's kind of medium length, but it's better than nothing, right? I'll be in Kuwait by after tomorrow then enshallah I'll be posting more. :D Just like the old times. xx

I love every feedback I get, any other silent readers that haven't commented yet? I'd love to hear from you! :D


"Fawaz? Ghalia?" I stuttered unbelievably, my eyes switching from Ghalia's lit up face to Fawaz's innocent one.

"Surprise!" Ghalia grinned.

Mu wakta..

"Haha, uhm, great surprise." I said in a shocked tone, trying to act happy.

My eyes swerved to what was behind Ghalia and Fawaz. It was a black Silverado. My mother probably needed her car and the other cars were already taken by Bibi and Turki.

My only way out of here was that pitch black Silverado. I looked down to Fawaz's hands, he was clutching the Silverado car keys.

"Uhm, 7amdellah 3la salama!" I cheered, gripping Ghalia's hand to pull her in for a hug.

"Allah yisalmich love!" Ghalia grinned. I felt guilty of what I was going to do next.

I moved to Fawaz to shake his hand, his other hand was holding a suitcase so his left hand, which was holding the car keys, was extended to the front to shake my hand.

I took this chance to grab the car keys out of Fawaz's hands.

Fawaz looked startled, I grabbed the keys and ran behind Ghalia and Fawaz over to where the Silverado was. I unlocked the car quickly and got in.

"Amal!" I heard both of my friends cry out.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled once I was in the car, I pushed the car keys into the ignition, pressed on the brake and then on the pedal to start the car. Fawaz was hurrying over to the car but he was too late, once he started running, the car was already moving, driving me out of my parent's large estate.

Amal, you idiot. You don't know where the bidi3 is, ma 9arlech akthar men sharein ga3da bel Kuwait!

I drove aimlessly around, wanting to smack my head against the steering wheel. I dialed the only number I counted on.


Saif answered my call in a heart beat, I tried to forget about what happened between us today. That could wait, Bibi couldn't.

"Hey." Saif said groggily through the phone. Was he asleep? It was probably his medicine.

"Uhm, asfa etha g3dtik bas shloun arou7 el bidi3?" I asked nervously, trying to ignore how good his voice sounded.

"Laish betrou7een elbidi3?" Saif asked in a curious tone.

"Bat3asha." I lied.

"M3a mnu?" Saif asked in a caring tone.

"My friends." I lied again.

"Ey friends? I want names." Saif ordered.  

Ohoo, mu wakta you start acting like a boyfriend now.

"Al7een betgouly wein el bidi3 wla la2? I can call Nawaf and ask him instead if you have a problem with me going there." I lied again, I didn't even have Nawaf's number.

"Nawaf? Mu giltlch etwakhreen 3ana? Khala9 khala9, ta3alay 3ndena, ana bawadeech." Saif's tone turned from controlling to jealous at the mention of his brother Nawaf's name.

"Laa2, ma y9eer, my friends are with me right now, they're all girls. So 3aib." The lies kept slipping out of my mouth.

"Etha refejatich m3ach 3yal shloun ohma ma yidiloun?" Saif asked in a smarta** tone.

Amal, you IDIOT.

"They're, uhm, my friends from Switzerland, they're visiting me." I pressed the palm of my hand against my forehead once I stopped the car as the traffic light went red. The windows were scrolled down and my eyes were staring at the road in front of me. I was lost.

"Hallaa bel zain." I heard a deep male voice call out. I turned to the left and found a guy with 7an6awy skin, a Hackett shirt on and his mischievous eyes were staring into mine. He had a grin plastered over his face as he was showing off his red Lamborghini.

"Amal, mnu hatha?!" Saif's voice startled me.

"Mnu mnu?" I acted dumb. Please red light, turn green. Please! 

The red light disobeyed me out of stubbornness, staying red and bright, forcing me in my place.

"Yal thgeela, riday 3laay." The Lamborghini dude called out in a flirtatious tone.

"Amal, I can hear that guy ely ga3d yighazlich! Entay weinich? I'm coming." I heard Saif stumble through the phone in his room, his crutches falling to the ground as he tried to push himself out of bed.

