Sunday, June 10, 2012

Masqué Chapter 15

This post won't be long since it's my second chapter today, I didn't have time to think or plan much bas enshallah you'll like it, chapter 16 won't be this short. :D

*And watch out for hints in this story. Every character I introduce has a purpose to this story.

Dedicated to: NooraFahad_ , one of my smart readers haha, she practically predicted the whole story, zain she didn't predict the ending too cus I haven't planned that out yet. ;p && to @shayou5als for being simply amazing haha, thanks for all your support!:D ALSO, dedicated to @MariamTAlShaikh because I honestly love this girl, her feedback is much appreciated! She makes my day. :D



"Yalla?" Nawaf said, approaching Saif. He was holding onto Saif's bag, his parents left the Range Rover now and were helping Saif to walk into the house.

"Nice meeting you, uhm, was it Amal?" Saif tried to act along.

"Eee Amal, salamat Saif." I said casually.

"Allah yisalmich." Saif gave me a little wink before having to walk off. Our conversation was cut off by Nawaf's presence but I had heard enough.

Saif had gestured to his phone before walking away, meaning, "Check Whatsapp".

I was now in the car, the driver taking me to KU (Kuwait University) as I was roaming over my apps on my iPhone, looking for the Whatsapp application.

I clicked on it with the touch of my finger an read Saif's message.
Saif Al-X: Ma 9adegt rou7y lema shiftich elyoum, wayid waleht 3leich Amoul..♥

I bit down on my bottom lip, staring at his message. 

Amal Al-X: I missed you so much more! :/ Walla khare3tny, don't ever do that again..

Saif Al-X: Enshallah princess Amal, sorry. :(

Amal Al-X: Haha its okay;p al7een shensawi wya salfat A7mad?

Saif Al-X: I think Nawaf knows.. lazem etkalmeen Nawaf, ana ma ra7 agder akelma, he thinks I have amnesia. ;/

Amal Al-X: Sh3arafa Nawaf?;s

Saif Al-X: Muu giltlch lema kan e9'3eer, he was in the office when the fight happened? I think he knows more than what he's telling us, he never told you about the memories, he still owes you for letting Bibi talk to him last week.

Amal Al-X: Bibi talked to him? Bibi ma galetly shay!:o Sh9ar beinhom?

Saif Al-X: Madryy walla. x_x S2lay Bibi, akeed ma galetlich l2ena kanet ga3da t7ateech.

Amal Al-X: True.. okay khala9 bakelim Bibi w b3dain bakalim Nawaf..

Saif Al-X; Amal, deeray balich 3la nafsich.. la etkhaleen Nawaf yijeesich.. okay?

Amal Al-X: Is this jealous Saif speaking?;p

Saif Al-X: Maybe ;p

"Amal, we are here." My mom's driver said.

"Thanks!" I gave him a smile. I didn't know his name yet. I left the car and made my way into the university. The green trees surrounded me and made the grey walls of the university livelier.

I ignored the looks I got from Asmaa's friends.

"Amal, salamat!" I heard Dalia call out in a pitiful tone.

"Allah yisalmich." I didn't turn around to face her, her tone was fake and her care was full of bullsh*t. I never got to get used to the university or the people in it since I missed weeks of it, so I still had to depend on myself and not on Asmaa or her crude friends.

"Excuse me?" I heard a girl say behind me. I turned around and found a girl with pale skin but wide grey eyes that were surrounded with dark eyelashes. Her lips were thin but wine coloured, her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing a casual summer dress with a pair of sandals.

I couldn't help but notice a scar on the side of her neck, it looked like a new scar that hadn't healed yet.

"Yeah?" I said with a smile.

"I can't find this class, I'm new." She showed me her schedule, she was in the same Law class as mine but I was considering dropping Law and switching to Drama or Music. I'll switch majors later.

"Oh, you're with me. I'll take you."I offered.

"Thanks. I'm Shamma. I'm from Syria." The girl extended her hand, I took it and returned the handshake.

"Wl n3m, I'm Amal." I widened my smile.

The day stretched on, the classes were boring and I couldn't believe that I was ever interested in Law. It wasn't my thing at all. Shamma would send me funny notes during class to amuse me, she had told me she was thinking about switching majors too.

Once I was back home, I hurried over to Bibi's room, ready to throw my questions at her. Bibi had her face dug deep into her crimson pillow, her short curls surrounding her.

"Bibi?" I whispered. "Nayma?"

"La2." She muffled into her pillow.

"Shfeech?" I sat down on the corner of her peach bed, watching her in wonder.

