Saturday, June 30, 2012

Masqué Chapter 22

I was listening to Madagascar's music while writing this.. shal mazaj, adry.. x_x  Hope you enjoy the chapter, don't worry, it's not as crazy as Madagascar's music. :p

Don't forget, your comments/feedback make my day. <3


 "Amal?" My mother's suspicious voice startled me.

"H-ha yuma?" I stuttered, my iPhone still against my ear. I could hear Saif's breathing, he heard my mother too and he didn't utter another word.

"Shimga3dich hal 7azza? Yalla besich etdigeen 3la your friends from Switzerland, rou7ay namay, warach jam3a." Mom yawned in between her words, her voice groggy. Her eyes weren't on me, they were on the left over appetizers from the dinner party. She was probably looking for a midnight snack.

"Enshallah." I mumbled.

"3afya." I heard Saif joke through the phone, I held back a smile as I walked in a hurry to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and pressed my back against it, listening to Saif's rhythmical breathing.

"Ha? Weinich?" Saif said after a long stretched out silence. The guilt of tricking my Mom melted away once Saif's voice made it's way into my ears again.

"Al7een? Dary." I murmured as I made my way to my comfortable looking bed. I laid back down, stretching my legs over the sheets, my elbows resting over one of my pillows.

"Uhmm.. Sh9ar wya omich?" Saif sounded a bit shy suddenly.

"She thought you were a friend from Switzerland." I said in a playful tone, enjoying Saif's awkwardness.

"Ohh.. uhm." Saif stuttered.

"Saif, shfeek?" I laughed.

"I finally have you." Saif breathed out, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Have me?" I questioned.

"Do I have you Amal?" Saif asked, his voice sounding nervous again.

"Eee, you do Saif. And you always will." I softly whispered, the thought finally dawning on me.

I was his and he was mine. It was official, there was no running from it anymore.

That night, Saif stayed on the phone with me for another hour, his happy voice chattering non stop, unable to believe that the drama with our relationship was behind us now. It felt too good to be true, the A7mad situation wasn't resolved yet but for that night, we acted like nothing else mattered anymore, it was just him and I.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I noticed my iPhone was up against my cheek, leaving a square shape over my skin. I looked at the screen and it said that Saif's call wasn't ended, it was on for 6 hours.

I pressed my iPhone back against my ear and noticed Saif peacefully asleep on the other end of the line. I couldn't help but notice a few snores make its way out of his mouth, I ended up laughing.

"Mhmm-hm." Saif grunted through the phone once I laughed. I didn't end the call, I left Saif to sleep whilst I took a cold refreshing shower. I pulled out a dark striped skirt and added a tucked in satin button down shirt. I paired it with a pair of comfy sandals and a matching belt. I grabbed my over sized Jimmy Choo bag that had my textbooks and only added mascara over my long eyelashes with blush over my cheeks.

I grabbed my iPhone again and Saif was still sound asleep, his voice grunting every few seconds. I could also hear the faint sound of his alarm but Saif ignored the sound.

"Saif yalla goum." I mumbled into my phone, my free hand looking for my tube of Rimmel lip gloss.

"Mhmmm." Saif groaned.

"SAIF WAKE UP." I yelled into the phone.

"G3DT G3DT!" Saif's voice was alerted, I laughed through the phone. I found my lip gloss, I tucked it into my bag and waited for Saif to wake properly.

 "Good morning." Saif groaned but his voice held a smile.

"Good morning lazy bum." I heard Saif chuckle lazily. "Yalla, I have to go."

"La trou7een.." Saif mumbled, his voice sounding deep and fragile at the same time.

"Neseit ena 3ndena jam3a?" I joked.

"La2 ma neseit bas I'll miss your voice if you end the call." Saif shyly stated.

"You'll see me in KU." I pointed out.

"It won't be the same, ma ra7 agder ag3ad wyach jidam elnas wla bagder asoulif wyach." Saif sighed.

"Mhm." I sighed too.

"Lets skip class." Saif said out of the blue.

"Shnuuu?" I said in a shocked tone. I'd never skipped a class before, I was the complete nerd in my classes, I made sure I never missed a word of the professor's speeches.