"Saif tssshhh, I can't, tsshhh, hear, tssshhh, you." I kept making 'tsshhh' noises before hanging up on Saif, acting like there was no signal. I took a deep breath and regretted what I just did.

Now I was lost, trapped and I didn't have Saif next to me. I didn't want to depend on him. Maybe it was because of the jealousy I felt towards him and Asmaa, being too close together. They way he didn't fight off Asmaa's hand on his arm.

My iPhone was vibrating on my lap, I looked down and saw that Saif was calling me back. I decided to press "Decline" to ignore his call. I decided to dial our driver's number, luckily, he answered quickly.

"Yes Madame Amal?" He said into the phone. I ignored the stare I was getting from yucky Lamborghini dude.

"Hi Naif, where is bidi3?" I asked, biting down on my lip. Naif was kind enough to stay on the phone with me to tell me each detail of the address to Bidi3.

After 50 minutes, I finally was outside bidi3. It was a long stretched road with restaurants like Chocolate Bar or Fridays stuck together. I was looking for a place to park the car but my eyes found someone familiar.

I found Bibi in her casual jeans and spiked blazer standing outside of Chocolate Bar. There were two men standing next to her. One was tall with huge muscles that were trying to tear out of his body and the second one was short and skinny, his bones visible through his shirt. Both of the men had grins on their faces and Bibi's face was overshadowed with fear.

I had to take action. I parked the car in front of another car, not bothering to look for a legal parking spot. It wasn't my car anyway. Sorry Fawaz, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I swung the car door open, hopped out of the car and hurried over to where Bibi was standing all alone with the two guys.

"Amal!" Bibi breathed out in relief once she saw me. She was clutching her Vera Wang cross bag to her chest, her innocent almond eyes full of fright.

"Allaah, mnu hathee?" The tall guy looked over to me, his eyes mentally undressing every piece of clothing I was wearing. Now I could see both of their faces, they both looked around 23-25 and they had perverted eyes that gloated whenever they caught sight of a girl.

I grabbed Bibi by her wrist, pulling her along and forcing her to follow me but the tall guy's chunky hands grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to stop. There weren't any people around us, it was a week day and it wasn't dinner time exactly. It was also still too hot for people to sit outside, all of them were clustered inside the restaurants, too busy having their mouth dug into her food to pay much attention to us.

So we were pretty much alone.

The tall guy's hands were too strong, I was forced to stop in my place.

"La etjeesny!" I ordered, trying to sound confidence but my heart was stammering inside my chest. The fear was exceeding, I had never been in this kind of situation before.

"La etjeesny!" The short skinny guy imitated me, trying to sound girly. The tall guy growled with laughter, finding it funny. Bibi was holding onto my hand, I could feel her hands shaking, she was scared.

I didn't blame her.

I was scared too.

These guys were Thamer and Sultan. The guys Asmaa's friends were frightened of.

"Entow ma etwansoun, hiiifff." The tall guy groaned in annoyance, he forced me to turn around to face him. He had a narrow nose, a wide mouth and his eyes were small but they held danger behind them.

"Please let us go." Bibi squeaked out. The skinny short guy was touching Bibi's hair, trying to sniff it with his dirty nostrils.

"But the fun has just started." The skinny guy grinned, showing off his dirty teeth. I caught the scent of his breath, it smelled like tobacco. A smoker. He had bushy eyebrows and a rugged beard that covered most of his ill looking face.

"Yalla!" The tall guy roared, his voice ordering us to follow him. We had no choice, his hand was gripping my arm as he ushered us into Chocolate Bar. I couldn't help but notice the stares we were getting by other people who were seated in the restaurant.

They were giving us dirty looks, they assumed it was our choice to go out with these two guys, as if it was a date. But the guys weren't guiding us to a table to sit with them, they were guiding us to a back door that led to a parking area behind the restaurant.

A thought crept into my mind as we were walking pass the people, towards where the back door was.

Amal, there are people. PEOPLE.

"WAKHER 3ANI!" I screamed out, pushing the tall guy off of me. Suddenly, every head in the restaurant turned to look at us in shock. We were still in the middle of the restaurant, we had a chance to escape. We could get help.

"Hey, ush!" The tall guy's eyes widened in shock, his hand tightened around my arm.

