Sunday, October 21, 2012

Readers Contest

I've had this idea for a while but I didn't know how to do it properly, I finally know how to do it now.

I need four readers.

This is what will happen.

The first two readers will be added to Le Chase as two main characters. Two other readers will be chosen for my new upcoming story, as again, two main characters.

One will be a guy, one will be a girl. It's just like adding real people into a fictional story and seeing how the story changes around.

This is how you apply to the contest, I will want you to send me things about you, on my ask. ( or COMMENT on this post. NOW you can comment on my posts, I took off the restrictions of commenting. I prefer it you comment on this post so you can write as much as you want.

RULES: (ANYONE can join, no matter how old you are, where you come from, or even what language you can speak.)

1) You must attach your twitter username to your comment. So I'll know how to contact you. Anything sent to me via dms or on my whatsapp/bbm (to the people who personally know me) will not be accepted.

2) You need to tell me 5 things about yourself:

  • FIRST NAME, last name is NOT needed. AND YOUR AGE.
  • Your appearance, describe yourself. Your hair colour (if you wear a 7ijab, then skip this hair question and tell me how you were your 7ijab; turban style? Cotton style? Black simple? Colourful? Anything you want.), your eyes, your skin colour, your body type, your style in clothes, etc etc, add anything here about how you look like.
  • Personality, are you strong? Loud? Funny? Obnoxious? The most unique personalities, are the kind I'm looking for, so don't be vague or general! Describe yourself in detail, in and out. It would be nice to know which country you come from too, it's an extra part of yourself you can add. The MORE you write, the BETTER. Super short entries have less of a chance of winning.
  • Which story do you want to be added to? Le Chase or my new upcoming story?
  • If Thari from Le Chase punched you in the face, what would you do? The question for girls: If Bedour from Le Chase slapped you and stole your husband, what would you do?

3) You have 2 days to write and post this comment (you can change it about), tell me why I should add you in the story. One or two sentences about it, no need to write much about it.

After 2 days, I will DM the winners and close my comments to no one can comment anymore. As I said, I need TWO BOYS and TWO GIRLS. Everything written about you, the description of your personality/the way you behave/your looks, will be TRUE in the story. The events of course, will be fictional. YOU will get a say on what you want to do in the story or how you would behave to a certain situation in the story. YOU will have the choice of either remaining anonymous to my readers or let people know that this character is based on YOU.

2 days starting from today, start commenting! Make your comment as unique as possible, the two readers I choose will be the most different/interesting. I want exciting characters, characters that EXIST and this is your chance, to see REAL characters, in a fictional story I made up.

Deadline: Tuesday 23rd of October (deadline might change if I don't have enough male/female participants) 

Any questions about the contest:, you will have the choice of wanting to be added to Le Chase, or my completely NEW story. If you're afraid of someone seeing your twitter username on my comments, then simply put a number or a nickname, for example:

"***, ***, **, from: 534233 or from: girlfromtheblock"

Then go to my and say: "I am girlfromtheblock and my twitter username is @*******", I will not publish it, I need to know who you are and I will not announce the winner if I do not have their twitter username, because anyone can say 'yeah I swear I was the 5432 person' and lie about it, so make sure you do send me your twitter username after you put a fake name on my comments. 



  1. do the answers have to be in english aw 3ady m3arab w english at the same time?

    1. It can be em3arab and English but keep in mind, my next new story will be 100% English.

  2. You can't believe how excited i was when i read this.
    Elmohem, let's get this started.
    My name is Christine, twitter - @ChristineTareq_
    I'm a Jordanian, suffered a disorder, and well, i think i am quite unique. I have long wavy/curly black hair, bs when you look closely there are 3 natural colors that consist of blonde, light brown and dark brown. I have medium sized eyes, everyone says they're beautiful, since i have long eyelashes. I am white, but it quite depends on the color of the clothes i wear. For example, if i wear light colors, i turn out to be olive skinned, and if i wear dark colors i turn out to be white. Confusing huh ?
    When it comes to my style ya3ni, i'm not the person to wear brands and something. It's not that we can't afford it, we can, it's that i dont find a NEED of it, i have this policy, buy what you need, not what you want. And it's true, if i need clothes ill go buy what i need at a reasonable price, and it turns out to be better looking than brands ! I'm not saying enna brands mu 7elween, bs enna mala da3i (if you want to show off that is, if you like them wayed then everyone is obliged to their opinion).
    My body type curvy, simple as that.
    But what i really think makes me who i am,( and what makes everyone themselves) is my personality. I can be quiet, mean , aggressive, kind, bubbly, loud, gentle. It simply just depends on the person i'm dealing with. I'm mostly very kind and quiet. But when someone crosses their line, i will turn into the Jordanian i know i am, and i can easily wipe them on the floor. Literally.
    I think i want to be added to the new upcoming story, so that i myself would be surprised by the new story's plot and the character.
    If Bedoor slapped me and stole my husband ? I will simply make sure i make her life hell. I would slowly plan my revenge, take it step by step, even if i turn 70 i make sure i will take my revenge, y3ni im just that kind of a person elle mar9'a 3ala a7ad, 7ata if they were a stranger, law a7ad ye3'la6 fe 7aghum i WILL make them sorry.
    Sorry if i sounded very, self confident and stuff, i really am not, but i want this really bad so i made sure it was pretty descriptive.
    Love you and your story ! :D

    1. Sorry i forgot to mention, i am 173 cm tall and i weigh 53 :D

    2. Haha sorry bs a7es lazem i keep adding more details ! Inzain, ana 6abee3te 3a9abiya, bs lain a3a9eb i listen to the story clearly, and then judge whether it's worth being mad or not. I like to call it common sense. W i cant handle stupid people, atnarfaz w LAAZEM i make sarcastic comments, magdar ayawed roo7i. W etha 9bayan 3'azelaw ( which is what happens every thursday) ared 3alaihum marat, bs akthar shay a7ger, bs lain ared 3alaihum araweehum shlon mustawahum wa6i. W bas :D

    3. I'm bored so i figured i should keep adding more details ; yes i have no life i know.
      I'm very sensitive, which is sometimes a bad thing because people's words kind of get to me. My grades matter to me, A LOT. Ya3ni 3adi i cry myself to sleep etha a7es i did bad on a test. It's not bad to be scared about your future ;p I'm quite stubborn actually, but i will not be afraid to admit that i was wrong. I'm into peaceful music, yet i play the guitar. Electric and Acoustic. I never lie, and when i do it means i had to, not because i wanted to. I love people that are not awkward and keep the conversation going, makes me feel better. And i try my best to brighten up people's day.
      Chnna wayed katabt info ?
      Hahah yalla 3adi, bare with me ;p

    4. Tawni chift your comment :p I'm 14 and a half, turning 15 on February the Eighth.

    5. Eehee, i keep feeling lazem i add stuff. Elmohem, i took horse riding lessons for 2 years, so im pretty good at it. Never in my life had i hurt someone on purpose, i might have done it accidentally by saying the truth but i would honestly rather live with that than make them believe a lie. I am quite modest, and some people say i sound like a woman sometimes though i never see that. I do not judge people by their looks, and i can tell if someone's feelings towards another person, it's something i can do since i was young. A7esich tmalaltay mni you're like " 5ala9 basich info :) "
      Hahhaha yalla, i think this is all i can think of about myself. ;p

    6. When i meet a new person i normally am kind to them and ask them questions to get to know them more and get on their good side. But also i make sure im not so close with them at first to know how im dealing with, since you can't trust everyone these days. I'm not against love, ya3ni i understand if a person has feelings towards someone and is dating them AS LONG as they're serious about it and are the right age. BUT, that does not mean that i don't think it's wrong, it IS wrong, especially if you're doing it behind your parents back, but i think it's sort of, somehow better than arranged marriage.
      Some of the people that i have met say im mysterious, and some say im creepy. Bs wallah im not creepy! Maybe mysterious, cause im never too descriptive about how i feel, and when i do get out how i feel they're very surprised that i managed to keep that all inside myself. And then others say im interesting.
      Respect - Is something i have for everyone no matter what age, size, race, gender, etc. My respect for someone will increase if i see them doing the right thing, bs it CAN decrease etha i saw them do stuff i never imagined them doing.
      I am allergic to smoke, and i kind of have a phobia of people who smoke. Like, i don't know why but i am not comfortable near people who smoke, no matter how kind they are. I know you think that im judging the person by the fact that they're smoking and all but it's the way i felt since i was young, i just feel you're ruining your body that God gave you, and that is a sin.
      I am scared of cats & elevators. No i'm not weird, bas i had bad experience with both. I have an OBSESSION with dogs, like i simple ADORE them. Not just puppies, simply EVERY kind. I personally think they are one of the most amazing animals that God created. That's just a personal preference. My parents disagree with me but yeah.
      I dislike drama queens, liars, or anyone that has a self confident that is high to a point where it is VERY annoying. Not that self confidence is bad or anything, bas you have to be modest you know?
      As i told you i can write mn hon la bokra about myself, bs i think you simply just got bored of reading about me.
      Good luck to everyonee commenting :D<3

    7. The more the better 9a7 ? :p
      Some people say i have a serious personality, cause i actually do. I get that from my dad, but my fun personality from my mom. Some say im a copy of my mom, yet i see no resemblance whatsoever.
      But it is true, i hate loudness/noise, but i am quite hyper sometimes. Even when im hyper i CANNOT handle the atmosphere of a really loud place.
      Ya3ni 6abee3ty peaceful w chthi, mn w ana 93'eera my parents made sure i was in a calm place cause they knew i would get really cranky if it was loud.
      I am against plastic surgeries, or anything that involves changing the way that you look using needles or anything sharp as a matter of fact. I feel like, God made you that way, so why change yourself ?
      I also believe that you should be kind no matter what, and forgive. But sometimes you have to be harsh to show people that they have crossed their line.
      If someone ever, like EVER, crossed their line about my country, anyone's country, religion, race, gender, etc etc.. I get pissed off, like a lot. Y3ni i don't get the point of it, and i get angry to a point where 3adi i tear their heads off !
      Yes, i can be aggressive but it's just a reaction.
      People say im funny, and then others say i act very natural around people. Maybe its because i hate fake people, i try my best not to be fake ?
      I dont even know.
      Ma a7sed a7ad, God gave everyone the 5air they deserve, w i believe enna we have to be thankful either way because some people out there have Cancer and are happy while others are complaining and crying their eyes out because they didn't get the new Cartier bracelet.
      I react to situations quite calmly, unless it's a matter of life and death, then i absolutely lose it.
      I yell when im mad, and when i yell my voice fills the whole neighborhood. I like to think of it as a gift.
      That's just practically who i am, w hopefully mn el banat befoozoon lana fe wayed men elle ta7at deserve it. <3

    8. I'm not the kind of person to hold the grudge against someone.
      I think of that as a very childish, immature way of saying you're practically an airhead, and have no intentions of making peace.

      My favorite food is Mansaf, i practically have an obsession with it. Y3ni if you haven't tried Mansaf you have not lived half of your life.

      My hair, is sort of another person. It does not care about how i want it to be or where i want it to go, it simply stays the way it wants to stay. I kind of take that an example of who i want to be. Weird, i know. But it's true. I do not care what others think of me, and who they want me to be.

      I am me, i have my own beliefs, my own opinions, my own likes, my own dislikes. How is it going to affect you if i said i like food? Are you going to have a heart attack la sama7 allah ? No, so why complain ?

      I LOVE showers, like i wouldn't mind taking one all day. Mostly because it makes my hair poofier and adds more volume to it, but thats just the way i am.

      I practically hate sports, not all kinds but most. We take sports here in Bahrain, and its like oh my God. I cannot stand that lesson, it's just because the sports that we play are not the kind that i like. I wouldn't mind dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, or anything thats FUN. But walking around the gym, football and basketball ? Thanks, but no thanks.

      I have this special bond with my Grandpa, he's the one that raised me, taught me what's wrong and what's right. He's the person that made me who i am today.

      If they asked me to die, for my Grandpa? My answer would be a simple, forward yes. I love him that much and i do not know what i would do to myself if i ever lose him.

      I know that one day i will have to face my fears, and im not afraid to.

      I also make sure i give myself a reality check every now and then.
      I remind myself that im never going to have a model's body, because i was blessed/cursed with a curvy body.
      I remind myself im never going to be someone like Picasso, but that doesn't really matter, i continue to draw, because i like it.
      Did i mention the fact that i have a passion for drawing ?
      I dont think i did, but i love drawing. Especially when theres slow music on, and my mind is blank.
      But theres this thing i hate about art classes, it's when you have to draw something specific. That i don't really like, because i think you cant describe your feelings through your work, yet you're describing someone else's.

      I don't really like the sun, neither do i like tanning. I don't really mind swimming in the shade/dark, but if im in the sun i get pretty pissed off and yeah.
      Maybe it's because my personality resembles a cool day/the dark, and sometimes it resembles the sun.

      Weew. :p

    9. Name: 20798
      Appearance: I'm chubby, I have medium round dark brown eyes, but when I smile I look chinese;p I wear a veil, I have short black wavy/curly hair but if u look closer it's dark and light brown. I have white skin, red/pink cheeks, I have pink heart shaped lips. I'm about 160 cm. Weight? Don't ask x_x.
      Personality: I'm kind, funny, nice and I care a lot about people, I forgive a lot but I never forget. I like reading, singing, acting, drawing, graffiti, witing poems and animals. Sometimes I could be stubborn if I want something really bad. I'm not always confidint, when it comes to strongness and toughness it depends on the situation I'm in, I could really be weak and hopless sometimes,I don't know how to be mean or ignore people when I should be. I don't care about what people think of me. The wish of my life is to have an older brother. I had one,he passed away 16 yrs ago,and I didn't see him.
      Helth? Not good actually, I have skin,bone,and heart problems.
      Which story would I like to be in? The new upcoming story
      If bedour slaps me? I probably would slap back and then a fight would happen ;p!
      Why should I be on ur blog? It's because I'm a huge fan of ur blog and to me it would be great if you would, plus I really tried to write a blog before but I'm not really much a good writer than a reader so it would be nice if you choose me as a character.
      Much love: 20798 xx

    10. Since i was a child, i had been bullied.
      I'm not being bullied now thank God, but i spent
      11 years of my life being bullied.
      Guess why ?
      Because i wasn't thin enough
      Because i wasn't pretty enough
      Because i was too smart
      But guess what ?
      I don't care anymore
      Because i've learnt that i should simply ignore, because one day i will succeed and become better than them, become what they dreamed of becoming.

      I always had a fantasy of when i get married, i'd go to Maldives with my husbaand, and then we'd dance and do crazy stuff together B)
      I think that's every girl's dream actually haha!

      I'm Real Madrid's HUUUUGGEEESST FAAANNN *-*
      Like one my of best friend's is a barcalonista, and me and her fight like everyday about these two teams.
      Yes, we love each teams that much =))

      Practically, i'm not being a show off or anything, im just describing who i am in details.
      I simply said everything good about me, maybe i should list the negative things about me ?

      I over-think, way too much.
      I might seem simple to some people, but i really am not.
      I think over and over again about the SIMPLEST things there is, and i turn it into a huge knot inside my head.
      I'm not proud of that, but it's something i can't handle but doing.

      As i said before, i practically need anger management.
      I cannot deal with stupid people, ignorant people, dramatic people. Over-All, el nas elle yerfa3u el 9'a3'6.
      I try counting to 10 to try calming myself down, but i simply can't.
      It's like, they're the type of people that are born just to make you annoyed.

      I'm not proud of that either, but that's just me.

  3. Frist name: AlZahra'a Mohammed :3 but most people call me Zahra'a.

    Appearance: i'm kinda white, but not pale white, i wear 7jab and i'm 167 tall and my weight is 53, I have honey wide eyes, pink lips and have a dimple on my left cheek, and i have small hands. c:

    Personality: Most people say i'm really funny, i love acting silly to people to make them laugh, i'm strong from the outside and week in the inside, i get sad easily, i cry over silly things and not cry at big things like death or something because i mostly shocked, still be nice to people still wait for them,you know like that xP and yeah i will do anything to make a person happy even tho if he\she is a stranger, i get angry easily, so don't mess with me, i'm mostly awkward and weird in a good way o_o

    Which story do you want to be added to? Le Chase or my new upcoming story? umm The new upcoming story

    If Thari from Le Chase punched you in the face, what would you do? The question for girls: If Bedour from Le Chase slapped you and stole your husband, what would you do? i will slap her back and revenge !!!!

    1. and yeah about my style: mostly i like wearing comfy stuff, if i could wear my pjs i would ;( but ugh xD at the same time when it comes to events i like being stylish, but not over, even with make up, i only wear eyeliner and mascara and some pink lipstick.

      And a plus for my personality: I'm very quite, i like to be alone at home instead of going out, when i'm not with my friends of family -which is half of my time- i spend it alone, and i really love books and music.

    2. And something extra: i'm really not that pretty >.< i'm really insecure, it's really hard for me to make friends, i'm just really tired of problems and stuff so yeah >.<

      I really like horror movies, the sea, lions, photo editing, and don't be shocked but i like Jarada xD you know them? the long bugs? yeah i used to catch them in my childhood with my brothers xD

      and i hate the darkness, i hate someone nagging in my head, i hate when people say i'm rich and i do this and i do that >.<

  4. and yeah my username is @ItsZahour :D
    and i think i should be in the story 'cause i really do want to be in a story >.< and that's it, i don't want to lie at you or something :p

  5. My name is Mariam. I'm reeeaaally tall i have dark brown eyes and dark brown hair its really wavy. I'm have tanned skin and big lips. i hate wearing girly stuff i'm mostly a tomboy. I enjoy sports and i LOVE reading. Alot of people say i'm stubborn im funny too some people say i'm smart i can be really moody at times. I dont really care what people think of me. the upcoming one:D i would slap her back and get my husband back but it depends if i married by force or not but i would get my husband back and never talk to her again. i would love to be in the story cause it would be really cool to see someone making a story about me and talking about me and other characters.Thank you xx -27

  6. 9- My name is Fatmah..
    I have wavy brown hair, w brown eyes. Im not that tanned.. bs im not white. Im 170 tall, im not stylish... albes what my mom picks out for me ;p i bit me nails ;/ and i have long fingers. Weird i know!
    I am kinda loud. im the kind ely i keep all my problems to my self w ma a3a9eb, bs ba3deen mara wa7da i explode... Most people say im funny but idk. i get angry easily? yes.
    Which story do you want to be added to? Le Chase or my new upcoming story? The new upcoming story awnaas!
    If Bedour from Le Chase slapped you and stole your husband, what would you do? i will make sure i get my revenge in any way possible. ma artha 3alaa nafseee.
    Enshallah i get this :D

    1. Oh yea I'm really stubborn aaaaannnnnndddd I'm a HUGE football fan *watching and playing it*.. Ma aste7yy wayed;p bs I care for people's feelings.. hm some people anyway! I was born on the first of August w I don't trust people easily I looooooovvveee horsessss!!!! Bnaider is my home. I'm the oldest (which sucks) & I have two younger siblings a brother(9) and a sister(8) anything but my family and friends.. Kelish ma arthaa 3aleehom. A7eeb adventures w kelaaa ana awal wa7daa elyy abdee elshe6ana bs I know when to stop!;p

  7. hi my name is reem my hair is dark brown i have dark hazel eyes and unfortunately i'm really white and my weight is normal and i'm not that tall i would wear anything as long as it's comfortable but if i'm going to attend an important event then i'll wear a dress and i love to add accessories to my appearance and i have a very strong personality i don't care about anyone's opinion of me d but i hide underneath all of that.. i'm a very vulnerable person. my friends say that i have a great personality and i'm nice and moody :p i'm very protective over my family and friends i hate drama i just want to live my life YOLO :D if you choose me can you please add me to the new upcoming story :$? i'd like you to add me in your story cause i'd me honored if you do so there's alot of people who read your blog and i'd love to be part of that :D -@reemkalmeshari

  8. and right if bedour did that ohh i'll slap her back and try to make my husband jealous because he even though of leaving me for that b**** - still reem :D and i have almond shaped eyes and full lips and i have freckles on both my cheeks (forgot to say that :$)

    1. and um i'm really shy around people i don't know but if i know you i'm the loudest person ever and um my talent is singing many people tell me that i have a great voice and my favorite colour is blue i was born on the 3rd of march i know how to speak arabic english and french fluently and i love to travel all around and i'm sensitive, intuitive and sympathetic and in tune with the world around me since i was a kid.And i smile all the time i swear my smile never escaped my lips. -reem (hopefully that's it) :* right and my hair is wavy

    2. ohh i just saw the comment where you requested our age..umm i'm 14 and if you choose me and you want the character to be older i don't mind :$ and i'm really close with my family my dad is a chairman/doctor but he's always there for me when i need him and my mom and i have a very tight relationship,i have two big sisters but they're married but i have a VERY overprotective brother:p if a problem comes in my way first thing i would do is i'll keep calm and then i would imagine myself in the other person's shoes then think about a reasonable solution no matter what big the problem can get and and if a peron is mad at me and it's my fault then i'll do anything in my power to gain them back but if it's their fault and they're just trying to cause problems then i'll just sit back and realx and do absolutely nothing and i'm the calm kind i mean rarely you would see me doing something crazy like sneaking out of class... i'm the kind of girl who cares about her grades ya3ni i would go as far as complimenting a teacher but i'm not a nerd and if my friends decide to do something crazy i'm always the one who would show them the bad things in their plan and tell them that they could end up in serious trouble i'm kind of the conscience in the 'shila':p and that's about it :D -reem (i hope you choose me :* )

    3. and i don't like it when someone compliments me cause i start to blush and i start to mumble things awkwardly like thanks,uhh..and people laugh at how silly i look i hate to cry infront of people i don't like it when they see the weak side of me and i LOVE eminem he's my favorite artist in the music industry industry!!and i'm a bookworm B-) my friends always come to me when they need help i don't know how but i always find A solution to their problems they call me the 'fixer' cause i don't like it when my friends fight i'm always the one that tries her best to bring them back together.and i'm very stubborn i HATE HATE HATE it when people try to prove me wrong cause i try my best to be perfect in everything when someone tries to fight with me in school i'm really calm i won't scream and try to offend her in any way i would simply try to reason with her my mom always tells me that my mind is bigger than me and a doctor actually confirmed that:D i'm a very ambitious person i want to be remembered as the girl who did something really great in this world even after i die :D -still reem :*

  9. Shoug
    Brunette, hazel eyes, normal weight, tanned, edgey and girly, heels, dimples
    Yolo type, fun to be around with, unique, diffrent from others
    New story
    Of coures ill curse her till she dies :p but also i shpuld move on and forget about him, he might not be worth it..
    I would like to be in the story because i wanna see the imaginary type of me.. And it would be AWESOME for you to wrote about me :D

  10. My name is Jude. I have dark brown hair with brown eyes. My skin colors not white, and not "samra", in between :p I'm kinda thin, 164cm tall, 43-44's my weight. I like wearing casual clothes, anything simple, yet cute. I love hoodies, jackets, etc. I'd wear them even at summer. I love skinny jeans for no reason, and flowy tops too. I'm funny, my personality isn't strong, but people say I'm kind, some say I'm too kind. I have that sweet personality, the fun type and the one that's really caring. I could go crazy any time, and I come from Kuwait. I'd like to be in the new story, if I won :p I think the one that 'if thari punched you' is for boys, soo, if bedour slapped me, I'd slap her back, OR I'd just walk away. Yup, that's what I would do. If she took away my husband, I'd talk to her, slap her maybe, then I won't try to "get back" my husband, because if he doesn't want me, then why should I want him? I'd just go talk to him and let him explain things. I think you should add me because, my life had a lot of "friendship drama" and, I've been through a lot of it lately. Twitter account ---> @QualityStreet_ <-- made that parody account of my real one :p finally, done.