"Mu gilty you're dropping your major for another one? So skip it today and then change majors tomorrow." Saif said in a carefree tone.

"Saif enta mu men 9ijik." I argued. "W b3dain shnu bensawi?"

"We'll see the penguins." Saif smiled through the phone.

"Penguins?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  

 Okay goul starbucks ow bidi3 (I would have refused though).. bas penguins?

"Neseitay?" Saif said in a shocked tone. "Lema kena e9'3ar, kentay tabeen etshoufeen el penguins bas ayam gabel, kanow mu mawjoudeen in the scientific center."


The tip of my nose was pressed up against the cool glass that separated me from the water that was filled with colourful fishes, each one had it's own pattern and it's own way of swishing through the sky blue water. 

Saif was standing next to me, his hands pressed against the glass, his eyes staring at the huge shark that had teeth that were as sharp as knives.

"Wein el penguins?" I complained.

"Maku penguins." Saif frowned. Our parents were seated behind us, watching us stare at the fishes in awe.

"Mama, maku penguins!" I crossed my arms over my chest once I turned around to face my mother.

"7bebty maku penguins in Kuwait." Mom said awkwardly.

"Abe penguins!" I stomped my foot against the ground. My tone was spoiled.

"Ana bayeeblich penguins." Saif suddenly said.

"Men wein?" I turned to look at Saif's young and hopeful eyes.

"Entay bas ne6ray, ana bawareech penguins." Saif said confidently.

"Okay bas shloun Saif?" I urged him to continue.

"Ma a3rif.. entay bas ne6ray, hiff!" Saif complained, finding my impatience annoying.

"Okay bas etha enta ma wareitny el penguins, ma ra7 a36eek el 7alaw ely shareina men el jam3eya. enzain?" I threatened.

"Fine." Saif jutted out his bottom lip in denial, looking back at the sharks to ignore me.

- Present day -

"Saif.. madry, I think it's a bad idea." I was back in my room, the old memories of Saif and I dissolved into thin air.

"Trust me." Saif said.

"Okay." I sighed and surrendered.

"We'll both go alone, okay? Buy a ticket and meet me by the aquarium." Saif planned it all out.

"Digeega, ma adil." I bit down on my full bottom lip.

"Embala you do, yal kaslana, do I have to remind you about everything?" Saif chuckled. "Ma tithkireen shloun 7ife'9na el mukan lema kena e9'3ar? I know you remember."

"Okay okay, maybe I do. If I get lost, I'll call you." I laughed along.

"Ee okay, el sayig bikoun m3ay. Oh and bring a sweater." Saif said before hanging up on me.

"Amal shfeech 6aweltay? Yalla ra7 tit2akharein!" I heard Mom bellow out from the living room. I hurried out of my room, forgetting about bringing a sweater along.

Mom was already dressed in her usual attire for work, which was jeans and a long colourful shirt. Bibi and Turki had already left for high school. I grabbed a quick bagel to munch on and climbed into the white Porsche Cayenne Turbo. I started the car and easily drove out of the parking of our house.

I was now on the road, my eyes skimmed through the numerous cars that passed me. I suddenly felt like the way I was driving to was familiar and I instantly remembered the way to the scientific center.

I drove into the gates of the large building of the scientific center. I passed the bubbling fountain and found a good parking space. There weren't many cars, it was about eight in the morning and so, everyone was off in school, work or college.

I purchased a ticket and looked at the surroundings of the insides of the scientific center. I walked past the deserted stores and entrances to the different kinds of entertainments (cinema/games/museums). I finally stopped in front of the entrance of the aquarium and I found a tall guy standing in front of me.

It was Saif. He had a pair of comfortable looking grey A&F sweats on and a white polo shirt. He turned around, as if he felt my presence and his charcoal eyes met mine. His crutches were against his arms, keeping him in balance.

"Akheeran." Saif smiled, taking a step closer. There wasn't anyone around us, the place was empty.

"6awelt?" I asked as we both walked over to the entrance of the aquarium, giving the 30 year old looking man our ticket and walking into the dark large room.

