Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Masqué Chapter 19

This is dedicated to @NouraAlmesned, her tweets genuinely make me laugh! I've never seen such an excited person before, all this just for a post? I LOVE YOU NOURA! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I'm back in Kuwait. :D I can't ever thank you all enough for the support you've given me, don't be shy and comment, your comments make my day. <3

This is a LONG post.


"Amal yalla goumaay." I heard my Mom's voice disrupt my peaceful sleep. I forced my eyes open and the sun rays felt like knives slicing into my eyes, forcing me to stay awake.

"Argh." I groaned, rubbing my tired eyes.

"Yalla 7abouba, elyoum zwara. Elyoum youm melad yeditich fa keshkhay, enzain?" Mom said before leaving my bright room.

It's been a few days since that weird day back in bidi3 with Bibi and those two frightening guys. I haven't seen much of Saif and he hasn't talked to me on Whatsapp either. It was weird. I didn't know what was keeping us apart but it didn't feel the same between us, things changed.

I hope things don't stay this way for too long.

As for Ghalia and Fawaz, they were upset about the stealing the car thing but they got over it quickly. I had the chance to catch up with Ghalia. Both Ghalia and Fawaz were staying at the Regency hotel. They gave me some space and agreed to meet up with me later in the week.

I climbed out of my messy cream coloured bed, my toes shivered at the touch of the cold wooden floors of my bedroom. I took a quick steamy shower, letting the water seep into my skin before pulling the doors of my wardrobe open, my eyes gliding over my hordes of clothes.

Hmm, zwara? I was going to see Saif there. Everyone was going to be there.

A7mad and Asmaa were going to be there.

My heart vibrated against my ribcage fearfully once their names popped into my head. I remembered seeing them back in bidi3 and their smile held a story I didn't know.

"Amal, sa3a?" My mom called out in an annoyed tone before going to Bibi's room to complain to her about how long she takes on getting dressed.

I felt sorry for Mom, she had to take care of two girls at once now.

I quickly picked an Escada soft satin button down shirt that was in a wine colour. I tucked it into a pair of camel beige high waist trousers and matched it with a brown belt. I grabbed my brown Hermes Jypsiere purse and I was good to go after applying my standard make up, which was winged eyeliner, bronzer, mascara and nude lipstick.

I sprayed some Beige Chanel perfume over my skin and my straightened caramel hair before leaving my room. I found my mother dressed in a long Missoni dress with a cardigan over it, her dark 7jab framing her wrinkled yet beautiful face.

"Bibi lal7een ma khale9at." Mom huffed, her almond eyes rolling. Turki was sitting next to her, his face dug into his blackberry, he had a Hugo Boss shirt that was paired with shorts.

"BIBI, YALLA." I shouted in my loudest voice. Mom widened her eyes at me. The next thing we heard was a door opening and the click clacking of heels that were running over the marble floors of the house.

"Khale9t, kani kani!" Bibi tried to run faster in her heels towards us, her hair whipping against her face, her strands of her sticking against her lipstick. She had a dark purple jumpsuit on and her Chanel purse over her shoulder. Her curled hair was let loose and I could catch glimpses of her overly done make-up.

"Bibi, shnu labsa?" Mom asked in a strange tone.

"Mu 7lu?" Bibi frowned, trying to get her hair out of her face. I had a feeling Bibi was trying to impress Nawaf.

"Labsa 7afar! Riday darich w ghayray ehdoumich al7een." Mom barked disapprovingly. "El sayig biyakhthich, wayed 6aweltay. E7na binrou7 gablich." Mom grabbed a big plastic bag that probably held Gran's birthday cake. I grabbed the other bags that held the gifts for Gran.

Bibi had her shoulders slumped, she walked back into her room to change. I assured Mom I'd drive Bibi myself and that Turki should go with her.

"Yalla okay, la et6awleen." Mom said before leaving the house with Turki, his hands holding the bags I was holding a few seconds ago, his other hand holding his blackberry.

I helped Bibi sort her outfit out. She ended up changing in a flattering gold sequined shirt that was paired with a blazer and dark jeans that also went well with her Chanel purse. I also brushed off her red lipstick replacing it with a light pink one.

I tried driving as fast as I could to Gran's house. I'd learned the way to it pretty fast but my heart kept stammering in my chest, I was too nervous to see Saif again.