  11. Okay to start with my name is najlaa im a curvy sort of chubby person i have long wavy curly like hair that almost touches half of my bottom,it dark brown, people often call it blackish, i have dark brown eyes im 7n6aweya as in tanned but somehow a bit light im not tall nor a shorty im a 162, i have a round oval like face full cheeks slightly rosy i have a light dimple on my right cheek, my lips are small but full, and i have big almond shaped eyes, i always like to dress elegantly and i like to be different in what i wear, i mostly wear dafa when i go out,and adore glasses the sunglasses i mean, i like my make up to always be simple and i don't always put it on, and im from bahrain.
    Personality, im a kind hearted person i like to help people and be there for people even if i hate them, im a loner not the kind the mixes with everyone but i socialize which is a curse some how, im hot headed i do get mad when things don't go the way i want it to go, i have a loud sweet laugh but still loud that how i express how funny or whatever happy happened, and i know body language i know what is going inside people with just looking at them, im a happy person it is hard to see saddness on my face even when im sad, im calm i don't like loud noises but i hate the pin drop silence quiet, i don't really enjoy being around people i don't know im extremely shy. i love arts i draw, i have a mini drawing studio in my room a corner where i let my creativity work, i like listening to classical music but also like the arabic ones,i sing sometimes when im around my friends, i adore exotic pets like tigers, horses, the uncommen pets if you know what i mean, im a horse rider but i stopped npw because i had an accident and broke my left hand, the hand that i use to write with and draw, imagine the horror of not drawing for couple of months. I also adore cooking im a cook my self i like cooking different kinds of food from the salty to sweet.. I also get hyper or more like oveer hyper when i eat chocolate,
    Im 17 from few days now i would like to be in you new story
    Enshalla y3jbch my personality im 736

    1. I forgot to mention that im adventures type i don't care what people think i like to go for it, i do whatever i want anywhere anytime offcourse after my mothers permission im closer to my mother then my dad i hardly see him, my mum is practically the mum and dad to me shes the kind ely 3ady i talk to her about my life the personal and school life, she is okay with me havimg guys as friends but limit to everything, but i personally don't like to have guys on my phone or call them and all that western style friendship. I talk to them at school yes but i keep it formal and friendly.. I decided this summer to start horse riding again i miss this sport and i miss dealing with horses, im also smart im more like the first 3ala my class the teachers are happy i adoorree literature and anything the revolves on it..
      And if bedour slapped me and stole my husband lets just say first it would start a war betwen me and her and nooo one like to start a war with me all of the above turns upside down, all of the days i tried to success anger management will go down the drains,i'll make sure i kill her mentally and will be a blood bath.. Secondly if u see the word stole that means he went for her he his own feets decided to go for her instead of staying with me, so that means that the bastard decided to ynzl mstawa 7g amthalha hh la 7beebty mara7 a9ee7 i'll move on ely mayabeni ma2beeh w mn ohwa 3shan a9ee7 3laih i'll move on w alf wa7d ytmanani owgaf 7yati 3shan amthala la batzawj 3'aira w ba3eesh 7yati w ba5leeh etha chafni yndam w its his loss if u see it clearly bedour did steal him but she succeeded and he fell for it at the end he will lose l2na bedour will surely jump to another guy if she finds a better than him man..
      Well thats all aham shay that i virtually made a fight with bedour such a relief.

    2. Omg i forgot to mention an important part of this,
      I don't believe in love i don't know if one day a guy will come change it, but i don't first because i had an insdent once long story short made me promise my self to never fall in love i know all guys are different but thats the problem you don't know who is from who.. I see love everyday yes i do many are in my school.. Yet still.. So if i would ever get married i'll marry a guy that comes unexpectedly and im klsh mw mal boyfriend girlfriend i don't like that plus i don't want to lose my mums trust. I think thats all -736

    3. Lets proceed with talking about me...
      I love piano, i acctually adore piano, one day i will learn how to use it.
      I hate people that are m3'rouren it's like hh ana a7la ana ely klmn yklmni ana w ana like seriously get a life...
      I love it when people love what i cook.
      I like to keep what i cook as close to perfection as possible, nothing is perfect you know but mastering food is a step close to perfection.
      Seriously, food is what people like imagine making it.
      I like to be honest with what i say but sometimes it is hard for me to watch people get diappointed or shocked from a truth, but it is better then making them believe a kie and watch other people tell them the truth that you should of.
      Im a calm, lovable,funny person but don't try and piss me off Trust me it is never good to piss me off thier life automatically turns to hell..
      I don't like girls that think thier the best and that they rule everything they way they look at people it's like shtaben enty a9lan mn enty gosh i just hate the fact that i sounded like one in that sentence.
      I like to be different in everything i do the way i wear the way i act and think. I have a strict policy on think before u speak or do an action.
      I don't like to keep up with the fashion i like to have my own style something that lets people go wow..
      I hate crowded place thats why i like to go to malls in the morning where it is less crowded i have phobia from tight places, elevators, heights and from fans... The first one i can't breathe when im in tight place i feel trapped, i don't like to go on elevators because first it is a tight place second i always fear it might break and it would fall with me in it when i leave the elevator the world just spins and spinds and spins, and i am not affraid of heights it's just the possibility of falling that freaks me out, and i always have that weird day dreaming when i see a fan that it would break and cut my head off....
      I like the word haiba u could relat it to me, i like to feel haiba, not everyone knows much about me i don't trust anyone, i hear thier problem i solve it im a great advisor a great problem solver and a great cheer up person, but i never tell anyone anything even my best friend.
      Our world these days is unpredictable lots and loottss of ups and downs and changes in a blink of an eye your best friend could turn into a nemsis...
      I like to meditate it relaxes me and relieves the stress away, thats how i manage to stay calm in situations where getting angry and destroying everything is the best solution.
      And god how much i adore kids i love them alot, but i hate them when they go all hyper screaming crying shouting everything at once god such a headache.

    4. I hate it when im ordered to do something like "yebai mai" bring that do this, i do it because thats part of a7trm the eldest, im tharba i know my words athmnhm gbl lagoulhm i love to write sh3r it also expresses me.
      I don't like logic i like being imaginative have my own set of world is a gift.
      I love to sleep.. What am i saying everyone does i love to sleep i hate to be awken i like to wake my self up unless they wake me up right..
      Thank god my mum is not that kind ely etsakr el ac while am asleep my mum is more like treat like how u want to be treated, she puts her self in my shoes and thinks before acting so basically im a copy of mum.. The way she looks like the way she talks acts everything..

    5. I'll write u on ask the reason i don't believe in love.

    6. Im extremely sensitive i do get hurt from words and i do take them seriously i don't like it when people go all mz7 thgel on me it hurts.
      I have a great way in dealing with certain situations everything has a way to deal with not everything is the same i don't think happy moments match sad moments...
      Im very sarcastic everything i say has to have sarcasim in it.
      I do take what people say about the way i act seriously imagine if i started shouting a running playing hide and seek with guys shouting yolo and people are like omg shnw thee because i know i'd say ma95ara to those kind of people so im really em7af9'a on what i do and think twice before anything..

    7. Well what else im my father favourite cause im like the perfect daughter im the eldest i hate being responsible it is like to much pressure on me and thats how i developed the bossy part in me i order to keep order... My siblings call me bossy but anything to keep order and let nothing go wrong while mum is away... I hate it though...

    8. I'd like to also add that i care i have a soft side towards my siblings they fear me respect me thats how i would like it to be.. I also lock myself in my room to stay away from noises because everything they do annoys me somehow.. I don't like to get angry so i stay away from the source..
      I adore the colors golden yellow, navy indigo like blue and purple and kl drajat el purple.
      When im sad i try to think of the happiest thing possible i smile to change the sadness i hate being shouted at, i hold my cry to look strong, i forgot to mention at the above describtions that i don't let anyone know things about me,why should anyone know my weakness...
      I have shaky hands these days i thinks it is because i don't eat i lose my apetite faster.. I couldn't draw because i don't have the steady hands that i used to, i also have heart issues my heart will start racing so fast when im just lying on my bed uncontrolably and i didn't visit any docter to see about it.
      And im the kind ely 3youni 7ara... W lma ada3i on a7d while im angry or m8houra it happens the same way i said it... But i stopped now l2na somehow i was told ena 7ram w i get atham, it became hard to get rid of it l2na became a habit but im getting rid of it now...

    9. I don't like being centre of attraction..
      Omg how could i have missed the important part... Again.. I love b5our and 36r msk aby9' and adore the mixture of musk and 3oud.

    10. It would really be nice to see the imaginary me written by my favourite writer of all time soumded a bit chessy but true... It has been my dream to see me in ur blog as a main character *o*

    11. And im also shy around guys, i don't really have the cofidence to talk to them comfortable, but i do it i talk to them while blushing even when i don't like them, which is wierd people think i have a crush on them but i don't.. another curse of mine...

    12. Oh and you could place me where ever u like i don't mind as long as i exsist o:)

  12. Hey Am Manar , Twitter- @Menaruuh , First Of all am ganna describe my self..

    Describing; My name is Manar i have a long wavy brown hair , Normal height and weight and am kinda chubby x_x , Small browned hazel eyes , long lashes , pointy nose with a pink fully lips ..

    Sh59eytee; klmin ygoul 3ne 7abooba ow kla ast7e , bs 9ara7a am klsh jaree2a=D , yeah am also moody sometimes , i hate two faced people , and i adore something called shopping like every girl ♥ My rule in life is; if you respect me i respect you if you don't then go out of my life babe..

    The Question; If Bedour in the story Le Chase slapped you and stole your husband what you'll do?
    - First , i'll slap her back for sure..
    - Then, i'll destroy her life because she stole my husband i'll make her crazy mwahahahaha!

    And the last but not the least i hope you'll choose me in your story , its up to you shnu taben t5aleni a9eer and yeah i really wanna be in your story please choose me , with all my love @Menaruuh , Thank you ♥

    1. Which story would you want to be in? New one or Le Chase?

  13. 6ree8at lebse; even when am wearing a 7ejab ι care a lot about my style , am almost wearing casual cloths ι dislike dresses! Btw , am Menaruuh if you forget me coz ι forget that ι also need to write these things x_x sorry again , Much love xx Menaruuh ♥

  14. Wow! *.* It will be so much more interesting if you add a real characters to your fictional stories. I'm so excited I wanna join but I'm so bad at talking/writing about myself :c so good luck 7abebty ;*

  15. hey there..i'm A22 i'll give you my twitter account on your ask:)) ok so i'll start buy saying i'm not a regular kuwaiti girl..i'llexplain why you see through out my entire life i've been told i'm ugly,fat,stupid,not worthy but in return i only grew better than any if my bulliers in both grades and friends..i'm not a senstive romantic girl..i'm logical and the most important thing in my life is my career,i don't want to get married because of many reasons such as i'm too shy around guys inclyding my brother so i won't be able to live with a guy a barely know and the reason i said barely know because i think relationships are immoral and idon't believe in that kind of love..i also don't want to get married because i think it will distract me from focusing on my career..i'm incredibly sweet to people who are worth it but i can turn to the worst person you know if you hurted me or any of my love ones..i used to have anger managment issues but thank god i over came them..i'm more mature for my age or at least that's what i've been told..i love poltics and sports(footbal in particular) and no i'm not a tomboy!! in college i want to major in english literature and then complete high studies untill i can become a college professor my ambition is to become a famous novelist and raise my country high above the sky,make my parents proud,and most importantly correct people's image of muslims and for the way i look..i'm not tall nor short medium lenght let's say..i have long thick auburn hair(mn el7na) and wide brown nose is umm normal..i have perfectly lined teeth and raseberry colored lips my smile is my favourite thing about me) i'm not fat nor skinny..i wear a veil and i'm proud of it..i usually wear casual stuff but sometimes i like to dress up and apply simple make up..oh! i forgot to mention i love sport cars..the reason i think you should write a charectar based on me because i want girls to learn from me learn not to give up and always prusue their dreams no matter what other told them to bring them down i also want people to know that girls aren't the same..i'm also a bit sarcastic for bodour i would probably humiliate her in public not physically for the slap as for the husband i'll let her have him since he's weak enogh to fall for her looks and i don't like betrayal! that's it and thanks for the approtunity:))

    1. ohh!! and i'll also revenge hard on both budour and my husband i'm a strong believer in al3un bl3yn w alsn blsn w albadi a'6lm

    2. god!! i keep on forgetting stuff!! you should know i'm strong headed and stubborn i don't like being told wha to do i'm as cold as ice i've been told i'm a bit cruel..but to be perfectly honest i can get affected by the smalkest things if it came from certian people..and i have q ..if i choose to be in the new story will i be on of the main charectars?! if so then yes please:))

    3. just thought i should add more details..well i'm certinaly not weak at all..i hate crying and spoiled girly girls i hate two faced people and backstappers i hate players and racism ..if you don't know me very well you might think i'm qiute and shy but if you got to know me you'll be hundred precent sure i'm the craziest person you met..i'm a risk taker i'm adventours i just love doing unfamilliar stuff..i should probably tell you bad stuff about me..i hate being blamed or judged or told that i'm wrong or criitisized..i pretty moody like almost everything in my life depends on my mood..i'm not a postive person from the inside but i always try to bring out my bright side i admit i sometimes judge people by the way they look(not proud) i'm very extremly bossy ..i hate people who(yst5foun dmhum) ..i like having fun in any way or another..i don't care about what people think about me..i'll do what i think is acceptable..i'm a movie geek i hate shopping i love reading my favourite witer is agatha christie..i love relaxing you know just sitting and staring at the beach .. i worry alot about everything and everyone .. i 'm a huge beliver in YOLO..i try most of the time to enjoy my self and not let anybody ruin my day..oh and i love food like i enjoy eating ..i love steaks pastas pizzas burgers to kuwaiti food any kind of potatoes and chocolate ..i swear if i didn't do any sport i would be tha fattest person ever!!!i love action movies..hmmm what else..oh and i always follow my brain not heart!!

    4. i also hate being compared or praised and flattered it makes me blush then peoplw would laugh at the way i look..i'm obssesd with the order of things in my room it's not that tidy or clean i admit but i just want to be the way it's organzed i'm obssesed with justce like evry thing has to be even in ml's or i'll go crazy..i have strict rules that i follow and i hate it being athecis and manners are very high..i don't contact the obbosite sex at all..maybe in college i'll have to bs lekul 7adth 7deeth.. i hate all kinds of animals except the wolf it's just soo cousins tend to think i'm qite and shy siters think i'm very close to being mad my friends just know i'm insane!! i hare seeing people i love sad i'll do anything to cheer them up even if the cost was on me..i'm known for being fz3a!!i love joking around and making pranks..i have huge contrast in my somtimes i don't like treated or delt with in a certian why but sometimes i do it with people..and i'm very serious and logical some people told me i think way much older than i am but i can also be very childish..i love fulfilling my goals and dreams it makes my feel complete and staisfied..i never talk to anybody about how ifeel or my emotions i never cry well to be honest i sometimes do but very very rarely..i like keeping my secrets to my self..i'm very very very independent i do whatever i want to do because i know what's write and wrong i'm old enough to defrinciate between them..i'm very very very found of my country like seriously i live kuwait more than anything else in this world..i adore saudies and there accent i just do you can't blame me..they are amazing aren't they?!i lrefer almost everything in english except songs i love rashed almajed..some people think i'm a nerd because i don't help them cheat but i won't do it no matter what!! i can't scream or shout even ifi was "azf a7ad" i talk very calm and qiute..

    5. the more the better right?..ok so i can be a little to self confident ..because in the past i had none and now it all got reversed..not a good thing at all..i'm also'7na' in certian times but i hate it lmn a7d y7n 3lay..i have starbucks addiction..i have this thing i strongly believe in which is women and men are exactly the same and should be treated the same..i hate our society's closed mind..i'm straight forward sometimes i can be harsh on people but it's the truth..i hate'"ma9l7a" friends..i've been in such situation..i love the adrenline rush ..i hate it when people judge me by saying i'm stoned hearted or emotionless when they don't know me..i can't stay at home for a long periode of time..i just have to go out and smell some fresh be honest ..if i ever got married which i really won't ..and had kids..i don't want them to turn out to be like me..i'm a bit aggresive,strong headed,i don't listen to what i'm told i do what i want to do..i love my mom so much and all..but sometimes i just do what I think is right..there is this thing i hate about mybself which is if ever Xed a person the X won't go away unless in some super natural circumstances..first impretiona really do matter to me..umm i love the smell of of the most things i hate is one somebody founds out my week,sift spot even if the don't take advantge of it i still hate it..i love kids untill the age of 3 ..once in a good mood i can be one of the sweetest people ever lool..

  16. Please add your age if you did not add it, sorry for just saying this. Be 100% honest, no lies in your descriptions please.

  17. My name is Dana.

    I'm a 15 year old Jordanian girl. Bronze skin, Dark blonde shoulder length hair. I'm 1.72m tall and 44Kg. Big Brown eyes. I wear glasses :D. I'm skinny. I've been told before I have a nice body. Small nose and pink full lips :D As for clothes a pair of sweat pants and a goodie would do perfectly fine prefer pants over skirts and sneakers over flats :D (My mum hates that about me)

    As for my personality, I have a short temper. Get annoyed easily. If I want to say something I say it. I'm a risk taker, and I have good grades in school :D, I'm not shy and if someone gets on my nerves I blow up. I love Russian Literature and Thriller novels. I'm pretty curious. I'm social but I don't like opening up to people. I'm trustworthy but I don't trust people easily. I love summer even though I was born in winter. I always tend to prove my point. I honestly hate being wrong! I hate lying and I love to help people. As for children I don't mind playing with them for 15 minutes not more. I believe in this "Defend the defend-less and care for the careless". I love Science and people find that weird. I love art, unfortunately I'm bad at it, I practice though. I like to seek perfection in my work. I'm a little insecure I don't know why. :O I'm hyper most of the time and when I'm not its either I'm sick or extremely tired. I can read body language and tell when a person is lying or what they're feeling at the moment. I talk pretty fast :$ I don't know why :D I also work fast. I like to here opinions but I also state my own. I don't like being bossed around and people order me. My personality isn't weak at all and I'm not afraid to speak in front of a crowd :D I love volunteering :D

    I love sports especially track and field, soccer and basketball. Took horse riding lessons, Karate :D and gymnastics :D I took piano lessons for two years :D I love trying new things! I hate doing anything over and over again. I'm a person who loves to change. I love traveling too.

    As for being a character I would like to starr in your new story, though they say "old is gold" :P anyways. I would like to be in the new story because, well, hmm... Its something different, change is good. I've always wanted people I don't know to comment on my personality and appearance :D so I guess its a great place here :D and well, I want to see how would you put me in a story and how would my personality fit :D

    If Bedour slapped all I'm going to do is ignore. Haters hate it when you ignore it shows them that what they did didn't even move a hair in you. If I ignore she'll also know that I don't really care if she slapped me or not, her reputation will be ruined not mine. And well if she stole my husband, I'll know that its his fault because he allowed her to do that in the first place. I want do anything it will simply make me trust people even less :D and it'll prove he is not loyal :D :O

    I Hope I win :D Good luck girls :D
    I said who I am on ask :D


    1. Oh! And I sometimes missjudge people I don't know why it just happens. And if I get a first impression on a person it doesn't change even though I try to get to know them better. If I dislike someone I honestly never like them. I hate problems, even though I cause some at times ;$ I hate it when people call me aneroxic. Which I'm certainly not! I love soft music! I'm also a computer geek! I love love love working on photoshop :D I am also not an outgoing type of person! I love writing poems as well. I'll send you a poem I wrote :D hehe I'm writing a lot. I talk a lot so I guess it make since why I'm writing a lot :$ I think that's enough! Buh-bye <3


    2. Here I go again :O. If I did something wrong I don't admit it, as I said I hate being wrong. I also hate being blamed. I hate backstabbers, since I have been backstabbed before. I have beent taking swimming lessons since Kg2 (I have pictures :O) :P anyways. I hate being copied. I also don't have a large apetite but when I'm hungry I eat a pizza box (not literally) I also dislike it when anyone ignore me or intrupt me while talking. Its not that I like attention I just think its rude oh and if someone really gets on my nerves I start being rude! I hate that about myself to be honest.

    3. Great then! The longer the better :O okay, so here we go. I don't really smile a lot and I'm always serious even though I'm hyper, its a weird combination I believe! I hate girl-y stuff and girl-y girls! And by girl-y girls I don't mean the ones who like pink no, girl-y girls are the ones who tend to wear outfits to impress or yell out when they see an ant on the floor next to them. I also love animals! Especially iguanas :O as any teenage I'm really stubborn! If I want something to happen it will happen! I also keep my secrets to my self! I prefer to be a loner than be surrounded by fake friends. I have many friends in school, but not one is close, why you might ask. Well, people aren't easily trusted now adays not all of course(Past experience). If I see someone crying in the middle of the street I'd help, because I like to people why I like to my self! Oh I also love doing charity work! If I have a chance to help others why not? Am I right!

      I sometimes get comments like: you're too thin or you're aneroxic! Well I'm not and it really annoys me when they say that! But again I get annoyed easily!

      I hate crowded places, I prefer the beach over the mall! Or a forest over a playground! That's just me! And I also hate to be judge! And if I judge a person I keep it to myself, and I rarely do that! If someone hurts me I wouldn't want to try to get revenge! It will make me a bad person just like them!


    4. I hate crying in front of people or look weak in front of others. Some might say its okay to be weak in front of others and its a part of the human nature! Well, if someone see's me shedding a tear or two they might think I'm weak and take that as a general Image about me, that's why I prefer to be strong. And I only cry when it comes to grades or I'm feeling so dizzy and about to faint and that only happened once.

      As for standing up for myself, I'm great at that! Why? Well, I hate being played around with or be blamed for something that isn't real as I said again.

      I always speak what's on mind, I hate keeping stuff in. Unless it's personal, then that's an exception. I know the truth hurts but honesty is the best policy in my opinion, and I actually go to people if they have done something that pissed me off or annoyed me.

      If I get mad I really hate it when people ask me why am I mad or what happened.

      I also hate it when people are close to me, physically and that's why I hate crowded places.

      Something I hate about myself is that I'm way too stubborn, it causes problems o:) and that I'm insecure about the way I look even though I get compliments a lot yet I feel that people say stuff to make someone feel better.

      I like being in charge and a leader. Not because I like to boss people around but because I like work to be done in a way I like it, but of course not being opinionated.

      I also prefer working alone on projects due to the fact that I seek perfection and I always end up doing the work alone :o

      I dislike the person I be nice them, but I don't go say bad things behind their backs because I don't like it when people do that to me. And I also be nice because they didn't hurt me in any sort of way but I just don't like their personality perhaps or their actions.


      -3216 :D

    5. I know people might dislike me because I talk a lot or I don't help them in their quizzes and tests. Well, cheating isn't a choice for me.

