Thursday, June 7, 2012

Masqué Chapter 11

HEEEY! My cousin got me into the writing mood because we were discussing blogs. :D

IMPORTANT (please read this!): Just to get one thing straight, my stories are based on love that is FICTION. My first story, I based S3ood on someone I know BUT it doesn't mean I have a boyfriend or husband called S3ood, I DO NOT date, ma 3nde hal siwalif, I just enjoy writing.

The truth in the stories are mostly how I base my personality on a character, or choose true life characters and add them into my story or putting my real life family problems into a story. That's it.

Next post might not be tomorrow cus I still didn't get any ideas for ch12, I can't write it until I have my ideas. If not tomorrow then Saturday enshallaa. :D x

Okay thank you for reading this haha;p hope you enjoy the chapter. :D


"Yalla enta rou7 awal." I hissed, standing behind Saif. We were both standing in front of Nawaf's room. Bibi and I had left 360 after shopping in Juicy. Bibi was now studying in her room for her tests and so, I got the chance to be alone with Saif again.

"Mu entay ely tabeen et3rfeen shel salfa?" Saif smirked, turning his head to face me in the wooden floored hall.

"Bas enta okhouh!" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Tadreen entay etsaween nefs el 7araka youm kentay e9'3eera?" Saif deepened his laugh, his eyes roaming over my crossed arms and pout-y lips.

"La et'9ayi3 el9agla Saif." I replied in an annoyed tone, trying to hide my rosy cheeks.

"Entow meta ra7 etdoshoun!?" I heard Nawaf's voice, it startled me.

"S-shnu?!" I stuttered. Saif was caught off guard too, his eyes widened in shock as he found Nawaf holding his door open, his hair a mess and he had a loose shirt with a pair of grey sweatpants on.

"9arlekom sa3a ga3deen etsolfoun bara dari." Nawaf complained, his eyes not meeting Saif's or mine. "Al7een shtaboun?"

"Goulena sh9ar bil'9ab6 m3a ahalna." Saif ordered, keeping his tone serious.

"W ana sh3arafny?" Nawaf replied in a careless voice.

"Nawaf la etchathib, enta tadry 3an kilashay. Enta ely kent ga3d bil makteb lema kanow ga3deen yit'hawashoun gabel 13 sena." Saif's words caused Nawaf's eyes finally turned to Saif's.

"W enta sh3arifik eb hal shay?" Nawaf took a step closer to Saif, his height towering over him. Saif kept his confident posture, not taking a step back.

"Shiftik w ent 6ali3 men el dar." Saif kept his eyes leveled with Nawaf's, challenging him to lie again.

"Ma adry 3an shay." Nawaf swiveled his eyes away, taking a step back away from Saif. Nawaf ignored my presence completely.

"Khayif yis7iboun minik sayartik etha gilt shay? El sayara 3ndk aham men bent khaltek?" Saif's voice was full of anger, his fingers were clenched into strong fists.

"La etdakhil khashmik eb shay ma yikhi9ik." Nawaf turned his head away, he was about to shut the door in Saif's angry face but I slipped my foot in between the door, stopping Nawaf from closing the door.

"Hey." Nawaf snapped at me once he found my foot in the way.

"What will it take to get you to tell me what I need to know?" Saif's eyes were on mine, watching me as I fearlessly spoke up to Nawaf.

"What are you willing to offer?" Nawaf finally held back the door, his eyes glazing over my body in an inappropriate way.

"Tara ana mu Dalia." I gave Nawaf a disgusted look, his eyes felt too hard, as if they were trying to inspect every inch of me.

"E7tirim nefsik Nawaf!" Saif ordered, his voice loud and clear. Saif took a step forward, getting closer to Nawaf, stopping Nawaf from getting any closer to me.

"Offh shd3wa ma saweina shay." Nawaf smirked, enjoying Saif's sudden anger and jealousy. "A9lan abe shay thani.."

"Shay thani? Mithil shnu?" I asked curiously.

"Abe Bibi." Nawaf said, his words full of confidence.


"Lal7een tabeeha b3ad kil ely saweita feeha?!" My voice turned a pitch higher. "Ensaa!" I turned around, giving him my back, getting ready to walk off since the anger inside me was erupting.

I felt Nawaf's hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me in my place. The next thing I felt was Saif's fingers over Nawaf's, yanking Nawaf's fingers off of me.

"Wakher 3anha!" Saif exclaimed, I turned around and found Saif holding Nawaf's arm behind his back in defense.

"W ent mnu 3shan etgouly shnu asawi?! Tara ana okhouk el kber fa kalimny 3adil!" Nawaf grabbed Saif's collar of his shirt, pushing Saif against the wall that created a loud thud to release from the hard wall.