"Eee offh, ni6ert sa3a!" Saif exaggerated, his smile taking most of the space from his handsome face.

"9ej?" I frowned up at him, believing him instantly.

"La2, you're so innocent." Saif chuckled, his laugh echoing in the large room. We were passing the glasses that held animals in them, we wanted to reach the aquarium part of the tour. I kept playing nervously with my gold spikes bracelet, too nervous on being alone with Saif.

"Shfeech sakta?" Saif suddenly asked, we were walking down the steel stairs to where the aquarium was. The scent of salt water and fishes filled my nostrils, reminding me of the first day I visited the aquarium.

"Madry." I replied shyly. Saif bumped my hips with his, his waist brushing against mine.

"Heey." I laughed, holding onto the railings next to me so I won't trip or fall.

"Tadreen.." Saif started.

"Eee?" I looked to him, a smile playing on his lips. He wasn't looking at me, he was gazing up at the huge glasses that surrounded us that held the hundreds of colorful fishes. It took my breath away.

"Beautiful." Saif murmured.

"Eeee, the fishes are amazing! It feels like it's the first time all over again." I smiled, counting the fishes in my head. An orange fish wiggled it's fins and scurried away at the sight of our large eyes, gaping at it.

"I wasn't talking about the fishes." Saif's gaze was on me. I turned to look at him, catching his gaze.

"3yal?" I acted dumb.

"You're beautiful." Saif murmured, his eyes moving from my face and then back to the fishes in front of us.

"Mashkour." I whispered shyly. "Hff, why do you have to make this awkward?"

"Ana?" Saif laughed.

"Eee enta!" I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at him with a disappointed expression.

"Asif ya princess Amal, I was just being honest." Saif shrugged confidently.

"Sureee." I said sarcastically.

"You're cute when you blush." Saif continued on, a grin on his face.

"I'm not blushing." And then suddenly, my cheeks heated up.

"You are now." Saif's grin widened.

"Chub, zain?" I groaned but I felt fireflies flying around in my stomach, making me even more nervous around him.

"Entay shfeech kela etzifeeny? I'm complimenting you, you should give me a hug or a kiss 3la8al." Saif complained.

"In your dreams." I rolled my eyes at him, walking deeper into the aquarium to where the sharks were.

"3yal khan arid anam, laish ga3adteeny?" Saif had an adorable frown over his face.

"You're so cheesy." I laughed but once I turned around, I caught a huge shark's nose pressed against the glass. The sight of the shark startled me, I took a step back, my sandals causing me to trip over one of the chairs behind me. I felt gentle arms clasp around my shoulders, stopping me from falling.

"Shway shway." Saif murmured, his hard chest pressed up against my back. His crutches were against my arms, Saif wasn't holding onto them.

"Hey, la et6ee7." I suddenly turned back around and handed him his crutches to hold on.

"Ana 3ade a6ee7 bas entay la2." Saif's voice sounded genuine. "Mu giltlch I'd protect you princess?"

"A princess can protect her prince too." I pouted.

"Her prince?" Saif teased. "Say that again please?"

"Maku, yalla bashouf el penguins." I said, trying to change the subject. I hurried over to where the other fishes were and left Saif to hobble behind me.

"Heey ne6ray, I have crutches, I can't walk as fast as you." Saif chuckled. I slowed down my pace and waited until he was next to me.

"Asfa." I said guiltily.

"La2 3ady." Saif smiled kindly at me as we walked at a slow pace towards where the penguins were. We passed the cockroaches and beetles, I tried to ignore their presence because cockroaches disgusted me. Saif would casually bump my shoulder, telling me to look to my right.

"Waiii3." I quickly turned to look to the left. Saif laughed at my reaction, there were beetles next to me in a huge box. Their tiny scrawny legs would shake and press against the glass that trapped them.

"Kaa wi9alna." Saif said in between laughs. We finally reached to the glass box that held the penguins, I gaped at them, smiling at the small penguins that looked too cute.

"Cuuuuute!" I gushed, staring the penguin that was swimming around in the water.

"Very." Saif said, his eyes on me again. I felt my cheeks redden again, I ignored his gaze and kept staring at the penguins, too shy to reply to him.

