Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Masqué Chapter 9

Second chapter today!



"Shfeech etkhizeen?" Nawaf asked me in a harsh tone. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Nawaf's table.

"W enta shfeek tel7agna?" I replied, my tone just as harsh as his. Nawaf's friends looked over to Nawaf in shock, not believing that I had the nerve to talk back. The tables weren't crowded so I didn't have to face getting stared at by the other Kuwaitis.

"Ana al7agkom? HA!" Nawaf laughed sarcastically.

"Nawaf, et3arif eni ma7ib sea food, laish yebtna ehny?" One of Nawaf's friends whispered but I was lucky enough to overhear it. It was enough proof of Nawaf's mission to follow us.

Nawaf looked embarrassed, as if he was just caught. I walked off, letting his friends give him awkward glances. I was finally back in the women's bathroom and Bibi was hiding in a bathroom stall.

"Bibi?" I called out, checking the stalls, looking for Bibi's familiar heels.

"Na3am?" I heard Bibi croak out. She sounded like she was crying.

"Bibi, shfeech?" I hurried over to the first stall, where I heard the source of Bibi's voice.

"M-ma feene shay." Bibi stuttered in between tears.

"Bibi la etchathbeen 3lay, open the door." I leaned my shoulder against the door of the bathroom stall, waiting for Bibi. I heard the locks of the door open and I found Bibi standing, her mascara mixed with her tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

"Bibi.." I murmured sadly. I opened my arms and let Bibi take a step closer so I could hug her.

"Nawaf's my ex." Bibi forced the words out of her mouth, her body shaking in my arms.

"What?!" I exclaimed, taking a step back to look at Bibi.

"We dated last year for a few months and then he broke up with me once he found Dalia." Bibi's shoulders were shaking.

"Ena chithe kan ga3d yigoul 3anich lazga?" I asked.

"Ee.. bas walla ma saweitla shay! I acted like nothing ever happened and I got over him when we broke up. I don't know what's his problem, it's like he has to remind me of the past and cause me even more pain.." Bibi sighed, brushing away her tears with a tissue. I was still in shock, I would have never imagined Bibi dating Nawaf.

"Fashelta jidam elnas." I said, trying to make Bibi smile. Bibi ended up smiling.

"Ha?! SHLOUN?" Bibi gasped, her lips forming into a huge grin.

"Mu giltlch he was following us? I was right and I made sure his friends knew that too. Plus my voice wasn't exactly quiet..." I gave Bibi a small wink.

"AMAL! ENTAY 3AJEEBA." Bibi cheered, wrapping her arms around me once more to give me a rib cracking hug.

"Aaa7, shway shway." I laughed, hugging her back. "Yalla khan rid nakil."

Bibi cleaned herself up, re-applied her mascara and followed me back to our table with a confident posture. When we were seated back at our table, I found that Nawaf was sitting awkwardly alone, his face dug deep into his blackberry. His friends weren't sitting besides him anymore.

Looks like his friends took the option of picking their own restaurant for their lunch.

I was still eager on seeing Saif's reply to my Whatsapp message but I also had to be there for Bibi. Bibi had let go of her blackberry to put more attention and effort into our conversation and I had to do the same for the next two hours.

We ended up going to 360 mall to get macaroons for dessert. We were in Ladurée.  (it's a Macaroon store in 360)

 "Chocolate or pistachio? Now that is the question." Bibi asked herself, acting goofy. 

"Chocolate all the way girlfran'." I acted out my ghetto accent. We ended up buying 4 pieces of chocolate macaroons and 4 pieces of pistachio ones. While Bibi was staring at the cakes next to the macaroons, I took this chance to peak at Saif's Whatsapp chat.

 Saif Al-X: No.. you need to remember it, I can't say anything.

Amal Al-X: Saif, I need to know what all of this is about. You have to tell me!

Saif Al-X: Weinich? Bashoufich.

Amal Al-X: -.- ..

Saif Al-X: Mu entay etgouleen tabeen et3arfeen 3an kilashay?