      I love accomplishing my aims and goals. And always have something to look forward too.

      I'm not a morning person to be honest. Wake me up in the morning forcefully and I'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

      Sometimes I become a bit childish! And I hate that about myself. hehe

      Oh, and I hate being involved in relationships and stuff of that sort. But I do give advices I don't know why! Even though I don't agree or support relationships o;)

      When I'm bored I start exercising in my room. I love something called chocolate :o REESE'S <3

      Girls in my school have told me before and I quote : "Dana you b**** you should be a model" and my response is always I'm not that pretty! I hate being insecure, but only about the way I look nothing else.

      Oh and I prefer my hair tied! and I rarely wear skirts, dresses, heals and make up I don't know why! :$


    6. I'm also a very competitive person, I love the feeling when I win. That doesn't mean when I lose I hold a grudge on the winner in fact I congratulate them and be nice. I'm sure they would have done the same.

      As for being the eldest I learned to be responsible and caring!

      I tend to respect others, and sometimes more than I need to, since mostly everyone in my grade is older than me! But I want people to respect so I respect them!

      Sometimes I joke around with my friends, but that's very rare! Only when I'm really in a good mood and want to laugh!

      I'm allergic to smoke and many people are! as well as, if I eat bananas and peas/beans or drink plain milk I get a stomachache and sometimes vomit (allah yerkremkom)

      Oh, and I love hot hot showers or cold cold showers! I relax a lot more and it's the only place where I can think peacefully and I love bubble baths <3.<3

      When I'm upset I don't go to food! In fact I lay down in bed and start thinking, don't like crying!


    7. Let me continue :D :o

      I love something called food, but I don't eat much! I love the Indian food, I also love cooking! I am planning on opening a restaurant when I grow up! :D

      Somethings I also love: political science, law, criminology,psychology and sociology.

      I am person who is always up to the challenge! Especially when it comes to doing crazy dares!

      You see I have always had this passion for sports, since I was a child! I have tried every single sport, except baseball, American Football and Rugby. Last year I got 5 medals in total for sports! I love running long distances, starting of at 3km and above, especially while listening to music! And as for basketball, I just love it and teachers say since I'm pretty tall, it helps even more!

      If I want to accomplish something I set my mind to it and will not move on unless I do whats on mind!

      People always call me weird and crazy (not in a bad way) ! I don't really care! In fact saying I am weird is just like saying you're unique and crazy is what not fun people call fun people!

      In class, I always, always sit in front! though that doesn't mean I'm a nerd! In fact I am nerd but I also like having fun, but there are limits of course.

      MALLS! I'm not a big fan of malls due to past experience with guys in there! Imagine being pushed by a guy in a mall on purpose! Well, it happened to me and I didn't 'shut up' I stood up for myself! I don't care about what people say but sometimes when people keep mentioning a certain thing I question myself!

      Something I also I dislike about myself, is that I hate asking people for help I don't know why! Even when I'm in a huge need for someones help, morally perhaps! but still I dislike help I don't know why! But I do know it's a bad thing.

      Something I don't like about myself as well is that I don't overcome my fears easily! But eventually I do! :D

      I'm also a very curious person! but I don't butt in, in other people's business and stay away!

      I'm the type of person who doesn't believe in love, especially at first sight! Even though I go to a mixed school, I never actually like a guy or even had a crush! I'm not saying I don't have any guy friends, in fact I do! But like like a guy is just out of my dictionary.

      Something else about me is that I work quickly, I'm always in a hurry! I like to get work done!

      I love love New Era caps as well! My passion! I also love hoodies and sweat-pants <3 <3

      I easily get bored! It's normal for me to walk out of a conservation when it's not even done! I don't like it when things go slow! But I don't walk out in a rude way I excuse myself.

      I honestly wish I was better at being a better daughter! When my parents ask me to do something, I become stubborn and insist on doing the opposite! But I don't raise my voice! I might be disrespectful at times but I never crossed the line.

      I also have this weird habit! When I go to bed, I lay down for about 30 minutes and think about my present and future! I actually took some important decisions while doing that!

      I also love watching the sun rise and sun set! In summer I watched it almost everyday! I stayed up the night just to do so! I love it when it's peaceful and quite! <3

      I think that's enough :$ I might add more :4 x_x

  18. ** You can write as MUCH as you want, the more you write about yourself, the higher chance of winning, because if I'm going to want to write about you in a story, I'll need to know EVERYTHING about you, or else I won't be able to know how you behave or act towards other characters or towards situations.

  19. Hala!! My name is Sabikah I would LOVE to be in ur story cuz there amazing so please pick me , am 14 born in April 30 1998 am short height 152 I have ombré hair it's curly bas I did keratin so now it's curly in the bottom wavy in the middle an straight on top lol! I have dark brown eyes I've got light tan skin am curvy am not skinny or overweight I love fashion! And hipster also ! I love swimming ! Am a manchester united fan bas I don't watch football and in Kuwait football teams am qadsawia , I love people who make me laugh and who are there for me like my beat friends Fauz Farah Ghalia and Noor I love them, my personality I can be bubbly and gentle and funny I think but am really shy I love when people are not rude but ppl say am sometimes rude bas I don't think so it's because there pushing the limits and yes I would like to be in an upcoming story and yes btw !! My name means gold in Arabic lol! .. If she slapped me and stole my husband I would bee soo ad bas sharha 3ala il 7mar ely ra7laha , and 5eeyra u dont know what allah has planned for u ! Plzz pick me!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  20. hey my name is 3aziz, boyfromtheblock
    im 15 years old
    kinda chubby, short dark brown hair, dark wide eyes.
    im from kuwait, im kinda shy around people i dont know well, but if im with my close friends them im extremly loud, wayd ag6 g6at s5eefa bs i know im funny B)
    i wanna be added in Le Chase
    if thari punched me in the face then he will be died :p
    i hope i get in the story:p

  21. Hey my name is Maryam I am 13 years old I am from the UAE. I am quite short actually really short about 151.5 cm :$ I am also skinny. I have dark brown long hair reaches to my lower back, I have a tannishish lighting skin do kind of in between. I have dark brown eyes.

    As for clothes I like wearing sheer tops paired with Skinny jeans. I am a bit picky about everything and kind of a perfectionist. I can lose my temper quite easily if im in a bad mood. I am a nice person I try not to be mean to people by when people reach their limits I can be quite mean ::

    I would want to be In ur new story I just think it would be fun reading about a character which is just like me ...haha I know stupid answer but it's the truth.

    If bodour slapped me I would just tell her how rude and she is and walk away. She doesn't deserve my time :)
    And If she steals my husband It's his loss cuz he allowed her to take him so I wouldn't trust him and find a better guy.

    5678 I will send you my twitter on you ask :*

  22. Hello, i dont want to mention my name, but you can call me M. My natural hair is curly/wavy brown, but I straighten it a lot (I like my hair straight), I’m not dark or white I’m in between I guess. My eye color is dark brown, and you can say they are small but not that small. I’m not really tall, but 159 is average right, although I’m taller than my mom. Well, I’m not skinny, but I assure you I eat a lot and the reason why I cant gain a lot of weight is because I have high metabolism; I burn calories really quickly. I weigh 47 kg, just in case you want to know. You might think that just cause I’m thin certain clothes don’t look good on me, but a lot of people say I would be perfect for modeling, however I don’t really see that in me. Just for extra information, I have really long nails that I’m in love with so much. Umm I don’t have a specific style, I love to try new things, and I ABSOULTELY LOVE SHINY CLOTHES/FOOTWEAR/ACCESSORIES. Btw you follow me on instagram so you probably have an idea of how I look and dress.
    Wow, my favorite question, and well this is what I’ve been told before a multiple of times, is that I’m really nice; everyone I know says that about me. You can say I’m a bit naïve, but at times I can be mean but not to an extent, cause I hate hurting people and I love seeing people happy. To know that I made someone’s day or that I’m the reason behind someone’s smile, makes me really happy and proud of myself for making such an accomplishment to anyone. I don’t have such a strong personality but I can defend myself when I’m disrespected by someone, although I’m a really sensitive girl, I would cry over the stupidest stuff but I guess that’s us girls, don’t you agree? I’m quiet around strangers, but a loud freak around my friends. I’m very social, and I love to meet new people and make new friends as well. One more thing, when I’m angry I become a totally different person, you get to see the ugly side of me, which is really nasty btw. Oh and I’m open-minded, but not towards everything in life. You probably already know that I’m from Bahrain, and I’ve been reading your blog for such a long time.
    I would be really glad, if you add me to your new story, since its going to be 100% English. To be honest, if Bedoor slapped me in the face and stole my husband, I would be really pissed, but trust me violence isn’t the solution, it will make things worse. I will let her do whatever she wants, because she doesn’t matter to me, he’s the one that matters, if he really loved me he wouldn’t go for a girl like her; a girl that can easily manipulate and lead guys into her trap and if he does then its his life and his choice; I won’t interfere in that.
    I think I should be added in your story because I really love your stories and would appreciate it if I got the chance to be a part of any of your stories. I’m not that unique but everyone is special in their own personal way I guess and I told you everything about myself, and now its up to you to figure out if I should or shouldn’t be a character in your story. –M143

  23. Apperance ; well I'm kinda tan but I also have this skin pigmentation disorder (vitiligo), not everywhere , I just have it like on my hands , knee's, elbow's and feet. I'm 169cm tall, I weigh 55 and I have really dark brown almond shaped eyes, I have long thick eye lashes, I have long wavy/straight ombre hair upto the end of my back. And I'm 15 years old ! I'm not thin and I'm not fat , I think my body is normal? Not sure :$ ! I'm pretty tall and I have long legs umm I dunno what else to say about my appearance ?

    Personality ; well with my friends I'm the crazy hyper one, I always make jokes and I try to make everyone around me that I know happy, but if its someone I don't know I'm usually the socially awkward type of person cause I'd just stand their shy and quiet not knowing what to say or do, but eventually I'd loosen up and act normal. I'm veryyyyy self-conscious since I was always bullied as a kid on the way that I look like. I try to act like a strong confident type of person but on the inside I'm actually not that strong I'm actually really sensitive .Umm and like style wise , I like dressing in brands but not all the time. I'm lazy , haha ! I don't really do much, I'm not athletic at all ! I hate sports ! Umm I love shopping and going out. I'm not really that smart, I'm average. I'm very protective of the people I care about. I don't usually get angry easily but if I do then It must have been something that really irritated me. I love joking around with people I know, I'm usually the prankster, umm I like to have fun ? Sorry I have no idea what else I'm supposed to write ! Hahahah

    I'm not sure what story I should be added to, I'd love to be in any !! its upto you :D

    If Bedour stole my husband away from me, I wouldn't plan any type of revenge , I'd leave them be, cause if he truly loved me then he wouldn't have left me for her in the first place and in the end 38abha 3nd allah for what she did ! and maybe if I don't waste time caring about them someone better would come into my life!

    Ummmm I think that I should be picked as one of the characters to be in your story cause I love the way you write your stories and from my point of view I think it would be very fascinating for me to be in your story and see how you write me out! It would be an honour to be part of anything you write. And I've been reading your stories ever since you started, I've been a silent reader for aagges now ! And I just decided to come out now :D!

    I really hope you pick me and if not, I wish you all the best in the rest of your posts on whoever you decide to pick! Love you <3

  24. I can't post more than 4,000 words so the continuance is in the replies

    Well hello there! This is Lama. ( 345876 ) 
    So, start off with looks and appearances. I have light brown hair that can look dark at times. If you look closely or under the sun, I have natural gold streaks as well. I'm on of those people who's hair has a mind of its own so its super straight at times, and slightly wavy at others. My eyes match my hair, light brown. With dark makeup, it could turn into a hazily color. Almond eyes, but not the big ones; quite medium sized with long lashes (not thick but really long). I hate my nose sometimes (well, don't we all?). Umm.. Normal pinkish lips. 

    People say I'm quite tall, I don't see that though. I'm 168 and weigh a 50 kg. Currently trying to lose weight. I'm super white compared to my friends! Some of them say I'm ghost white. Though, I'm not pale. To my family, I'm considered "qam7iya".. I don't know what that means, but yeah. 
    My face structure is a combination of long, square and a heart. 

    I'm 15 soon to be 16. Saudi, but originally Palestinian. 
    I look nothing like saudis so people usually get shocked when I tell them I am..

    Personality wise; I'm quite energetic/hyper but mom says I'm the laziest person ever. I'd do anything but clean my room, so maybe that's why. I'm all about bands (not boy bands), good music, ballet and a little touch of fashion somewhere in the middle. 
    My cousins are my everything! Even more than my siblings sometimes. This might me be weird.. I love my mom and all, but my aunt is my role model. My grandma knows everything about me without me having to tell her. It's quite scary how she just knows something's up. 

    I'm considered loud but when I'm around new people or people I don't hang out with most of the time I'm super shy and turn into an angel with the halo and all. They even say stuff like "it's the quiet ones you have to watch out from". Haha I find it funny how they have no idea how I really am. Oh and I'm that person that suddenly breaks out into a song and can't sit in one place (slight condition of ADD I have their). I can make weird creature noises... If you know Fred, the guy who acts like a 6 year old on YouTube; well, I can do that scream he does. Umm, the Stitch voice from Lilo and Stitch, I can also do that..
    People say I'm very awkward and my surroundings make fun if me because of that.

    1. I do have a strong personality but I mostly joke around. I hate it when everything's so serious. Though, I know when I have to be. 
      I'm always the one to fight back, specially when my loved ones are involved. 
      I might be funny sometimes, at least I try to be. Not the kind that forces a lame joke on people, no. I don't know, some people say I'm funny so I guess I am. 

      I love dressing up for occasions. I'm not mit7ajba and honestly, i know it's 7aram and all, but I don't want to at7ajab any time soon. Probably when I'm a grandma if I lived that long.. 

      As I said, I'm really interested in ballet. Been dancing since the age of 7 and I love it! To the point where my parents hold it against me as a 'punishment'. Like, if I get bad grades, no ballet classes. 

    2. I'm always somewhere stretching. 
      I'd do anything to get what I want really. 
      I walk on my tiptoes all the time. Even as a child, my first steps where like that. 
      I'm allergic to a lot of things; from some fruits all the way to silver (as in necklaces, earrings, etc.). 
      I try not to swear as much but i can't help it sometimes. 
      My "3arabi alfo97a" is very bad! 10 9 year olds read better than I do! (not proud)
      hmmm.. That's all I could think of, for now.

      Now, to which story do I want to be added to?
      It doesn't matter really. As long as I make it to one of them, I'm happy!

      Um and for Bedour, I don't know. Never thought of it before (person stealing my husband or slapping me). 
      If she slapped me, I would be shocked of course and it would take me a moment to process what just happened. Probably, pull her hair then slap her back?
      As for my husband; if she was capable of stealing him then he's not a good husband and it would be for the best. Maybe i'll get caught in the moment but after it, I would probably hate him and get him out of my life for sure. Let her have him. 

      I would like to be in one of your stories because......
      I don't know, I would like to see myself as a character I guess. See how I'd turn out to be. I hope not a dumb blonde though!

  25. After 2 days, I will close down comments and no one will be able to comment anymore or add to their comments. Non of your comments will be ignored, I will read every comment you send me, I PROMISE. And since it's my rules, there's always chances of them changing, if I find that I found 3 amazing girl comments, I will pick 3 instead of 2. Keep that in mind!

  26. My name is zain @zain72x my appearance: tanned complexion, slim figure, medium light brown wavy hair, tall height, chocolate brown eyes, full lips. Personality: understanding, loyal, generous, kind, serious anger management (big fear of cats :p x_x),love the color blue, addicted to icecream,sweet, crazy around friends,loves revenge sensitive. I would like to be in ur new story and if bdour ever dared do that to me then I will kill her LITERALLY! I would choke her and squeeze her neck till she dies. I just get insane sometimes ;;). There are more special girls that are gonna win and not me but at least I tried x.

  27. 777: I'll tell you my name & twitter account on your askfm:*
    So let's begin, I'm 5'3 - not too tall, not too short - and I weigh 49-50kg, unless I gained some weight over the past few weeks :p I wear 7jab. My eyes are big, dark brown and almond shaped. My eye lashes are really dark which makes people (like my previous principal) think I'm wearing eye liner when I'm not.. My skin color is chocolate brown and I'm pretty thin. My style's casually cute tops with jeans or different colored straights. I like dressing comfortable, but also presentable. My favorite accessory would probably be rings! I've got a bucket load of rings, and I'd still love for some more. I have a really big smile, everyone I know has noticed that. I'm not lazy at all. I always have to be doing something. I like getting things done right when they're assigned. I'm addicted to the color orange. I love love love caramel and cookies n' cream. I'm hyper, energetic, determined, talkative, caring and really sarcastic. Sarcasm is a part of me, it comes out easily. Sometimes I use sarcasm to hide the way I really feel. I'm quite imaginative and creative. I'm not a particularly shy person, I can stand up for myself if I need to. I will not cause arguments or fights for no reason, it's usually because of bundled up thoughts that are just piling up. I usually keep things to my self. I'm a lively person and I like to keep conversations going. I'm really different than most of your usual characters. I was born in Canada and lived there until I was 7. My dad's job made us move to Kuwait, that's where I met the most amazing people and discovered your amazing blog. Moving to Kuwait's completely changed my view on life. I understand when you write in m3arab cause I know arabic but I'm too shy to speak it. I lived in Kuwait for 8 years but now I'm back in Canada. I turned 16 a month ago & I'm going to a regular high school here in Canada. Even though I'm so far away, I still keep in touch with everyone & I will never stop reading your blog. I've always wanted to be a character in one of your stories and I guess this is my chance! I love writing and reading and I've even got a different blog of my own (: When I was in the grades 2-4, I've written 15 little story books. I've still got them stacked up somewhere but I haven't continued writing stories for some reason. My dream is to be a family doctor and I plan to achieve that. I'd love to be in your new upcoming story because I wanna see how the events turn out. If Bedour slapped me and stole my husband, I probably wouldn't slap her back. I'd just take back what was mine to begin with. What's rightfully yours is yours, you shouldn't let anyone else claim it.

  28. Oh I just saw ur tweet that we include our age btw I'm @zain72x well I'm born in september 14 and I'm 15 years old and also I'm totally addicted to fashion . x. Oh and treat people how you'd like to be treated < yeah its my motto :*

    1. You didn't mention which story you'd want to be in?:o Le Chase or new story?

  29. Hey I'm Sondos :D Egyptian. 15 years young. My appearance, well I have average length and weight like not too skinny or too chubby, I guess you can call me curvy. I'm mit7ajba and I wear it in the classic way, like not a in a turban. My face is pretty normal, with medium sized mouth and a small nose. My eyes are a blend of green and blue with a hint of brownness towards the center. My dad has blue eyes so yeah that is where they came from. I wear big blue glasses.My skin tone is not brazilian bronze nor snow white white, just in between. My style is most of the time comfortable, casual and cute. I love blazers, hoodies, flowy shirts, maxi dresses and sweat pants. I don't wear make up on a daily basis just in parties or whatever.

    My personality, I'm not your typical virgo, so I'm not that neat. i hate being pessimistic so I'm usually all bubbly and chatty around my friends, but it doesn't take time for me to get used to someone, in other words, open hearted. I always get that I'm kind and care free. YOLO is one of my favorite quotes, but with limits. like I want to travel with my friends, sky dive, go sand surfing and all that. I love the adrenaline rush. I'm not the aggressive type. I'm always known as the cutie pie goodie two shoes. I love baking and I'm planning (inshallah) on opening my own bakery, yup I'm that serious. I have tried baking almost everything from creme brulee to traditionl knafa. I'm always trying new recipes and new techniques while learning from the best. lately, i have been into photography and I love reading. I adore animals, excluding insects and I love swimming. and if you haven't noticed, i tend to talk alot hehe :p.

    what would i do if budoor slapped me and stole my husband ? i will not lay a finger on her so i don't anzl lmstawaha and i'll plot plan in which she learns her lesson and never gets near me, then if i see that she changed for the best, i'll forgive her because like god forgives billions of people why cant i forgive 2? but i will still hate her guts. as for my husband, i'll hear his side of the story and never will i get back with him, but if he is convincing enough, there's a slight small chance i'll forgive him not because i like him, because that's just who i am.

    and why do i want to be in your story? i love you and your pieces of writing so why not? oh and i dont mind either stories :D but i think i'll prefer the new one because its a fresh start and all that :D
    lots of love, @sondoskhattab

  30. Hey I'm "9" I'm a fifteen year old kuwaiti girl that loves fashion I simply can't get enough of clothes. I'm tall 172 cm, I have big dark brown eyes, long wavy ombresh hair,a curvy body, I'm kinda tanned and a I have sharp 5aleeji nose. I'm loud, hyper, funny, bubbly, and I'm always "happy". That's what my friends tell me. I'm only that with people I know when it comes to talking to a stranger (a friend of a friend or a friends sister) its awkward most of the time. I don't get mad or angry easily u have to be super annoying to get on my nerves. I love love love shoes espacially loafers. Bags? I can't get enough of them my friends think I'm crazy for having the amount of bags I have. What else? I have this issue ina I can't stay in one place I have to move around. Oh and I'd continue the sentence into a song I know randomly. I love my friends I consider them as my own sisters oo 7ail ma'artha 3alaihum y3nee I'd turn into a completly different person laman a7ad iy'3l6 3ala my friends or my family. I don't trust people easily I learned that from life. I LOVE ICECREAM ! I'm a huge fan of Adele and JayZ I know its kind of weird because both of them are in different genres. I'm claustrophobic. And if bedoor stole my husband I'd find her and turn her life into a living hell.

  31. Muneera ; I'm 1 meter 67 cm Age ? 15
    I have caramel wavy hair that dangles down my back
    I'm not fat and I'm not skinny, kinda in between
    I have perfect curves (I'm blessed)
    Skin color ? Karak-ish
    I have almond shaped dark blue eyes that are almost violet
    My eyelashes ? They're naturally thick and long , also curled
    I have a dimple of my right cheek, although it doesn't show that well.
    Lips ? Wine colored , they're really dark!
    I love the colors dark violet , white , grey , black , navy , emerald green , baby pink.
    I'm not a fan of bright colors.
    Bag Addict
    Louboutin ? Only the flats

    I am a shy person although I always seem to be center of attention.
    I'm kinda a coward
    But if someone abuses my friend , YOU MEET THE DEVIL.
    I never ever 'fell in love'
    I love making people smile , I swear.

    I'd like to be added to Le Chase
    If Bedour slapped me ? I'd punch her
    She stole Thari ? Well you see it depends if he loves me enough to push her away. If he didn't I see it as a kheera.

