Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Masqué Chapter 10

THIRD chapter today! June 5 2012. Last chapter for today, hope you enjoy these three chapters because I'm not sure if I'm posting tomorrow (enshallah I will because I don't post on Thursdays anymore).  I've got tuition tomorrow, gym in the morning, a doctor's appointment at night and then Thursday is my college exam and then probably going out after it.

I'll try my best to have the chapter posted tomorrow night after everything OR will post on Friday.

Thanks for your patience! Any other silent readers who haven't commented yet? I love everyone's feedback. :D x

Dedicated to: @lulualsallal : congratulations tekharejtaay! :D  #YOLOBABY x


"Uhm, Saif shafni w chan eyee 3shan yisalim 3leina." I lied.

"Eee, um, shlounkom? Shitsawoun?" Saif hid his mischievous smile, trying to look innocent.

"Zeineen, ga3deen nitsawag. Ma 3ndena shay, enta shitsawi? Mu 3ndik gym elyoum?" Bibi gave Saif a suspicious glance.

"Laa2, uhm, my instructor cancelled gym today." Saif lied.

"Aha.." Bibi crossed her arms over her chest. Na8za that said "Okay, salemt w al7een shtabi?"

"Uhm, Amal lazem agoulech shay. Your mom sent me." Saif lied even more, giving Bibi a na8za back that said "This is a private conversation."

"I'll be in the fitting room." Bibi wiggled her eyebrows a bit, still suspicious of the whole thing. I watched Bibi walk back into the fitting room, leaving Saif and I alone.

"Okay, al7een yalla gouly bsr3a gabel ma etrid ti6la3." I said impatiently.

Saif dug his hand into the pockets of his shorts, looking for something. He finally took his hand out, extended it over to me and I found that there was a little ring that could only fit a child's finger. It was plastic and it had a crystal on it, it looked like a toy ring.

-Flash back-

"Yalla Amal, lazem enrou7." I heard a woman's voice but I didn't see her face. My little hello kitty bag was being carried by the woman. Were we going on a trip?

"Wein?" I asked, we were in the airport and the woman was holding onto my wrist painfully, trying to force me to walk faster.

"Binrou7 endawirlich l3ba 7ilwa." The woman said, forcing her voice to sound cheery.

"9ej?!" My face lit up and I willed my legs to walk faster, I wanted that toy desperately. Was it going to be that new Baby Born toy?

I hoped so.

"Eee 7bebti, yalla bsr3a." She nagged at me. I obeyed and walked faster. The airport was surrounded with colours of grey and white, it resembled the waiting rooms for the doctor visits I had to go to.

Those waiting rooms scared me, just like this airport. There were large airplanes outside, waiting for someone to climb into them.

Where were we going?

I was scared of heights, I didn't want to go into an airplane. Not now, not ever. The skies looked as if it was going swallow us up and the clouds didn't look strong enough to carry us if we ever fell out of the plane.

"AMAL!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned around, stopping the woman and I from walking. I found Saif running up behind us, I couldn't see who was behind him. My eyes were only on Saif and only him.

"Saif!" I called out, my feet sticking to the ground, unable to move.

"La2 Amal, yalla emshay asra3 wla maku l3ba!" The woman ordered.

"Bas abe Saif eyee m3ana." I begged.

"La2 ma y9eer, yalla asra3!" The woman nearly tore off my arm with the way she was pulling on it, forcing me to move.

"Laish ma y9eer?" I asked.

"Mafi mokan. Ma ra7 en6awil Amal."
"Mafi mokan wein?"

"Amal bas! Emshay w entay sakta." The woman replied in a harsh tone that terrified me. I obeyed her order.

I noticed Saif was still following us, I turned my head around and found someone that caused my heart to flutter in happiness.

Saif was in his shorts and Power Rangers shirt, running as fast as he could. I saw his chest heave from how tired he was. He threw a small metal thing at me since he couldn't run any further. Saif tried his best to run again but his pace was slower, the tiredness had forced him to go slower. He still tried, never stopping for a second., his voice hoarse from the screaming.

I leaned down to grab the metal thing. Now I could see it. It was a little ring. I was about to grab the ring but the woman grabbed my hips, forcing me off of the ground and carried me.

"NOO!" I yelled, my arms trying to claw at the ground to grab the ring.

"AMAL!" Saif yelled out again. My tears were clouding my vision but I knew that ring was supposed to be my princess ring. I had never wanted something so badly as I wanted that ring from Saif.

I couldn't see Saif anymore, the woman forced me into a gate where they had metal detectors. It was like a wall, imprisoning me away from Saif. 


