Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Masqué Chapter 8

THANK YOU ALL TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN PATIENT. :'D Sorry for the long wait, this is the longest I've gone without posting. I had to do A LOT of things these past few days and this week is still super busy for me, please bear with me. Wish me luck on my college exam this Thursday? xo



This is my little gift/surprise to all of you. :'D (*by the way: I haven't read over the chapters to check if there are any mistakes so if there are, just tell me and I'll correct them: @vieblogue)


Bibi and I were in the car, on our way to the village to grab lunch. I still hadn't gotten the chance to peek at the note since Bibi was telling me about this girl in her school who she hates. I was holding the note deep in my hands, holding on to it, as if scared it would disappear any second now.

The note looked like a big piece of paper that was folded multiple times and I was getting curious by the second, I wanted to know what it was.

We finally arrived to the village, beautiful green bushes surrounded the wide area. There were restaurants scattered around the big space with multiple white tables and chairs outside.

"Shrayich nakil eb Fish Market?" Bibi licked her ruby lips hungrily, her eyes glazing over the people who were already seated with their fresh hot cooked meals in front of them.

"Mmm, mishtehya Zubaidi. Yalla." I gave Bibi a smile and followed her, looking over the other restaurants. I hadn't had a proper Zubaidi in ages, Switzerland isn't exactly known for their Arabian fish.

The waiter seated us outside, the weather wasn't that hot and it was beginning to cool down. I felt the slight wind brush into my hair, cooling my skin and hinting the close arrival of winter.

"Bibi, wein el 7amam?" I bit my bottom lip, I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to see the note!

"Dakhil el ma63am w yem el cashier." Bibi pointed to the door next to the cashier that was obvious outside the glass walls of the restaurant.

"Okay mashkoura." I stood up from my seat and made my way inside the air conditioned restaurant. I hurried into any door, not looking at the signs.

I looked up and found a tall guy in his dish dasha standing in the white tiled bathroom. Shock clouded his expression once he saw me stand in front of him.


"Uhm, asfa.." I stuttered, my cheeks turning red with embarrassment. At the same exact time as I turned around to leave, the men's bathroom door was open and I found Nawaf standing in front of me with a confused expression.

"Amal?" Nawaf asked, his face twisting in bewilderment. He took a step backwards and checked if the door said "MEN" again and once he noticed that it said "MEN", he turned back to look at me again.

Ugh can this get any worse?!

"Asfa, asfa." I stuttered again, brushing past Nawaf so I can pass him and make my way out of the men's bathroom. The waiter by the cashier gave me a weird look, noticing that I left the men's bathroom.

I ignored his look and hurried into the women's bathroom which was right next to the men's. I sighed in relief once I was in the safe walls of the woman's bathroom.

What was Nawaf doing here? Couldn't he have chosen another place to eat at? 

I ignored the questions and took the note out of my hand. Saif's bloody finger print was still on the blank sheet, I traced my fingers over it before unfolding the note, opening it.

The note was an A4 page and inside it was a child's drawing. It was a fail attempt at drawing a shield and sword with little red hearts everywhere. Under the drawing, a sprawled childish handwriting was found. I read the words and it said: "WIL ALWAYZ PROTEKT U - PRINCE SAYF" (Will Always Protect You - Prince Saif).


"Amal, shnu ga3da tirsimeen?" Saif asked, his long hair covering his dark eyes. We were sitting down on the dark blue carpet with furniture surrounding us. There was a wooden wardrobe next to us and it looked like it was the childish version of Saif's bedroom.

"Ameera Amal," I looked at my drawing, feeling proud of myself. Saif peaked at my drawing and it was a stick figure with a huge violet dress and a big gold crown. Next to it, I tried writing my name "PRINSES AMAL" (Princess Amal). 

"Wein el Ameer?" Saif asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Ma 3nde wa7id." I frowned, looking up at Saif. 

"Ana el prince!" Saif stood up, putting his hands on his hips and trying to look all manly and strong.

"Laaa2, ma 3ndik saif. Ma y9eer etkoun el ameer!" I argued, sticking my tongue out at him.

"3yal ana barsimly saif." Saif huffed, sticking out his bottom lip before grabbing a grey crayon and drawing a shield with a sword.