  32. Hey maryam:*, Im nada-229,, I'll send u my username on ask. I'm 14, i wear a 7ijab the coton style but in a respectable way. Worst thing about my face is that i have a big forhead, but i have simple shaped brown eyes with pinkish purplish lips;p, bronzy skin colour with a curved body*trying to fix that*, not intrested in fashion or trends & i like to be different & unique in many ways possible. But sadly i have a lack of self confidence sometimes because i grew up in a different enviroment than other people i know, I'm egyptian but born & lived in kuwait my whole life till now, people sometimes wouldnt recognize that I'm not kuwaity and i go to 7okomi school so some treat me normally as if im one of them "my friends" and some would treat me like trach:') & i hate to admit it but i kinda have a double life and it breaks me inside out, At school I would have to act kuwaity in every way & i became used to it but then i go back home to my egyptian traditions & family, and on the weekend i go out with my lovely group of egyptian girls which i act more like myself with them and hope that I wouldnt bumb into anyone i know from school. I know i went way far from what u asked & im sorry for that but i thought to share it since u asked for unique and help me win=))*sorry girls may the best win;)*. Beside that i have a funny, helpful & kind personalty, u cant get me angry easily just dont cross the line, also very social, friendly and a good advisor:') hope inshalla if i won we'd talk more and know me better;*
    I'd to be added to Le Chase because i feel connected to it somehow, but also i would like to be on the upcoming story so i would plan it to be more intresting.
    Answer to ur Q: i believe everyone has a reason in doing something, first i would try to understand her reason then react according to it, but diffently gonna get her back for the slap:) And it would be an honor to me to be in your story cause your an idol to me in many ways<3*not complimentin btw:* & sorry for the long comment x.x

    1. So, i decided to write more just in case;p People tell me that my mind suite my age and what pisses my mom is that all of my friends are older than me maybe a yeae or two and i dont have much friends with my same age or younger tham me:/ Im romantic in a way that doesnt mean that i date guys and stuff i just tend to love or "crush" on someone but never show it of course i had alot of drama with boys but never crossed my line and its a thing that every girl should put in mind:') but i have a quite large imagination that satisfies me but never had the chance to show it to the world.. i dont know if this involves but i used to play really good on piano but never showed anyone one i decided to show my music teacher and now on the music team<3 maybe it'll be the same in writing i hope:') Of course i have a hell lot of things that i would like to tell u but not now since you've got about 80 LONG comments to read and it would really make my year if u chose me<3

  33. Leen, 15 years old I have black straight hair,my weight is about 40 .. Tanned skin , brown ayes , thick black eyelashes
    My friends always says that I'm funny=))
    I ADORE DOGS, and I love to play football.
    My favorite colors are blue and yellow
    Hyper and always laughs at any thing=))<3
    I think that's it .. And I wish ill be in your story:')

  34. Remas, 15, i have dark brown & straight hair that turns into blonde/cinamon in the sun :P Dark brown eyes with thick eyelashes, weight is 37, my height it 153, I'm tanned, people envy me for my body li2ana I'm thin bas I'm short :$ people kila igooloonly ina I'm "perfect" because of my clothes and money but they don't kno a bit of who i am.. 7ady fa9la and my best friends love me for that :P umm i believe in love but not a close relationship, ya3ni nathrat min ib3eed lay b3eed 3ady U.U (old school romance XD) my parents are deaf(they can't hear) but i learned sign language so its okay with me .. i don't like to tell that to my friends li2ana faj2a they pitty me and i HATE it when they do that.. i am in love with FASHION but i always try to be unique in some way :P my style is Channel--Valentiono :P ya3ni i like it elegant and girly :P i love to wear maxi skirts and mullet skirts, not a big fan of overrated ripped jeans -.-, in LOVE with XXXL hoodies :P and if i didn't find big enough hoodies in the girls section of the clothes i wear my brothers :P i never told my friends all my secrets because i had lots of bumps with friends, in grade 2-7 i had a best friend then other girls 5aribaw 3alaina li2ana they wanted to be her friend and they were "popular" so hadatny oo ra7at 7aghom, even in recess she let me sit all alone, and thats when i never started to trust anyone.. people always think that I'm the strong one oo if they need advise they go to me.. i hate it laman awlad yit7arishoun feeni at school, and if i warned him to not flirt again and he did a5alee he get expelled for 2 days -.- kno one messes with me, fa kill mara a guy passes near me they keep here distances cuz they kno what i could do B-) i have very view guy friends, actually 3indy bas 1 :s he has bien with me since grade 1 and i trust him more that anyone, even more than my friends O.O bas we also keep our distances.. and when i need advise i always go to him.. he is acualy a family friend so my parents do no i talk to him, with guys? i don't even follow then in twitter.. i told u, i have a trust issue, i even went to a theripest 3ashan my mom new i wasn't doin good.. i am VERY close with my cousins.. my mom is the only child so I'm so close with my second cousins, meaning every thursday and friday we have to see each other, bas I'm so close with my cousin sara, she is older than me in one year and she is very trustworthy and she's the only girl i trust.. and btw after i went to the therapist i became SO stronger and the therapist told me some stuff to let me trust my friends and thats when i became stronger, nicer with people :P and people love my hugs.. igooloon ina my hugs are "cuddly" "warm" "i need remas's hug :c" and my friends kila ifathfithoonly, i am trustworthy and even if a friend of mine iftha7at mino my crush and my rest of secrest(wich has actually happened) i kept her secrets and haven't told a sole.. and my favorite country is london :c i can't live without visiting it every year!! and this year ma safartlaha fa lady fagdat'ha :c as u can see I'm in a mix'ed school, bas kind bagool ina i will tell u my twitter in ask :P -921

  35. Hello! This contest thing sounds really amazing. I’ve been a fan of your blog since your first story, so I said why not try my luck on this?! I think it would be really nice to be a part of your blog. I prefer staying anon on here so I’ll send you my nationality and twitter username on or dm, whatever you prefer. For now, you can call me AK97
    I’m a fourteen nearly fifteen year old girl from the gulf. I wouldn’t say I’m special or different because I hate bragging about myself and I hate it when others do so. To me, personality is more important than looks so I’m going to start by talking about my personality with complete honesty. I was a bit unsocial back in the day, but I turned into a very social and live full girl. I like to smile and try to put a smile on my face whenever I could. People’s opinions are respected but they won’t change a thing in my personality. I have a very strong, polite personality. I respect people older than me and hate it when others don’t but I still don’t judge them; you never know what they’ve been through. I count friends as family. Iltha you hurt my friends or family, you crossed the limit no matter who you are. Il7mdlla, I have been blessed with the best family and friends anyone could ever have. I try to keep myself out of fights are much as I could and even if it was happening besides me and I know that mali59, I don’t barge in and make it bigger, I would just walk away ib brood. But itha t’3l6een 3la a7d even if it was my friend t’3l6 3la my enemy I wouldn’t keep quiet and I’d be on the m’9loom’s side. People say I’m spoilt because I get all I want and more, and because I’ve been ‘dad’s girl, and because I wear brands etc. I have gotten a lot of judgments about that they suppose that I wear them to showoff etc. People try to bring you down b every possible way but il7mdlla they couldn’t defeat me.
    I space out A LOT. When I space out I may be staring at you without even knowing that someone is facing me; seriously. I’m quiet quite even my laugh is silent but when I need to speak up, I make sure my voice is heard. I have been told many times that I have a strong voice; speech wise. I adore babies; till certain again, not after 5, the annoying age (n). I love writing stories and essays and going really deep in descriptions it’s one of my hobbies. The sea is another thing I love I count it as one of y best friends.
    I don’t like being involved in people’s personal lives or knowing their darkest secrets if they weren’t really close to me or if they kept if private. I’m a good listener and not a speaker. Even if I’m really curious about something involving someone and this someone doesn’t tell me about it, I don’t go digging after it even if I had your phone in between my hands, I wouldn’t check your messages; it’s just one of my morals. I don’t like gossipers and judgmental people especially the type that would go and talk about you after having a fight. I like to solve fights in a civil and understanding way after hearing bother sides of the story. I hate going through the drama of fights and problems so I usually ignore all that and just focus on solving the problem. If I heard that someone said something about me, I would put a thousand excuses to it and ignore but if it has to do with my reputation, they went too far, a girl’s reputation is the most valuable thing she owns.

    1. I have all my goals set and I’m quite confident about them all. Since I was young, I was raise with positive thoughts and high expectations so that’s what I turned out to have. I’m not a nerd, and I don’t spend my hours at home studying and reviewing but I make sure I spend enough time doing the compulsory work. I care a lot about my family’s trust and I care about il7raam more than il3aib which sadly is the opposite in a big sector of our society. I like to put a smile on people’s faces like orphans, elderly, and disabled. It really has a big effect on me when I do so. I’m more of a family person than a ‘hayata’ person.
      I have almond brown eyes with quite long lashes and normal sized eye brows. Full natural red lips; the bottom bigger than the top lip, it’s just like a circular-heart shape. I have really chubby checks. My hair is long with a natural ombre color it goes from blackish-dark brown to goldenish brown. It’s relatively straight and smooth but really annoyingly frizzy at times. I have a 7n6awy-tannish skin tone. I have a small forehead and a normal height neck. I have a thin but curvy body. My height is abt. 163cm people think I’m super tall because they say I have model legs. My nails are naturally perfectly shaped and they grow really tall at times. I don’t like applying nail polish but I do sometimes and I make sure I get it off when I’m in public.
      I think I want to be in the second story because it seems to me like a fresh start and I feel that my personality would fit in more in that one.
      If Bdour slapped me and stole my husband I would maybe punch her but nowhere near the face. I find it really aggressive to touch a person’s face let alone lap it. My dignity is all that matters it he really loved me he couldn’t have been influenced by another woman. For sure if I loved him I’d cry my eyes out mostly because I wasted my time with such man and not because Bdour got him.

    2. A few more things I forgot about, I speak a mix of arabic and english but my english writing is way better. I like to express myself through writing and I like to write whatever is on my mind. I'm notAgainst makeup but I think a girl is much prettier without it most of the times, I wear zero makeup even to parties, I just use blush, mascara and gloss. I like to do all that's on my mind and say it all out without thinking twiceI haven't added much physical appearance because I dont really feel comfortable about it here but I have a few photos on insta although I look really different in real life

    3. Name: 8291
      I'm 13 years old.
      My hair colour is black
      I do not wear hijab
      I have brownish hazel eyes, I'm tanned (some say too tanned) anyway
      I'm curvey my style is weird I don't have a specific style it changes every once in a while~
      I'm tall and I have tall fingers. :s
      I'm loud, funny,kind,shy,sweet,stubborn and crazy
      When it comes to going out with friends I do the craziest things, but when with family I behave. ( I asked my friends about my personality)
      A39b bsr3a mra waz3al mra bsr3a b3aad!
      Wfaylsufa mra ana
      Some say my brain is older than my age, even my looks, some say I'm 18 - 25:|
      I get way too attached to people.
      I HATE hate hate to hurt someone! That's why I don't ever say the truth unless its a pleasant thing to say,I hate to talk about other people behind their backs, some say I'm mysterious cause I never really say how I feel, ever.
      Respect is number one when it comes to me.
      I can't think of anything else. :x
      I'm from Riyadh, Saudi
      About the which story, I really really like your writing so I don't mind which one as long as am in one of them.
      If Bedore slapped me and stole my husband, Mmmm I don't really know what to do, I'll just know in the moment, you knw?
      Mmm I think that's it.. Thanks :D

  36. Heey Maryam ! It's L-55.

    I'm originally Saudi and I've lived there since I was born, Riyadh o be exact.I've always loved blogs and loved reading them but I always hesitate to push that follow button , thinking that people might have the wrong idea about me. I've read your blog since day 1 but I never followed you on twitter but today I have overcame this so called fear and followed you. People always think that my age is too young for my appearance they say I look 17- 18ish but I really am only 14 years old. I am 164 cm's an I weigh 60 , but I'm fit. I have long black curly hair , wide eyes, long lashes , small nose and normal lips.As for my personality , I tend to be a really chill-girl but when something is serious I'm serious too , I always love to have conversations with people whom I just met and kind of let them be less shy and comfortable. My grandfather sometimes shows that I'm his favorite between his grand kids , he always flatter me with comments , he even told my uncle that I'm the most respectful one between his grand kids , not that they're not respectful but I'm the most. You see , my uncle never had daughters they're all guys/little boys. He always takes me out with my girl cousins and so he treats us like his own daughters. Me and my brother on the other hand , have this close bond towards each other but we always fool around and have fights but eh who doesn't ?

    I love playing soccer it's my passion , FCB supporter of course. I've took horse riding lessons for a year or so but I stopped because I started taking dance classe, ballet to be exact. I know soccer and ballet are the total opposite but meh I love learning new stuff. Speaking of new stuff I've tried Tae Kwon do for several months yet I stopped for no particular reason.

    As for my style my cousins usually call me 's7eila om el5alageen', I usually don't 'etkasha5' when I go to my cousins just a simple t-shirt from forever 21 and sweats , paired with my sneakers. Although , when in a public place or a "3zeema" I wear wonderful yet comfy clothes such as : jumpsuits with hippie bands , silk pants with casual shirts. I rarely wear dresses , it's just I really dislike them. I am sorry to say that I'm not a mo7ajaba but enshalla Allah yhdeeny.

    I adore spending time with old people like my grans. I gather with my cousins whom are my bestfriends every weekend in one of our houses , you see my mom is kinda strict she never gives me permission to go out to a resturants/malls/stores etc. without having a trustworthy adult with me , but I gotta live with it.

    I am a very confident girl and I like my confidence. 'Mess with me fine , but if you mess with my family you'll be rotten meat' is my all time life motto. I like cows , I know random. I am also a sensitive girl , and cry over anything.

    I would really like to be in 'Le chase' . It's also okay for me to be in the new upcoming story. If budoor slapped me in the face and stole my husband i'll simply let her go through what I was going through.Simple as that.

    Hoping for the best.thanks.
    I'll post my name and twitter account on your ask but please don't publish it. Thanks again. L-55.

  37. Well to start off with my name is dana (twitter @danasultan) I have light brown eyes but they look hazel in the sun, full lips which are pinky, big eyes with long lashes, I have puffy cheeks but not that puffy and they are naturally rosy,I'm not pale nor tanned but I'm more on the while side on the skin tone scale, I'm curvy, about 161cm tall and I'm almost 16. I've recently had my hair dyed so its an ombry now (its dark brown then goes to light brown and then to blonde;D) and its naturally wavy. I may not be drop dead gorgeous but I'm known for being really cute (not to act like I'm full of myself but I've been told many times).
    As for my personality I'm known for being bubbly and full of energy you would usually see me singing loudly or going crazy not caring what people think about me, I may seem like a very strong person but really I'm just like any person that goes through a lot of rough times yet with all the pressure you would always see me smile and it wouldn't be fake, I'm kind to people and I don't like judging them, I have a short temper at times but you wouldn't notice because I don't like showing it but only my bestfriends can see the anger and rage in my eyes. As for fashion I like wearing casual/trendy/fashionable clothes for example one of my favourite shop is TopShop. And for my makeup you really wouldn't see me having a lot on, I would simply put nude or pinky lipstick and have eyeliner on (favourite makeup store is Mac). I'm from qatar incase I forgot to mention. Well I'd like to be in the new story because that way I won't really expect how the plot is going to be about. If Bedour from Le Chase slapped me and stole my husband I might give slap her back and just tell her if she tries doing something reckless that will affect my life I would simply kill her (not literally) and I wouldn't go back to my husband since he left me that easily without hesitating!
    U would make my year if you chose me I'm just hoping since ur my inspiration and I would love it for u to write something about me<3!

    1. The more the better ;D<3
      So I LOVE reading blogs and watching tv series online its a crazy obsession! I'm a shopaholic! I literally shop till I can't do it anymore<3! I'm also kind of sensitive on some topics and at times I would cry over stupid things (it happens) but I would try to forget and move on. I'm really close with my parents! They mean the world to me!!! And I love them to death<3! Well I'm the only give with three brothers, one older and two younger so I'm the spoiled one:$! Watching movies is also one of my other obsessions so is painting/drawing<3. Not to show off or act like I'm full of it but I feel like a young adult since my parents have trusted me with my small brothers when they travel and I would literally act like a mother to them=)) so yes can get over protective but it doesn't mean I hate them I'm only doing it because I LOVE THEM<3! I'm planning to study abroad for uni and I hope that day will come (inshalla) and I'm smart some people call me a nerd but I'm really not. I forgot to mention I wear glasses to school but remove them when I go out!

    2. I love wearing enormous hoddies and when I say enormous I mean 4 or 5 sizes bigger than me;D but the wierd part is that I like to wear shorts with it. Forgot to mention, I might be one of the wierdest and most crazy student at our school (that's what the students think) since I literally have my hair into two high pigtails and I'm not ashamed of it! Infact I love doing my hair that way;D and I also forgot to say that I have a baby face so I look innocent when I'm really crazy (good crazy not bad:$). I'm a gemini (25 may) and I'm proud to be one<3! My favourite color is hot pink. I'm close to all my guy cousins they're all like my brothers I don't talk to guys in any wrong way because I respect my parents trust towards me + I don't like keeping stuff from them. I hate smooking, its not I tried but I have allergies and the fact that 'smoking' exists disgusts me!! Again not to act like I'm full of it but I'm just describing my personality, I make the party start (even though its not mine but you get my point;D) and make everyone go crazy even the shy ones bcuz I don't like anyone acting all shy and like they don't show their true colors cuz I'm the complete opposite!

  38. My name is sundus i'm 15 yrs old. I'm a kuwaity but so many ppl say i look shamiya and some say i look like samar ily bil 3esh8 el mamnoo3. I' have a curvy body and my height is 159 cm. i'm mit7ajba and i have white skin tone, hazel eyes, small pink lips and over 5 beauty marks on my face ( shamat 9ghar ). I wear cotton style 7ijab but i don't let my hair out from the front. I like simple girly clothes that aren't tight. I don't like to put a lot of make up i just put a blusher. As for my personality, usually i'm shy and quiet around new ppl. Lma af9el i act like a kid sometimes and i'd want to play oo chthy ;p. i like to help ppl and put a smile on a person's face. Ma a7ib athayeg a7ad 7ata lw mu 8a9dy a7is '6ameery y2anebny. I LOVE chocolate and machboos diyay a lot. Why do i want to be in your story? I think it's awsome reading a story that you're in. I don't mind being in any story, as you like;*. If bedour slapped me and stole my husband? I wouldn't say i'm not gonna cry cuz i would. But i also think that every person have a weak point so i just have to search for her's. And for my husband? I wouldn't even conceder going back to him. I believe i deserve better than someone who'd leave me for another girl. -SA308

  39. Name: Danah
    Appearance: dark brown hair that's naturally straight, and it turns light brown/red when in the light. I'm not short although everybody says I am as a joke -.- I'm actually about an inch shorter than my friends, which isn't that much. I have big, really dark brown eyes. They're so dark that they look like black circles, chinna maku loun. I have a small nose, my lips madry shloun ashra7houm :p they're kinda average, maybe a bit more than average (in size ya3any). I'm a bit chubby, I'm not white but I'm not dark, I'm in between. My right ear is an "elf" ear, I'm not sure if you've seen one before, but they basically look like an elf ear; they're pointy at the tip. I'm also kind of chubby. I'm not gonna lie, I have to say that I have some acne :( but you don't have to include that in the story :p
    Personality: I'm 14 years old & I'm in the 9th grade. I consider myself to be fun :p whoever doesn't find me fun just has a different idea of fun.... My fun is playing games and chatting and going out. :D I also know how to have fun at home, mu lazim a6la3 mukan 3ashan astanes. When I go out I like to do different things, mu killa malls w malls. I like to go to the beach when the whether is nice, I like to change it up! I'm very adventurous and a big dreamer. I love my family so so so much. Sometimes when I go to my friends house I actually feel guilty that I didn't hang out with my family :p Am I the only one? :p I love art! I love fashion, literature, drawings, paintings, music... all (well, most) forms of art! I find art fascinating. I'm the type of person who cries at really stupid things.... but I sometimes don't cry at things other people would usually cry about... for example, marra obouy 6agni 5afeeeeeef on my back w galli laish ma dirastay, w bichait :p bas ana mu dalou3a! :p another example, I wouldn't cry if my friend doesn't want to be my friend or whatever. I wouldn't care because I can find a better friend that likes to be around me! If they don't want me then I don't want them.... But I do cry easily, but lately I haven't really CRIED cried... yimkin 3 months aw shay chithy... el7emdellah! And when I'm angry or sad, I don't show it, even though inside I want to scream. I don't say anything and just stay quiet and sit alone. I'm a very emotional person :p I'm also what you would call a "hopeless romantic." Also, I get attached to people really quickly. People generally find me a nice person. I'm nice to everybody, even people that I don't like. I noticed that new students always come and ask me for help rather than my friends... I guess they find me nicer than my other classmates :p my fashion taste... I like really firmly clothes, like cute dresses and flowery patterns and stuff like that. I do like the elegant style too, but not Kuwaiti's interpretation of it... overdressing is BAD. I also forgot to add that I am half Kuwaiti and half British! My father is Kuwaiti and my mother is British. And yes, I speak in a British accent :p but not in public because I hate the attention people give me. But I speak British at home with my family and when I read or think, the voice in my head is British... but in public I talk in American. I also learn things very easily! Also, Islam is VERY important to me. I try not to miss a prayer and I love learning new things about Islam everyday. I love Islam and I'm thankful that I'm a Muslim and a Kuwaiti!
    Which story I would like to be in: your new and upcoming one!

    1. Still Danah, I crossed the character limit so I had to continue with a reply!
      What I would do if Bedour slapped me & stole my husband: First of all, I would slap her back depending on where we are. If we're in public, I would just walk away, but if we're in private, I would probably hit her back! Second of all, I would hate her for the rest of my life. I tend to hold grudges. Also, if my husband chose her over me than that means he wasn't worth it and I can find a guy way better than him! I would cry for the first few months for sure, but later I'll realize that he wasn't worth it and that I deserve better!
      I'm so so sorry that this is soooo long! This took me about an hour and a half to write, so I'm exhausted now :p I really love this contest idea! Wanasa, I hope I win :D :p
      Nickname: DKI7851 - I'll send you an ask with my twitter username! :)

    2. I meant really GIRLY clothes* autocorrect, sorry :p

  40. my name is deena, 17

    i'm short, dark brown hair, shoulder length, hazel eyes, full lips. caramel skin tone.
    My style is very versatile. It is hard to describe as it changes day to day and is very much based on how or what I feel.

    i get stronger and gain strength, courage and confidence by experience.
    i'm not loud and i'm not quite either..i don't like to talk that much, i love to listen more. funny. i'm a rider. love to play football but hate to watch football matches. i'm a bookworm. i love reading someone else's words and finding a connection in them. i love art. i love trying new things and meeting new people. i'm afraid of time (i'm afraid of not having enough time). sometimes i like to be alone. a neat freak who'll iron wrinkled sheet of paper. food has the ability to make me happy (its sad but true) i have a phobia of marshmallows. the angrier i get, the calmer i seem.

    i'd like to be added to the new upcoming story.

if bedour slapped me and stole my husband, well i don't care if she stole my husband he seems like an easy target & left me that easily so i'm glad she did, about the slap i will not slap her back or curse. i'll just be the better person here, move on and be "successful" in life because "success is the best revenge - kanye west"

why you should add me in your story?
you have an amazing skill mashalah, and i would love to be in one of your stories.

