Sunday, September 2, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 22

Third chapter.. it's now 4:49am. 2 more chapters to go! Can't do long chapters when there will be 5 of them.


Ghanim strutted towards Layal, she was alone and she looked vulnerable. Watching Ghanim stand behind her, his eyes on her body, infuriated me.

"Mu hathee el bent ely t7bha?" 3abbas gaped at me, he finally understood why she looked so familiar. I pushed my chair behind and got out of my seat, following Ghanim. He was whispering in Layal's ear but she kept ignoring her, she kept her face emotionless but I knew she hid her fear with her mask, her eyes were crying out for help.

"Wakher 3anha." I hissed, the fury in my voice audible. Ghanim turned around to face me, Layal noticed my presence too, she looked at me in shock for a few seconds but then quickly turned around to ignore the both of us.

"Shnu?" Ghanim laughed in my face, his breath smelled of smoke and cocktails.

"Wakher. 3anha." I said in a slower pace.

"Ethlif." Ghanim shook his head towards my direction in a pitiful way before turning around to face Layal again, whispering flirtatious words behind her, trying to get her to hive him her number.

"Giltlek wakher 3anha." I grabbed Ghanim's arm with my strong fingers, forcing him to back away. We both attracted unwanted attention from other tables, 3abbas was watching us in entertainment, not bothering to stop us.

"Hey hey, shfeekom?" One of the guys from the football match walked up, his name's Hamad and he was pretty short but he had the biggest muscles I've ever seen, he had the power to win over Ghanim and I in a fight together.

 "Wela shay." We both grunted but we were both still angry at each other. I peaked at Layal, she was already by the counter now ordering her drink but her beautiful eyes kept peaking around to meet mine. 

I decided to leave the cafe before I punched that a**hole's face into the floor, Ghanim turned to walk back to the table and didn't bother glancing back at Layal. I was met by the strong lashing of the cold wind, hitting my cheek once I was outside the super market. I stood by the entrance door, keeping my back against the wall.

I waited for a few minutes, watching the darkness in front of me and the empty cars parked in the area. As if on time, Layal left the super market, her scarf flying around in the wind, her long fingers clutching onto her cup of coffee.

"Layal." I walked up to her, but my voice startled her, she turned around, her eyes full of fear but the emotion quickly washed away once she saw that it was just me. There was no one around us, I couldn't see her properly in the dark but even in the night, her eyes bore bright colours.

"Thank you." Layal breathed out, a gust of wing flew into us and a strand of her light hair escaped her veil. She held up a hand to tuck her hair back into her dark coloured veil, her cheeks were smeared with a light shade of pink, showing how cold she was.

"Ma saweit shay." I shrugged, I couldn't control my smile around her.

"Uhm, well-" She was trying to end the conversation but I cut her off.

"Are you mad? Tabeene akafkha lech?" I bluntly asked. Layal laughed in response, it was an addictive sound that I wanted to hear again.

"La2 la2, mashkour." Layal smiled up at me, causing a slight dimple to sprout out of her left cheek. It wasn't that obvious but I had an eye for small details in a person's face.

"Akeed Layal? Ashali3 e'6rousa 3ashanich." I showed her my fist, pounding it into my right open hand, trying to show off I'm ready to fight. She ended up laughing again, the sound of her laugh ringed through my ears, making me smile again.

"Walla mashkour bas la2 ma abeek tit'hawash." Layal smiled back at me.

"If you change your mind, you'll know where to find me."

"Thank you again." Layal gave me one last smile and I got one last glance at her dimple for that night before she turned around to walk to her car. I watched her back, my hands dug deep into the pockets of my short, my legs exposed to the chilly weather as one thought ran around in my head:

I think I love her.

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