"Ma feene shayy." She lied.

"Embala feech shay, laish ga3da chithe?" I poked her pedicured foot. She ended up giggling against her pillow because she was ticklish.

"Bas!" She mumbled.

"Yalla 3ad, goulayyy." I tried to tickle her foot again, she laughed even harder.

"Okay okay! Khala9 bas don't tickle me!" She turned around so I could catch a glimpse of her face. Her eyes were red, as if she was crying seconds before.

"Bibi?" The playful atmosphere was killed when I noticed her tears. "It's Nawaf, isn't it?"

"Shdarach?" Bibi sniffed, grabbing the tissue box so she could dry her tears with a tissue.

"Et7beena?" I sighed. Bibi was my younger sister, I felt the need to protect her.

"Eee." Bibi said against the tissues.

"W ohwa y7bich?" I watched her.

"Yi7bny w y7b wa7da ghairy.." Bibi said sadly, her expression twisting with pain.

"Shnuu y3ne y7b wa7da ghairch? How can he love two people!?" Fury engulfed my insides.

"Madry.. that's why he wanted to talk to me.. gal ena kan m3a Dalia 3shan yishouf etha kent aghar wla la2.." Bibi huffed.

"I hate men and their games." I huffed too.

"Men? Y3ne ma et7been Saif?" Bibi teased.

"Saif isn't a man." I jutted out my bottom lip.

"Etha Saif mu ryal 3yal shnu ohwa?" Bibi laughed.

"Madry, he's Saif." I mumbled, giving myself an excuse to love him.

"Al7een et3rfeen mnu hal bent ely y7bha?" I asked. I prayed she wouldn't say "it's you". I don't have feelings for Nawaf, he tricked me ages ago but all that did was make me love Saif even more. Secondly, this would ruin the relationship I had with my only sister, Bibi.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Bibi covered her face with her hands.

"Tell me, yallllaaa." I nagged, curiosity getting the best of me.

"He loves Asmaa too." Bibi mumbled into her pillow.



  1. Omg!I Love your posts<3, keep going :)

  2. Even though it was short but ew what does he like in asmaa, player much?

    Post soonnn :D xx

  3. Aaaaaaah nawaf 7a8eeer 7aram ya3nii bibi is only 16 w esawii feha chethey !! I was shocked lama 3raft said remembers but at the same time happy !! W a7med wth why would he do such a thing to them ?!! Saif is cute so cute !! The story is amazing just as the blog and you ! Thankyouu for your effort loved it & keep is up ♥


  4. shamma shakelha she hit them with the car o.o la2ana she said she had a scar and it looked new!!

  5. Ee 9a7 I think shamma did it 9aja ill bint illy tawa

  6. TEAM SAIF<3


  7. Eeh 9dg .. I think t6l3 shamma w a7md mittafgeen ...
    Cuz she wants revenge 3ashan he m7asba en Amal w nawwaf y6l3oon m3 b3'6 w she want Nawwaf ..
    W a7md want revenge of saif cuz he wants Amal !!
    LOL !! Madri marra 7osa xD

  8. Loved it <3 even though ut was short ;p

  9. Ya 3aine ya 3aine shnu hal ebda3 shnu hal afkar ma arwa3ak ya masque !!:p Entay? 8awiyyaaa :D w thanks 3al amazing story and keep it up ;*

    -silent reader

  10. You're amazing, you know that? I love your posts it's really creative unlike others..
    You seem like a really nice girl, I'd love to meet you someday x

    -silent reader

  11. 8asamn billah I would have never guessed this part..mashallah mbdi3a and u have ur own style that is different than all novels w movies...I'm the best person that could guess endings bas for ur blog musta7eel! Ur very surprising

  12. I'm not going to spoil anything but you guys have really unique ideas haha! I'm not going to say if they're right or not, you'll see in the next chapter. ;)

    And thank you so much for your kind words! It means a whole lot to me, I love you guys and you my silent readers. :'D I'd love to meet you guys too one day, you all seem so amazing! :'D Thank you again, you guys are the amazing ones.♥

  13. If ahmed was relly a part from the car crash theen its ashkara that heeee planned it with sshamma fffor some kind of revenge maybe or maybe the want them to be deead because theyy are jealous or maybe becase ahmed loves amal and sshamma loves saif.. I don't believe that she from syria
    Love uu;**** annd ur blog
    Such a creative work mashallah

  14. Jad I loved it <3 Everyday I'm growing more curious. I can't study for my exams hoping you would post ch16 by refreshing the page. You never disappoint us even with your short posts.We lovee you and we are proud of you<3<3

  15. Keep us updated tell us mta btnzleeen chapter 16 walla I can't wait!! I'm on my nerves!

  16. I loved it! Great writer mashallah:D

  17. I forgot whos asma ? and when are u gonna put the next chapter :D

    1. Asmaa is Amal's cousin. :D

      Sorry, I won't be posting for a while since I have to travel, please forgive me. xo

  18. I love you all guys! Thanks all for the kind words, walla. <3 I can't say what's right or wrong, not wanting to spoil anything haha.