  41. Yo, name: 120598. Age: 17.
    Appearance? Hmm. Dark brown curly-ish hair, brown eyes, im tall.. Around 175cm? Yeah that sounds right! My skin colour? Madri LOL im a guy so im not really into the skin colour stuff.. You'll know when you see my avatar i guess :p oh and im thin but athletic, i play loads of soccer! Style im clothes? The typical kuwaiti McChicken. Abercrombie and fitch, hollister and all that sort of stuff!
    Personality? STUBBORN. very, very stubborn id say.. Ma ar'6a 3ala a7ad.. Bas if i hate the person, ill do everything to piss them off! Im a funny guy but im serious when i should be serious.. Well most of the time:p im a strong person id say, i stand up for myself if i need to.. People always say im ignorant and i always think im right.. But thats how i am. I dont like being wrong! Im an honest person, itha ma 3jabni shay agi6a bilwayh! Thats all i can think of really :p oh and im kuwaiti
    I dont really mind which story im in.. Whatever is easier for you really!
    If thari punched me in the face? Id break his hands.
    Why i wanna be in your story? Cuz i pretty much read 2 of your stories in 2 days when i first heard about it:p i find them interesting and it would be cool if i was a character in it!

  42. Jude

    14,Brown hair with golden blondish natural hilights,brown eyes,long nose,not pointy,dimples on both cheeks,curvy eye lashes,hair is long (no 7ijab),thin,tall,tanned,I have curves. My personality: I'm cute,funny,fun,I love to party,sensitive,strong,confident,I hate drama yet I have a lot of it.I was born in US bass I'm from Bahrain and Palestine.. Yes 3arab and Proud o:).I would love to be in your new upcoming story.If bedour ever dared to steal my husband and touch me I would slap her,steal him back,and ruin her by telling everyone the real her.
    PS: I love romance :$

    1. Its the second jude again:$.. I'll get more info out of me. I'm the type of girl who's very easy going like extremely.. I also fall too hard and crash too friends tell me that a lot.I make a lot of mistakes.I am the type of girl who plays very hard to get.. But also smart. I care too much about my studies and my future.I worry a lot..about my grades.Drama in the school I go to is a lot,when I get super mad something inside me doesn't allow me to stay quiet.although at timings I prefer to ignore,its best for everyone and I usually smile la2ana that will seriously make the enemy mad. Things I like: I love music words can't express what a fan I am of music,I adore shopping with my girls,I love SHOES! I'm a shopohalic and chocohalic I love chocolate:$.. My favourite type of ice-cream from Baskin Robins is Gold medal ribbon,I'm also a killer for surprises,I love the sea and parks I love walks by the sea. Dunno it just helps me think a lot.. And that's pretty much it,oh yea I love pictures,and my type of clothing is either casual(depends on my mood),fancy (depends where),and yea it basically depends on my mood but I'm not a tomboy I prefer girly..

  43. Hello, my name is faisal I'm saudi, 17 years old
    I'm 174cm tall, six packs.. Light brown curly hair medium length I have a big 3sly eyes long eyelashes sharp nose one dimple on my right cheek, I'm kinda sensitive, white hearted I never harmed anybody, I always put myself in people's shoes to know how to act with a lot of situations I respect girls so much I never tried to Love a girl cuz I'm a teenager and teenagers aren't wise enough to know how to really love a person, I'm so stylish I love looking good always, I'm known as the gentleman < I'm not showing off I just get that a lot u know, I love girls as sisters/friends not lovers, I'm funny, wise, talkative i love books, music, I write songs English only, i adore animals I'm a good friend I don't smoke or anything, when it comes to pranks I'm the boss xD, i have a bad side but I dont show it a lot it only comes when u hurt any of my people, I could smash Someone's life if he did anything bad to me or my close people , but I'm always happy and smiling al7mdellah, what else? Ummmmm....
    U will always find me at the gym :D
    I don't have a twitter account I think it's lame
    So yeah. I hope u pick me I really wanna see myself in a story..

  44. I need a method to contact you or else you won't be able to compete in the contest. Send it on my ask.

  45. Name: Maryam. Age: 15 turning 16. Ashy brown to a rich shade of mahagony naturally curled hair with a strand of blue and purple dye. Born with shaped eyebrows, big eyes framed by long lashes. A straight nose, Golden-like glowing skin color. Soft, peachy pink lips, high cheekbones, Chiseled look, Sharp chin. Striking brown eyecolor. Laughs with mischief in my eyes, so that if you look into them all you see is a six year old. Open, pure laughter, yet hard to see me laugh. Self contained, quiet, with an intriguing aura.You could see fear in those cruel eyes you could see many things. Scar on the eyebrow and on the upper right of my forehead. A dimple on the left cheek which barely is shown due to my lack of smiles. Not an open book, every secret of my own has not been spilled. Hard to read. I tend to be more reserved, not necessarily shy but not very open. Usually also quite soft-spoken. Loves to read a wide array of poems and novels, does not like to be disturbed, and can get a little of angered at times. A large interest in martial arts. Intelligent, mistaken for a nerd. Height 155, weight 40. Does not like to over-dress her self, but has a thing for summer dresses or dresses in general. Been diagnosed by lung infection (a main cause of death) luckily survived after treatment for 2-4 weeks. Religious, and not into love, never thought of being in a relationship. And once you get to know me, I become social, and open up yet not to everyone. Please contact me on my email I'll give you my twitter name there I don't like going public. (my 10 year old email, no biggy) please do send me an email so I could tell you my twitter account. Thank you in advance ;).

  46. It's maryam again, forgot one piece of info. Plays the piano for 5 years and the electric guitar.

    -Maryam on the previous comment.

    1. Maryam Again, forget some pieces of information. I am from Dubai, and one of my favorite scenes are staring at the blue water and the waves crashing. But, my favorite scene of all is watching the clouds form and the little diamonds in the sky at night. I speak my mind, and I speak sarcasm quite often. My mind is stuck on the 70's-80's so you would say my style in talking is old fashion-ed and my self in general is old-fashioned. I am very into Islam I don't like missing a prayer; I feel uncomfortable doing so. If killing wasn't Haram I would have seen my self as a professional cleaner (Killer, cleaner as in cleaning people away -killing-). I denounced myself as a human being and I turned into a spaceship, because maybe we are projections of stars...... My eyes speak for me, if I don't feel comfortable with a person I have a certain stare and an eye-brow raise to give subtle hints that I'm not comfortable.I wouldn't mind being in any of the stories, your choice. Contact me on the email I wrote on my comment.

  47. I know I won’t win this, but why not give it a try eh?:p
    Well, as a starter my name is Noura #6, and I’m Saudi Arabian

    Dark brown hair, but if you look closely or the sun hits my hair you could notice that its actually orange 3ala brownish because of Hinna, that I’ve been forced to put ☺ I consider my hair moody, which means sometimes its wavy and other times its curly and if its not my day, it’ll be both -.- When its straightened it would reach almost half my back, but if its natural yo9al leen b3d ktofy b shway. I have dark brown eyes, and if you were standing in front of me and looking directly at my eyes you’d notice that I have gray birthmarks on my sclera (they’re like spots.) Unfortunately, I was born with Hallaat (wratha mn ahl omy), w hum elswad ely t7t el3yoon, ho mu mara swaad ely black.. la 9ayr brown 5feef.. bs etha ma nmt zain aw cried a lot yzeed w ybyn 3ala wjhy bsbta. I’m 17, 165 cm, and I need to lose weight, so yeah I’m considered chubby. I really don’t know what my real skin color is.. My baby pictures indicate that I was born really white, but I guess because of 7am ‘outdoor’ swimming lessons for straight 6 years and spending most of my holidays in sunny countries my skin color started to change into a darker tone. So yeah not white or 7n6awya.. in-between. I don’t know what to describe more :p ummm a7b afrg sh3ry mn eln99 w lma akon bl beat atrka mfto7, bs etha b6la3 amska mn wra aw aswy a neat bun! And because a7b to do both 9rt atrk sh3ry mfto7 mn t7t w amska b a mini bun (sounds funny, bs y6la3 7lo wala.) I have three ear piercings w wra kl w7da a story, funny stories actually and you can say I got them so I can remember those moments :’) my eyebrows mu kthefeen al7mdllah bs I still do them 3shan y36ehum shkl.
    I’m not really got at describing, yet alone myself.. but I’ve tried :D

  48. It's Noura from the previous comment..
    m3 elnas eli ana greeba mnhum wajd, I’m loud.. like really loud.. people say ‘97kty tn3sh w t’97k balad :p I can be really talkative sometimes. bs that’s only around the people that I love and feel comfortable towards.. w they say I’m really shy when I meet someone face to face for the first time, bs etha ert7t m3 elsh59 y9eer less awkward :p. I smile a lot when I’m in a good mood, but of course people being themselves they always think that I’m either making fun of them, planning something ‘evil’ -.- or having a ‘thing’ for them. But the thing is I believe ena ‘el ebtsama fe wjh a5eek 9ada8a..’ bs 3shan I spare myself mn hal e3t8adat I stopped smiling as much. They say Im sensitive and I got that sensitivity mn 3amaty -.-
    I hate to cry in public or in front of any one, but my tears ma ysa3don ll2asaf, as soon as I’m in a situation ystd3y a9ee7 they fall like a waterfall. Sometimes I don’t want them to fall or even cry and you could see that from the face expression I try to pull, but they still fall. My friends are my everything. Literally. For 15 years ma kan 3ndy a5t bs 9degaty elgrab mny 7ail hum 5waty ely omi ma jabt’hum. They make my day, I mean if I’m in a bad mood or I feel sad I talk to one of them and they make me feel better, walla ana a3tbrhum n3ma mn n3m alah ely 36any eyaha :’) and as I’m writing this my eyes are getting watery :( I miss them so much. Yes they’re really my everything, but family always come first. Ana w my grandmother w aunt live under one roof. As soon as my dad came from the states because he studied there, and he knew that his parents were planning to build a house, he decided to build one house that would gather all of them under one house, all my aunts and uncles that are younger than my dad lived there, till they got married and moved away :’) So I’m always surrounded with my family, I mean waking up to the voice of my grandmother (alah y6wl b3umraha) tgra2 Qura’an bl9ala is all I want right now :’)

  49. It's Noura from the previous comment:

    I don’t think my life is really that interesting, I mean I haven’t survived an illness or an accident or anything, but I can tell you that I’m trying to survive as an international kid, and everything is still new to me, I’ve never lived anywhere except when I was 7 years old and it was only for a short period of time, but last summer we were all shipped to Holland because of my dad’s work. I really miss home and my friends and I count the days till I get home, wala mn hal tjrba 8adart 8emat baldy :’) you’d think why is she not liking this? Living in Europe and all.. I do like it, but everything has its pros and cons.. I mean imagine almost everyone in your grade either smokes, drinks, or do drugs. How would you feel? Left out huh? Yeah exactly it can get scary.. I mean I wouldn’t lose my parents trust just because of peer pressure. Honestly, ana ma aktshft sh59yty ela lma nglt hna, l2n I became on my own, I don’t have Haila or any of my best friends around me.. you know that 5th grade phase where you had to put so much effort maybe in becoming someone’s friend? Yeah I got to deal with it all over again… and when finally I found someone that wont judge me for any reason and she doesn’t drink or smoke or anything.. she had to move to her home country… god! I hate goodbyes.
    So I’m going to say this randomly.. I dislike double-faced, liars, judgmental people.
    Ma ar’9a 3aly a7bhum.. and life taught me eny a5th 7gy mn ‘3ery bnfsy. I can be strong sometimes, but other times I can be really weak. Lw t’9aygt mn a7ad ybyn 3alay cause I get quite and I stop talking, and my friends for example find me really easy to read. Ma a7b elnas elmshkljya ely tswe salfa mn a9’3ar shay that drives me crazy.. a7b a3aml elnas bl6rega ely y3amlony feeha l2n ana amshy 3ala ‘3aml elsh59 kma t7b an tu3amal’ I really don’t know what else to say.

  50. Me and my best friends (10 in total) just started a charity group called Ethra’a, its located in Saudi Arabia and its main goal is to help the needy and poor w al7mdllah we got to accomplish our first project and what we did is raise money and accept donations to help us buy brand new shirts and hats l 3umal eln’9afa w 36enahum eyaha gbl el3eed, w 36enahum 3yady w ktab athkat blu’3at’hum.. you really feel good when you get to help someone or change someone’s life ll a7san :’) al7mmdlah ya rb 3al n3ma<3
    I’m the eldest been 3 awald w a5t 9’3era :’’) f 3alay mas2olyat kbeera, I also love sports mostly soccer and swimming and been practicing them since a really young age.. my favorite color is blue.

    My style in clothes? Well I don’t have something that I always wear, you know what I mean? Y3ni I like to change depending on the fashion w the season w akeed what looks good on me, for example skinny jeans w flowy topes work? Harem pants and vests? It depends on the weather and the country as well :p caus you know in Saudi we have to wear the 3abaya, so you don’t get to see what others wear, your 3abaya’s design, shoes, and bag what makes you unique and not your style really.. I love Tods, they’re like my favorite shoe brand, they look good on almost everything and they’re very comfy.. I love to wear scarfs w 3ndyy ktheeer alwan w ashkal w anwa3 :p Uggs are currently my best friend :’)<3 haha
    I really feel weird describing myself so I’ll just stop :p

  51. forgot to say its Noura on the previous comment so yeah its me again :p

    Why should I be a character in one of your stories? I really want this because I know that a lot of people are going to read your story and it might help them make through their lives and to make the right decisions. Or even realize things in their lives.. I mean the only 2 main reasons are 1- so I could help people with anything and to be there lly y7taj.. 2- 3shan simply everything you write is simply amazing, actually amazing is an underassessment. No, I’m not trying to be a suck up so I’d get this, I’m only telling the truth. It would mean the world to me if you described me through your eyes or even only writing about me.
    I really don’t mind being added to Le Chase or the new story, as long as you’d write me as a character in one of the stories.

    If Bedour slapped me? Look I’m not going to say ohh yeaahhh I’ll slap her and show her that Im the wrong person to deal with.. I would simply say “etha ahlk ma rbook, mu y3ny 7na ma trbena, w ana ma anzl nfsy l ashkalk.” I’d look at her with a dirty look and walk away, caus really ana a7sn mn hal ashkal. And if she stole my husband? Well my husband mu bzr 97? He’s a grown up w ho t5la 3n el3shra ely bena, f alah m3ah, ana maly w mal elmshakl? Etha a7ba akeed I’ll try to talk to him convince him that I’m better, bs after all ana ma at7km blnas wella :p? ymkn Id act differently etha 9dg it happened w an76et bl mw8f :p bs 7gegatan ketha a’9n I’ll act :D

    I’ll be honest and say I didn’t even proofread this ;p I think what’s more important is to just be myself.

    Have a nice day, and may the best win.

  52. I would love to tell you about myself. But I don't feel comfortable saying\writing it here, for some of your readers would know I am. So, can I please email everything to you? (Please do reply because I want to be in the story so bad.)

  53. I'll send you my name as DM -my name for now is GOS- 
    My personality isn't that intersting to read but i really want to be in one of the stories. 

    I'm saudi and i'm fifteen. 
    I'm chubby and i've always struggled with my weight i'm really short too my height is 152cm. I've got braces on and i wear black rayban glasses nerdy look that does not go on with my personality, i have long almost curly dark brown hair, small eyes, weird eyebrows, pinkish lips my skin is white like really really white and that's all for my look.
    I've been told that i'm funny, i'm always hyper and energetic ldarjt people ask me what's wrong if i stayed quiet but i'm so shy i turn into a tomato sometimes bs i'm outgoing. I'm so sensitive and i hate that about myself, 5wafa ldarja la tw9af but i love taking risks, people see me as the strong om lsan girl  but i see myself weak. I'm not confident about my look/personality i'm always trying to change something about myself but i end up telling myself "hathi entii rabi 5algk ketha mub 3'a9b t9eren elsha59 eli tbena" some  of my facts don't get along with each other but i'm weird i know that and i'm proud hehe..   i'm an easy person you can easily get on with me i love helping people, they call me doctor phill lol i'm a good listener not much of a talker, i don't talk about my problems or anything bad i lock them inside me lma amtlli then i explode and this is a really bad thing ma asheel b5a6rii abd i'm so forgiving, i'm outspoken elii fe galbii 3ala lsanii. Family then comes friends,  i appreciate friendships more than anything, because a7s i'm nothing without them i'm really close with my friends more than my family. i have never settelled  in one school, the school am in now is my third so i have so much but experinces with people and that's one thing that changed me. As i said family then friends but sure family comes first though i'm not attached to them in any kind of way my families both my moms and dads side are complicated that's why i try my best not to see them unless its a big occasion. Too much things to say about the big family let's just skip to the next part. 
    My small family that i live with i have 3 older sisters and 2 older brothers that makes me the youngest. E5ti eli akbr mni 3ala 6ol elmfro6' she's the closest but no she's the farest i seriously hate her i know its weird how can i hate my sister, but she's bad i don't even think she loves me she is always screaming always fighting with no reasons talking about screams, ana ensana etha sma3t a7d y9ar5 mumkin a9e7 yes lhadrja.. I'm not so close with my other  older sister bs we get along just fine, the biggest and closest of them all lives in canada and this is so depreesing.. I have a very good relationship with my brothers el7amdellah. I'm always with my mom ALWAYS but i never saw myself opening up to her its either swalef or fights nothing much, i barely see my dad because mu kelyom fe betna yom 3nnd his second wife w yom 3ndna still i don't get to see him, i have 3 younger brothers  the youngest is 2 months old.. My dad's marriage  changed a lot of things in my life though i Was young when i knew but it did change things, i don't see my stepmother so much i've only saw her 3 times, 2 times without my mom knowing my dad foeced and 1 with my aunts, she's not mean and she's not cinderellas  stepmother the evil one bs i don't like her i just don't..      i should stop talking about my family but they made me the way i am they made me suffer too much that's why i wrote about them.

    1. -GOS->>

      I always end up writing, whenever i'm sad, happy,messed up i write and i write stories too but they suck its only between me and my friends, i love reading i can read for hours without getting bored.

      I love love vanilla, anything vanilla i love gum, ice cream i'm not a big fan of chocolate and i can spend my life eating noodles and pizza  i love elgahwa el3arbya, and caffeine sometimes effect me negatively bdal ma y9a7eni i fall asleep hahaha. 

      Simple. At any time at any place i wear simple clothes unless kan wedding lol 
      Hoodies and sweatpants, my mom struggle whenever we go shopping she trys her best to distract me from them but she fails everytime and i end up buying too much sweatpants, i hate dresses because of my chubby body i sometimes wear skirts but mostly jeans and shirts i love rings and bracelets like oh so very much but simple rings not the debla kind=)) 

      I don't know if i believe in love or not i have never experienced it but i've been told a lot of stories that made me believe and blogs y3nii anyways i can't see myself falling in love though i'm so romantic and a teenage girl needs love ya3nii  LOOLL.. 
      I've got asthma and i have always hated that, i suffered with real depression last year bs el7amdellah i'm fine now esh ba3d i guess that's it? 
      And if bduor slapped me in the face i will stay quiet for a minute then punch her w as7b sha3rha w klshay yje mnii , and if she stole my husband ma adre!! i'll make sure she doesn't live a princess fairytale,  bs elmu9eeba mn zoji 5aroof ma3ndk 7urma ?!!?!!? Wj3 enshallah.  W ymkn before all of this happens i make sure she gets out of my life before anything destorys my life. 

      Ma adre if this is enougn details to get me into one of the stories, i don't mind if its le chase or the new story as long as i get into one of them! 

  54. Forgot to mention that I love to draw, Art helps me a lot :') and that I'm against smoking (lost loved ones because of it.)

    Noura #6

  55. Razan - Meeemz I'll BBM you my personal twitter.

    I'm 14 years old. My appearance: I'm 165cm, I have curly and puffy dark brown hair, EXTREMELY curly. I have dark brown eyes as well, but there's just something about them that makes me a little different. I've got mixed skin, I'm in a way tanned but not too tanned, just a mix. I'm chubby, I weight 84kg but I look like 75kg and that came from someone usually very harsh, others say I look about 65kg. I have a minor disability because of an issue during my mothers labor, so my right arm doesn't extend fully straight and it's really inconvenient for sports which I REALLY like. Also, my left hand middle finger is curved because when I was younger it came between the car door and the wall, and part of my finger came off. I have big lips, and middle sized ears. Normal eyebrows and I don't clean or change them because my mom says I'm too young, and frankly I agree. I have really nicely shaped legs, they're one of the most attractive things about me. As for my style.. Well I'm a t-shirt and jeans type of girl, and most of the time I just go for a jumper instead, but when I'm at home i'm either with an under-shirt and shorts or jumper and shorts.. I don't really feel comfortable wearing extremely tight clothes because I don't think I look good in them, but I don't show that to anyone.

    1. Personality.. I think that everyone thinks I'm strong and that I can handle situations really easily, but to be honest I struggle A LOT in handling situations and I always end up making the same mistakes. I'm loud when I'm hyper, if I'm not hyper and anyone is loud around me, I go crazy because I constantly get really bad headaches and I feel like I could drop dead cause I feel like the insides of my head are in a blending machine. I'm really funny when I want to be. I'm not obnoxious. I'm extremely clingy so that can get annoying. I'm really smart but most people think i'm an idiot because I talk fast and I get nervous fast, and I mess up a lot with my words because I talk tooooo fast! I'm very indecisive, I feel like I constantly contradict myself.. Sometimes I'm really happy with my friends and all that I've got, but sometimes I just think that I've gotten myself into a deep hole. I know that I've messed up a lot, I've made a crap-load of mistakes (i'm willing to tell you about them but on DM's). I always feel like i've dug a hole so deep that no one could climb out of it. I'm unique because I find about every single situation awkward, awkward should be my middle name. I'm Palestinian so that plays a really strong role in my personality.. I can get violent but only towards certain people because they irritate me too much.. I'm extremely sensitive though, physically.. So I get hurt with just a poke. I'm always listening to music, like literally there is always an earphone in my ear. I love playing football, a lot. I like other sports as well.. I can play clarinet. I have a guitar but I can't play it. I'm really good at singing. I care a lot, i'm very protective over my friends and family. I also LOVE my parents, but my mother and I fight a lot. I have 2 sisters, one is married but the 3 of us are still really close even though they're both like 10 years older than me. I have a brother as well who isn't in the same country, but we're sort of close. I want to be a doctor, and I already have my dream university in mind and that's in Ireland, a country that's so deep in my heart.

    2. Ohhhhhh something interesting may be good for a story! I get stopped at airports (arab airports) a lot because I hold an Egyptian wathee8a. (Egyptian travel Document)..
      I love fooodddddd.. I love all types of it, I love arab food, I love Indian food, I love Chines food, I like American food (junk), I like it ALL! Food's my best friend <3.
      I can write really well as well, and actually I wrote a blog for a while but I couldn't commit to it, to be honest. I want a range rover when I grow up.

      I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE XQ00947207072304902384-1840927309579283-948257083472 Ice-cream, smoothies, and milkshakes. I LOVEEEEE THEEEEMMM SO MUCH.
      Icecream flavors I love: rainbow sorbet, gold medal ribbon, caramel crush, cookie dough, and blueberry!
      ^ and I love all smoothies and milkshakes, especially pina colada's!
      I also love Kuwaiti guys because of how much I read blogs! :p
      So yeah.. I think that's about it, that's just a few things about me :)
      I want to be in the new story..
      And if Bdour slapped me and took my husband, I'd wrestle her then leave them both and get over it.. It'd take long and I'd extremely hurt after being mad, but I've let go of my pride SO many times in the past, that I'm just not willing to do it again.

