Friday, September 14, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 25

Thank God I got to post 5 chapters before I got super busy, finally found time to post the next chapter. I'm getting new ideas out of nowhere for new stories but I'm afraid of starting a new story while I'm in university, I won't be able to post, it would probably be one post a week and the posts wouldn't be short of course, they'd be much longer probably. I'm not sure about it, or I might just stick to posting short stories which aren't that short, it would be a long post and it would maybe have more than one part to it? Maybe? 'Cus I have all of these new ideas for new stories that I wanna write down, they'll be fully in English but the names might be in Arabic. I'll change up my characters this time so they might not be from Kuwait, or there would be other nationalities and different backgrounds, what do you all think? It would definitely be a lot more different than my "blog" stories, more detail and everything.

Tell me here: @vieblogue

Dedicated to my gorgeoussss, oh so very gorgeous, Basma. Much love! (@BasmaAlJ)

Previously in Chapter 24:

"And Jarra7 won't be the last of your friends that I'll mess with. You're going to regret rejecting me pretty boy, enta wayed em9adg nefsik enk a7la wa7d bel jam3a." Bdour continued hissing, not bothering to stop to let me speak. I clenched my hands into fists, wanting to punch her overly plastic face.

"Bdour if you-" My nostrils were flaring with fury.

"You have two choices Thari Al-X." Bdour turned around to face me, making it obvious that we were talking, her next words froze me in my place and showed me evil that I've never witnessed before.

"One, you talk to me now in a much nicer way with a smile on your face so your little pretty girl Layal can see us. Or two, I'll make sure I send a picture of Layal mighair e7jabha to all the guys in this university."


-Layal's POV-

I stared right at Thari's tall figure, his eyes seemed astounded for a few seconds as he was watching Bdour's burgundy painted lips speak in a hushed tone. I longed to take a step forward so I could listen to her words and why Thari looked so stricken. As soon as I become even more suspicious, I noticed his eyes were on his phone as he held his astounded expression.

Oh, was someone just calling him, was that why he looked so surprised?

"Layal, hello?" The girl sitting in front of me waved her delicate hand in front of me, I hadn't noticed that my college advisor was sitting with my friend and I. I guess I got too engrossed into trying to find out why Bdour was talking to Thari.

Snap out of it Layal, it's a mixed university, it's not a crime to talk to the opposite sex.

"Are you finding your classes okay? Everything okay?" My advisor was a young woman in her early twenties, her squinted eyes were looking right at mine, her hair was pressed back into a neat bun that framed light skinned angular face.

"Uhm yeah." I nodded in response to her British accent. As an, a friend of mine that also attended AUM, sat besides me looking at me strangely. I peeked sideways to look at Thari again and I found him standing by the counter, ordering himself a drink and Bdour was already long gone. 


"Sh9ayer?" Asan hissed towards me once the advisor walked off, she was holding onto her steaming Vanilla Latte. I was guessing she bumped into us once she was getting her morning hot drink.

"Wela shay, laish?" I answered with a shrug. 

"Mtdoudha elyoum, el'9aher mu nayma 3adl,"Asan shrugged as well, obviously ignoring how obvious I was when I was staring at Thari. Her fingers gripped her flaming hot chocolate as she pulled it up to her coral coloured lips, drawing in a long soothing sip.


The long day stretched out over the endless hours, every class seemed to be boring today. Usually teachers were just giving an introduction to their subject or they were already in the middle of it since I attended late. Asan was kind enough to hand me her notes or back me up with the info I missed out on, I personally was impatient about tomorrow's English class. I kept day dreaming about what I'd say to Thari, or how I'd act. I kept replaying the scene, especially when he suddenly said my eyes were beautiful, out of nowhere.

Or maybe he said that to all the girls he's met, he sure looked quite friendly with Bdour this morning and he is a quite famous guy blogger, especially with the girls. They're all over him.

"Layal!" Asan's clear voice crushed my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I lightheartedly replied.

"The lecture's over, yalla I have a free hour with nothing to do before my Maths lecture." Asan brushed back her mid-length caramel coloured hair, she was naturally tanned and had an eye for fashion.

"Digeega." I thrust a hand into my purse to look for my class schedule. I was still a newbie and I had no track of where or when my classes started. I squinted at the blank sheet with the complicated looking  squares that held the names and timings to each class. 

"I have Biology in 10 minutes." I groaned, staring back at Asan in frustration. As an didn't take Biology or any of my other friends, the thought of sitting in a class with strangers and not knowing any of them frightened me. I wasn't an outgoing type, I'd take my comfort only around people I knew.

"Wai3, 6i7say." Asan laughed as she took out her text book, tucking it under her arm.

"You're such a kind friend." I sarcastically stated.

"Tara ma giltay shay yideed." Asan fluttered her dark thick eyelashes at me, her confidence oozing out of her. I laughed as well, she was her own character and had the quirkiest comebacks. She was the exact opposite of me.

"Khala9 3yal ashoufich bacher? L2ena lema etkhal9een, I'll have class," she continued on.

