Monday, September 3, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 23

Fourth chapter.. one more to go! It's now 5:43am, my brain's pretty soaked up now and empty of ideas bas yalla, I'm nearly there! x

Update: It's now 6:03 am and I spaced out, I'll continue writing the rest tomorrow.

Updateupdate: started this again at 12:05 am. Chapters are getting shorter, running out of ideas.


Bzzzzt. Bzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt.

The annoying sound of my alarm woke me up the next morning. Another day at university, I hit the snooze button over my Samsung, my phone played the role of being my social network-er, my alarm clock, my note pad, my reminder, my pretty much everything.

As I was changing in 3abbas's bathroom, I was checking my Samsung every five minutes. I only noticed the missed calls after I paid more attention the screen. I clicked on the news section and read over that I had two missed calls from Mom.

I quickly dialed her number, knowing she'd be awake at this time of day. She was an early bird, the opposite of me.

"Aloo?" My mother quickly picked up the phone, her voice sounded normal, that reassured me that she was okay.

"Yuma dageitay?" I asked as I was getting my textbooks, ready to go to university.

"Eeee, tigder etrid elbait al7een!" Mom excitedly exclaimed.

"9ij?!" I replied after breathing out in relief. I can finally feel the soft sheets of my bed instead of this back aching couch I had to practically live for the last few days.

"Eeee! Obouk emsafer w gale adig 3leik, ana 7acheita w a8na3ta." Mom sounded happy but I could hear the hint of sadness behind her voice, I couldn't understand what it was about though and I didn't have time to question her.

"Okay 3yal barid ba3d ma akhale9 men jam3a." I promised her before we said our goodbyes.

I drove to university alone this time. 3abbas was nowhere to be found when I woke up but I made sure to gather up my stuff and keep them in the Range Rover so I wouldn't have to go back to his place to get everything. I was expecting today to be a boring day since Layal and I didn't have class together today, it was tomorrow.

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed. I checked my twitter and Layal hadn't accepted me yet. Her tweet count didn't change either, she probably didn't tweet or go on Twitter.

I walked into the warm university, my vest was tightly clasped around my body, warming me up and protecting me from the winter's cold chills. I spotted Jarra7 walking in front of me, I walked up behind up and greeted him with an ecstatic smile.

"Shfeek mistanis elyoum?" Jarra7 asked me, my smile must have been contagious because he began to smile as well.

"Bas." I shrugged, my smile still plastered on my face. I was going home, finally! And the best part was, my Dad wouldn't be around and I'm pretty sure he took his second wife with him. It felt like the good old days again.

Both Jarra7 and I got our classes cancelled last minute so we had two hours to waste. We decided to sit by the cafe in the university. I ordered a drink that smelt of smoking coffee beans and he ordered a freshly squeezed orange juice. We picked a table by the walkaway so we'd get the view of students walking around whilst sipping our drinks.

"Sh9ar 3la Noura?" I asked out of the blue.

"Nothing yet." Jarra7 shrugged again but his eyes kept moving around, as if he was hiding something.

"Jarra7.." I mumbled.

"Ha?" He muttered.

"Shfeek?" I asked in between sips, the coffee burnt the tip of my tongue but the feeling was excruciatingly good, the hot liquid moved around my insides, swirling around  in my stomach, warming me up completely.

Jarra7 sighed in defeat. "Bas beina e7na, okay?"

"Eee okay, yalla sh9ayer?" I asked him.

"Daget 3lay ams." Jarra7 bit his bottom lip.

"Shnu!?" I nearly spit out my drink. What happened to the good girl Noura he kept talking about? And where did she even get his number?

"Sawetly prank bas ana chakeit'ha, a3arif 9out'ha 3adl.." Jarra7 continued.

"Prank?" I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowing as I became even more confused.

"Akeed hathee Noura?" I asked.

"El9ara7a.. walla madre, bas galetly enha t7bny and it was her." Jarra7 looked just as confused as I was.

"And this happened yesterday? Chithe faj2a?" I questioned.

"Eee." Jarra7 looked at me for help.

"Give me the number." I asked.

"La2!" Jarra7 looked jealous.

"Shd3wa ma ra7 asawe shay." I laughed, Jarra7 looked at me again for a second before taking out his blackberry out of the pocket of his trousers. He clicked over the buttons for a few seconds before handing me his phone, showing me his caller history.

The number he showed me looked too familiar.

"Shghaletlik Noura?" I asked him as I was trying to figure out why this number looked too familiar.

"Galetly t3al kalemny bel jam3a w lal7een ma shift'ha.. galetly tabeene agoul a7bich in person, laish?" Jarra7 said.

Man, this guy was a complete idiot. He was younger than me but I didn't think he'd be this big of a "9aida".

"Hathee mu Noura yal thaki." I shook my head at him.

"Embala!" Jarra7 stubbornly replied.

I got out my blackberry, the second one, with the number I rarely used.

I clicked open Whatsapp and I showed Jarra7 the number and the number I had saved on my second blackberry.

The two numbers, from Jarra7's phone and my phone, were the exact same.

However on Jarra7's phone, he saved the number as "Noura."

I had mine saved as "Bdour."

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