  56. Hey:D this was written by my sister cause she knows me more than I know my self, haha:p
    Well…my name is Omar @omar13599 is my twitter acc. I have curly not very long dark brown hair, medium dark eyes with long eyelashes, I htanned it very tanned skin but tanned;p, I'm tall (170cm), I'm full of abs lol;p cause I'm a runner in kazma club&weigh 59 kilos, my style is the common, a&f, hollister, tommy, polo…etc. I have a different personality than all my guy friends or cousins, I speak the ugly truth yet I'm very sensitive (not the bad type though), sometimes I get mad easily but I know how to control my anger, I hate gossip, I hate selfishness, I never betray, I'm loyal, sometimes I don't talk much, I love acting and making jokes (I have this great sense of humor), I love everyone, my sister is my other half, I fear god, I always pray at the mosque& feel so guilty if I missed a prayer at the mosque, all girls are my sisters so they all must be treated like princesses, I never looked at one in the eye, I respect and am polite to everyone,I cry when a friend cries and do my best to make one laugh, personalities go before looks, I find fat girls cute:$:: and MY FOOD IS MY FOOD!!!! No one touches it!!!!
    I want to be in the new story.
    If Dhary punched me I won't punch him back but I'll dare him to do it again and if he did, I play karate and surely know how to knock one down so easily, that's all you need to know I guess;p (I'm a huge huge fan of your work&would LOVE to be in one) thank you:D

  57. hey! my name is amna ( yes the amna from school ;p) so im outgoing with friends but not with parents i love baking ballet and singing I LOVE SHAY ISMA DRAMAA! im a actor my self ;) ;) i LOVE L0VE LOVE your blog and im huge fan! im tanne and im avaerage for a 13 year old like (150-155) my weight 35-36 i woould die too see JUSTIN DREW BIEBER and if dhary punched me id kick him in the nuts if bdour slapped me i would punch her and if she took my husband i wouldnt do anything cause if he really loves me he wouldnt go to bdour ;)
    and i would like to be in the new story!

  58. Okay so let's get started.
    I'd like to give you my twitter account on , under the name of 11097. I'm a 15 year old saudi girl, short, a little chubby, my skin tone is not that white nor tanned, kinda in between but more to the tanned side, I have long black wavy hair that i usually let down. I have light brown eyes and pink lips. I do wear glasses but i recently started wearing contact lenses, which took me FOREVER to learn how to put them on. I have a 7abat 5al on the left side of my cheek that i hate so much!

    My personalty : I am really the kind of girl who is crazy around people she's close to, but not us much with others. I do talk with people a lot, but i usually don't start the conversation. I am quite picky when it comes to food, i don't like trying new stuff or tasting different sauces, i usually go with a plain burger. I guess i'm closer to my friends than my cousins, because most of my relatives don't live here in riyadh. I don't like to see my room messy. My brother and sister call me a neat-freak, but i'm totally not. It's just that they're messy and they call what normal people do 'too neat '. I am scared of everything, literally EVERYTHING. I am afraid of every animal out there. I once ran all around my uncles farm because his dog was chasing me, i still don't know how i out ran that dog. I am also afraid of roller coasters, my sister once forced me to ride one, never doing that again. I want to pierce my ears but i'm too afraid to do so. I don't usually get into a lot of fights, but when someone messes with my friends and family, they better run. I share a room with my sister, which i hope would change soon. The most annoying thing is that when she messes up the room, and goes out, my mother would come and make ME tidy up the room after HER mess, which is so not fair. I am serious most of the time, but when i feel like it, i can go crazy!. My friends always call me Jennifer , it's just because i don't listen to arabic music, or watch arabic series, and when a subject we study in school has both arabic and english in the book, i usually go for the english, i just find it easier.

    And about which story i want to be in ? I don't really mind, it would be awesome just to be in one.

    If Bedour slapped me ?

    I'd spend 2 years chasing her down, trying to find where she ran off to, cause she better do so if she touched me.
    Then when i find her, I'd spend a year trying to convince my parents to let me travel alone to where ever she is.
    And after that, i'd go find her, and get her on a plane back.
    Then i'd take her to the exact place where she slapped me in, and slap her too :)

  59. * hi my name is reem i'm 14 (but if you choose me and you want the character to be older i don't mind :$) my hair is dark brown and wavy i have almond shaped hazel eyes and i have full lips and i have freckles on both my cheeks,unfortunately i'm really white and my weight is normal about 55 and i'm 169 cm tall i would wear anything as long as it's comfortable but if i'm going to attend an important event then i'll wear a dress and i love to add accessories to my appearance like accessories are really important to me and i have a very strong personality i don't care about anyone's opinion of me(at least that's how i appear to some people) but i hide underneath all of that.. i'm a very vulnerable person. my friends say that i have a great personality and i'm nice and wise and really moody :p i'm very protective over my family and friends i hate drama i just want to live my life YOLO :D if you choose me can you please add me to the new upcoming story :$? i'd like you to add me in your story cause i'd me honored if you do so there's alot of people who read your blog and i'd love to be part of that and right if bedour did that ohh i'll slap her back and try to make my husband jealous because he even thought of leaving me for that b**** - still reem :D and
    * um i'm really shy around people i don't know but if i know you i'm the loudest person ever and um my talent is singing many people tell me that i have a great voice and my favorite colour is blue i was born on the 3rd of march i know how to speak arabic english and french fluently and i love to travel all around and i'm sensitive, intuitive and sympathetic and in tune with the world around me since i was a kid.some people tell me that i'm a great listener And i smile all the time i swear my smile never escaped my lips.
    *i'm really close with my family my dad is a chairman/doctor but he's always there for me when i need him and my mom and i have a very tight relationship,i have two big sisters but they're married one of them has the cutest baby girl mashalla min kither ma she's pretty jareedat il 7aya 7a6oha be jareedathom!anyways i have a VERY VERY overprotective brother:p if a problem comes in my way first thing i would do is i'll keep calm and then i would imagine myself in the other person's shoes then think about a reasonable solution no matter what big the problem can get and and if a peron is mad at me and it's my fault then i'll do anything in my power to gain them back but if it's their fault and they're just trying to cause problems then i'll just sit back and realx and do absolutely nothing and i'm the calm kind i mean rarely you would see me doing something crazy like sneaking out of class... i'm the kind of girl who cares about her grades ya3ni i would go as far as complimenting a teacher for it :p but i'm not a nerd and if my friends decide to do something crazy i'm always the one who would show them the bad things in their plan and tell them that they could end up in serious trouble i'm kind of the conscience in the 'shila':p

    1. * i don't like it when someone compliments me cause i start to blush and i start to mumble things awkwardly like thanks,uhh..and people laugh at how silly i look i hate to cry infront of people i don't like it when they see the weak side of me and i LOVE eminem he's my favorite artist in the music industry industry!!and i'm a bookworm B-) my friends always come to me when they need help i don't know how but i always find A solution to their problems they call me the 'fixer' cause i don't like it when my friends fight i'm always the one that tries her best to bring them back together.and i'm very stubborn i HATE HATE HATE it when people try to prove me wrong cause i try my best to be perfect in everything when someone tries to fight with me in school i'm really calm i won't scream and try to offend her in any way i would simply try to reason with her my mom always tells me that my mind is bigger than me and a doctor actually confirmed that:D i'm a very ambitious person i want to be remembered as the girl who did something really great in this world even after i die :D -@reemkalmeshari

  60. hello! here i go : I'm 164 tall i am not fat but not skinny either I am 14 and a half my eyes are dark brown my lips are pinksh red my hair is long it reaches the end of my back and oh it's Black and wavy I love reading books and blogs so so so much iam a caring person people say,I love to spread happiness and make people smile I'm not interested in what people say about me at all, inlove with Chocolate :3
    and if you dont like لا تكفى like me =] » love this Sentence it Describe me in a way kinda proud of being Kuwaiti and Muslim :D and as for my style i love to wear simple Clothes like from FOREVER 21 , American Eagle ,desigual,and Similar shops i love to wear dresses so much i dont like to wear make up at all and i dont like to be over dressed :/ And most importantly I'd love to be in your new story :p Oh and if bdour slapped me i will make her suffer and pay for the things that she did and Of course slap her back my husband is easily fooled for chosing someone over me Leaving just like that he is not worth it :p my twitter:fofowa98

  61. Heyy my name is Abdulla, Twitter account: @3boodalmadani ,I'm a 15years old Bahraini Guy, I'm not short neither tall, I've got a Dark brown hair and Brown eyes, My weight (67Kg) I LOVVE playing Billiard, I have fun just by staying with my friends i don't really care about the place we are at, The most important thing is that we are still together. I have a smile on my face most of the time, Got a bigger brother which is like a best Friend to me we spend aloott of time together. I love luxurious and sport cars.. My Future car is the Bentley Continental GT which is a mix of Luxury and sport ♥,♥!! I say things straight in the Face. If Thari punched me i would get too angry and want to Fight back but if it was a misunderstanding i would try to stop him and make him understand everything.. I would like to be in the next story.. Got nothing more to say.

  62. NEW DEADLINE: Tuesday Midnight, so as soon as my phone says "Wednesday". People have requested for an extended deadline, this as extended as it can be cus I need AT LEAST a day to read everyone's and pick.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. coming from a big family, i have to make myself heard... and that's no issue at all. i'm the funniest member of my family no doubt. im 14 years old & my carefree attitude defines me. 7adee typical kuwaitiya i wont get detailed about my looks unless you want to know my shoe size LOL! however, i do have a karsha named samsooma WAYH A7EB'HA! itshaweg she gives off vibes whenever im around new people to indicate me itha theyre okay to be around, im thankful for samsooma. my hair on good days i9eer falafel ishaweg w 6la3t kilmat kisha 3gub ma shafaw sha3ree on a bad day. i rarely spend a weekend in im either at a friends house or out with family. my english teacher told me today that i have a dominate personality & that im never afraid to speak my mind i coudnt agree any less chin'ha tadree i was gonna join this contest hahaha, anyways ana wa7da ma a7eb ilthilm ma asta7mel ashouf a7ad yenthlem w ag3ad sakta, it got me into trouble hny w hnakk bas 7ada 3adee its worth it;p people always tell me im the sweetest w i hope thats true because i really realy like making peoples days it makes me happy<3 ilakel mot3a '3ayr 6abee3ya 3ndy min9ijeee jad i would marry food ma 3ndi mani3:( bas wallah a7eb burgers w hotdogs w la7am w 3adee akel bgara kamla LOLL!funny people attract me, any person that can make cry tears of laughter will ALWAYS&FOREVER be in my heart klabbb=)). ugh kilish mu no3y hoodies w sweats i find them totally lame & unflattering, instead i love wearing dresses w skirts w ikoon shaklee bnaya 3aaa wallah i love going to the salon & pamper myself. im a complete germaphobic dayman ma3ay detol wipes a habit i caught min umy il3azeezaa<3. education, grades, & my future are all so important to me allah 3a6ana ni3mat il3agel 3ashan we actually use it make something out of it mu take advantage of it, i always do my best in everything just because i can. My sister & father keep inspiring me day by day to become a better person they 're the perfect example of people using ni3mat il3agel;p have i mentioned how much i love meeting new people? a7la shay bildenya i swear lazim lazim ikoon 3nda an inside joke the moment i meet them LOL one of my techniques on meeting new people. if i got to choose which story i got to be in i would totally choose Le Chase, because the characters in it are so realistic wallah a7is loo 9ij ri7t jam3a ra7 alga layal w thari having quick glances at each other that would make their day majorr cutenessss magdar magdar I LOVE THEM!! if bedour took slapped me & took my husband then there would be a WWE wrestling match right then & there not because she took my husband kaif'ha 3alaiha ib alf 3afya;p but because she dared to actually out effort into her hand & slap me, itnarez way3.

    hahaha LOTS&LOTS&LOTS of love,

  65. Hello, My name is Lulwa. I'm 16 and I will be graduating from school this year. I am the youngest in the family but I am kinda more mature than some I go to a private school so my English is good. I live in a high class environment. Id like to change the stereo typing that states that all rich people get what they want and they have everything and never have to work to get money. But that’s not how my family raised me they make me work hard if I want to get something I don’t get it easily I appreciate the value of money and so I’m not the ordinary rich person. I have visited quite a lot of different counties I love love love travelling. So let’s start with my appearance. I'm 163 cm tall my weigh is perfect for my height its 55. I'm not fat nor am i thin. I have curves and my body is perfect el7mdilla.. My hair is long dark brown hair recently died into ombre so my hair color is dark brown from the top then it becomes lighter until it reaches the blondish brownish color. I have dark brown almond shaped eyes. Everybody tells me that i look beautiful. My original skin color is the reddish white color due to Bahrain's heat i got this unintentional hot Italian tan, I like it but I’m trying to get my original color back. My style in clothes is very unique, i always start new trends but of course between my friends hopefully introducing my style to the world. As you can see I'm a fashionable person, no not the " oh i love fashion and i'm gonna be a fashion designer" type of girl but the girl who will often be imitated and complimented on my style. I'm not like those girls who call themselves fashionable when all they do is copy the new trends in the market or imitate celebrities style. I dress in a classy way nothing too tight and revealing mthl maygolon m7tshm. i like to take risks when it comes to clothes add a pop of color, wearing same shirt with a different skirt/pants to changing the style. I would mostly wear the top brands but that doesnt mean i dont buy stuff from normal middle class shops. I believe that style and fashion doesnt necessary mean that you buy the most expensive brands just to show off but to buy the best quality of clothes that are unique and these kind of clothes can be found in normal shops. AS you can see when it comes to style and clothes i wont stop talking about it so i better start with the rest. ohh and one more thing about outfit, i wear sandals sometimes flipflops only to places suitable to wear one, i also wear heels but not for malls mostly when i go to fancy restuarants. I dont wear a lot of makeup i abso-a lot-lutely hate it when girls wear full makeup to malls and normal outings. My usual make up consists of applying moisturizer mascara, concealer to brighten up the eye and natural lipstick colors ( not the ones that grab the guys attention). I have a clear skin el7mdilla so i dont apply much makeup i like to keep it natural.

  66. helloooo id like to start by telling you i love your blog and im a big fann <3
    I'd also like to give you my twitter account on , my name will be bahraineeyaandproud I'm a 13 year old bahraini girl, turning 14 on November 14th. im short, people say im skinny but really im average, i just dress to look like im skinny, my skin tone is tanned but not very tanned. more like just came back from a week in the maldives golden tan. I have medium length dark brown (almost black) curly hair that i usually straighten and leave down. I have medium brown eyes, sometimes they look chocolate brow, sometimes lighter and pink tinted lips . i wear glasses when im at home with my family but when im not i wear contacts that are see through and show the true colours of my eyes.
    i am not very rich, nor am i poor, i want to be a lawyer when im older. i live in a house with my parents, my 11 year old sister and my 4 year old sister.
    My personalty : i am insane and random with the ppl im close to. if its quiet even for a minute i would randomly burst out laughing and wont stop, if i just met the person im quiet but i soon warm up to them. i love talking and it takes alot to get me to shut up . i am not picky with food and would honestly eat anything :$ i don't like trying new stuff or tasting different i love trying new and crazy things , im close to both friends and cousing because i love being around all types of ppl. it takes alot of energy to clean my somewhat messy room, because i am lazy. i get scared EXTREMELYY EASILY, and thats what make ppl love me . I love going to disney land , im just happy all the time and i love the rides. I want to get a second piercing but im scared it will hurt w im scared 2na ill turn out mthl wa7da mn el shwari3 3la gowlat umy. im a weak person sometimes and ppl like causing problems for me , but when someone messes with my friends and family i make sure they wish they were dead. I sleep in the same room as my sister but i have my own room. I am rarely serious but when i am i can take it a bit too far!.i hate when ppl pick on me or make fun of me , i take it too farr and get offended very badly. it's just because i love arabic and english music and am always playing it, but when it comes to reading i would read any english book you give me but not arabic . i love taking pictures, reading, watching scary movies, being with my friends and family.

    i would love to be in anyy story you write , i would be proud to be in one . but id much rather be in le chase cause i lovveeee anything to do with romance.. but if you think i suit your other story then i dont mind
    If Bedour slapped me and stole my husband i would chase her down and beat her to death until she is nearly dead and then id leave her on her own until she does. no one does something (verbal or physical) and gets away with it and there is no way in hell id let anyone steal my husband no matter how much i love or hate him.. hes mine ya3ny hes mine ! no one can touch him .. :$
    i love youuuu and would love to be in any of your stories , you are an inspiration and when i find out you posted something i do anything to read it, your storys make my dayy and i couldnt imagine my life without your amazing blogs :$<3

  67. Second thing is personality... this is my fav part as i am very proud of myself. I'll start with a story few years ago when i was 13 years old i had a fight with a friends basically long story short i trusted her she betrayed me then i had another silly fight with my friend over something so stupid this fight made me realise that i shouldn’t trust anyone but myself and my sisters/brother/mother/father only. so after that 'incident' i turned out to be a completely different person that i am proud to call myself. My friends in school say that i always act older than my age meaning i am wise and my opinion matters the most as i am a truthful person and I have a good taste, my good friend who got the chance to meet me in school but unfortunate left told me that i am such a mysterious person, and that i am mean he thought i was one of the mean girls but they dont exist in our school, he says i am very beautiful and really confident i dont kiss up to people i say what i think but not in a rude way mthl magolon a36e klmn 3ala gad 3glah. he told me that i dont show feelings and i build up walls so not many people can cross them but i like to call these walls " runway protection" as you can see i like fashion and i hate calling it walls because walls sound kinda depressing so in fashion these runways are always crowded with audience that cant go on the runway but they get a general image of whats going on, on the runway. this is basically how people see me, its like i'm on a runway so they can see me but they can’t really reach me. ohh and he told me i am every guys dream girl, as you can see i do like fashion but im not the girly girl type... i watch football, play call of duty with my cousins and i play basketball so i'm a mixture of both the gilry type and a slightly sporty girl type that is itself unique I haven’t met anyone that has these interests . Btw this guy is just one of my very very very few close friends. my family tell me i'm funny, offer great advices on real life matters, they tell me ena shwai dafsha but i dont really get it cause everyone and i mean everyone see me as a girly girl so i'm guessing ena they are trying to piss me off when they say that. So I am a combination of all what they say, pretty weird combination I know. Basically I like being mean even though I am not always mean, I like it when people fear me and when they call me mean I find it complimenting. After the incident with two of my best friends that I mentioned earlier I became really really strong. Im glad I was betrayed as I wouldnt see the real self of those whom I thought were my best friends and I wouldn’t become who I am today if it wasn’t for them. I used to tell them my secrets they didn’t appreciate that and now nobody knows my secrets. I admit that I do have trust issues I don’t trust anyone at all. My circle of friends is so little and not even them know my secrets. I am confident of myself , I have a lot of confidence with no exaggeration, I act mean I have death stares that scare a lot of people I don’t share everything with just anyone, its hard to talk to me, its hard to please me I’m very picky but it depends not on silly stuff. I don’t show my feelings cause I know people will take advantage of that it happened to me before. But from the inside im a very kind loving person, I only show my loving and kind character to who deserves it and I haven’t met anyone who does, sad truth. I don’t just talk to anyone I am social but the only few people I like to call my friends.

    1. btw this is still me 16 year old lulwa by mistake i posted it in a differnt comment...... To summarize my personality…. I am a strong funny mysterious smart ambitious feelingless honest creative stylish trustworthy independent kind yet mean with a mature mind kind of person . I don’t like to be compared to others and I don’t compare myself with others. I like things to go in my way so you cant boss me around I have big dreams that I call aims of life that keep me going and make me happy and trying to achieve them is what really motivates me. I know there is no such word as feelingless but what I mean is that I have feelings I don’t show them at all I don’t get hurt easily cause I protected my self with what I call “ runway protection” aka walls nothing really hurts me these days, I don’t feel anything. Ive been called selfish by my closest friend they think I would take credit for their ideas but what they don’t know is that I would never ever in a million years take credit for someone elses ideas. But the thing is no matter how good my intentions are they would always assume the worst, its something they kept in their head . Id also like to add one more thing I am a leader not a follower I like to do things differently I don’t hate it when people copy me its actually flattering to have someone who admires your style to copy it. I am often imitated but im never duplicated. The reason why I want my original skin color back and not this tan is because every girl is obsessed with getting tanned I like to be different I was tanned long before the trend ever started I like to stand out from the crowd . one more thing I have all these different beliefs and im glad but denii dayman ykon gabl kelshaii a7awl a97e7 mn a56a2y. I dont go out with boys I talk to them as friends only, a7awel abt3d 3an el ashya elly ma tewaf8 denii but for the sake of the story its ok if you make me be in a relationship with someone before marriage and its ok if I do things against my religion its just a fictional story not real life so I don’t mind. My twitter account is @LuluAlHammadi .Id like to be added to the new story and to answer the question about bdor. First thing first she’ll never be able to steal my husband away from me, because …… A, I would never befriend or talk or get married to someone I don’t trust B ,he chose me for a reason its hard to find someone like me so why would he ruin his chance C, I know how to deal with guys so I am pretty sure he will be happy with me D, Bdor is the typical girl nowadays and I noticed that guys don’t like that, especially the type elly ytla9ag fe el guys and try to get their attention and E I am pretty sure any guy with dignity and a mind that works wouldn’t cheat on his wife with ‘Bdor’! However in the unlikely event that “my husband” would cheat on me with Bdor I would react to it as follows…

    2. First I’ll confront my husband and would tell him to tell me every detail about it, if I realize that Bdor took him away from me using her disgusting ways then I am going to have to deal with my husband first as he is more important. I would see if he’s really sorry about it or not I know how to read peoples true feelings. If he was I wont surrender to his apology so easily I’ll let him work for it because once you lose my trust its hard to gain it back i’ll let him suffer a bit then I’ll forgive him if allah forgives those who deserve it who are we not to ? And about bdor I wont sink down to her level and slap her im better than that I would go up to her give her one of my lectures that make you really guilty id make her live with the guilt as this feeling is very hard to live with trust me its better than any weapon. I’ll make her realize what a mistake she has done and that she chose the wrong person to mess with. On a second thought maybe I would hit her if I still didn’t feel better after talking to her who is she to steal my husband or even consider him to be with her, but I would never do what she did to teach her a lesson I believe in karma and it will get her someday and I am not the kind who would steal guys away from their beloved ones. The only important thing is that I feel relieved after talking to her . so after the fight I would walk with my head held high full of pride cause it takes more than bdor to break me. However if I consider the other case which is that if I find out that my husband doesn’t feel sorry about it I would let her take him away as simple as that. No matter how much I love him I wouldn’t accept that he cheated on me and that he doesn’t feel a tiny bit sorry about it. Maybe I made a mistake in marrying him and that there is someone out there better than him. I m not afraid of making mistakes, the minute we stop making mistakes is the minute we stop learning. I am different and unique I know that and it would make a great story. I believe I should be chosen cause as you can see I have a weird mixed personality I would honestly feel so good about myself if you write about me because I would be the source of inspiration to you , I’ve always wanted to be an inspiration to someone. I believe in the saying “if you can believe it you can achieve it” so I am believing in it.