"LA TEMSIKNY!" Bibi followed my lead, her scream was aimed at the skinny short guy. Bibi's feet dug into the short guy's foot, causing him to scream out in pain.

"AAA7! Bas ana ma misaktich!" The short guy said in a confused and painful tone, he noticed the attention we were attracting and suddenly was embarrassed.

"Hey, sh9ayer?!" A man's voice boomed. I turned around to find a tall man in his late 40's wearing a dishdasha, he was having dinner with his wife and his 8 year old looking daughter.

"Wla shay, 7beebty madry shfeeha." The tall guy grinned easily.

"ANA MU 7BEEBTIK! WAKHER!" I screamed again, causing everyone in restaurant to stare at us. One of the waiters in Chocolate Bar hurried over to us with stricken face.

"Excuse me! You two men, LEAVE or I will call the police!" The waiter barked, the manager of the restaurant was standing behind the waiter with a scowl on his face.

The tall guy was forced to let go of my arm, he gave me a death stare before turning around to leave the restaurant. The short skinny guy followed him out of the restaurant, trying to ignore all of the stares.

"Are you girls okay?" The kind Filipino waiter asked in a worried tone, he had a metal piece stuck to his shirt that said "PAUL".

"Eee, sawow shay?" The old man in the dishdasha asked, his hand holding his Porsche blackberry, ready to call the police.

"We're okay, thank you." I stuttered out, my throat feeling rough because of the screaming we had to do.

"Bibi! Amal!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned to the right and found Nawaf in his sweat pants and shirt, his worried eyes were on us. Behind him was Saif, he was holding onto his crutches and trying to hobble as fast as he could towards us.

"Kela minik!" Bibi hissed to Nawaf before storming out of the restaurant, I was forced to follow her out before we attracted any more attention. The guys followed us out, reassuring the restaurant that they were our cousins and not rapists who wanted to kidnap us next.

"Bibi, ne6ray!" Nawaf called out, running after her. Nawaf and Bibi were walking in the opposite direction, letting Saif and I alone.

"Amal, wein ray7a?" Saif said in between heavy breaths, he was holding onto his crutches, he couldn't walk as fast as Nawaf or me.

"Barid el bait w bakhith Bibi m3ay." I replied in a cool tone.

"Hey, ma ra7 etsougeen! Laish chathebtay 3lay? Who were those guys Amal?!" Saif angrily called out, his gentle hand clasped my wrist, stopping me in front of the Silverado.

"Ma7ad, khala9 bas rou7! Asmaa's waiting for you." My jealousy got the best of me.

"Amal, 6al3eeny!" Saif's tone wasn't angry anymore.  I didn't listen to his command. Saif grabbed my shoulder, turning me around with his strong arms. I was forced to meet his eyes, I noticed now that he was still in the same shirt I saw him in earlier today in the afternoon.

I also couldn't help but notice that his leg had a bloody gash.

"Saif." I gasped, looking at his leg which was bleeding all over again.

"Amal etghareen 3lay?" Saif said in a playful tone and ignored me, staying on the subject.

"Saif, your leg is bleeding!" I looked into the Silverado and saw Fawaz's maroon Hollister hoodie. I grabbed it out of the car and crouched down to the ground to wrap it around Saif's bleeding leg.

"Amal, don't worry." Saif watched me. "It's the strawberry cake Asmaa made me today."

Oh, nice. 

Real nice Saif.

I stood up, grabbing Fawaz's hoodie and trying to clean off the strawberry stain off of it. I smelled the stain just in case and Saif was right, it was strawberry syrup that was on his leg bandages. Not blood.

"Enshallah 3ijebik el cake, khaleeha tenfi3k." I gave Saif a fake smile before swinging the door of the car open, ready to climb into the car.

"Amal!" Saif let go of his crutches, letting them fall down to the ground so he can wrap his arms around my waist, lifting me off of the car seat and forcing me down onto the ground. I had my back against him so I could only feel his chest and his soft breath on my neck.

"Saif." I said in a controlling tone, using it to send him the message to let go of me. He didn't listen but I heard him hiss under his breath, he was in pain because of his leg and the weight of me that he was carrying.

"Saif, you're hurting yourself, let go of me." I softened my tone.