Amal Al-X: Eee bas shloun? Ana 360 m3a Bibi.

Saif Al-X: Okayy yalla bayee al7een.

Amal Al-X: La7tha la2!! You can't do that!

Saif Al-X: Watch me.


 "Yalla Amal?" Bibi asked, the macaroon plastic bag in her hand.

"Okay." I replied in a worried tone. I was worrying about how Saif could talk to me when I was with Bibi, in a mall in front of hundreds of people.

After 30 minutes of walking around 360 mall, I had quickly memorized the small air conditioned mall.

My iPhone was ringing out it's old phone ringtone. I looked down and my eyes nearly bulged out as they read the words.

Incoming call: Saif Al-X

"Bibi, uhm, rafeejti men Switzerland is calling. I have to take this, sorry." I lied to Bibi.

"Eee shd3wa 3adi, ana barou7 ashouf etha Juicy Couture 3ndehom tanzeelat." Bibi left my side, leaving me alone.

I pressed on "Accept" and pressed my ear against the phone nervously.

"Aloo?" Saif confidently said into the phone, I could hear the familiar sound of crowds of people in the background. Saif was in 360.

 "Hey." I said nervously.

"Weinich Amoul?" Saif's voice was playful. I wasn't used to him calling me "Amoul".

"Madri." I lied.

"Shloun ma tadreen weinich?" Saif chuckled through the phone.

"Bas madri." I bit down on my bottom lip, tasting the vanilla flavor of my mat MAC Rebel lipstick.

"Y3ne lazem adawrich al7een? Tara asaweeha." Saif challenged me.

"Find me if you can." I replied playfully before I hung up on Saif.

I looked up and found Saif far off, wearing beige shorts and a Hollister looking shirt. His hair was spiked up and he had a grin on, his ear was still pressed up against his phone. He was surrounded with three of his friends who were engrossed into a conversation.

I was standing outside of Juicy Couture but in front of it, far off, was an entrance.

Idiot Amal! He used the right entrance! 

I hurried into the Juicy Couture store before Saif could catch me looking at him. I found Bibi looking at jumpsuits. Bibi grabbed a bright yellow jumpsuit and gestured to it.

"7lu?" Bibi asked.

"Uhm, ee." I kept turning around, waiting for Saif to run up behind me and shout "BOO!"

"Amal shfeech?" Bibi noticed my nerves taking over me.

"La la wla shay Bibi." I gave her a nervous smile.

Why was I so nervous? I've seen Saif around my Grandmother's house all the time, why was it any different now?

I can't fall for him. I just can't.

The ringtone of my iPhone startled me, crushing my thoughts.

Incoming Call: Saif Al-X

I nervously clicked "Accept" with my shaky fingers as Bibi was busy in the fitting room, trying on the jumpsuit.

"Hey, guess what?" I heard Saif's deep voice through the phone.

"What?" I asked.

"I just saw the most beautiful girl ever." Saif replied. Jealousy poisoned my insides.

"Oh?" I kept my voice emotionless, ignoring the jealousy that was igniting inside of me.

"Sh3rha 6weel, 6oulha 7lu mashallah w 3younha ekbar. Esimha Amal, et3rfeenha?" Saif flirted.

"La2 walla, ma a3rfha." I joked, the jealousy inside of me melting away and my cheeks heating up.

"Ana a3rfha 3adil, khoush bent walla." Saif continued. "Agoul.."

"Goul.." I hoped it wasn't another compliment, my cheeks were already as red as they could be.

"I found you." The phone call was ended and I was surprised to hear Saif's soft voice behind me. I turned around and was facing Saif. He was even taller when he was closer, I had to look up to look at him properly. His gaze was overpowering, it drove my cheeks into becoming ever redder.

"Is Amal blushing?" Saif asked casually.

"L-la2!" I stuttered, trying to take a step backwards. I noticed a few people looking at us.

"Amoul, bagoulich shay." Saif's voice turned serious.

"Saif?" I heard another voice. I turned around to find Bibi in the cute jumpsuit, her eyes widening in shock as she saw both of us speaking.

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