    Bad news, I won't be able to post today due to personal reasons. I can't say when I can post again but enshallah soon, please be patient, I'll try my hardest, I always do. xx

    Thank you all again. And Asmaa is Amal's cousin, her brother's name is A7mad. xx


  19. Heyy its jena!!! ;$ mala7agt i read ams :( i was sooooo busy with studying for the exams :'( Bss jdd wallaaah THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCHHH!!! ma9adg!! a7laa birthday gifttt wallaahhh!! :* I LOVE YOU SO MUCH & THANK YOUU AGAIN :$!!

    Inzain a7een 3n the story; i agree that i think shamma and a7med worked on the plan together so that saif and amal would get injured.. for reasons like a7mad loves shamma but shamma loves saif and a7mad wanted to destroy saif.. or something like that... Wallaahh your too creative of a writer to just be posting blogs!! you should be writing novels, moob blogss!! Mashhallah, mashallah, boon 7asaaad ya3niy :*

    btw; Asma & a7mad shee9eeroon 7g Amal?

    1. AWW thank you, I love you more! Walla ma saweit shayy. <3

      && Asma and A7mad are brothers and sisters. They're cousins with Saif, Nawaf, Amal, Turki and Bibi.

      Hope you're not confused now. <3


  20. w btw; (still jena) try posting elyoum!! :o ill miss the bloggg :'(

  21. Noooo we want another post :x

  22. ma naksaar el 5ataar :c

  23. Loved it xx !
    Check my story I want to know your opinion

    1. Its nice!! Post more please!!! I Liked it from the first chapter

  24. Loved it xx!
    Check my story I want to know your opinion

    1. you should post at least 5 chapters for people to start knowing if your story is good or not..

    2. ^ What anon said.

      I'll read your blog enshallah when I'm back from traveling :D by that time enshallah you'd already have 5 chapters posted. xx

      Thank you for reading my blog! <3

  25. Refreshed the page over 100 times times since ams to see if you posted, wallah 7argah a39abii abiyy a3arf shbee9eer... i still can't believe you dedicated the post to me ;$

    - Jena

    1. Eee nafsi I refreshed like 1000 times just incase she posted.

    2. I'm sorry guys!:/ I hope you enjoyed your birthday Jena. <3

      Haha ma saweit shay walla, etha 3areftich chan I gave you a gift too. <3

  26. Walla I can't wait! Keep us updated naby in3rf shbee9eer!

  27. Mta you'll post :'(
    Seriously CAN'T WAIITTT !!!!

  28. POST PLEASE !!!! :'( WALLAAAAAHHH I'M DIEING FOR THE POST! 7adiiyyy abii the post!!! PLEASE FOR US 3AAADDD!!!!!

    -Jena =D

  29. I'm sorry guys, personal things have been happening..

    And now I have to travel too;/. I'll post when I'm back, I hope you understand, I have a life outside the blog too. :/

    I won't be able to post while I'm out of the country bas enshallah I'll post once I'm back, it'll probably take 10-12 days, I'm not sure yet on what my parents have planned out, they're pretty confusing. =))

    I love you guys, I'm sorry again! :/ Thanks for all the support!


  30. :o 10-12 dayss :o !! WHHHAAATTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!!!! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! 3aaaadd!! :'( wallaaah Magdarrrrrr chitheee! Tryyy as best as uuu Can imzainn... Gabl ma you travel!! Trani wlaaa 3alaich, faaa try posting ASAP! W if there's anything wrong Tara you can talk to us, well always be here o:):*

    - Jena ;*

  31. Asmaa!? Ullaah sha5barii! Bas why does he have to love her? :'( he saw her w/ othere guys in 360, so why would he have any feelings for her? 7aram Bibi :( and saif.. Loved your post :* -Jx

  32. Post Ch16 soon please<3 ^ -Jx

  33. Yalla ma 9arat -.-

  34. please try to post soooooner!!!! :'(