"Never." Saif replied stubbornly. "Unless you give me a chance to explain."

"Okay khala9, al7een la et3awr rou7ik zyada!" I sighed. Saif let go of my waist but he ended up falling against me because he had nothing to lean onto. He was practically hugging me from behind, but not on purpose.

"Walla asif." Saif kept repeating, he tried to regain his balance but his left leg was in a cast and he didn't have his crutches to hold on. I caught the familiar scent of his perfume, it was hard not get a little dizzy.

"Digeega." I said awkwardly. I let him hold onto me, I turned around so I was facing him. He had his arms on the car but I was in between him and the car, his arms brushing against mine. I leaned to the ground to grab his crutches and helped him to hold onto them. He put a hand on my shoulder as he tried to regain his balance once more.

He wasn't touching me anymore, he had his crutches to keep his balance but I couldn't help but notice that his cheeks had turned red, as red as mine.

Man, it was awkward.

"Okay." Saif breathed out in relief. "Hey, digeega, who's hoodie was that?" Saif's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, he got distracted by Fawaz's hoodie and never got to the explanation I was waiting for.

"What hoodie?" I asked in a dumb tone, I was distracted by what happened a few seconds ago. Saif grabbed Fawaz's hoodie out of the Silverado and looked at me with eyes that were fully of jealousy.

"Uhm." I had no explanation for that one.  

Shagoul? Oh hey Saif, I stole Fawaz's car to save Bibi from Thamer and Sultan. Oh, you don't know those three guys? 

"Saif, yalla?" I heard Nawaf's voice behind Saif. I looked behind Saif and found Bibi with flustered cheeks. I was guessing that Bibi and Nawaf were okay now, they didn't look like they wanted to kill each other.

"Uhm, eee okay." Saif mumbled, he returned to acting like he had amnesia. "I'm glad you're okay, uhm, was your name Amal?"

"Eee, it's Amal." I said in an emotionless tone but I felt a pang in my heart. I was hurt again, knowing Asmaa would be around him, free to act like she knew him but I had no excuse to be there for him.

Saif's eyes held back feelings only I knew about. He was still angry about the hoodie thing and his eyes sent me the message that said "I'm gonna be back and you better have answers to my questions."

Nawaf checked up on me as well, asking if I was alright. Bibi and I thanked the guys before climbing into the black Silverado. As I drove out of the bidi3, my eyes caught something strange.

I found Asmaa standing with A7mad and Dalia next to A7mad's Lamborghini car outside Chocolate Bar. Their eyes were on the Silverado that I was driving and each of them had an evil grin on their face that said:

"We know everything."

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Masqué Chapter 17

I was still gobsmacked from the conversation I overheard with Asmaa and her friends. One thought kept racing in and out of my head: Who the hell was Thamer and Sultan?

I had to tell Bibi, I had to warn her before she fell into their trap. There were messy green leaves tucked into my hair and my clothes were stained with dirt but I was still hurrying over to the white Porsche Cayenne, my mother's car that the driver was driving.

"Madame, why go home early today? You say you have class till 2pm and it is only 12pm?" The gentle toned driver asked, his dark charcoal eyes curious.

"Oh um, change of plans." I mumbled as I hurried into the car, shutting the door swiftly. He pressed his foot into the pedal and drove off without another word.

Bbbnnngg, bnnng, bnnng!

My iPhone vibrated impatiently in my hands, urging me to look at the screen. My leg was shaking nervously, I was too caught up with wanting to get home as soon as possible, before Asmaa could ever ask Bibi to go out with her.

I looked down at my iPhone and held back my breath as I read the following words:

Saif Al-X mobile: Accept / Decline.

I brushed my finger over the Accept button on my iPhone slowly, my heart beat quickening. I pressed my iPhone against my ear and took a deep breath.

"Aloo? Amoul?" I heard Saif's addictive voice.

"Ahlain." I said nervously, we haven't spoken in a few days and it felt like it was us speaking for the first time all over again.

"Weinich?" Saif asked in a cool tone but I sensed some kind of nervous emotions behind his voice that he was trying his best to cover up.

"On my way home, laish?" I bit my bottom lip, my eyes grazing over the scene outside the window of the Porsche. I was growing used to Kuwait, it wasn't some kind of country to me anymore. It was different now once I regained my memory back. It was home.