"And I'll be home, in bed," I fired back at her. It was her turn now to groan in annoyance. We parted ways and I walked the opposite side of where she walked to, looking for the Biology room. I was still holding onto my now cold white hazelnut mocha from Starbucks. My other arm held the stack of notebooks I had to get today, I cursed myself mentally for not getting a bigger bag than my Celine purse, it was already holding my Macbook Air.

I dumped my drink into the nearest trash can so I can peak at my class schedule. It said "Class B1" but I couldn't find a class that held the same number and letter. I kept walking, getting frustrated for not asking Asan before I rushed off.

"Layal?" A male voice spoke out behind me. I turned around and found Thari with a boyish grin on his face, he looked at me with sympathy, clearly knowing I'm lost.

"Ahlain." I squeaked out but I quickly adjusted my voice last minute.

"'9i3tay?" He asked me, trying to mask his growing grin.

"Uhm, la2," I lied.

"3yal laish ga3da 3nd el gym? The guy's gym?" Thari coughed and restated his last few words, causing my face to flush in embarrassment. I looked to my right and saw a sign that said "MEN'S GYM" and clearly the rest of the space was for the gym and dressing rooms, there weren't any classes around here.

"Okay '9i3t." I confessed which caused him to laugh, a deep short laugh that forced my eyes down to the floor. I was suddenly shy for some reason, I was never shy when we worked together...

"3a6eeny your schedule," Thari gave me the "I know" look before he stretched out one of his big hands, his dark eyes were watching me as I handed the paper over. Our wrists brushed over accidentally for a second, I quickly pulled my arm back. I expected him to notice but he seemed unaware, he was too busy looking at my class schedule.

"Class B1? Ma shifteeh? Kan yem 9afich, ely tawa 6l3tay mena. You were in B3 10 minutes ago." Thari looked at me strangely, trying not to laugh again.

I. Am. So. Stupid.

"I was taking a tour around the university, 7aram?" I huffed.

"Next time let me give you the tour instead before you walk in the guy's dressing room." Thari's deep laugh echoed around the hall, we were alone and I could hear the faint noises of the guys rummaging around in the dressing room, clearly getting ready for a sport activity.

"We'll see, oh w mashkour." I pointed towards the schedule, he handed it back to me and gave me a slight nod. I was about to walk by him, he had a gym bag over his shoulder and by the looks of it, he was on his way to the dressing room.

"Oh Layal." Thari called out and took a step back to face me again. "The starbucks thing with Bdour.."

"What starbucks thing with Bdour?" I asked, confused on why he'd even bring it up. He seemed as confused as I was once I cut him off, he suddenly looked like he understood something I didn't.

"Oh you didn't see us-I mean, never mind I just thought you got the wrong idea about me because Bdour talked to me." He quickly changed his words as his expression adjusted, changing to a more emotionless and a more confident one.

"Oh uhm, I didn't even notice you two talking," I lied, keeping my own expression emotionless as well. He gave me a "I don't believe you" look but then quickly changed it to a content one.

"Enzain, good luck with Biology with your friend Bdour." Thari simply said before passing me, not letting me question what he said or answer.

Was I missing something? And why'd he assume Bdour was a friend of mine? I don't even know her.

Huh, weird.

Once I was in the right class, I was seated by a girl I didn't pay attention too, I kept my focus on the lecture. I was already confused with the other ones, I couldn't slip in Biology too.

"Hey, pssttt." A girly voice hissed into my ear, next to the seat I was seated in. I tilted my head to the left and found Bdour sitting right next to me.

"Na3am?" I answered in a quiet tone, my eyes were glued on the slideshow in front of us. I was clearly not in the mood to start a conversation with her.

"Layal Al-X, mu 9a7?" Bdour asked in a sweet tone.

"Eee," I was forced to make eye contact with her, I noticed the clunks of dry mascara that was all over her eyelashes.

"Mashallah te7ejbtay?" She looked at me as if she had known me for a while. How did she even guess that I recently wore the 7jab?

"Eee.. asfa bas a3arfich?" I bluntly asked.

"La2 bas ome kanet eta3rif omich," Bdour had a hint of evilness in her eyes, once she mentioned my mother, my fingers started to tremble.

Why was Kuwait such a small country?

"Aha." I replied, trying to end the subject.

"Wainha omich?" Bdour forced the conversation to continue.

"Shhh." I hissed, giving her the look that said "can't talk, the professor's staring at us." Who was she to ask such a question? And why the hell would she even know about our mothers knowing each other when we never even met properly before? I had a feeling she did her own Kuwaiti version of the FBI search over my family, it creeped the hell out of me.

Even after the "shhh" trick, she didn't budge. After a few minutes, she leaned closer to me so I could catch a whiff of her perfume. It smelt of something intense and strong, it caused me to wince. It wasn't a pleasant smell at all.

Her next words creeped me out even more.

"3ndech 9oura w entay mu labsa 7jabich?"

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