"Bas khala9, beskom hawash!" I yelled, turning my hands into fists and trying to hit Nawaf's back in order to distract him or try to keep him from pinning Saif further against the wall.

Nawaf moved his back backwards, crushing the back of his shoulder against my chest which caused me to fall back onto the floor. I landed on my bottom, my knee grinding against the floor which caused me to wince out in pain.

"Amal!" I heard Saif's voice.  I watched Saif as he pushed his knee against Nawaf's leg, where his weak point was.

"Aaa7." Nawaf called out in pain, he buckled his knees and fell back next to me to the ground. Saif hurried over to my side in a split second.

"Feech shay Amal?" Saif asked in a worried tone.

"La2 ma feene shay.. enta?" I asked, worried too. I turned to the right to check on Nawaf, he was sitting up on the ground with a pained expression.

"Aw3idich eni bagoulich kila shay etha a8na3ty Bibi 3shan etkalimny." Nawaf kept his eyes on the ground.

"Shtabi feeha? Mu kafi ely saweita feeha?" I argued, feeling protective of Bibi.

"Ana el ghal6an, okay?" Nawaf confessed, his grimace growing as he finally admitted to his faults.

"Ma ra7 tejra7a zyada.. 9a7?" I asked.

"La2.. bas abe akelimha w b3dain bagoulich kilashay Amal.." Nawaf finally made eye contact. His eyes were full of sadness, Saif was kneeling besides me, watching both of us.

"Okay.." I gave up.

"Bas Amal.." Nawaf said, stopping me from entirely standing up. Saif had his arm around my waist, trying to help me up. My bottom was still in pain from the hard fall.

"Na3am?" I turned around to face him, he was standing now, no longer down on the ground.

"Are you sure you want to know everything?" Nawaf's eyes looked pained as if he was remembering the old memories, the memories he tried to forget with Saif. The memories he kept away from Saif all these years in an attempt to try to protect his brother's care for Amal.

"I'm sure.. why?" I asked, worried. Saif was standing next to me, his arm brushing against mine. I felt goosebumps on my arms once I heard the next words being told by Nawaf:

"Because once you know everything, you won't know who you are anymore. Your life will change forever and your world will fall apart.."


  1. Way so cute! Laish a7es ilsecret inha adobted?!thanks inach u wrote today... Wallah u made my day!

    please post as soon as you can!! mashallah 3alaich it3arfeen shlon it5aleen ilwa7id yindimij!
    love it x
    -summer tans-

  3. aaah! i need to know what's up and shfeeeha besides losing her memory :o!!

  4. THANK YOUU ALL. I love youuu!:*

    Enshallah I'll write ch12 when I know what to write haha. :p

  5. LOVED the post plz post tmrw :**


    youre amazing.

    * ilove this. ur story is so diffrent then the others which make it more intresting, keep it up.


  7. at3ab ou anaaaa agoul A M A Z I N G.

  8. Your blog is different than the other blogs! it's amazing! REALLYYYY LOVED IT! waiting next post 3la N A R!!!

  9. every single bit you write it makes me wanna read more. its so interesting,amazing,fabulous and wonderful having this blog to read. mashalla your a great writer! i really loved it. waiting for the next post!

  10. i love it but your starting to write a shorter chapters , you know you have 2 things that makes you special , 1 you know WHAT to write & when , 2 you have long posts ! so please write longer , & maybe you can not post a post in two days but write 3 post & then post them one then tomorrow another one so you have a free time & so you can not worry about the next post ..ohh & AMAZING like always , best blog .. EVER !



  12. Chapter 12 todayyy please :"(

  13. Hey guys thank you so much for the kind words! You make my day :') I love ALLLL of you! <3 Thanks so much for all the feedback, it helps a lot! <3

    I wrote this post with my cousin next to me so I couldn't stay writing for 2 hours, that's why it was short. I also can't always write long posts because I run out of ideas and I'm trying to reach 20 chapters before ending the story since it's a short one.

    I still don't have many ideas for chapter 12 and that's why I can't write it right now. I NEED to have ideas before I can write or else you guys won't enjoy the chapter at all. :/ I'm sorry for making you guys wait but 1) I have things to do other than writing all the time. 2) I have to think a lot and plan out the chapters. ;_;

    Thank you for being patient, I love you guys!!<3 I'll try my best to get my ideas today so I can post ch12 but if I don't, then it'll have to be tomorrow. :/ I love you and thanks for reading. <3

  14. I was kinda hoping raa7 t9eer m3 Nawaf /: 7ta lw yghar he was really sweet in the beginning in my opinion..