"Bas el prince w el princess lazem y7boun b3a'9." I pointed out.

Saif listened and added the little tiny red hearts with the red crayon. Once he was done, he tried writing "will always protect you - Saif" in his messy handwriting, misspelling the words.

"Digeega! Lazem asawi shay b3ad." I stood up from the ground and ran across the room to where Saif's toy box was.

"Shitsaween Amal?" Saif giggled at the way I was running.

"En6ir digeega!" I replied in an annoyed tone. I dipped my head into the toy box and looked for the toy sword. I finally found it. I grabbed the sword and ran back over to where Saif was.

"Yalla eg3ad." I ordered.

"Ana ga3d al7een." Saif rolled his eyes.

"Al7een tabee et9eer el ameer wla la2?" I put my hands on my hips, shaking my head in a disapproving way.

"Okay okay enshallah Princess Amal, ana asif." Saif chuckled. I couldn't help but smile at him. I put the sword on his shoulder and then moved it to the second shoulder.

"Shnu ga3da etsaween?" Saif watched me adoringly. 

"Madri, chithe ysawoun bil aflam." I replied in a confused tone. 

"Y3ne khala9 9irt el prince?" Saif's eyes lit up.

"Eee, I think so?" I bit the inside of my cheek.

"3yal binkoun m3a b3a'9 lel abad?" Saif stood up from the ground, watching me.

"Forever and ever!" I cheered, causing Saif's face to break out in a smile.

- Present day, in the bathroom. -

The sound of someone flushing the toilet brought me back to reality. The memory of Saif and I was so vivid, it didn't seem like a dream anymore. I looked down at the picture in wonder.

Saif had kept this with him all this time?

I dug my iPhone out of my pocket and found that I hadn't deleted Saif off of my contact list yet. I clicked on Whatsapp and clicked on Saif's chat.

Amal Al-X: Forever and ever?

It was as if Saif was waiting for me to text him because he replied in a split second.

Saif Al-X: Forever and ever Princess Amal.. you remembered?

Amal Al-X: Mm.. I did..

Saif Al-X: Do you remember what happened after that day..? ;/

Amal Al-X: No.. what happened?

"Amal? Shitsaween? Ma khale9tay?" I heard Bibi's suspicious voice. I looked up and found her staring at me impatiently.

"Embala khale9t, 6awelt?" I was forced to push my iPhone back into my pocket, hiding the chat with Saif and I.

"Shwaya, shiftay Nawaf?" Bibi said as we walked out of the bathroom, making our way to our table outside. The food had arrived and my Zubaidi was in front of my seat.

"Eee.." I replied, grabbing the napkin.

"Look, he's right there." Bibi nodded her head towards the table behind us. I turned around in my seat, finding Nawaf seated with a couple of other guys in shorts and a short sleeved shirt.

"Heey, la etkhizeen!" Bibi hissed, I quickly turned back around before Nawaf could catch me looking.

"Etgouleen le7egna Nawaf?" I asked Bibi in a hushed tone.

"Laish biyil7agna?" Bibi asked suspiciously.

"Um, la2 never mind." I tried to change the subject, asking Bibi about that girl she hates but my feelings about Saif and Nawaf were twisted. My gut feeling told me Nawaf was following us, he could have overheard Bibi say where we were going.

"Offfh, hal bent lazga walla!" I overheard Nawaf's deep voice behind me.

"Mnu?" I heard another guy ask Nawaf. Probably one of his friends.

"Dalia. W haman bent khaltii lazga 7ad'ha, y3ne offh all the girls are after me. Kahya ga3da jidamna, esimha Bibi. El eg9eera ely labsa aswad." Nawaf hissed, complaining about Bibi's presence.

Bibi overheard Nawaf too because she quickly shot up, her face flushing in embarrassment. Bibi hastily dropped her fork, standing up from her seat and hurrying into the restaurant to where the bathrooms were.

I heard Nawaf and his friends snicker as they watched Bibi hurry in her heels.

I turned around to give Nawaf an evil glare, Nawaf caught it and challenged me back with a dirty look.

"Shfeech etkhizeen?" Nawaf asked me in a harsh tone.

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