      Thankyouu -L

    3. if i get chosen hopefully then i'd like to be anonymous

    4. Oh I forgot to tell you I have natural wavy hair

  68. 1. @fajoorals
    2. I'm short, I'm not skinny, not fat, samra (kind of), my hair is medium length, it's very curly and frizzy, it's dark brown, the back (under) my hair is dyed light brown, I like wearing comfy, stylish clothes like a stylish top with cropped jeans. At home I like wearing baggy clothes; sweatpants, Pjs, my parents' hoodies and jackets. I like wearing my black leggings with my moms hoody. I paint my nails often, I like to grow them. I have a long face and a big forehead. I'm very sensitive but I act strong and defend myself. They call me a 'daloo3a' because I cry a lot! I'm quiet and shy but when I'm around people I love I'm the loudest person ever. I scream a lot, I take things seriously. I love stalking and staring. I cry when I watch a sad movie, I'm afraid of small animals and dogs. I'm into religion a lot, it's precious and very special to me. I'm Kuwaiti. I love dancing, jumping, screaming and being hyper. I believe everyone should be happy and I believe that the world can be good to you only if you're a happy person. When you're sad, you won't enjoy life. I want to be added to your upcoming story, but I don't really mind to be honest. If bedour slapped me Id get really mad; I forgot to mention I'm '3a9abiya' and I'd pull her hair and might bite her arm so my anger goes away. If she stole my husband I would let him go cause if he truly cared he would've stayed and I would tell her my and my mothers belief: what goes around comes around which is basically karma.
    3. I think I should be in this story because I'm mad, loud, angry, serious but shy. I'm sensitive but I act strong. I smile even when I'm upset. I believe in happiness and laughter even though I'm sensitive. Its like I have a mask on me, and your blog is 'masquerade'.

  69. SD76
    Appearance: short, kind of tan, dark brown hair with red dipdye, my hair is straight at times wavy at the other and curly at another time its confusing, big dark brown eyes, im not skinny but im not chubby, my body type is curvy, my style in clothes is 7asab my mood that day.
    Personality: shy at first but loud and funny after you get to know me, sensitive, outgoing, fun to be around, awkward, laughs alot, really silly but i know when i have to be serious, loves to help people, can be mean but i will immediatly feel sorry for that person, talkative, mature, bubbly, easily offended, over thinker, unique, loves revenge, weird, really moody.
    And i'd like to be in your upcoming story please.
    If Bedour slapped me id slap her back and walk away then get revenge. And id leave my husband alone, because if my husband left me then he clearly doesnt love me enough, do you know what i mean ;p.

    Thank you for reading and hope you pick me<3;**
    and (A=11)

  70. Okay so I decided to write about me because I think I'm not really a normal person I want to start with the basics so I'm noura "Saudi" 164 tall 65 weight on the fat side I'm 14 years old but I look WAY older because of the curves I have I hate them though. I have brown curly hair that lots would think I curled it with a curling iron i love it it's probably the only part of me that I 
    Like. I have brown eyes which are surrounded with long dark lashes.I have the 7n6y skin I couldn't find an English name sorry! but Something that makes me very different is that I've been diagnosed at the age of 6 with vitiligo if you don't know it is a failure in skin cells that produce the colour so I end up with thousands of patches everywhere around my body with different shapes and size.So this caused huge lack of self esteem but I try to move on as much as I can.Something about me is I love shopping I'm fashionista you can say I do always buy from very expensive brands we have the money al7mdella my style is the kind of edgy style or anything that is a trend and I feel comfortable with wearing it.

    On the personality wise I'm also very not normal my personality is kinda flexible. Without knowing I turn to this fun socialized person that everyone loves and thinks she's perfect with my friends the people I love the people I feel comfortable around with,but in the other hand I turn to this quite shy person that talks very little with my family and others not the type of people that I certainly like,but in both personalities I'm VERY VERY VERY UNBELIEVABLY AWKWARD I also appear strong but i'm not even close to it,  i care a lot about my studies and school i try to get the perfect marks but i still dont have an idea of what to become as i age,can call me flexible or even bipolar but what can I do it's like I'm forced to do so in a way

    If bedour stole my husband and slapped me first I would be surprised and take it all in cause I am the mfhya kind but after that of course I would slap her back or maybe scratch her face with my strong nail until they bleed,thinking about it I wouldn't want to kill bedour because then I would be killed so I would just think of the evilest plan but in a smart way so that I won't get caught

    It wouldn't really matter which story you'll put me in because I'm pretty sure that you'll be way more better to have the choose

    *there is something very very important I need you to know I've written a story about the vitiligo part I am a blogger! But it is deleted now I would totally understand you not wanting to write about it if it is already written but I still really hope to see something about me in your stories it would mean tons and tons ahhhh I can't even imagine it!! I didn't write much about how I feel about the vitiligo and stuff it suck though but you know writing about it means  a lot and isn't easy at all so i dont want it to be a waste,but if you choose my character I would be more than happy to tell you about everything

    And thank you so much for your time xx

    "Honey pie98" is the nickname I'll tell you my account in

  71. I actually wanted to join the contest since yesterday, but I didn't want to add more reading to your list, but then I said why not? I'll just do it for fun. So, I'll call myself 'Tee' for this. I'm 15.

    I am going to start by describing how I look first:
    I have raven black hair that reaches my mid-back, and it's wavy.
    My lashes are very thick and long, and my eyes are black, and my lips are naturally red, I am neither too skinny nor too fat,curvy is the word I assume. I am REALLY short, like 150 CMs short. Even though I have ivory skin, I tan quickly and it sticks for a long time. My style in clothes is very weird, but whatever I wear has to be comfortable and goodlooking. I tend to go for the vintage and colorful stuff. I don't care about brand names, or how expensive a thing is if I like it then how much it costs isn't a problem.

    Oh and I forgot to mention I am 100% Saudi (even though I don't look like it) but kuwaiti born, and I lived in kuwait until the age of 7.

    Now personality wise:

    Well I'm being very honest when I say on one hand I'm hot tempered. I sometimes seriously believe that I need anger mangement. On the other hand, I'm also really nice, ya3ny even if you say something bad about me infront of me I'd be really convinced that I did something to deserve it (that gets my friends and family really mad.) I hate gossip, I actually get out of the class/room/9ala if someone was gossiping about someone. I'm ALWAYS ALWAYS late, whatever I do to be early I somehow manage to be late. Also, I'm literally embarrassment on feet. I don't think before I talk, and I can't lie even if my life depeneded on it. I babble, ALOT. I'm very into vintage stuff. Also, I tend to space out most of the times which leads meto my next habit which is that I get sidetracked a lot (ama, 3alay sha67at akthar elwagt.) Also, I'm very stubborn and strong-willed. Quiet frankly, I'm bold, probably too bold sometimes and as I mentioned it gets me into alot of embarrassing situations which entertains the poeple around me (including you) and I love it! I love the fact that I can make a person laugh, who cares if it's on my expense? Sadly, I'm not mu7ajaba, but I see me wearing a 7ejab in the future inshallah. I probably should've mentioned this in the looks part but now I'm too lazy to scroll up, anyway, I always smile. I can't help it! I'm very optimistic, and ma az3l for a long time ar9'a marra bsr3a. I love to read and write, and I'm actually quiet the nerd. Especailly, a math nerd. I love to design and sew too, I actually designed and sewed A LOT of my dresses, I get that from my grandma she loves designing too. I also happen to be very sociable person and now I should stop babbling.

    Which story do I want to be in?

    I don't mind, both are by the same amazing writer.

    What would I do if Bdour stole my husband and slapped me?

    First of all, I'd slap her back without thinking. Then, I'll start to ask her why would she do such a thing, but then again I'd stop because I can't just go on and blame her alone! It was 50% her fault, and the other 50% is that douche my husband's fault. I think though that I wouldn't be mad for long, for if my husband truly loved me he wouldn't cheat on me, or leave me for another woman. I don't know for sure, because let's be honest we all don't know how we'd react because for us it never happened before. Well, to me it didn't. So, again I don't have a defenite answer for that question.

    Tee1693 is the nickname.

    Goodluck to you on picking a winner, and goodluck to the girls&guys particpating.

  72. Name: Maryam. Age: 15 turning to 16. Her hair was a rich shade of mahogany to Ashy brown. It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing Golden-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, the eyes were a piercingly sharp shade of brown. A straight nose, and full soft, peachy, pink lips. High cheekbones, chiseled look, and a sharp chin. Hard to read. She tends to be more reserved, not necessarily shy but not very open. She is usually also quite soft-spoken.
    There is something unreal and eerie about her. Her face, somewhat luminous, had a slight pale tone to it. Eyebrows were arched over the curve before dispersing onto the bridge of her straight, dainty nose. Plump, the lips had the strangest curl to them. This enchanting face was framed by wavy, mahogany-colour curls, each falling to her hips.
    She stands against the flow. Responds to what is asked, but does not overtly reveal all the hidden spots in her armor. Someone has to gain it, earn it through experience. To have seen a lot, but said little.
    Laughs with mischief in my eyes, so that if you look into them all you see is a six year old. Open, pure laughter, yet hard to see her laugh. Self-contained, quiet, with an intriguing aura. You could see fear in those cruel eyes you could see many things. A scar on the eyebrow and on the upper right of her forehead. A dimple on the left cheek which barely is shown due to her lack of smiles. Not an open book. Loves to read a wide array of poems and novels, does not like to be disturbed, and can get a little of angered at times. A large interest in martial arts. Intelligent, yet might be misguided on being a nerd. Height 155, weight 40 due to her high metabolism. Does not like to over-dress her-self, but has a thing for summer dresses or dresses in general. Been diagnosed by lung infection (a main cause of death) luckily survived after treatment for 2-4 weeks. She has got the skill to move her fingers on the black and white keys of the piano vividly, due to her 5 year practice sessions with herself, no music teacher, nothing. She strives to be polite and courteous to everyone she meets, if so. She has been accused of being overly passive, and perhaps she is, but if someone lashes out at her and she can honestly say she is not doing anything to warrant it, she just reminds her-self that 'it's not about the tea.' ( It’s an incident that happened to a lady fighting vigorously just because they added sugar in her tea, whatever was going on there wasn't about the tea. That woman had something major going on in her life and she just needed to vent, which was unfortunate for the Starbucks staff.).
    -Next comment continuation-

  73. -I'm GOS- 7seet i need to add more stuff
    So, tafkerri akbr mn 3umrii ldarjt sometimes my married sister asks me for advice.. Tfahmeeen el7ya said my 25 year old cousin.
    I'm not girly girl and i don't act boyish or anything bs i hate girly stuff such as make up i barely wear make up!
    I LOOOOOOOOVEEEE to cook and i enjoy playing basketball i take dance lessons too.

    I don't have a type in people, if i like you i like you it just depends on how you treat me
    I'm patient, crazy, jidan mutfa2la,sometimes quiet when i'm not quiet i'm laughing and smiling, bs om dmee3a a9ee7 3ala ay shay bs when it comes to serious sitautions i freeze and lose the ability in talking.
    I LOOOOOOVEEEE KUWAIT AND KUWAITES AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!! Don't ask me why i just love them. 7ta a7s ahli byjebonli ticket to kuwait on my birthday w i'll try to get lost there 3shan ma arj3 els3odia..
    El7amdellah a5af w greba mn rabii and i try my best to be closer and not to do something wrong..
    I fear animals!! Ela el turtles hahaha 9dg, 7ta a5af mn el39afeer.
    I care way too much about people ldarjt i forget about myself...
    And i see myself as a doctor and i want to study it in america UCLA inshallah:P i seriously love anything that has something with helping people and i love learning stuff about the humans body w ketha but i hate studying i'm a failure in studying and i try so hard to get high grades bs i fail everytime.
    Anyways i don't think adding these silly stuff will get me in one of the stories mashallah people are so good at describing themselves.
    Thank you for your time vie and good luck picking up the right ones :D

  74. -continuation-
    She is short-tempered and impatient just like anyone else. She is negative because of past experiences. She feels as if she had more loses than wins. In some ways being negative makes her happy. A lot of times she feel like everyone else is having the time of their lives while she is struggling. She expects the worst so when the worst comes she won't be blown off by her feet and if the worst doesn't come then she will be happy. She never sees the positive side to anything... ever! That way, she is not disappointed when something bad happens, and if something good does happen then she is pleasantly surprised.
    Our past can provide a reliable prediction for our present. When she was a kid, the cruelty of the other children made her feel alone, too. She was the odd kid out. The kid that had a speech impediment, and she was the kid picked last for the playground games. This made her feel sad and it made her feel alone. One part of her-self knew the truth but the other part of her soul felt shame and embarrassment. The loneliness of her life was sometimes more than she could bear. Our minds have a way of protecting us. Whenever we are hurting, it’s natural to try to get rid of whatever is causing the pain. However, the need to eliminate the pain could only set us up for more frustration and anxiety – especially if it doesn’t happen as quickly as we would like.
    She is at the point where she feels that her soul is originated elsewhere...another planet even. She dislikes humans, she dislikes their ways, their company, and she prefers animals. She feels like just an observer, studying the world but never really being able to be a part of it.
    The irony is that nobody feels a part of "the world" because "the world" is by its very nature hostile and exclusive.
    My advice is to abandon trying to feel a part of the world, ditch it entirely, and then you can become a part of the real world, the world that doesn't hate you, your OWN world.
    She is living her own world, yet the mystery of herself and why she is self-contained still has to be revealed.


  75. Hi, I'm @Jawaher_DK I'm 12 years old from Bahrain. I wear glasses. I'm a little tanned, I have honey brown eyes, and curly black-ish brown hair, my hair itsnt that long. I am tall for my age, but I see my self as a short person because almost all my friends are taller than me. I have two brothers, an older one and a younger one, which means I'm daddy's little princess. If I want something I'll beg until I get it. I see my self as fat, but my friends say I'm not, although I don't believe them. I am working on my weight and what I eat, I started going to the gym twice a week. I can be loud or shy it really depends on who you are. I can be funny and weird at times, but when I ask you something I expect an honest answer. When I'm serious I'm really dead serious like don't joke around. I'm smart and I get good grades in school, but I don't do my homework, I would usually copy it off someone else's paper/book. My science teacher would call me "smart" if he wants to call on me, that's how much I brag about it. ( But as a joke) :p sometimes I would tell my friends "I was born with the brains" just to annoy them. I just like telling people that I'm smart. I got caught a few times for not doing my homework, but I've gotten away with it many times. My dream is to skip a grade just like my aunty did, but that takes a lot, and I hate studying so I doubt that would happen. I'm more of a listener than a talker. I do like sports, but I'm not all that good at it. I'm not a sporty person. I'm creative and I have a wild imagination to write stories or do art. In school my favorite subjects are Math but it gets boring at times, English because we have a lot of projects that includes writing and art because I like to annoy the teacher but he's really nice. I have fainting problems. I faint to much, I've fainted 4 times my whole life and they were all in 2012. This problem is not normal, to me. This problem comes from having low blood pressure. (Hboo6) I've been told that I was bossy last year, so I decided to change my personality, but not completely. I changed for the best and I'm trying to be kinder now.

  76. I'm unique. If something I don't like is in style I will not wear it just because its considered cool. I'm not like those girls that wear full make up just to get attention, they actually think it looks good, but you should see yourself in someone else's eyes. I like to be natural. If I do apply makeup it would be for an occasion. I'm the type of girl that loves to wear jewelry. You know my name is Jawaher, which means jewels in arabic, so I think I know where I'm getting this obsession from. I am confident, but I do admit that I'm sensitive. No one knows that about me, except my family. I don't like to break down in front of people, but if I can't handle the situation I will. I do care what people say about me, because not caring at all is not good. I don't care a lot, but I care enough to get hurt buy their words. I don't like to be judged, if you don't know me don't judge me, and I don't like to judge people before I actually get to know them or their side of the story, or their personality. Don't mess with my relatives or friends, because you wouldn't like to see the bad and angry side of me. I'm not the type of person that has a lot of friends, I'm not that popular girl. I have a few friends who I love. I'm very picky when it comes to choosing friends, but that's just the way I am and nobody can change that. I like to annoy my friends, so whenever they ask me a question I have a certain answer that I know would annoy them. Sometimes they would ask me a question and I would answer ' Because I'm cool B-)' or ' Because I'm an aquarius.' Did I forget to mention I was an aquarius? My birthday is February 3rd 2000. I tweet my life, like literally everything that happens, sometimes my brother or friends tell me that its annoying but I really don't care. I tweet to express not to impress. I get moody from time to time, when I'm moody don't come and try to talk to me because you'll only make it worse, and I'll start screaming or shouting. Also don't act stupid around me, I don't like it. I'm the time of person that cannot handle stupidity. I get angry really quickly, but I've learned to control my anger. I also get embarrassed really quickly, but my face doesn't turn red. I don't like people that come to me because they want something ( Ma9la7a yeah I hate it). I don't exist in your life but when you want something you come to me and ask me? I hate that! I don't like people that pretend to be my friend just for food. Yes I do bring food to school, but its for me not for me to share with you. I usually don't like sharing things. My things are mine and only mine. This world is full of fake people. I like to joke around. But when you take joking to a new level, that's when it gets annoying. If you haven't noticed I'm the type of person that gets annoyed really quickly and holds a grudge. What I usually wear, I wear casual clothes, I don't dress up a lot. Yes I do wear dresses, but for parties or for different occasions, but I don't wear them everyday. I do wear branded clothes, but the part of me I hate the most is when I see the label or the brand I automatically like the piece of clothing whether is nice or not, whether I liked it before I read the label or not.

    1. Still @Jawaher_DK ^

    2. I love music, English mostly. My cousins and a friend are trying to change me and switch me into liking arabic music, but I don't like it as much as English. When I'm in the car with my older cousins they would put on arabic music, I don't mind it but I don't understand I word they say. Don't go thinking ' oh chicken nugget she doesn't understand arabic' yes I do understand arabic its my language, but I don't get what they say in these songs. I love chocolate, I go crazy when I see chocolate, its my love! I'd I see a chocolate in front of me I can't resist I must have it! I'm more of a listener than a talker. My friends would usually talk and I'd listen or give advice. I do talk but I'm not the person that talks a lot I'm not the talker in my group of friends. If Bdour slapped me I'd slap her back, I'd call it a cat fight, but if she tries to steal my husband, that's a new level. She won't like to see the bad side of me. Trust me, no one does. I've turned into angry Jawaher many times and no one likes it, I don't like it either, but if that's my only choice so that's what I'm going to do. I really don't mind which story I'm chosen for. I'd be really happy if I was actually selected to be in one of your stories. Sorry if this paragraph is too long, I've always liked writing. When my English teacher would say " We are going to have to write an essay" or " We are going to be writing a journal entry today" I would be the only one that would scream "YESS!!" When everyone else would scream "NOO!!" =)) I love writing I can't help it. Thank you xx- @Jawaher_DK

  77. WOW. I can hardly see a chance of me winning against all these contestants, but then again enshallah I will.

    My name is Fatima. I come from the emirates. (UAE) I am a thirteen year old; my birthday is in four days and a couple of hours. (28/10) I have an inverted triangle face, a medium sized, almond shaped, and dark, almost chocolate brown eyes. My friends tell me I have Kim Kardashian’s eye. I do not think so, but who am I to say so, since I've always been bad with categorizing a person. I have Angelina Jolie’s lips; I've been told I look like her by a great deal of people. I have a normal, ideal nose. I’ve got a red dip dye on my long thick black curly/wavy hair. I’m thin, not skinny, and I’m 162 cm tall. I have a caramel skin tone, a bit lighter than caramel though.

    I go by the trend; I wear anything that is in style. I mostly wear chic together with elegant. Usually, I just wear comfy. If I wasn’t in the mood I could wear my pajamas under my closed abaya to the mall, yeah I could be that lazy. I wear a black shaila (veil) with the upper part of my hair showing and an abaya in public. I wouldn't wear them if I go to my grandma’s though. I prefer a hoodie. I wouldn't wear both if I travel, but might’ve to wear a shaila almost everywhere I go soon.

    I have a strong personality and a loud voice. (Not as in vocal voice, more like power of speech) I tend to be sensitive form the inside. I keep what’s bothering me to myself. I never tell people how I truly feel, knowing that one day they would use it against me. I’m social and awkward simultaneously, more of awkward actually, around people I don’t know. I give a one-hundred percent in almost everything I do. I have confidence in what I do and what I believe in. I’m independent, I love travelling, I love making new friends, I love meeting new people, I love chocolate, I love my parents, they taught me well. I’m respectful; I know my limits. I can get rebellious from time to time though. I’m a Scorpio; zodiac signs interest me. I've been told I have good leadership skills. I never sleep during the day unless I’m extremely tired. I spent five days in Abu Dhabi and two in Dubai, (Usually) since half of both my parents families live there. It’s annoying and chaotic. I spend way too much time in my head. I think everyone looks prettier with eyeliner on. I find joy in helping people. I’m an optimist; I am cheerful and very hopeful. When I'm hyper, I'm crazy. I always think the best of people, which troubles me at times, since a fair amount of people don’t deserve it. I don’t believe in ‘I am bored.’ In fact I hate that sentence so much, it does not make sense! There are so many things to do, how can you be bored?! I tend to be humorous, yet serious as people say. My friend says I’m too formal, yeah right, I’m not. I believe that the envious eyes are powerful. Repetition of common scene frustrates me. I don't like to offend people. I have a good relationship with my parents, a better relationship with my sister and best friends (I lean on them a lot) and horrific relationships with most of my cousins. I hate rude and judgmental people. I live by the motto: success and nothing less. I hate to be below number one. I believe that one person’s ambition can make a difference.

    1. Crossed Character limit, continuation:
      I enjoy reading, well obviously, I enjoy skiing, and I enjoy singing and dancing.

      My favorite quote is:

      “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” I feel that it represents me in ways I can’t explain.

      I wouldn't mind being in Le Chase, although I would like to be in the new story.

      If Bedour slapped me, I must have anger her for her to hit me, lol. Well I would not let go, I would hold a grudge on her, though I will forget fast if it wasn’t something bad. Probably just slap her back. If someone hit me, I would hit them back. If someone offended me, I would offend them back. That’s just me, maybe not directly but I would.

      If she stole my husband, does not wanting to get married count? Well I never wanted to get married… Just for the sake of this question: my husband would be too loyal to fall for her fake charm. Then if he wasn’t, I would probably hate them both and plan scheme that would show my husband, Bedour’s true colors. Oh and I will ask for a divorce, I wouldn't want to be with a traitor.

      I want you to add me in the story, because I always wanted to see myself in another place and time. I want to live in another person's shoe for a change. I really hope you choose me to be in one of your stories!
      Name: F-10

  78. Name: Joud. Age: 13. Nationality: Saudi.
    1) Appearance: I have a long thick curly/wavy dark brown hair, dark brown wide eyes, thick long eyelashes, average weight, I don't see my self short but people always say i'm short :(=)), white skin ( I never like white skin on me so i always tan :p ), I have one dimple on my right cheek & I have a rosy cheeks.

    2) Personality: Shy with strangers ( I really hate this fact :p ), crazy with people I know, I'm a very honest person, fun to be around, YOLO type, moody person, a good listener, I don't like staying at home so I always go out with friends/cousins.