"Tigdireen tiyeen bait yaditi? Abe akelmich eb muw'9ou3." Saif sounded distant. "No one's home."

"Ma tigder etgouly 3la eltelephone?" I asked in a curious tone.

"La2, lazem ashoufich." Saif's voice grew quiet. "Al7een."

"Okay.. Naif wadny bait granny." I said to the driver. Naif looked at me curiously but nodded his head, taking a turn and changing lanes so we were now on our way to my Grandmother's instead of my mother's house.

"Call me when you get here." Saif said before hanging up on me. He sounded too serious to be the Saif I knew, my worries grew even more and now they were about Saif instead of Bibi.

I managed to get to my Grandmother's grande house in a few minutes, I hopped out of the car leaving my textbooks and everything else in it. I told Naif to wait outside and I nervously dialed Saif's number once I was standing outside the wide entrance.

"Wi9altay?" Saif said through the phone.

"Eee." I replied. Saif hung up afterwards, without a bye or see you.

I tried rubbing off the dirt that was on my clothes and I fixed my hair, I looked presentable. I heard the door open in the next few seconds, I quickly looked up and found Saif in a sleeveless shirt and beige shorts.

He was holding onto his crutches, his leg and head were still bandaged but he looked better, his bruises were beginning to heal but his recovery was much slower than mine. His eyes were still as dark as they always were, the sun rays shone into them, making them more beautiful to look at and his skin was a bit pale since he was stuck at home all the time, but his dark skin was still illuminating in the skin.

He had a light stubble over his dark skin and his eyes looked worn out, tired and a bit upset.

"Hey." Saif murmured quietly, his voice croaky. He moved to the right, allowing some space for me to walk into the house.

My grandmother's house was still the same, big, polished and it looked untouched but it still had a homey feel to it. It held a lot of memories for me.

"Feek shay Saif?" I asked once I was in the house. I turned to look at him, he was trying to close the door while balancing on his crutches. I took a step closer and extended an arm to shut the door for him, he looked down at me, his eyes boring into mine.

"Ha?" Saif asked, he seemed distracted. His deep gaze never left mine, I caught a whiff of his masculine Abercrombie Fierce perfume.

"Feek shay?" I repeated, my voice barely a whisper.

"La2, laish?" Saif murmured back, his eyes roaming over my face and then making it's way back into my eyes. There was little space between us and it felt like the atmosphere around me was getting warmer.

"Ent gayely fee shay mohim betgouly 3ana.." I was losing my trail of thought as my eyes noticed the small features of his face that I never noticed before. He had a small beauty mark right on the side of his neck, he had a scar that looked years old that was on his earlobe and his eyebrows were more arched than shapeless like his brother Nawaf's eyebrows.

"Mishtaglech Amal." Saif breathed out, his warm breath tickling my cheek. He sounded depressed, his eyes matched his tone of voice. Saif was too close, my back was up against the hard door and his eyes never seemed to want to leave mine.

"Was that it?" I tried changing the subject, I took a step to the left so I could put more space between us but all I could hear was the fast thumping of my heart that took over my ears and chest.

Get a grip Amal.

"No, kent bagoulech shay thane ba3ad." Saif's tone sounded hurt but he covered it up quickly, he took a step away from me, understanding my sudden action.

I looked up at him, his eyes were on the ground, as if he suddenly noticed how much he had done in just a few seconds. He looked ashamed of himself of trying to get too close to me, as if he lost all of his control but regained it back quickly.

All I wanted to do was hug him, to reassure him that I did want this. I did want him but I wanted it in the right way, not the way that we chose to do it in.

"Goul." I mentally sighed, looking away. If I looked at him for a second longer, I would have lost myself and gave him that hug. And I can't do that, we had to face reality here.

"A7mad's friend was the one who was in that car. That's how I knew the car was there on purpose when we had the accident, I saw that car before. And I think A7mad works for your fake Dad, your uncle.." Saif's voice was filled with fury.

"What?" I said, my voice full of shock. My fake parents put A7mad to this? They wanted Saif and I dead?