"Amal?!" I heard Saif's voice, it brought me yet again, back into reality. I was back at the Juicy Couture store again and Saif's arms were around me.

Wait what? Saif's arms were around me?!

"Amal, are you okay?" I could see Saif now, he wasn't so blurry anymore.

"You didn't leave me." I breathed out the words, sighing in relief once the flashback was over with. I could still feel the pain I felt when I was a child, it was still fresh. The scars were still there, there was no ointment that could heal them.

"I'll never leave you, not even if the earth shattered into pieces and forced me into the ground. I'd still be right here, standing next to you." Saif's eyes were genuine and full of pain. "You left me once but I'll never let you leave again."

"Saif, you didn't stop running after me." I stated. Saif let me go, releasing me from his arms. There was no one around us now and I didn't feel any stares on Saif and I in the store.

"And I'll never stop chasing you Amal." Saif sighed a deep sigh that filled his chest. "You remembered?"

"Parts of it, who was the woman Saif? Why was she forcing me to leave you? Was she my mother?" I asked Saif, the pain of leaving him coming back again. The pain filled my veins and made its way into my heart.

"Yes and no." Saif lowered his head, not looking into my eyes.

"No? Why the no?" I asked, confused.

Saif ignored my question. He grabbed my hand in his and pulled it up in front of him. He slid the tiny ring over my pinky finger and the ring was able to fit into my smallest finger.

"I never got the chance to do that." Saif said, staring at my pinky finger.

"Saif, help me remember everything." I pleaded, trying to make eye contact. He let go of my hand and I lost the soft touch of his fingers.

"I can't do it alone." Saif sighed again.

"Who else can help you? You know everything!" I widened my eyes at him.

"I don't know everything, there are things I still don't know Amal.." Saif ran his fingers through his gelled hair, his expression looking troubled.

"Then who can help us?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't say the name that I thought he would.



  1. Absolutely LOVED the last 3 chapters!
    You're such an amazing writer, really :)
    Can't wait for the next chapter x
    (silent reader)


  3. I am commenting on be-half of your Qatari (silent readers) fans:

    We love your story and we support you all the way <3 ! You just keep surprising us with your surprises x)

    i want a saif or s3oud in my life ;( ..


    Don't stop, keep going all the way <3

  4. Loved the post;* post soon please:* love youu so muchh! Merci;*

  5. Another silent reader who just HAD to comment.
    Seriously, the flashbacks are amazing! So genuine and vivid.

    You're a great writer, keep doing this xoxo <3

  6. AWW! Thank you ALLLLL!

    I love you all so muuuuch more and I'm glad 3ijebkom el surprise. :D

    Enshallah there are more surprises to come in the near future. xoxo

    I'll try to post as soon as I can but please be patient. :'D Thank you AGAIN! <3

  7. I LOOOOOVEEEEE YOUUUUU, thank you for the amazing 3 posts!!! your amazing and talented jaad. keep it up and we love youu xo

  8. YOU ARE THE BEST BLOGGER EVERRR!! I FREAKING LOVE YOUU<33 Thank you SOSOSOSOSO much for posting three chapter in a dayy :') BEST SURPRISE EVER. And thank you for being so loyal to your readers. :*

    Post as soon as you can xo

  9. Who do u think u r JK. Rowling... Ofc not ur waaaaay better :) luv u, I really hate reading but when I read ur stories I suddenly luv reading, 3ad plzzz post as soon as u can.xxx

  10. Can you please add some action or thrilling scences in the story?

  11. addicting wallah! I love this blog!!<3

  12. OMG I'm addicted even thought exams are coming soon I won't stop reading your story I wish I had a Saud or Saif in my life! Its ok take your time but please make the next chapter LONGER!!!! THANK YOU!!! :* <3

  13. Ahhh ur such a great writer!!!!
    I'm ADDICTED to your stories they are amazing mashallah!! Allah ywafgich 7beebtii ma3 emti7aniich nd mabroooook ur an aunt now!! Titraba ib 3izkom inshallah !!!!
    Love you loads sweetie keep it up!!
    O Itha lagetay a real life s3ood aw saif 5abrerna 3ad!! Haha xxxxx


  14. OMG CUTE yitraba/Titraba Fee 3izkum inshallah inot forcing you bas I am really missing it please post soon thanx!


  15. OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! ILOVEYOU !!!!!!+ lovedit


    w mbrouuuk maa jaakuuummm :")!
    ytrba b.3zzkum inshallah <3 ..
    w 9dgeeenii we can wait :")! youre so worth to wait for *.*