We got to Gran's in 10 minutes. I parked the Lexus and checked if my Louis Vuitton heels were strapped around my ankles right before ringing the doorbell.

Even Bibi looked nervous, her left eye kept twitching, causing her eyelashes to flutter every once in a while. One of Gran's kind housekeepers answered the door and let us in. Our heels glided over the smooth floors as we walked to the living room. The living room was packed with relatives that I didn't know.

We greeted everyone, one by one. I smiled at each one, acting as if I remembered them from the first day I met them. I didn't find Saif in the brown furnished living room but Nawaf was sitting by Khalti Ghaneema with a grin on is face once he noticed Bibi. My father was sitting next to my mom, both of them engrossed into a conversation.

"Happy birthday!" I gave Gran a big squeeze and a kiss over her forehead after kissing both her cheeks multiple times.

"7beebty walla, mashkoura." Gran gave me a wrinkled smile, her eyes lighting up.

"Chem 3umrich al7een?" I teased.

"A woman never tells her age my dear." Gran laughed, her English rolling off of her tongue easily.

"Amal, shrayich etzahbeen el cake?" Dad whispered to me once I was next to him. I ignored the stares from the relatives I didn't know, they were inspecting every little thing about me. It was awkward.

"Okay." I smiled giddily. I hurried into the beautiful white decorated kitchen. The housekeepers were getting the hors d'oeuvres (appetizers) and offering them to the guests. I got the cake out, it was a beautiful crimson cake with delicate flowers that were added with smooth icing over the large delicious cake. I carefully placed the white candles around the cake once I pulled them out of the plastic bag.

I was too absorbed into making the cake perfect that I didn't hear the faint footsteps behind me.

"Allaah." A male voice gushed. I turned around and found A7mad in a Le Martina navy shirt with shorts standing in front of me. His hair was gelled back and he had a grin painted over his face.

"Eee el cake eyenin." I said politely before turning back around to continue placing the candles into the cake. My hands began to sweat, I was afraid of A7mad. I couldn't explain why but there was something about him that terrified me.

If he had the guts to to try to end my life and Saif's, then he could do anything.

"Mu ga3d atkalam 3an el cake." I could feel A7mad's breath against the nape of my neck. I shuddered.

"Aha, mashkour." I didn't turn around to face him, I tried to ignore his presence.

"El3afu, shloun el jam3a?" A7mad took a step closer so he stood besides me, he placed a hand over the kitchen counter so his arm would be pressed up against mine.

"El7amdellah zain." I answered. I didn't bother asking him about his university, I didn't want the conversation to continue.

"Amal shfeech?" A7mad's grin widened, he sensed my rigidness.

"Wela shay, bas abe el cake yi6la3 7ilu." I lied, my fingers shaking as I placed the last candle over the cake. A7mad reached to grab my shaky hand, his fingers felt masculine and hard, not gentle at all.

I was caught off guard, it pissed me off that he was touching me. I swerved my eyes towards him to cast him a glare.

"Shga3d etsawi?" I hissed, trying to free my hand from his grip.

"Haday a39abich, shd3wa Amoula." A7mad teased and ended up laughing at me, his fingers strongly wrapped around my hand, not willing to let go. I hated it when he gave me a nickname, as if we were old friends.

"Low sema7t, la etjeesny." I glared at A7mad again, trying to keep my voice cool. A7mad took a step closer, his tobacco filled breath filling my nostrils as he said the following words:

"Deeray balich 3la nefsich Amal. I'm watching you. Entay w Saif 3balkom ana ghaby? Ma afham? Shiftich bil bidi3 w shift shloun Saif misakich. Etha giltaw shay 3an el 7adith, 7ag EY A7AD, you'll regret it. W ya wailich etha giltay 7ag Saif ena ana giltlch hal kalam, fahma?" A7mad hissed into my face, his fingers tightening around my wrist painfully once more before letting go of it.

A7mad took a step back, freeing me and giving me a wide innocent grin.

"Yalla, ashoufech bel 9ala?" A7mad said in a kind tone, his evil layer shedding and was replaced with an innocent one.

"U-uhm, e-ee." I stuttered in shock, watching him leave the kitchen without another word.