"Amal, I always asked myself how A7mad got his Lamborghini, his parents would have never gotten him that car. Your fake Dad and his wife probably bought him that car so he could send his friend out to cause that accident. They didn't want you dead, they wanted me dead." Saif looked troubled, he was trying to understand how his Aunt Najla would ever want to see her nephew dead, just so I wouldn't remember. Saif was a threat to my fake parents, but it was too late now, I remembered every last detail of my past life. They couldn't stop us now.

"And A7mad is walking around with a new car while his friend died in that accident." I said to myself slowly, the whole thing dawning in on me. Wasn't it enough that they black mailed my true family? Did they have to get people's lives sacrificed too?

"That friend of his probably knew what he was doing.. Allah ma ri'9a." Saif shook his head in disappointment.

"Saif, is this why you're acting you have amnesia?" I looked up at Saif, trying to push away the tears mentally.

No Amal, be strong, mu wakta tabcheen al7een.

"If A7mad knows I remember what happened in the accident, he'll come after us again Amal. He knows I know that car, he isn't stupid. A7mad will do anything to not ruin his life, trust me Amal, this is better.." Saif looked away, not meeting my gaze.

"How is this better? Having to act like we don't know each other when we remember every second we spent together?" I couldn't hide the feelings I felt anymore, it was all out on the table now. He could see everything, Saif's eyes changed from emotionless to caring. Saif's arm extended for a minute, as if it grab me and hug me but he quickly pulled his arm back, remembering what he couldn't do.

"Lazem engoul 7ag ahalna kilehom, lazem y3rfoun!" I couldn't control my tone, my voice echoed through the house. Saif held up his hands, trying to calm me down.

I heard footsteps approach us and a new voice enter into the conversation.

"Etgoloun shnu? Saif?" I heard Asmaa's voice behind us. I quickly turned around and found Asmaa standing with a suspicious grin on her face.

I checked my watch and noticed that 30 minutes had already passed, giving Asmaa all the time in the world to come back home and plot her plan to destroy Bibi.

And to destroy me next if she overheard Saif and I's conversation.

"Lazem y3rfoun ena Saif's leg is getting worse. Kent yaya asalim 3la yaditiyy bas legeit Saif ga3d bel 9ala." I lied.

"Ana mu sema3t esim okhouy A7mad?" Asmaa asked herself out loud.

"Ha? La2 shaku?" Saif asked quizzically, he took a step away from me, suddenly remembering that he had to act like I was a stranger to him.

It hurt.

We turned from best friends into strangers in a matter of seconds.

"Yalla Saif, time for your medicine." Asmaa fluttered her over mascara-ed eyelashes at Saif, taking a few steps closer so she can grab his arm, ushering him away from me.

I watched Saif try to move away but Asmaa's manicured grip was strong, Saif was forced to leave the living room, leaving me alone.

A piece of me died when he left.


"Amal? Fit7aay el bab!" I heard Bibi's voice outside my room.

"Ga3da albes!" I lied. My face was dug deep into my fluffy pillow, replaying the moments I had with Saif. I was in shock about A7mad but the image of Asmaa's hand making contact with Saif's arm kept replaying in my head. I was jealous.

"You said that an hour ago!" Bibi huffed. "Fine."

I heard Bibi walk off, I felt guilty but my body felt too heavy to move. The bed was cradling me in its soft sheets, seducing me to stay on it longer. I kept staring back at my iPhone screen, waiting for word from Saif on Whatsapp but he hadn't said anything. I finally shut off my iPhone, not wanting to see Saif's name on Whatsapp anymore.

I knew Asmaa was crushing on Nawaf but I wouldn't be surprised if I found out she was crushing on Saif too.

I had Maroon 5's "One More Night" on replay on my iPod, my thoughts were elsewhere but I kept telling myself I was forgetting something. I couldn't figure out what it was. I hated that feeling.

"Amal? Shfeech gafla el bab?" I heard Mom outside my room.

"Ga3da albes." I gave the same excuse again.

"Sa3a? Yalla bsr3a! Bibi wein ray7a? Yalla la et6awleen!" I heard my Mom's voice become distant and I heard another door slam shut. It sounded likethe entrance door of the house.



I jumped out of bed, I was still in my casual clothes, my hair up in a ponytail as I hurried over to the door, unlocking it while I had my iPhone and bag in my hands.