    I LOVE FASHION, BLOGS, BOOKS, TRAVELING & FOOD! I have two brothers ( 20 y/o - 18y/o ) & two sisters ( 26y/o - 23y/o) & I'm the youngest, our relationship is strong الحمدالله. Fashion designer to be ان شاء الله. I LOVE winter so i can wear my hoodies, sweaters, uggs & go to camp. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MUSIC it just changes my mood whenever I'm sad/depressed. I like doing pranks on people. I love Kuwaity accent & Kuwaity people, hehe:p. whenever i'm bored you will find me in kitchen eating, lol. I really care about my look, my style & my hair I don't like going out without being good-looking. I LOVE PERFUMES & SHOES! people always say that i look older than my age or mentally older than my age but I don't think so :p.. I don't like people who don't smile back -.-. I hate eating or drinking anything in the morning, I'm weird and i know it. I love going to parties, dancing & having fun. people say that i'm VERY hyper but I don't think so :o! I really HATE crying infront of people! Over-sized shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, maxi skirts, legging & dresses are my style in clothes but I don't mind changing my style sometimes. :p I like adding some odd/weird accessories/jewelry to my clothes, I LOVE wearing rings too! I wear glasses ( wich i really hate ) but I just wear it in home & school not in any other places. I don't like healthy food. I ALWAYS wanted to have a twin brother or sister :c. I share my room with my sister, she's 10 year older than me I really want my own room but that doesn't mean I don't want her :p actually when I saw the other people comments I saw them having A LOT of fights with their sisters .. but our relationship is good but I want to have my own room to decorate it by myself and do whatever I like in it but Inshallah I'll have my own room soon.

    3) If Bedour from Le Chase slapped you and stole your husband, what would you do?

    I'll slap her back, kick her in the stomach & pull her hair.
    I'll make her regret everything she did to me.

    and I'll do the same to the 5arouf Thari. ☺

    and I'll make sure they sleep in the hospital today, then I'll go and live my life.

    4) Which story do you want to be added to?

    Any story that would fit me and my personality.

    5) Why should you choose me to be in the story?


    Your stories are EXTREMELY PERFECT, I read your blog since the first story you wrote.
    and I went to every single person in our family & told her/him to check your blog! :p

    Anyway, because I really love your way of typing and I always wanted someone to talk about me? or to be added to a story.

    anyway, I'll tell you my username on

    " Anon J " is the nickname.

    Goodluck Maryam! <3

  79. Hey, so i obviously wont get in but what the heck you never know :D

    My name is Mariam, im 16 and im fully kuwaity. I have long wavy/curly brown hair, sunkissed skin, big brown eyes, small lips, and a long thin nose. Im 164 cm (pretty short dont judge:D) and my body shape is an hourglass. I have an obsession with sports so you can say i work out quite a bit, Im extremely outgoing, im against dating, oo aparentaly ana wayed thigeela, i have an obsession with romance and getting married and im the type of girl that if you mess with my friends you're messing with me, i love my family and friends and thats really about it.
    thank you so much for your time -Mariam :*

  80. Helloo, I go by the name of sarah. Please remember the "h" idkk there's just something in me the flinches if its not there as if its not my name o:) anyways I'm generally a very happy bubbly person. I may get loud at times and completely nuts around my friends. Idk how they accepted me as a friend I'm such a weirdo with an even weirder sense of humor that very few people get. I'm 164cm tall, I have long curly black hair, and big brown eyes. My style is very simple a pair of jeans i just got these pair of turquoise and I'm absolutely in love with the, so yeah generally I'd wear a weird shade of jeans perhaps printed ones and a bright coloured shirt. I love bright colours especially lime green and orange. I don't wear any makeup except for mascara as i have really short and thin lashes that I don't like. I hate it when guys have such thick and lovely lashes!I'm a very active person and love taking part in all kinds of sports, but my two favorite sports are football and teakwondo. Yes I know very weird for a girl to do martial arts but I fell in love. I do it competitively as well so I take part in international as well as national competitions. In the beginning I was kinda forced into it with my guy cousins and really didn't like it whatsoever until as I grew older I realized that the people I trained with had become my second family. I'm currently the youngest one on the seniors team and there's a guy with us that's 31 years old believe it or not! I find that martial arts trains a person to control his anger contrary to what people might think that it makes someone rough and tough and "'3ajariya" as some might say. I also love animals especially dogs. I'm very good with them and my favourite breed are German Shepards. I am also such a nerd! I'm debating whether I wanna become a doctor or a lawyer and idk how that's possible since these two majors are so different from each other. I wanna become a doctor as I have a passion for the sciences. When some people might grown and whine about going to chem class I actually get excited I find the elements of the periodic table very amusing and interesting. Also biology I love learning about the human body and the other living things around us. On the other hand I would love to become a lawyer as I always fight for my rights. I never let people get away with taking my rights. And I don't care what others might think but I stick to my beliefs. I speak 3 languages my arabic and english are fluent yet I have some bumps with my french. I also play the piano, I find the music coming from the keys very soothing and such a relaxing stress relieving whether it be an argument I'm trying to forget about or a bad grade that has ruined my day. Another bad trait of mine is that if I get a bad grade I kinda let it get the best of me and affect my whole day which isn't so good. Well yeah that pretty much sums it up! Crazy girl wild loud personality with the loudest voice ever favorite colors lime green and orange love traveling and reading russian mystery novels loves sports and scientific topics :D If i were to be chosen I wanna be in the new story. and yeah if Bdour slapped me i would most likely slap her back and maybe kick her as self defence is kinda a natural instinct as I've been doing taekwondo for six years now. well thats me!

  81. Hello Dalal here! Username- will be put up on your ask (S19956)
    I'm a fourteen-year-old Saudi girl. I wear 7ejab in a simple way, though I love to add my style and touches to it so it wouldn't look boring. So I simply like my 7jab colorful and stylized, just not too much so we won't overdo it. I have wide chocolate-brown eyes, with long eyelashes. I'm white. I'm not tall, not TOO short either, but I AM shorter than most of my friends, I'm 154cm. my body is not fat, neither model thin. I'm just the regular thin, mu eli bzyada. I'm currently wearing braces :D. I don’t have any dimples. When it comes to clothes, as I said before, I like to wear something stylized, that would make me look presentable, in another way mratba. I feel good when I wear skirts w dresses. I absolutely love blazers and rings! I love to add accessories to add a touch to what I'm wearing. And one more thing, I always want what I wear to be comfy, or else I might not wear it. I love to wear nail polish!
    I have my own personality and I don’t try to copy anyone. I'm kind, sweet, and fun to be around; that’s what I've been told. I'm loyal. What gets on my nerves are backstabbers! I'm funny, a7b a'67kk w astahbil bzyada. Lma af9il, mafe shy ygdr ywgfnii! I'm reaallly fragile and sensitive, I cry too fast, maybe over the stupidest things and I'm not the type that could hold back the tears, bil3ax kilish magdar! I get irritated too fast and sometimes couldn't hold my anger, unlike other times where I smile to your face and burn on the inside, and easily let it go. I may say things that I regret saying after I calm down. I over-think and worry too much, and I always expect the worst to happen. I love to sing, I don’t know if this helps:p I have a wiiiide imagination. I sometimes may look like I don’t care at all, I just don’t show you that I care, but I actually do. Ma ar'6a bl'3l6, 59oo9an 3la someone who I care about like my family and friends, I automatically get defensive. 9aidaa! I respect people who respect me. When you first meet me, I'm shy. But once you get to know me, I become loud enthusiastic bubbly and crazy, in a good way though. I definitely hate to hurt someone's feelings but I do, we all do, and when I do it, it's totally unintentional! I'm so serious about my grades and education, that if any of my marks got deducted, it could ruin my whole day. I love to help people and see smiles on their faces because of something I did! I'm easily scared. I hate horror movies because they scare me to death! 3adii eni I watch a Disney princess movie on a weekend! I love Disney characters they're cute! Umm, I love to take pictures! I loovee having sleepovers with my friends, they're so much fun! A5aaaaf min dogs w cats! Ice-cream could make me feel better.
    To me, it doesn’t really matter which story I'm going to be added to, I just want to be added to one of them. But I prefer to be added to the new upcoming story to see something different. I want you to surprise me with the events! But I really don’t mind. :p
    Hmm, if Bedour from Le Chase slapped me and stole my husband, what would I do? I'm definitely not slapping her back, I mean I don’t want to get filth on my hands right? I'd smile to her face; this would irritate her I'm sure! And then think rationally of what I'm going to do next. It's either I plot my revenge so she gets it SO bad! Or I could just leave it to Allah, I wouldn't want to get down to her level, w Allah bya5ith 7agii akeed. Maybe even let karma get her! Because it's not only Bedour's fault, the husband could've done something, I mean he's a man isn't he? So I wouldn't waste my time and fight for someone that doesn't deserve me and could walk away from me easily!

    1. oh and curiosity always gets the best of me. i speak a little french if that helps :p i love travelling so much.

    2. i'm the type of people that you could depend on, i won't let you down! i love making someone smile. i want you to add me because i would love to read something that my character is in,i want to feel that you're writing about me. and i want to see what will my character do- if it was in the story. y3ni basically i want to read about myself!-Dalal

  82. FIRST OF ALL , i'm really really sorry for the delay !! I wrote this on my blackberry & it couldn't submit , so i sender it by email to myself & it couldn't either , so i had to write this all over again & reviewing it all over again , & i know i had two days!! but i only saw it yesterday because the day before i was sleeping over at my cousin's so i didn't open it :c I AM TRULY REALLY SORRYY ABOUT THISS

    well hey there, i'm 123456 , i'll give you my twitter account on ask , please don't post it i want to be anonymous ;p i'm saudi , mt7jba bss fe al safari la , i really want to though ! i think this summer will be my last ! okay so i'm just going to say random things about me, i LOVE the colour blue , donald duck!! i'm a chipaholic < i invented that word =D a fan of chocolate but a bigger fan of chips!! I LOVE FLAMIN hot cheetos! or lazy max THE HOTT ONE ! i love spicy hott things :p i'm a human tv gauid ! i watch many MANY series , about 30 ? not exaggerating! i'm soon to be 15 ;p a Sagittarius ! i love people! i mean i'm a very social person, & i love going out & all but i don't go to anyone , y3ney some certain people only , my real close friend only , so it's a bit hard to be social when you can't go to anyone's house ! ohh & i get nervous talking to a guy! heck i get nervous being at a place with a guy , even if it's in a shop i don't like itt , i just hate it XD i have no guy friends , & i'm not really close with my guy cousins :p just girls ! & they'e rather older or younger ! i only have 1 cousin my age with is 15 , i have 4 sisters , 1 married & has a daughter & my two other sisters are in collage , & i have one younger sister whom i love but hate ! you see I HATE HER!! well , i hate her actions!! she really pisses me off ! but you know you have to love your sister? so i love her to. ohh yeah ! i'm pretty tall! kind off 169 :p & i weight 50

    1. , i used to weight 55 but i had some fats so al7amdellah i lost them by working out! everybody says to my mom " bntk bshosha" which is she's always smiling & you know you can see the joy & happiness in my smile , well i am happy , healthy & have a good family so i should thank god for that, but you know i have this friends problem! i have those 4 close friends , let me tell you about them .. 1 is pretty quit i've know her for 5 years & never ever been to her house & she never talks about her family , well 7aram a9'lmha she talks about them bss ymkn , mraa kl shahrein & the other one is fake. she's been my friend for about 7 years & her sister is a friend of my cousin , & her OTHER sister is a friend of y other cousin ! so i can't just leave her , plus i truly love her! she never gets mad or sad about anything but you know why i call her fake ? because she LIES & as you may notice i hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE liar !! i really hate liars , y3ney why do you lie ? to keep your story fun ? funnier or what ? it's lying how could you do it & not feel guilty ! oh & i have a really guilty conscious ! y3ney ma a7b az3l a7dd ABDAN w i love to show people a great side of me , i'm shy around older people , but i'm fthe 5th older person in my grade ? or 6th i think , anyways i get really shy when somebody says good things about me! i feel good about my looks & personality al 7amdellah but what i hate is that i get pissed of easely , y2ney i may be quit w asfh w ki4a bss i never forget w it stays in my heart

    2. ma ansa abdan ! i'm pretty patient but when i hold a grudge on someone! i explode ! y3ney ymkn askt 20 mra bss b3dha I EXPLODE shout scream at them , express all my feelings! & what i really hate the most is that i'm really sensitive ! when i explode i cry , when i get mad i cry , lma a7ss tfshlt i cry lma az3l i cry , & i hate crying in front of people! funny ha ? hate to cry but cry easily. what else .. hmm OHH YEAH i cant believe i forgot , my 2 other friends ! they're the best but the worst you see , my friend lets call her 1 , she loves fashion , she talks about them 24/7 , i mean okay i love it but nor everyday for in school 6 hours! mashallah she never gets bored, what i love about her is she never care about people's opinion unlike me , i hate being hated ! i just have to ask why & try to be a better person but you know it's hard to ask anyone why do you hate me ;p so this 1 hates my other friend whom we'll call 2 , you know why ? because 2 IS A VERY SENSITIVE DRAMA QUEEN DALOO3A kind a way girl , y3ney if i hit my 5 year old niece *6ga 5feeefa* she's gonna laugh but this 2 is gonna make a scene & cry & be mad & says it hurts , okay i get your body is way too sensitive , but you started it ! y3ney she hits me the hardest she can & when i hit her a small hit she's crying !! & you know what her reason is ? '' you're

  83. stronger than me & my hits are way softer '' well newsflash little girl !! its still a hit ! i love 2 & she really makes me laugh but she only cares about herself , maybe some people she loves but never cares about someone's feeling.. & if you tell her a secret she may tell it when you're not so close anymore , back to 1 she's a great friend & everything but i don't know! i feel really comfortable talking to her w a7la shay feha els fe glbha 3la lsanha ! so if she hates something about you or misunderstood you she's gonna tell you unlike 2 , but the problem is 1 hates 2 & 2 hates 1 so everyone wants me to be closer to them , & you think i'll be happy right ? WRONG big big wrong. i really care about people & i love them both so much so i think i can't just leave one ! it's really complicated .. hmm i didn't describe my his or eyes , i have black brownish hair , a little waves to it , pretty long !! great nose , eyebrows leans to thick , normal eyes , i don't see them big in anyway , & they sure aren't small , but you know my eyes 'y3'o9on' when i smile =D i have actually big lips not so big but big , i love them ! you know cause they're not the ugly big but great big !! normal pink, 3ndy shway 5dood , i have small hans!! they're pretty funny because anyone who see it it's normal but when we put our hand together your gonna see XD ohh & one thing , myy toes are organised LOOOOL i mean most people they're toes are like this iiiIi mine are from short to tall y3ney hmm , did you understand > i can send you a picture from google if you wanna know XD hmm , another fact about me! i really can't control my laughter ohh & you know what my family calls me =D ? pepper! because i'm short tempered & always mad you know ? 7arah as they say XD i have braces , in 3-4 month it will be removed YEY i know!!!! so frisking exited !! i love animals !! all kind but i'm afraid of most :$ & you may think it's weird but i love people calling me a nerd ! i don't know why people hate it! i mean for god's sakes that means you're smart ! or you work hard on your studies so why not be happy ? i'm not actually a nerd in school , but a nerd in math ! i'm pretty good at it !! oh & I LOVE LOVE LOVE board games !! monopoly , sequence , wrga *cards* , keram , pictionary , chess .. etc i'm never finishing ! i'm pretty good at games even at wii playing mario party mario kart , i love mario too :p & you know whats even greater ? is that i mostly win , not to brag * i know i already did LOL* but i love wining , i'm used to it ,i love the feeling of being good at something! i hate it when i loose! i joke about it like saying , you're only wining this because i'm tired , of course i'll be laughing & everyone knows i'm joking but i still congratulate them & let them feel proud ;p after all it's only a game !

  84. hmmm .. i'm pretty fast too ! y3ney i'm kinda the 2nd fastest in our grade ! i love songs ! all kinds. ohh & If Bedour from Le Chase slapped you and stole your husband, what would you do? unfortunately i'll hit her back. not because of anything but she can't just hit me like that ? been he 3shan tswy ki4a !! if my own parents do not hit me WHO is she to hit me , i'm gonna *if i was wearing heels* i'll throw it in her face ! okay i get it i'll be mad if she stole my husband , but he had a say in this & he didn't says anything then screw him ! y3ney okay if he is like that why would i want him ? karma is a ***** , it will hopefully slaps him , bout bedour ? slapping me ? i'm pretty strong & i don't get hurt easily physically but emotionally i'm pretty weak , so of course i'm gonna cry my eyes out & know i'm gonna emberce myself but just the thought of her slapping me ? a9lan you know ena al soul *3lyhe al 9lat w al slam* forbidden hitting someone in the face ? so she slaps me ? i'm gonna men her regret the day she was born in !! yes i'm the sweet shy girl , the funny one & crazy & the one who JOKES about everything but when i get mad i EXPLODE so when i EXPLODE you better be far away from me, because you don't wanna see the other side of me. & the last but not least , al7amdellah ana shja3a which is a great thing ! y3ney i defend myself w i take risks , some of course ! cause i know fe consequences ! i think thats pretty it . no one more thing XD

    1. why i want to be in the story ? its because i already wrote one & failed , people said i'm not bad but people also yjamloon & i know i sucked , i'm good at writing but not a great or an expert one ! so i'd love it to be in a story , a great one ! to see what things could've happened ,& to see what problem i'd be facing , & to be honest , since i'm saudi i'm a big fan of kuwait A REALLY BIG FAN ! so i really wanna be in a kuwaity story , i think it'd be amazing ! & i actually read about 20 blogs & finished 27 stories ! not exaggerating ! so i think it would be fun reading about my self , real fun ! & since i'm always on twitter it would be easy to contact you !! y3ney the same time you have a question i'll have the answer quickly ma y7taj aft7 w afkrr , it would be easy ! & i accept both stories ! it would be great if it was new one , but i'll still be EXTREMLY happy to be with thary & layal :p both stories will be great so what you see me in put me in ! lw just the friend of the main character i don't mind ;D please choose me w 5aleha 3eedety ;D ? LOL but if you didn't it's okay <3 i love your stories & i always spam your ask ducky ;D & i'll always be a fan even if you didn't choose me , cause you're literally great !! so it would be anyone''s honour to be in your stories , love you forever & ever , i'll send you in ask my username twitter . oh one last thing ' i think i'm saying this a lot those days looool' if there's no girl character you can make me a guy , a sister , ANYTHING wall it would mean so much to me ! even if i was in one post ! i'll be honored! thank you , & best of wishes <3 i can't believe it took me 2 hours ! i wonder how you feel :c<33 best of luck everyone !!

    2. okay so , i feel like everyone wrote more then me :c i have to write more ! hmm , i'm a good swimmer but nor great , lams i have those glasses ele with the nose thingy 3shan asb7 , weird bss i got used to it when i was little so now i still have too , i really wanna play piano ! my sister *in collage* wants too ! so we're planning on buying one w nt3lm 3leeh but not now , till we move to our new house YEEY i know been at this house for 16 years :/ 15 for me , although it's not small at all ! it's really big & my cousins live next door , so it's really fun !! bss i can't wait to change my room hmm i hATE HATE HATE the colour pink , i hate bossy people , if i want something i get it & if i didn't get it i'll be really mad exempt if they had a good reason then maybe i could understand , oh & i'm an extremely heavy sleeper ! i once slept for 18 no kidding ! & I'm really hard to be waken up , y3ney if my mom closed the ac i don't mind , sometimes she throws water i wake up ! but if i'm sleepy i still continue LOOOOOL , & i could sleep anywhere cars train bed sofa ground plains anything would be okay , i love airplanes ! i love staying there for hours , i don't mind staying there for 14 hours , i don't like sleeping in airplanes because i think there's so much excitement ! LOL a7ss ena i'm traveling mt7ma i can't w i love watching movies there w ki4a , weird ha .. I LOVE LODNON !!! i know many kuwaity's love london , bss i love love it ! i'm going there in the summer :o mn 4 years w e7na kl 9eef there exempt this one we went to america , i preferred london ! i love walking on the streets , listening to music ! i love hats too. i really want to learn horse back riding ! i really want a horse ! i love horses ! i can ride them bss without them running

  85. soo let me complete XD i love Accessories ! rings the most then earrings , i have many rings w da2mn a9'y3hm w it falls from my fingers even though it fits , it's because i play with , i love nail polish ! my sister is a freak she has about 60 , my cousin had 50 so when i told my sister she bought 10 more =D & i love all her coloures , my sisters are fashion treks! they love all those things f i'm loving my style those day :p all because of them ;;)

    i enjoy doing different stuff ! i once took ballerina classs , & fame classes ;D w i joined a basketball team 4 years ago i think , y3ney every year different thing , bss this year art blogaholic 'i just invented that word' XD

    i love the nature ! i love the beach , even though i hate swimming in salt water , but i love going there just fooling around, i don't mind staying there for 3 hours just looking at the waves ! i love watching the sky while thinking , hills mountains things like that ! y3ney nature in general , i love just thinkingg deeply & just looking at those , i don't mid even NOT thinking , a7bb ana9'r mna6'r ki4a

    1. i love food !! y3ney it's true i'm not really fat & i have a great body bss a7b al akl ! not all of course .. I love chocolates ! ice-cream chips *dies* i don't mind drinking anything i love many things ! juices , milk , laban :p , pepsi or coc * i don't get the difference* , 7up , sprite , marinade strawberry orange , redbull , ice tea , i don't like water so much , i love drinking it alone without food with it ;p i love french fried endomy burgers CHICKEN NUGGETS !! , ohh i love traveling too , i hate it when people say your too young , & many people told me mashallah 3glk kbeer w tfkeerk , i think thats because i have a guilty conscience , i feel guilt for everything love helping everyone , you see people think i don't have problems , but i do!! i really do! i hate people who says stuff & acts the opposite it 't7sh 3n bnt' w bukra she's her bestie !! okay i get that you're a close friend to her , but why so 2 faced ? i don't like seating in with those people !! ohh & i'm really close to my cousins , not me but my family , we're very close tp them!
      hmm yeah ! i have this bad habit of biting my nails , altho i love nail polish but i have bad nails with so doesn't support me ! at all. so i'm trying to cut the habit off..

      i'm 100% against dating to even having guy friends , because you may think it's okay he's just a friend but you never know what he's really thinking ! plus why do you need a guy friend when you have million of girls ? if it was because a guy is simpler then go marry one or be a friend to your brother & if you have * a5wan bal r9'a3h* it's okay be friends with them , with them only.

      i know it's weird but i wanna be married i want to study outside the country so enshallahh e4a rby ktbb y3ney when i finish collage atzwj w arou7 adrss b london enshallah :p

      okay so i was going to complete bss wall ktbt ktheer w ma 3ndy man3 aktb zyada bss i think thats enough , you're sure gonna hate reading after ally those info XD , this & the last 8 comment are mine ;$ from 123456 , i gave you my twitter username ;D it's 9 am & i'm up :o NIGHTTT <3

    2. okay so , i decided to write one last thing :p this time for real , you know what i love about your blog ? what 'j4bny' lha exactly ? the name !! i loved it Masquerade , we always seem to have a mask on, hiding our true feeling , your right ! when you look at a person you can see that person smiling laughing but you don't know what they feel deep inside , maybe sadness ? depression ? you never know ! just like when you text someone , putting an emoji Like this =)) they'll think you're laughing , while maybe for crying for heart out ! don't judge a person by they're covers or looks ! they may deceive you, i really really loved your name ! & i remember when i first read your blog mn al first story at maybe chapter 27 ? something like that , i asked you a q on ask , more like commented about your blog on your ask ;p love it ! work hard but never exhaust yourself cause you do so much thank you! ohh & one more thing this will be my last entry cause i think i wrote more then enough :$



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