"Yalla al7een wein 7alawy?" Saif teased and extended his hand, waiting for the candy I promised to give him if he showed me the penguins.

"Ma 3nde 7alaw." I laughed, looking up at Saif's cheerful face.

"3yal 3a6eene something else that's just as sweet." Saif's dark eyes challenged me.

That evil boy. Two can play at this game. 

Saif was full of mischief but I knew for a fact that he didn't expect an actual kiss, he had a way of teasing you but he never was serious about it.

"Okay." I shrugged easily. I brushed my lips against my fingers, giving my finger a kiss and then, I pressed my already kissed finger against Saif's left cheek. Some of my lip gloss got onto his cheek.

"Done." I laughed. Saif's cheeks turned a bit pink but he ignored it, acting cool.

"Haaaay." Saif laughed, touching the spot of lip gloss that got smudged over one of his cheeks. "Wallah enich thakeya."

"Adry." I said in a confident tone, joking around.

"Yal the8a." Saif laughed. I shivered in the aquarium and Saif caught me.

"Ma yebtay el sweater, mu 9a7?" Saif looked at me with a grin.

"Neseit." I confessed.

"Ee I knew you were going to forget." Saif was holding onto a Hollister grey that had a zipper line in the middle. He handed it to me, our fingers touching for a few seconds.

"Lebseeh, yebta 3shanich." Saif's voice sounded a bit shy, his eyes weren't meeting mine.

"Mashkour." I replied in awe. I slipped my cold arms into the warm jacket, the jacket hung loosely on my body but it felt as homey as my bed back in my room. I hugged the jacket against me and caught the whiff of Saif's familiar masculine Abercrombie perfume. I could feel Saif's eyes on me every few minutes.

"It looks good on you." Saif whispered suddenly, I replied with a shy smile, unable to speak.

Saif ushered me down the stairs to where another door held more fishes. We passed them, not wanting to look at any more of the numerous fishes. And soon, we were out of the aquarium, feeling satisfied after seeing the penguins.

"Al7een wein enrou7?" Saif said with a smile. I checked the time and gasped, a whole hour had passed. Time flew when I was with Saif, it felt like minutes when I was with him.

"Saif?" A girl's voice startled both of us.

We both turned around and found a girl who looked about 17 with a navy 7jab on that framed her high cheekbones. She was about 5'4 and had a wide waist but her face held beautiful lips with small yet cat shaped eyes.

"Hessa." Saif awkwardly said, his eyes suddenly down on the ground.


Who was Hessa?


  1. awww cute mushy gushy lovey dovey post :) & gotta love your cliffhangers! hmm wonder what's the deal with hessa ?! can't wait for the next post :D xx

  2. Wow loved this post ♥ They make an adorable couple :')
    You're a great writer and you always leave us asking for more! Keep up the great work ;)

  3. Aw thank you guys! YAY, someone likes my cliff hangers haha. Many readers complain about them. :p

    Thank you again, you guys make it a joy to write! <3


  5. its great :D keep it up girl!
    btw, it isnt flied its flew, mate x

  6. So2al wa7d al7een 9arlhoom 6 hours 3al phone 9a7? Yabooy ana bss a7atee chm ra7 tidf3 7ag I'l ra9eeed a7s ra7 esk I'l 100kd looool ;p anywayz great post!!

  7. Rw3a!!! Ur really an amazing writer! Mashallah :$

  8. Mashalla 7lwaa el89aa xxo when is chapter 23;***?

  9. I really don't want to seem like the annoying grammar freak type but it fish, not fishes :p wallah soryy!!

    1. Laa2 3ade! Thank you but I google-d it and both are grammatically correct. :D

  10. The best blog i have ever read. Please keep up the good work and never stop. xo

  11. I love how the cliffhangers are always in the right time! I reallly love your blogs and stories, one of my favorite! Can't wait for the next post. ♥

  12. Thank you guys for the wonderful comments! :'D Made my day, as usual.

    I might write the next chapter today actually! Enshallah I will, thank you all again. :D

  13. try your best to write it todayaayy :D thanks!