I ran as fast as I could to the house entrance and passed by Mom in a second.

"Heeey, wein ray7a?!" Mom called out in a confused tone.

"Makteba!" I said the first thing that came into my head. Once I was outside the house, I couldn't find Naif the driver or Bibi anywhere. The white Porsche Cayenne was missing.

They were already gone.

Bibi was on her way to her doom.

"Amal!" I heard an excited voice. I turned to the left and nearly gasped out in surprise.

Ghalia, my best friend from Switzerland, was standing in front of me, her dark hair was cut shorter into a playful bob and she was holding a duffel bag over her shoulder. She had skinny jeans on and a comfortable looking Hollister shirt over her petite body.

But that wasn't what shocked me.

Fawaz, the guy who was "crushing" on me back in Switzerland in my university, was standing right next to Ghalia with a huge grin over his face, his dimple popping up and his broad shoulders towering over me.

"Missed us?" Fawaz asked playfully.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Masqué Chapter 16

I'm sorry for the long delay, I'm still not in Kuwait and so, I couldn't post. But I found away to post, don't ask how but I was able to write this because honestly, I miss writing SO much.

Don't ask or nag for the next post because I don't know when it'll be, this isn't my laptop and the next post might have to be when I come back from my vacation. :/ Thanks to the people who have been patient and thank you for ALL the support, ESPECIALLY for the 1000 followers. THANK YOU!


Previously on the last chapter..

"Al7een et3rfeen mnu hal bent ely y7bha?" I asked. I prayed she wouldn't say "it's you". I don't have feelings for Nawaf, he tricked me ages ago but all that did was make me love Saif even more. Secondly, this would ruin the relationship I had with my only sister, Bibi.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Bibi covered her face with her hands.

"Tell me, yallllaaa." I nagged, curiosity getting the best of me.

"He loves Asmaa too." Bibi mumbled into her pillow.



It's been a few days since the last time I spoke to Bibi about Nawaf and his crush on Asmaa and Bibi. It was still shocking, it hasn't evaporated into my brain yet.

The whole situation felt a bit sneaky in a way, like that feeling you get when you know something is up, as if there's more to the story.

It was time for me to investigate. And this time, it was just me. Saif wasn't here to help out, he was still acting like he had amnesia, he had his eye on Ahmad, watching his every move, while I had my eyes on Ahmad's sister, Asmaa.

I had my caramel hair scrunched up into a tight bob, I had a pair of over sized shaped sunglasses on and my brown square checkered Louis Vuitton strap bag clutched in my hands. I was crouching behind a bush outside of KU (Kuwait University), my cotton light weight top hugging my heated up skin.

I know that this sounds crazy, but I had to investigate. Yeah, my knees were buckled and were aching with pain, the sun was beating against my back causing droplets of sweat to form over my forehead but I was doing this for Bibi. When I want something, I make sure I get it. And this time, I wanted an explanation.

I couldn't believe that Nawaf was Asmaa's second love. Bibi had slipped the fact that Nawaf hadn't actually said Asmaa was his second love, she had heard it from Asmaa herself. Bibi overheard Asmaa's conversation with her friend Dalia the other day back at my Grandmother's house. (She told me this after long hours of eating ice cream and watching Dear John 5 times.)

I pushed the dusty leaves out of my hair and tried to stick my head into the bush so I could catch a glance of Asmaa and her clique, sitting around at a white round table by the university.

Asmaa was sitting by her friends Farah and Dalia, all girls were wearing tight skin baring shirts that didn't compliment their curves, their curves were trying to spill out of their too tight cotton shirts.

I felt sorry for their skin, being suffocated by the corset type shirts. I had been observing the girls the last two days in the university, I heard Asmaa tell Dalia that she needed to talk to her about "the Nawaf subject" today.

Fingers crossed. I hoped that this was where I'd get my answers from.

My denim jeggings was grinding against the stone ground as I tried to listen onto Asmaa and her friends' conversation.

"Al7een yalla goulay, shel salfa Asoum?!" I heard Dalia bicker, her red smacked lips were pressed into a straight line in impatience.