"Amal yalla! Weinich? Ma khale9tay? It's time to sing Gran happy birthday." Bibi walked into the kitchen after a few seconds with an illuminated smile on her face.

"Amal?" Bibi said in a worried tone. "You look pale, chena you just saw a ghost."

"Oh, I guess my bronzer wasn't long lasting." I laughed sarcastically. "Khale9t el cake, kahoo."

Bibi walked over to the kitchen counter to grab the huge plate that held the crimson cake but she stopped midway and turned her head to look at me.

"Ma ra7 tiyeen?" Bibi asked, her hands holding the giant cake.

"Digeega al7een ayee, bas ba3adil my make up." I lied.

"Yalla okay, la t6awleen!" Bibi said before going to the darkly lit living room. I heard the crowd inside the living room start to sing "Happy Birthday" to Gran.

I leaned against the kitchen counter, my heart galloping in my chest. I could still smell the tobacco smell of A7mad's breath and I could still feel his rough fingers against my skin. I looked down at my hand and noticed that it was reddening because of how strong A7mad was holding onto it.

Tears clouded my vision. I couldn't control my emotions anymore, I let myself free and willed the tears to stream down my cheeks. I slid down to the floor, kicking off my heels and digging my face into my knees, covering my face. I sobbed quietly against my knees, trying to keep my voice and head down.

I didn't want anyone to get a peek at my gaudy crying face.

I thanked God that I wore water proof mascara and eyeliner today.

"Amal?!" A voice cried out and interrupted my crying session. I took a peek through my arms and found that a pair of crutches were thrown on the ground and Saif was kneeling down to face me.

His leg that was covered with the cast was in pain because of his sitting positive but he seemed to ignore the pain he was feeling.

"Amal shfeech ga3da tabcheen? Riday 3lay!" Saif ordered, his hands trying to pull my hands away from my face.

"Saif khala9 bas rou7, allah yikhaleek rou7." I whispered, urging him to leave. I didn't want him to see me in my weakest position.

"Ma ra7 arou7! Gouleely shfeech, please Amal? Dam3itich ghalya 3lay.." Saif's voice sounded worried. He was in an Armani shirt and a pair of comfortable looking sweats because of his bruised body.

I swiped my fingers over my cheeks, pushing the tears away carefully in order to keep my make up perfect.

"Ma feeny shay, 6aaf." I gave Saif a smile, trying to stand up but Saif's hands kept me sitting on the ground.

"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me everything." Saif's dark eyes looked into mine, his hands were gentle and they were resting over my shoulders now.

"Oh Amal!" I heard another voice. Saif quickly turned around and we both found A7mad standing over us with a fake worried expression over his face.

"Eee goulelena shfeech 7bebty." A7mad mimicked Saif's caring voice, trying to sound sincere. Saif dropped his hands from my shoulder.

"6e7t 3leha bilghala6, el'9aher et3wrt." Saif lied, trying to make an excuse for having his hands on me. I suddenly missed the touch and the weight of his hands over my shoulders. The worst feeling is to smile when all you want to do is to cry.

And so, I smiled. A big old fake smile.

"Akeed Amal? Laish ga3da tabcheen? Anady Asmaa?" A7mad willed on, his eyes challenging me to tell Saif the truth in front of him.

Oh God no.

I was put into the worst position.


  1. First to comment!!! YaaaaaaaY I loved ure post ya3nii ofcourse its amazing as usual<3!! I can't wait for the next post!!

  2. Nooooo I wanted to be the first D: I used to be annonymous and ur the only blogger I comment to :D I love this story can u post 2 LONG chapters plz :D Please =))

  3. OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! 7raaaaammm!!!!!!maskeeenaa 9ij!!!!! Solve the problem please it make me feel sad to amal! :( !!!!!!!! But amazing post!

  4. Plz plz plz write the next chapter plz im addicted to your story <3 !!!!!!!!

  5. I love the way you write and a7la shay lain u recommend isim i'3niya fl bdayaa ;p <3

  6. Aw thank you everyone! :'D I'm writing chapter 20 right now. Haha I like to recommend songs I listen to while writing the chapters, it inspires me a lot. :p xx

  7. 3la 7a'9y I was reading 19 ela u said you're typing 20 :$ I'm in Greece right now w 7dy bored I hope you finish writing soon :D xx love ur blog btw!!!!!! Xxxx