"Ussh, wa6ay 9outich, zain?" Asmaa hissed in annoyance, her eyes glaring at Dalia's honey coloured ones. Asmaa kept turning her head around, looking for anyone who was close by, close enough to overhear Asmaa's words. This made it even more tempting to listen on Asmaa's conversation with Dalia and Farah.

"Shd3wa." Farah rolled her overly Chanel eyeliner-ed eyes. "Yalla goulay."

"Enzain, al7een mu 9a7 Bibi 3balha Nawaf y7bny?" Asmaa scooted closer to the girls, keeping her voice hushed.

"Eee, we planned that conversation that day 3shan tesma3na. Walla 9aida!" Dalia smirked, her grin slicing through her face and sharpening her features.

I knew it!

I dug my fingers into my Louis Vuitton bag to grab my iPhone, I hastily unlocked my cellphone and pressed on the Record app, I clicked on "record" with the brush of my fingers and urged the girls mentally to continue their conversation.

"Enzain," Asmaa repeated, "Al7een Nawaf yi7ib Bibi w gam y7girny!"

"Shtabeen men Nawaf? Offh, kela 3bala ohwa thgeel w a7la wa7d bil Kuwait." Farah bickered about Nawaf, smacking her tongue against her teeth to create the "tsk tsk tsk" sound.

"Chub, zain? Yishawig! Ever since he stopped my brother Ahmad from trying to hit me, I got the hots for him. Shifteeh bel shaleih? He's always shirtless and tanned. Akheeh 9ej ma76.." Asmaa whispered dreamily to herself, trying to imagine Nawaf shirtless.

"Wai3 khala9 fahemna, el walad 7ilu. Al7een shnu bitsaweeen? El walad ma y7bich, yi7ib Bibi." Farah reminded Asmaa in an insulting tone, not afraid of hurting Asmaa's feelings.

"Men 7alat Bibi? Hathee baby, when I show him how small her mind is, he won't want her anymore." Asmaa's evil grin returned, filling her face.

"And how are you going to do that?" Dalia asked with her tweez-ed eyebrow shooting up to her forehead.

I hinted a wave of jealousy from Dalia's side. I didn't blame her, she apparently dated Nawaf and was nothing to him now. I couldn't understand how those two girls (Asmaa and Dalia) were still friends. They were like snakes with venomous teeth, ready to bite off anybody's head that was brave enough to challenge them.

But it was clear that Asmaa was the leader of the clique. Whatever she wanted, she got, and her friends weren't about to meddle with her.

Asmaa was the mother of evil.

"Bikoun sahil, bagouleha ta3alay m3ana Chocolate Bar bel bidi3. We'll say we'll meet her there, she'll go alone and I'll call Thamer and Sultan to do the rest." Asmaa's dark chocolate eyes were dancing with dark evil joy.

"Thamer w Sultan?!" Farah's lazy eyes weren't so lazy anymore, they were practically bulging out of her eye sockets.

"Asmaa, la2 etdakhleenhum bel salfa." Dalia shook her head multiple times in disbelief.

Who was Thamer and Sultan? And why were the girls suddenly so afraid of the mere remembrance of the guys?

Were they dangerous?

"Cowards, it'll be even more fun this way." Asmaa widened her grin.

"Entay meynouna? Hal mara ma ra7 asa3dech. I'm not going to get myself into another one of your messes." Farah stood up from her seat, her hand reaching for her Burberry bag, ready to leave the table and give Asmaa her back.

"Farah, if you leave this table then you won't ever want to show your face in university." Asmaa threatened in a cool voice, her eyes glazing over Farah's shaky and sweaty hands.

Farah slowly let go of the strap of her Burberry bag and lowered herself down back into her seat, her face emotionless but her body trembling with different kinds of emotions, nervousness and fear.

"We promised to keep a rule about never telling anyone our secrets.." Farah mumbled in a frightful voice.

"Rules were made to be broken." Asmaa replied in another cool tone, causing Dalia's eyes to fill up with fear and regret as she watched Farah's fright exceed.

I'd never seen how powerful Asmaa was with her friends, I'd always had a feeling Asmaa was influenced in a bad way by her friends, that her friends had the control over her.

But in the end, the only one in control here was Asmaa.

Looks sure are deceiving.